Banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1887-1889, May 19, 1889, Image 3

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i; QfioWW, mull M If), J8«9' —■—-— Kail with Enema-Ualr Mil C*on«f—Scalp • Covered with Bra ptlone-Thought hi* Ilnlr would Merer Grow— Cured by Cuticur* ltemc- S die*—Heir Splendid and nut a Pimple r A«St. CrefromtdijrklciMUB. Ibeganthe uso of the Cutleura Keutettie*. iuul.1 am happy to nay,with the most perfect »ucccna ' •pier"*•-* —— * 11U nalr M now •pirudld, and there In uot -a pimple i recommend the cutlcoraKemedle* V aa the rnoet >peo ly, economical, and *ure cure for all akin disease* of Infants, and enlldreu. and feel that every mother who lias an afflleted .child will thank u s!rs. U *i /*K ."tVoodsuin, Norway,Me A Fever Sore Kia1»t Ye»r* Cured. , Itofboi PECULIARITIES OF THE BURRO 08£b IN THE MOUNTAINS. Mow They Are Broleu to Pack Carry- ing—Strange Infatuation for Iloreoe—in- Am lining and* .Aggravating "mSZn'WiSySet'climl^'Ei* fit edupfmtbe Curicum kmu«1Ii;», vt an ujti sure, caust’d b/ r turned out oil liHK ap.II ot ikkueu or fevar etuht >:«ars sio. yaj Ho m so bad lio W«1 f.':irful lie wuuld liav. lo a cutaneous disraMs of the scalp, aud re* cetved no relief from the Various rrmedie she need until site tried nutlcura. The disease promptly yielded to thU treat.r ent, and In a short while she waa entirely well. There has been ae return of the disease, and • utkura ranks No l In our estimation for disease- of .be skim Itev. J. Pressl* y Harrett, U. u fremigh. *i. n. Cntfcnra Bemedloe - e a posthre cure for every form of r,kln, scalp pimp* hiou’whkiuattd Veglp pe served aud beoutl- 1)0*11 Olsd by Cutievra Soap AUolutely i EVERY MUSCLE lM%. * Sharp Ach<*,7 till Pains, Skallif. ii-aii»ujr. suesg«hculuf only laCtantaneMUS fitter. ffteSjUt, l» !«•■! Piles! IlenlRS Piles. ..j*T<>Ms-Molsttire; Intense llehi 2 and png; most st night: w«ri» by m-ratf-hlii*. slmwed to continue tumors form, which often bleedbw, heals ulerntloa ami lu inwrt eases rw Meeuts. DrfBwiyne*HonfflSlmlclpll!? "mm msmss^ss wmamsjifs.’&xsmtjtwsi SroalUMIIil auwttioa. T*ks lu Urns Wfr *ad Slot —— i iiiii i n~ V m'Lf'ksm. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fail* fa Restore On Hslrt* Its Youthful Color. - -pflU IHui'lmir sn-t heir r.oltn audit.** 14 Its*) Mock, It ip, ITferlne 1‘alM. llheiuimtlc, 8ci.nU.. , __ WcukcnluL- Lillis, relieved In due Allnutc li as* CuticuAJn'i-Paii Plaster.. PIHou' - , - drug pis . a Cm km ual co, Boston, _ pprdand PIES .'■I l.y rmiciini Snap r HIRES It* HIRES' IMPROVED Ur ROOT BEER M LIQUID NOSOH'HC CAStt-Y HADE TMtPACKACE MAKES FIVC CAUCUS | CA.-OW sp g bn RooT Tbs moat AfFETXZIWO WSOlJJJJId, TKMglOtAFCB HECTIC lalfeo world. vSTYr. Ask your Druggist or Orocsr lb? It. C.E HIRE8iPHlLADElPHIS ss treat tal>« treated. Om '^■HSK hpcclfic. S k rinua the first feirl * jUtofl know vhst B. R. 8. hss of a hwHgnaiit Cancer, bs cocsUcrsd {nears* In Chicago, where I of,my neighbors seat ttsemeat la regsnl to Iwgsn taking It. I got ptoaths»ioc*Iqnlllak*■■■ IncH.8.H. end J have had na sign uf retsru of tba draadtul disease. aKUmMiiNSMaiidCMn nalkd tm, . Tun Bwipt Brccmo Co. ' ’ tank Alkluu, Cj, “A man \wbo ha* roughed It out among the mountain,,” It tru mid at a Broadway talc, (table the other day, “remember, the molee about a, well and a, long aa anything." It b just aboutVt this time, the upcalt er told, when aelced why the mind eliould be particularly Impraaud by the familiar quadruped, that a good many are round ed up for the lummer', work after being turned out all winter. Aa natural to ex pect, a niula that haa had no retrain! for HTeral month, b inclined to ahow the wont aide when the band of a would be uwter begin, to be felt. A drove of lOOoreotnacunnl freeh from the plains will carry just about aa much downright “cuaaedneet” as con be found in 'any bruto collection under the sun. The lint thing b to have them shod. Such a thing aa one of them consenting to the Job b unknown, but frontier blacksmith, have no fear or limitation, and in a trice the mule to tied up and irdtaed. The pack mule, are smaller and In. ferlor m every way to tho riding mnTe, except In toughness and nucallty. like Joey Bagttock, the paclten are aly. Moat of them an sired by Indian ponies and are bom on tho open .pi wild hone U gentleness ’ Use them, Jiut ns they are uwiallj tPACECtO TH« “CS The first time the nock saddles are put on a youn^ muM^ " * passes ^IceciiDtion.' ^ strong and why, U lassoed and led into a small open space. Before' he knows what It U All about a noose of the lariat around Itis neck is slipped over Ills nose; tlds Ri ret him f shock, as it were, and he makee a start for liberty. But the m<£t jie pulls tlie tighter the pinch on hhrndse, so he finally gives it up and stands still. Moro ropes nre brought Into use, and he is finally brought to have a leather binder put over his eye* Tho next step is to put the pock saddle on. The great kicking is done when the crupper is clipped under tho tail Words cannot tell the way tluxt mute’s heels flash through tlio air in all direct^pna. But strategy wins and mules dp tire. Tho pulling up of tho *'sinch, N as the girth is called, brings 'out a now struggle, but it is soon over and to aa extent the mule Is conquered. Mules ulways like company, and work especially well with n horse. With a horso on the lead they will follow steadi ly, and keep In the horso's company at night without attempt to wander away. They will even fight among themselves to get near a horse. At night the mules sbbenit without moving a muscle to hav ing the packs removed. A good roll on tho grass is the first thing when relieved, and then they go to eating. At any hour <jC the night, if they’tore looked nt, their nones will be seen on the ground, with their jaws industriously in motion. ‘‘Flicking" a saddle is nn art In itself. In former years tho Mexican sawbuck saddle was used. This invariably cut and chafed the mule's back; but now the California stuffed aparojo is the thing. Thi i is fastened by two men, one on either tide, who brace themselves with ono foot against tho mule's ribs and pull on tho lash ropo with oil their might Tho load is balanced properly, and the lash ropo twisted and looped in a sort of network. When all 1s ready for tho final tightening tho men “give It to her." The poor raids actually groans under the pressure, hut oven under this tightest ot tying tho loads, quite frequently slip out of place. A CONTINUAL REVELATION. Tho mountain mule is a continual revelation. New pliascs of character are continually unfolding in the most posi tive manner. One, for instance, will bs amiable and pleasant until led up xi be saddled, when all at onco he w ill appar ently be possessed of tho evil spirit itself. Another will resist all attempts to saddle and pack until tho others have been attended to, wlicn he will bo as docile as could bo wished for. Another, perhaps used for riding, w*ill not let a match be lighted by any ono on his back without an outbreak, but will not object to smok ing; Some will wads through a stream without hesitation, and another will vigorously object to wetting his feet Wxen in f KrSwNas’«l5?r"alSwS*H I HAVE OPENED A NO. 16 CLAYTON STREET- i pvr|>,n*< la da FregGAurKXTUKO STAIR BOILDISG of .11 kiad, I GUAR ANTEE ar work ,s rood a, ctu be done any- WB«n in the country, s TAILOR. tt a Specialty the water, If ono falls down and any water gets into bis big ears, he will lio and drown without a struggle. They are very private and particular about their ears, objecting to having UQUIff OUf (TWO UMKOOHSf, Cumlojj In, ao hard to win, Oeaxel<«i stream of liule pennies ' ® Going out aod coming In. Tbosigtitbsmsay wants of boas VP* ' From beossth our humble cot; To th« butcher sod the taker Where tho mss* sod breed ers boughA From the old sad much worn wU*, To the eruel world of greed; sandsednee* 1 Ootag oat with sighs end i To supply eeoh fealljr d Where To the busy world about os, With Us heartless wOe add Rretlces stream of Utile peOnlet; yrt< Rushing out Into the Coming beck so very slowly, “ ‘ CoQaadi Though we tir to toQ mningtotbedearoidl Weary, wtao we try to wta, From tba world the tittle pennies Which are slow In toning hk ’Ootof to p.vti. KIM, Coming tt our Marts to ehe«. Going out to pay for nchoottng. Cooing In to family dear; Ossssjsss stream of little psonk* Which we And so herd to win, VTom the doorways of the homestead. Going out and coming in. Tlicro arc as a rule plenty of boys < ho farm. Jmt» as the lowaStato Regia! tho form,.lmt, as tho IowaStato Register said recently, their cultivation is fre quently sadly neglected. They are not cultivated in a way to makp them con tented am) successful farmers. The fa thers of tho, boys on the farms do not suflfcitntljHuce them Into their confi- It them about mil of the farm operations and give them to feel thoy ore partners in all that is done. The father should also,, when he sdls his hogs, eattle, horses, or any of the chips, sit down with Ills boys and tell ail about tho sale, tho amount received, and com pare the cost and profit of ono class ef farming over the other. Show them by figures what it costa to raise wheat and corn, aa well as vyhut amount of corn amh ghisseach animal cats during his life and what each brought in the market. In tills, way boys will bo cultivated into thinking, intelligent formers, instead of mere drudges. Then the boys uliould bo consulted wlrnt to do with the money received from the epop that their joint labor has produced. Tho father can point out to them what debts liavo to be paid, what the necessi ties of the family for food and clothing will require, und how the balance shall bo invested—^whether in buying more land, laying a foundation for improved breeds of stock, and what it shall be. In this way report all of tho operations, the samo as you would to partners in busi ness. They are partners, and they should bo made to feel that thoy are truly part ners in tbo work, and partners in direct- af»‘ * ‘ . LEMON clllfifi. A Plcagsut Lffttun Drilll IMStiliouantM and eonstipUion take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion mad folil Stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For tick ami nervous headaches, lako Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and ncrvocanets, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite ariit debility,Uke Lemon EUxir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Eliair. Lemon Elixir Will nbt fail you in any of the above diveavas, all of which arise from a torpid orilin nsed liver, stomach, kidneys,bowel, or blood. Prepared only bjr Dr. II. Mortar At lanta, Ga. , , 60c. and* *1.00 per bottle. Sold by Druggists. A Prominent lUnlater Write,. Afterten years of great sofiarinc from Indigestion, with great nerroua prostra tion, biliottsnesa.diabrdered kidney, and constipation, I have been oared by Dr. Moiley’a Lemon Elixir, Slid am now well man. Iter. C. 0. Davis, Eld. U. E. Church South. No. 28 Tatnall St, Atlanta, Oa. A'f MAdON, MAV “0 arid 111, 1880. INTER-STATE fiRILL Tlie Covington Ac Nlaebii Uallroad Wilt Bell tickets front all station at tho following Round Trip Rates : To WACOM AM DUET VO WACOM ANDttBTVBHs FROM Oat Again. Dr. W. R. King, BpecUlist, in bis trestment of chronic diseases, is at his ofiifrt again after an sight weeks illness, and & ready to treat all who may need Bis service*. Gome bo# if yoir wish to bs treated, as the Doctor ex pects to leave Athens by the 1st of June, and will not retorn until October, r** juhl be live to do so then, llemem* her the Doctor treats piles without the knife,'ll gat uro of other pslnful opera tion. Plenty of city references can be given. Come now if you want to get well. lag all c/ tho operations of tho farm. Bomo Dates of Easter Sunday. Thomas Cunningham, of tills place, who is a corresponding member of tlie Numismatic and Archteological society, of New York, possess^, among his many other “cu-los," a complete file of Phin- noy’s Almanac from 1803 to J887, inclu sive, the publication of which was stopped in 1887. In looking over them one is struck by tho variety of dates on which KaatCt Sunday occurs, every day in tho month of April being* represented except tho last live. Throughout the file it oc curs five times on the 10th and five times on the 10th of April; four times on each the 1st, 2d, 12th and 12th of April, and four times on tho Hist of March; three times on the 4th, 5th, 0th, 7tli, 8th, 10th, i8tl), 14lh and 22d of April and tho 27th aud 28th of March; April 23, 1880, being the latest and March 22,1818, the earliest dates on which it occurs. Eight dates in March are represented, viz.: 22d, 23d, 25th, 20th, 27tli, 28th, 80th and 8isL— Utica Herald. Western Wools. Western wools, according to Western Rnnfi, grow in popularity. There is not such immense profit in wool growing in Washington and Montana territories os thore once was, because tho (locks require more care, but with that care comes a much bettor quality of wool aud higher Montana wool ranks very much than It used to, and Montana is a great ahcop country. Tlie increase of sheep In tho territory has been steady right along and tlie number will continue to increase because the conditions of sheep raising and wool growing are so favor able. If wool growing could “be con ducted in tho hapliazord way In which it was once done in the territories more money could be made) for a time, but In tlie long run better wool will bring the most profit As land grows more valu able in tlie now sections, of course there is less profit in wool. At present In this country tho greatest profits from wool growing nre made in Texas and tho ter ritories; And though tho profits will grow somewhat loss, tho territories will always be splendid sheep sections. $500 offered for au incurable awe of Catarrh in the Head, by the manufact urers of Dr. Hagb’# Catarrh Remedy, ALL PRECEDENT! Louisiana fetate Lottery Co. Incorporated by lha I-cf Ulature In 1MR for Edu cational and Charitable and 1*4 Iren- cblaa made a part of tht present Stats tanslltu- tion, l*» 1879. br an arerwhelmlnr popnl *r ▼<*»#. Its GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS INtiH lake Iliac. In each of the uthcr ten monUisoMU,Mar. »*d arc nil drawn In pnb- lie. at tli. Academy ot Unite. .New Orlean., La. ••Wo U Miorouy ceiiny tout, wo au- S irviao the arrangements for all the onthlyanilHoinlitnncnlDraviingicf the Louisiana Slate lottery company, ami It) ter.on manage and control the Draw, logs themselves, and that the same It la not easy to gain a mule’s confi dence. They an absurdly timid, and If one of a drove la scared tba rest an also panto stricken. An old black log always make* a null, shy. Snake, terrify and boars paralyse them. On the plafata do Spurring or whipping os* drive a 'mule up to an Indian.. Taka a number of mole* and thnflr their reins out Some of thoothera- ienra anrithey will eland all day M 'titfL'MiMUtltet tlasy are curely until the little shall be administer* at such a profit on aa will Jtnglfy the cover cotta of replat millions of acres may bt praaerVa of its aoil by fire, or its for tba trUUnf coat t -_ n !/l' i_‘r' f open our eyre If their labors to realise bow much nteyUaoaemliftmawayliTWjWnjal. to, infdllgen t effort—Forest and 8troam. A great many people feel ther Vadually fallfng. They don’t know jpi , , n _ jiut what la the matter, bat they suffer m. The only sit re will eon -' r known that ■MHMNMMBi ’ end reatore perfect lieatttt fa •a Iron Bitlera. By rapid as. The Cigarettes. Tho ingenuity of the women of London and Faria in Inventing new dissipation la without limit To tho morphine habit tho dejoteee of sensationalism hare now added the practice of smoking ten cigar- ettes. Special grades of tlm finest tea nre used, and the effect of the cigarette, la said to be delightful for fully an hour after ono luu boon smoked. After that cornoe the reaction In the form of u vona trembling and excitability, hut which Is subdual, according to a woman of title, who rather goes in for al^ these things, by a thimbleful of frosen absinth* Thus by Industriously ringing the changes on morphine, tea, cigarette, and absinthe, with a few Intrigues, aorne scandal and a raft of whit* hot French novels, the woman of society manages to worry through tho day. I wonder If the Ameri can girl's great success abroad is net due to Iter naturalness and health.—London Cor. Philadelphia Ledger. A Snail. Veto. What vn known aa ths Sullivan Falla mine Is now only marked by it pile of broken rock; but In th. days when men's brfeins were fired by the guttering pros pects of untold wealth It Mamed a bo- nanxaond awn mad corresponding pro- portions, Oround was broken them la winter, and the first thing that was struck by tba proapaeton after, going down through the frost was a vein of— •naked And such snakes! There wen tiny Infant snakes that had jnat been ushered Into this alnful world; there were hoary headed old grandfathers, and ancles sad cousins, end-aunts! There were Mack snakes, end'green «"»k«TL and yellow-mukee, and every color , of the rainbow snakes I Then were thou sands in th- colony. It wasn't a very tood paying vein; but aotneof the Maine gold mined axtn't pan out ao well as thfak Journal CaNg—1*1 Calf—fa * — Mabel—There goes Mr. Ooeaay with that dissipated Jack Luahlngtoo; they seem Inseparable nowaday* Allow—Yea; they do mem like feat friend*—Harvard Lampoon. j They nuke one feel aa though life wm worth living. Take one of Carter’, Lit* tie Liver Pula after eating; it will re lieve dyspepsia, aid digestion, giro tone and vigor to the syaUm. Lowry & Co. have added a fine line of fancy candy health and etrength tQ tbcir soda water depart- "" Give them a call. r . . . tteuMind ment rettoro robqU health iml ftrength* UiVAiU 101(1 uiruiacitcfi, tttiu Hint ms conducted with lionestt, falrncra and In S aod faith toward all parties, and we au. Itoriae the Company to uae this certlff. cate, with fsc-elmilea of our •Ignatorea attached in Its advertisement,.’’ Commission; re. Wn the nndersigiied banka sad bankets will tut all Crises drawn in the I-ouiii- ene State Lotterlw|whicn may be pre sented at onr counter* B. H. WALHSLST, rn*. Leeisiaaa 1st. nr. ntua laxapX, Ptm. taste getueel Week. A. UALIlWIV.l'ns. Hew Orleees BsUeeel Beak CAXL KOBB, frss. Dalon BetUael Beak. MONTHLY DRAWING At a. AMtemr or u„io. tt.vOrtuaa,Tew<ay ,$2.10 Whitehall Jm 1.0G watkuaviil Gould... 9...... . 1.00 1.84 Farmington 1.78 Flurenca l.«4 lladiaon 1.45 Godfrey 1.32 Marco 1.14 Machen 1.00 Mouticelto.... .... .... 00 Minneto.... .... 8-1 Graaafltld.... .... .... 72 Hillahoro.... .... 00 Round Oak.... .... 64 Wavaido 48 Darrons.... .... .-. 40 Bradley 42 Gray,..;. 34 Morton.... .... 30 Roberts 25 VahBuren.... .... .... 25 Masaay’a Mill.... .... 25 -: Misses Bradberry, At tho stcro formerly occupied > Sllesea Illgbeo & l liurmoud, College av.ouo. ' A full lino of Lndios’ M«hu„ ing Goods,- Handkerclneisj Enncy Notions, Hals, Etc. Dressmaking a Specialty Gall and examino our Stock; MiSSEN IlR ADI Tickets on aata for train No. Athena at 1 o’clock, p. m., May oontinne on sals Hay 19(h.20th “ ‘ »giiMay22( ,leaving good to return through May 22d. . 3 and 2Iet Southern Mutu&l Insurance Comput Xt.Lt O* llurDi Prat. 77 . - Sterena Tboreaa ( S«c*F directors: T. L. G. Harris, L. H. Charbonnier, John H. Newton, Edward S. Lyndon, Stevens Thomas, hfarcellus Stanley, Ferdinand Plrinizy,Rufii8 K. Reaves. „ re BH9p| tt* client Music by the 2d Artillery' John A.Htmnicutt. R. L Hampton Btnd. ; Octldtf. 600 Men in Uniform. Unexcelled by any Previous Military Display. A. O. CRAIO, Q»n*l Passenger Agont ®Si [BSIB A SPEOUTO FOR ■nr EPILEPSY, SPASMS, *»* CQNTULS10IS, FALUNB SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE. ALCHOHOUSH, ,, 0WSEITIKB, SrPIILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS HIL OGLYBLOOD DISUSES, DYSPEPSIA. NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM, KERVOUS WEAKNESS. NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, 8nJ0USSESS, C0ST1VENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES, B^-LN tit tttlt, it taiHili.-VQ DR. S. A RICHMOND NERVINE CO. BT. JOSEPH, BO. TRIAL BOTTLE TUBE. grieette. AtPrnggtete. Money to Lend On Best Terms and at Low est Rates. We are prepared to lend money In sums to snlt borrowers In Clarke, Oconee,' Jackson aud Franklin. Time: From 2 to 6 years. Term, reasonable. RUSSELL & HUGHES, pew Afe huSutetcSZ Both Mta? ■»B< gentB'BtBOB.wteaBSfM |TseJ rose* Woi.rl’rri iFT »abU II.. or IlNUBrUiiia "ta Kuiuplt a. WM. S. WHALEY, M. D. Practitioner of Msdicina l Obstetrics OfBc* crrnrr of I*rli Telephone Ko. 09. ni4)rfiU8ni W. G. Lowry & Co., (At Crawford’s Old Stand,) Clayton Street, Athens, Georgia DRUGS MEDICINES. CHEMICALS &C. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Usa Dye'Woods and Dye Stufft generally. Medicines warranted genu ine, and of the beat quality. Oar atoclc is complete, comprising many articles It is ImposejMc here to enumerated and all told at moderate prices Inter-State Prize Drill AND ENCAMPMENT It MACON, GA., Ms; 2i and 22,1 THE GEORGIA RAILROAD Will sell Round Trip Tickets at ONE FARE ou May 18, 19, 20 and 21,1889. Capital Prize, f800,000. 'niftoMlS^UttnlthMAmi •a; Twamliiuait; FariUltall. x prtiXE 09 imsstWh . 2 0^00 He leading Military Companies of the Sooth Jill All Tickets Ex its i'.Xpl Regardless of Date of Sale, TAKE FART. ire by Limitation on May 23d, 1889; 4*000 8® SmS 1 rniSB Ur J PRIH8 OP TtJun are a PKUlM OP lo,»a an —- jsprixxsop soman— ise paiXKS OP *» an rouieop an an — mzuur 4 J0 an arpanxmvno* puses. tea Wan of 11,UO an WIJW MdEUsm g «««• "« TWOttOMBBEtBUIUMU. ^ t,ws Mam Oilman Jta.em S144 Pitas sweating to tllxt.ft AOUTS W Alt TED. ‘ —- -axxxxr-w IMPORTANT. Address A. DAUFSnr, Rtv Orlmi, La Utrmnriilintljllin Conteiniag Carrtaey HEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BAKE, Nxw Oauxxa, La. ttTgXgStjjfe Vr r 1. on _ - in.; | uSniari. hMrSttmr lltoansas tmedolLv l, to. price ot Ik. ar JOE. W. WHITE, Trov. Pas’or Agt. E.R.EORSEY, Gen’l Poser Agt. AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. .^MORRIS • & MILLER:. Practical Roofers ud Roof Painters. Agent, for the Kka BoeSafead aasafaetana af M BH. Itatkee relit ter Tteaed Iron Boot* Ala* for naalka torn'tmt*t lav risISinita sad eeantorr eactemna. Malkabts Oast aca^JRaltt* Ssttem, Ckala* Vase* MORRIS & MILLER. ' Ml B-OMten street. Robert Portlier Brewing Co. ALEXANDER TIVOLI BEER l Augusta Branch, 0TT0 BANCK, Manager. Ofiieo and Cold aolds Street, rear of the ifon Office. TIVOLI& BOCK BEER In Kegs and Bottles. M ms& *