Southern weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1881-1882, August 23, 1881, Image 4

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I^cplctlilg gamier. Athens, Ga m August 23, 1881. LOCA r, ITS TEL.LIG KNCK OCR NEXT MAYOR. Editor Banner;—It may seem a little j'rcmaluro to begin to talk about our next Mayor, but it is always well to be in ‘on time,’ when it comes to matters of such importance as our municipal government. It is a fact which must bo conceded by all, that the necessities of Athens, to-day,more perhaps tliau at any previous time in her history, demands at the head of our municipal government, n real llcnll h mm Kearny Combined. Woman’s Rights.— One who has long studied this subject now presents the result of his investigations. He is happy to say that he has discovered 1 Woman’s Rest Friend.’ It is adapts ed especially to those cases where the womb is disordered, and will cure any irregularity of the ‘ menses.’ Brad- field's Female Regulator acts like a charm in ^whites,’ or a sudden cheek ol the ‘ monthly courses,’ Irom cold, trouble of mind or like causes, by restoring the discharge in every in stance. In chronic cases its action is prompt and decisive, and saves the constitution from countless evils and premature decay. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfielil, Atlanta, Ga. For sale at SI.50 per bottle by all druggists. Milltown, Chambers Co., Ala., July 13, 1877. I have used your Female Regulator live, wide-awake, progressive, and at the same time a wise, prudent, can- j extensively in my practice for a long lions and safe business man as mayor. t’ mo > an, l w ' in entire success where That Athens needs such a mayor at there was no complication of disease. If it is not a sjrecific, it is, in my opine this time, and that such qualifications j on> t | ie best kno I ura, known remedy for the are the essential preiequisites for that diseases lor which it is recommended. responsible office, it is hardly to be presumed any one will question Then, who is the man V Your correspondent promptly and unhesitatingly answer?, Cnpt. Wm, D. O’Farrell. fai 4-Im. J. II. Davis. M. D. BRIGHT’S DISEASE and other affections of the Kidneys and Bladder are sometimes brought on and often aggravated by the neg- A young man whose 1 lent of the symptoms, which, if taken almost unprecedented success in busi- ! * n t ' rnP ’ w°uld no doubt in a majority ...... , , of cases yield to treatment. No med ium is Ins highest commendation ; he icine u ^ we „ 8nited tbr this as Rnn has blended with an untying energy kin’s Coni|>ound Extract Bucliu nml and progressiveness, that wisdom, j Juniper. It is a reliable healing tonic prudence and caution in all business to Hie parts, allays irritation, and matters, which have unquestionably re *d° res beakhy apl, °c- placed him at the head of the success- Lam , r> Drug „ i8tSf Atlanta, Ga., and lul business men of Athens. Such a tor sale by all Druggists, young man deserves to lie honored. Forsyth, Ga., Dec. 1, 1877.—I Such a young man in our midst do- have sold Ivankin s Bqchu and Juniper -r* "■ ’"*)”■ A '”'1 ;S s “",S i Tuning and Repairing tainly Athens necd3 and deserves to j most valuable preparation of tho'kind | have such a yi nng man as mayor. ; on the market. Then let every voter in Athens unite F- O. Mays, Druggist, at our next election and unanimously ! jan-4-lm. elect Capt. W._D. O h arrell, our next; Columbus,Ga., April 12,1878. mayor. R. ty T. j Dr. C. J. Moffett—Dear Sir:— Gr. H. VTUMKUOUS todlmomnlft aiulj large sales il prove that j-iices of Piano* aiui Organs, for same make Mid style, are from 20 to Co j»er cent, less at “Tlie Music House of the South” than elsewhere. G. O. KOBINSON & CO. Xj. ip. q,. s. L ABGE C**H Contracts with the best maun- footurers ami Large Sales at “'the Music House of the South,” enableG. O. KOBINSON & CO., to sell Superior Pianos nml Orgnns at Iosh price than is paid by »niall dealer-. T. M. H. O. T S. G O. ROBINSON d: CO. ? sell in Texas, Ar- • kansas. Louisiana, Mississippi Alabama, Florida, and in every Southern State north of Georgia. Augusta enn justly claim to have “The Music House of the South.” E. I. O. M. rpWKNTY to thirty ner rent, saved in pur- X chasing Superior Pianos and Organs. Mu sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Music Books and best Italian Strings, at “The Music House ot the South.” $500 REIMS Orn- » 3HlUeu --OF— Prof Guilmetle's FKENUI Pave a!realty j Item sold in this country ?/ and in France; 7 e .-ery one of • " h ch has given pence* satistac- tton,.and has per formed cures ere»y time wheb uset according to directions. We'now say to the afflicted and doubting ones that we will pay the above rewart.. lor a simile case of ~ LAME BACK Thatithe Pad Oul* tocure. ThiaGreat remedy wit POSITIVELY and PERMANENTLY cure Lum bago, Lame Bac k,-Sciatica, Gravel, Diadetes, Drop sy, Bright’s Disease of the Kidney*, Incontinence and Ketenliou of the Urine, Intianatiou of the Kidneys Catarrh of the Bladder, High Colored Urine," Pain in the Bac?, Side or Loins, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Organa whether contracted by pri vate disease or otherwise. LADIES, It you are suffering from Female Weakness, Leucorroh«ea, or any disease of the Kid neys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CURED! Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by sim ply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE’S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD WHICH CURES BY ABSCRATION. Ask your druggist for I*ROF. GUILMETTE’S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD. and take no other. If he has not got it, send t-2.< 0 and you will reccave the Pad l>y return mail.” Prof. Guilmette's Frehch Liver Pad. Will |>ositively cure Fever and Auguc, Dumb Ague, Ague cuke. Bilious Fever, Jaundice, L/s- in-|»si:«, and all Diseases of the Liver, Stomach and nltHxl. Price $1.50 l*y mail. Send for Prof. Guil- ineUe’t; Treatise ou the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CD., Toledo Ohio. R. T. Bkcmky A Co., Sole Agents, Athena G| d A w l v r. W. J. POLLARD, NOS. 734 AND 730 REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA. GEORG T A, COTTON' FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, IMPORTED MTJSZC AL MERCH ASTDISE - % "We import direct fiom the best manufacturers in Europe, Violins, Guitars, Accordeons, Harmonicas, Strings, * Ami all kinds of Musical Merchandise. NOBODY CAN UNDERBUY US—NOBODY UNDERSELL US. CHEAP SHEET MTJSZC. We make a specialty of Live, Standard and Popular Slieet Music. All Grades—Best Authors— Lowest Prices, tsend a three cent stamp for our Catalogue containing over 3,0d0 ditforont sub jects ; the best Catalogue iu.the country to select from. PIANOS, New York P.'auos lead the world. We are Southern Agents fui* all the celebrated New York make*, vis: STEIN WAT & SONS, A. WEBER, DECKER BROTHERS HAINES BROTHERS, THE GATE CITY PIANOS. New and Second-hand Pianos irom $50 to $1,200. Send for our prices before you buy. BSTBY All the wholesale Estey Organ business in eight Southern Sti tes is transacted by the ESTEY ORGAN COMPANY at Atlanta. At our warerooms may always be found u complete assortment oi thesu STCOMFimABLE HTSTHUMBITTS. Including all tin newest st\les and latest improvements. ORGANS new aiul second hand from $20 to $500. ESTEY ORGAN COMPANY, ov30-weow Corner of Broad and Alabama streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. . • My wile ami myself are satisfied that Tima first Itarirs. j the life of our teething babe was Athens received her first cotton i saved by the use of your Teethina this morning. Instead of one bale (Teething Powders), when other i ..... .. .i ... ..... it™. remedies had failed to relieve him. however, Vliero were three, enen in- , , ... , , , , . ,. lie have, been delighted with the tended to he the first and it was some* sjieedy ami permanent relief given what interesting and arousing to wit- , owe of oar children Jrom severe at- ness the efforts of the owners to get tack of Cholera JDebits. Teethina in ahead of a’l others, and the cha- j ** indjspensibte to us, and should be . , . * r - kent by all parents having small i-lnl- «rm ot two ot them when they found ^ 'Res,.eellullv, etc., .. . ' rn, ‘ JESSE B. WRIGHT. Foreman Enquirer Sun. MarchS-lm. B Y < Tuner of the Music Iloiu*J o! the South, Augusta, Georgia. G. O. ROBINSON & CO., they Jweie outstripped. The three were J. U. Crane and John While or 1 Choke, and L W Downs, of Oconee ! county. Mr. Crane was the lu:ky j man, his bale coming about day break, followed about sun up by Mr. | White’s and a half honrjater by Mr. Downs’. Mr. Crane’s wagon reached the city and was standing quietly on Thomas street, when Mr. White’s came in at double quick down Broad treet. Ot course all could not he first, but they were so near each Set your hens in the evennig if you iiave to move them from the laying nests. They will he more sure to .stick to their new nests ; and take Gihlcr’s Liver Fills for your bilious ness. de.21.lm. Is A , one of Florida’s sea port towns, there lived in antebellum days, a wealthy but very eccentric o:d gentleman, who at one occasion being quite sick, awoke his wife in the mid dle ol the night, with a tremendous PENDLETON & 1)110., FOUNDRY —AND— Machine Works, Nos. GIC. f.17 and 6)0 KoUock Street. AUGUHTA,GI20IIG I A. O UR Foundry and Machine Works, which were destroyed by lire in July, have been reli enlarged, and inruished with new tools. W« furnish IKON \M> BRASS t AsllM.S AND Ml- t lll.M-.KY of all descriptions at rtiasonable prices anti of the i*est <jualit>. We would call attention to some of our specialties, via: Oulton Presnes, .«a ss Mills, Cane Mills, Plantation Engines, iron Fenc ing and Balcony Rails, Iron More Fronts, Water Wheel, all kinds ot Castings, (rearing Mill Work, Shafting, Lathes, Pulleys and Hangers. .Sen' Descriptive List and Prices. uici other that they might each claim the uproar. To her anxious inquiry as to honor. The cotton was all classed, the cause of his excitement, hetestily , ,, , , 0 replied that, ‘he had not thought strict middling and was sold for 13 . m * uc|l about his niness, until he had cents. Mr. Crane’s bale weighed 35G jygt happened to remember that, in lbs. Mr. White’s, 44S lbs. and Mr. I case he should (lie, the town could not Downs 4.70 lbs i afford a decent coffin in which to Later in the day another bale came i burg him.” That man was bilious, in. It belonged to Messrs. Biggers ( A lew doses ot H. II. 1 .would have and Davis. It was classed middling cured him. and caused lum to forget and weighed 470 lbs. It was bought lht ‘- lliere " erc 8,,, h u,, "g 8 ilH 0 ° n ‘ ; ' s ’ by Mr. A. S. Dorsey for 11 cents. —AND DEALER IN— MACffiMEMY of all EMM AlAoJUi-stori’A Circular Siuva. Bnbbor and Leather Beltinj?. Strain Pipe. Water and Stea*n Gua*je». Connectipns.. .Whistles, Oil Capa. Pop, Globe and Check Valve*, Gov ernors, Wrenches, etc., together with every article of Steain and Water Fittings, Findings, etc. GENERAL AGENT FOR • TALBOTT & SONS. Talbott's Standard Agricultural Engines (ou wheels.) Talbotts’ Standard Portable Engines on) skids.) TalboU’s^ Stationary Engines^ Talbott’s Planter Agricultural Engines ;(nn r Agricultural s.) Talbott’s Ti f ater Wheel. Talbott’s Corn and Wheat Mills. Talbott’s Saw Mills, Circniar Saws, Shafting, Pulleys, Boxes, Hangers,Belting,and patent Spark Arresters. wheels.) Talbott’s Planter Portable Engines (on skids.) Talbott’s Tubular and" Locomotive Boilera. Talbott’s Turbmo W ar Watertown Steam Engine Co. Watertown Agricultural Engines (on wheels.) Wateitown Portable Engines (on skids.) Wa tertown Dairy Engines (for small buildings.) Watcrtewn Vertical Engines. W atertown Stationary Engines (with and without cut off.) Watertown Ketmn Tubular Boilers. Watertown .Tubular Boilers (with two flues.) Wateitown Locomotive and Vertical Boilers' Wgtertown Saw Mills cto. <C. & <GL €<OOPI® & CO. Cooper’s Self-Propi tlsnc (Traction) Engines. Cooper’s Farm Agricultural Engine, (on wheels.) Cooper’s Portable Engines (on skids.) Cooper’s Stationary Engines. Cooper’ i Loco motive Boilers. Cooper’s Two Flue Boilers. Cooper’s Return Tubular lloi or- ’motive Boiler*. Cooper’* Cooper’s Corn and Wheat Mill*. Coop bolt attached.) ~ „ , Cooper 1 * Return Tabolar Boi ers. wheat Mill*. Cooper’s Portable Mills (with portable , Cooper’* Smut Machines. Cooper’s Dustles* ^ heat Seperator. and Oat and Weed Extractor. Coop er’- Eureka Flour Packer. Cooper’s Saw Mill* (double and single.) (X, w. lESTAHLIriHKD 1S5I1.I WINSHIP’S IRON WORKS MANUFACTURERS OF IMPROVED WINSHIP COTTON GIN, SELF FEEDER AND CONDENSER, Cotton Presses for Steam, Hand, or Horse Power, SHAFTING, PULL1ES, HANGERS, Saw Mills, and Mill Gearing of Every Description. ESTIMATES Correspondence solic ited. Address FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. WINSHIP BRO., ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Cardwell’s Wheat Threshers, Separators, and Cleaner*. Cardwell’s “Ground-Hog” JThresher*. Cardwell’* Hydraulic Cotton Prcseea. Cardwell’* Horse Power*—donble and single geared—(Mounted and down.) CcrdwelP* Power Corn JSheller*and Feed Cutter*. Johnston Harvester Comnanv AND * Emerson, Taleott & Co., Reaper* and Binders. Reapers and Mowers combined. Single fBinders, Reapers, and Mon et« Cultivators and Grain Sower*. Fairbanks & Co., Fai-banks’ Standard Scales, all size* and patterns, Alarm Cash Drawer*. Ivl aja.-uia.c-tu.rer of tKo Following Machines : NEBLETT & GOODEIClb IMPROVED I. X. L. COTTON GIN. REID’S PATENT AUl’ MATIC row KK SrJlKW I'RESS, STEAM OR WATER POWER? SMITH’S I H [ , r\y , J l ‘\HU <AVKK C °erON AND HAY PRESS. COTTON GIN iELDER. COTTON CONDENSER. NEW VIRGINIA FEED CUTTER. ... Buginea, Cotton Gins, (■to., Kvpaireil in a workmanlibo manner. Orders solicited and promptly executed. For further particulars, circulars, geuoral information etc., apply tc w. J. POIiLARD. tf. Tiiu Crows. | Smith’s Scroinla Syrup anti Star j Curino are purely vegetable. Why On a trip to Atlanta we had a j w ;jj j. oa guffer with Cancer, White chance to observe the appearance of Swelling, Catarrh, Rbcumatisra, Kid- the crops along the line of road and ney and Liver Diseases, when a tew to converse with gentlemen who had bottles of these two great remedies seen them in various other seclious. j Fj . onj c D- McCurry, Newton The crops of cotton and corn on ei- | county, Georgia—I take great plea?- tber side the Northeastern >ook well. | ure in recommending to the public They have had very good seasons and ! £ r ’ Cheney’s Expectorant and Croup 1 / " Preventive. My little son had been are alxxit as good as the lands will i a g r eat suffer from Spasmodic Croup, produce. Wu learned that all through during the night. Dr. Cheney, about Jackson, Banks and a portion of Hall two years ago, prescribed lor him his , I Croup Preventive, which has most they were pretty much the same way. | mi J uloii8ly C1 „. e ; llnnl . i fln<l it They were also very good down the 0()Ua ;t y l^neficiid in all ca.-es of Air.Line Irom Lula to Bulord, txcept | Coughs. I ismsider it a blessing in in spots. Here the evidences of the I my family. Every one should keep lie administered hi* **Svpir,l!itic Specific,” aiul in » few week* 1 felt bound to pay him out ot the county tren.-iirv, ash2 bad art'eeted a com plete and radical Jure. A. S. Giles, Ord. Houston eo., Ga. Ciiattanojoa. Tens., Feb, 14., 1871*. The S. S. S. is gi\ing good satisfaction, (hie gentleman who bad been c nfined to bis bed six week* with Sypbillitie Rheumatism tuts been cured emir/' *, and speaks m the higuest praise of it. ji’iiilm Bekbt. Til E SWI FT SPEC1FIC COM FAN Y, Propri etor* Atlanta. Ga. Sold by r.ll Drn’.gist*. Call for » copy o' “Yonnjr Men'* Friend.* March Wh Hum m INSTITUTE, Htgenic and Electric Water-Cure, Ml ITS WEST PETERS ?T, VTLAXTA, GA rilllE onlv.McJical Institute South where I Chronic I >isoii-e» are seieutiflcnlly treated l,v regular qifolifled Uygeuic l’liysieii 11s ol both -eXes. nud where all heathful tuul invigorating (BATHING PROCESSES are in existence, to .u her with >i At TUN F.-VlBKA iIONS,MOVE MENTS un,1 ELECTRICITY are succesafully Httplied, aeeording to DISEASED COND ITIONS of each patient. The only place in Georgia where no EMPIRIC or routine practice Is pursued, and where no DRUGS or POISONS UNDER NAME OF MEDICINES are used as remedies for thesiek. RHEUMATISM. NEU RALGIA. HEART, I TVER. KIDNEY, and SKIN DISEASES, INCIPIENT CONSUMP TION, SCROFULA, PARALYSIS, end all diseases peculiar t„ the REl RoDUC TVEOR j G A NS, are bv our method ot treatment restored with greater success than by any other processes known. Treatment especial boon for invalid Indies. Exclusive Ladies’ Department, in | charge of experienced Lady Pbjaieiuu. For nrther intovmutiou address eh!!2. DK. U. Q. ROBERTSON. O'. ZE3I. JAJSTXJECRSOJnT, AGENT FOR Agricultural I ni pI<em© n I s -AND— ' MACHINERY, DOWN, MOUNT HD AND DETACHED ES 3NT Gr I 3XT IE3 £3 . Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Separators, Fans, Sor ghum Mills and Evaporators, SHIITGr.23 MACHINES, Smut Machines, Wood PLANERS anil Match Surfacing Machines, WATER WHEELS, COTTON GINS, FEEDERS, CONDENSERS, TANITE EMORY' WHEELS, REAPERS, MOWERS, BRICK MACHINES, WOOD PUMPS, Etc., Etc. OR Broad street, - - (ineh22) - . ATLANTA, Ga. liMIJS^EZHSISrsiED STOCK OB’ NEW CARPETS! PURCHASED FROM The Leading Manufacturers and Importers of the Country, And effered to-«he Trade, onr Friend* and tho Public nt ROCK BOTTOM BRICES ! drouth began to show themselves and jwircTrtfcf.—'iJw (veil! 1 '"T^oicrosa atuf Atlanta the cern was .‘specially pony nml scorned not to have had any rain at all. We were told that there was considerable complaint in various seo tious* and it was likely a half crop would not ho made in some places. ^ The worst leports we heard were concerning the crops of Kentucky and the West. A gentleman who had he -n into Kentucky said some ot that tins blue grass region was literally burned up, as if a simoon had struck it. It had not rained there in weeks and in one town dust was over a foot deep. In the Northwest, too, the corn was burned up and would yield nothing scarcely, while the wheat crop was very short. . Wheat has already advanced and what with the scarcity and the speculators, the price will likely gel beyond all reasonable bounds betore next spring. Our people in Giorgia would have a plenty ot bread stuffs it they had planted sufficiently, hut when they plant barely enough and the crops turn out -poorly, they must fall back on the cotton which is also in danger of falling behind. We hope that ont ot much experience there will come wisdom some of these days. Tin- Oconee County Fair. This fair begins October 5th, and roniinucu five days. Heretofore it has been a good cx'ponent of the in dustries and resources of Oconee county, and there is reason to believe that the coming fair will be better than its predecessors. The people are apparently taking more interest in it, and there has been no such damaging drouth as the people had to contend with last year. Some of the features of tho fair are as follows: A running race for $100 purse. Ten dollars in gold tor the largest number of entries in one department. Twenty-five dollars in cash for the best acre inborn. Six hundred dol lars in premiums for the different ar ticles in tho ladies’ department. A trotting race for $100, and one for $300. Troth is simple, requiring millur study nor tu». it in their houses. , .TrtL.-StuitliX_.SwfoIa_ Syrup for lions and will give yon a beautiful nml clear complexion. nov9-tt Wadley, Emanuel Co., Ga., Octo ber 10, 1879. Gentlemen—Whi'e attending the General Assembly this summer, I tried your Star Curino on my leg, it being affected with an old sore caused by a wound received during the late war. After having thoroughly tested it I am compelled to say that it is a success, for I have had ex|>erience with different physicians and remedies, and found nothing to cure nte, until I usod your Star Curine, which has cur ed a remarkably had case. Wishing you success, I am Yours, respectfully, John Bell. Do not fail to call on your druggist for a bottle of that pure, sweet and delicious blood purifier, Smith’s Scrof ula Syrup. Star Curine cures all chronic Sores and is a sure cure for Piles. Call on your druggist Iteforc it is too late ami get a bottle ot Smith’s Scroluln Syrup and Star Curine. From B. F. Moore, A. M., Pres ident of Moore’s Southern Business University, Atlanta, Ga—This is to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney’s Expectorant in my family tor several years, and can recommend it as an in valuable remedy for Goughs, etc., and have found it superior to any other remedies that I have tried. novU-tt Loachai’Oka, Ala.. Jan. 12, ’78. Carter & Solomon, ATLANTA, G-BORGIA, JInvitc an inspection of their immense FALL stock ot CARPETS, Moquettesi Brussels, Velvets, Ingrains, 3-Ply, Etc., til M ATTIN Gr WITsTIDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER 1 ZZTTERZOE. ZZOtrSE* ' DECOHATZOlTa t Ol lt STUCK ia uncurjasaca in Extent nud Elegance. CARTER & SOLOMON, Au - : ' ' No. 50 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. 33 Marrletta Street, Under Opera House. REPAIR ALL KINDS FURNITURE AND Do all Kinds Upholstering'. y renovate carpets without removing In Ik floor. d§ ho sole proprietors of tlu* Cnrpe Renovating process nstil in this by E. P. ®aT WE are the sole proprietors of the'Carpe* Renovating process uswl in this 1 „ hold his receipt for the purchase of the original Loiuiou Carpet Renovating Recipe, and t and name we like. Kkfkkkncks.— Dr. Westmorland, Dr. Sells, Mrs. B. II. Hill, Mrs. Win. Henry Peek, Mrs. H. Inmau, Mrs. H. V. M. Miller autl others too numerous to mention. CUR.B.AN cfe CO. 33 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. JAMES G. BALIE, (Not Limited) Old Original Carpet Store, 713 Broad at., AUGUSTA, GA. FRESH Stockof GROCERIES I have in store and arriving 500 ca?es Canned Good*. Meats, Vegetable* and Fruit* ot every variety. New Preserves, Jellies, Cracker*, Mackerel, No 1 and in mess; Salmon and Boneless Cod firth. All grades of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Soaps, Starch, etc Onions, Cabbages, Potatoes Apples, Straw and Katinn Brooms, Scrub Brushes, Long Handle aud Short Handle Hair Brooms, lnbs. Pads, Clothes Hampers. Clothes Baskets, Market Baskets, etc. All of which I offer at the lowest price* lor cash. JAMES Gc- BAILIE nov<i-d£w fild Stand James G. Bailie Bro., 113 Broad at, AUGUSTA. GA. THENS a f-IRON&BRASS hEORGIA. CASTINGS. I ! MILLGEARING, ACHINE1AIQRKS HOLMES’S LINIMENT OR THE MOTHER’S FRIEND. O ONE OP THE GREATEST COMPORTS TO THOSE EXPECTING TO BE CONFINED Is a remedy upon which implicit confidence can be placed—one that will produce a safe and quick dcliven-one that win control pain, and shorten the duration ct Labor. Such is “THE MOTHER S RELIEF.” Trv it, aiul see uhat A BLESSING IT IS TO SUFFERING FEMALES. . This Liniment, when used for two or three week* before confinement, produces a wonder ful effect, causing a very easy and quick labor, with comparatively little pain, and leaves the moth er in a condition to recover quickly— or, in other words to have a good getting up. Under it* use, lador will ordinarily occupy much le*s than the usual time, aud the uiffcrimr 1 >o dismissed bjyond expression. The condition tor which this remedy is offered is of such a character as to forbid a long array ot certificate*. I hose interested in its u«e are respectfully referred to the hundreds who have used it. READ THE TESTIMONIALS! c " nM Vy ‘“"'Ole expecting to be confined, to u*u “THE MOTHEIl’S KELL hr. LoupUul with this entreaty. I will add. that during a large obstetrical practiced thir ty lour years) I have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quick deliverv. MINING&MILLl \ SMITHING MACHINERY. 1 ll REPAIRING SAWMILLS. 1 PAT N W0RK CARLTON & SON. (Snccc-Mora to Carlton A Bro.) WHOLESALE AND RETAlL.DBALEliS IN) Salem, Ala., April 8, 1878. Mr. J. D. Goodwill, Agent—Dear Sir: 1 take pleasure in staling that I hive used your Medicated Stork Feed on a very poor cow, with great success. She looks much better now, and gives a great deal more milk, and is much superior. I therefore recom mend this medicine to all who wish to improve their slock, cattle ?nd horses, as it is truly what it is repre sented to lv. Very Respectfully, A. KAYSKU. Eufaula, Ala., July, 1878. Mr. L Shocntl-ld: 1 used one sack of your Stock Feed on my cow, with very satisfactory results. She had recently dropjied her calf, and was in a poor condition, and by the use of yonr Stock Feed she was rapidly im proved in flesh and milk. Very JRcfipecfcfulIy* GEO. H. DENT. E, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, SUGARS, MEATS, LARD, CDFFEE, TEAS, Spices. Etc- FLOWER A SPECIALTY.—We keep constantly oh haml the very host grade* of Fioura, from our »n mills*, manufactured expressly for us, and which we guarantee. Dealers and consumers are re spectfully invited to try our flours. Fair deuliug, close attention to order*, and the lowest po*.«ihle CARLTON A SON., 134 Marietta street, ATLANTA, GA. s what we aiiu at. Sold by all druggists. Marth8»lm. COTTON GINS1 I have on hand, and on the way, fresh from fac tory an immense stock of GINS, Feeders, Condensers, Etc., Of various makes. I SELL GINS AT $2.25 PER SAW! Equal to other Gins sell ing at $3.00 to $3 50 per Saw. I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY On ENGINES, BOIL- EHS, SAW MILLS, SHINGLE MACHINES, SAWS,BELTING, &c. Sand in your orders at once for COTTON GINS, FEEDERS, CONDENSERS, &c., that I may supply you in time. Every Ma chine I sell is fully warranted.. Give me a trial. Address S. F. PERKINS, j25 32 and 34 W. Mitchell street, ATLANTA, GA. STEAM ENGINES AND CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, mmiMtu SOUTHERN FAN MILLS, EXCEL THRESHERS, ATHENIAN AND BILL AKI- 1IOKSE POWERS. BARK MILLS, CANE MILLS, COLT’S CELEBRATED POWER & LEVER, BROOK’S REVOLVING COTTON PRESS 1 IRON FENCING, &c. A.X.S-0 MANUPACTUltERH AGENTS FOB Portable Steum Engines,'Turbine Water Wheels,Cooks’ Evaporators, Victor Cane Mills, Combined Threshers and Scparatois, <Sc. Z-*f~ For Descriptive Circulars and Price Lists uddress septl ►r Descriptive Circulars and Price Lists uddress n. XTIQXERSOIT, Agent. MARKWALTER. MARBLE Broad St-. Near Monuments, Tcombstnss GENERALLY, MADE TO ORDER. A large selection always on hatut, ready for lettering an WORKS- Lower Market, Q&QXtCXA* and Marble Works, clivcry ) produce a safe and quick t H. J, Holme*, il. D. Atlanta, O*. i counties of Middle Georgia, who ha* been acting Midwife A lady from one of tie counties or Middle Georgia, who has been acting Midwife or mn..v have been disposed °f all the »iother’s Relief you *ent n o ami l \M i>H- UGU LED vv I Til 1 r. In e tery instance where it has been used, its effects have been nil tlmt l COUld UKK. I CONSIDER IT A GREAT BLESS*NO.” A Gentleman write*: ‘My wife used a bottle of‘Mother* Relief’ procured from you. She was comuderbly advanced in life before this, her first confinement, and she knows it, was the mean* of very greatly lessening her Suffering it indeed, it was not the menus of saviko her life. v rites: ‘My •»« iuuvcu, m **u» nut. IIIC IIIUAUS Ol MAVINU HER LIFE. . --f "*fe used your *Mother’* Relief’ at her fourth confinement v that she passed though it with one-half the suffering of cither of her former ibout to be confined for the first time, and she says : I have never seen any Another gentle and her testimon; triend who was ONE PASS THROUGH THIS GREAT TRAIL WITH SO MUCH EASE AND SO LITTLE 8UPPER1NU. 1 he names ol these, anil many others, can be had by callv at my oflico. Having had the foregoing remedy Thoroughly Tested in Atlantuand vicinity, I now off. to my patron* as possessing superior merits. Prcparedby enor merit*. 1 renaredby J. Dli ADFIEUD, Sole Proprietor, c , ,,, „ ATLAN TA, GA. Sold by Druggists generally. Price *1.50 per bottle. If not kept by your Druggist*, or fur ther information on or particulars are wanted, address the proprietor. m ’so. LADIES eie AND SEND GENTLEMEN YOUR STILSOH, m LARGE assortment of the latest designs in Jewelry and Silverware just received. Also tlio LARGEST STOCK of CLOCKS in tlie Stute. Prices lower than ever. We WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. 53 WXirrEIIAI.1. STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. mm e: mm -&r ■l ; BEL Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Cane Mills. Flantation Maolilnery And Engine* and Boiler*, Cotton Screws, Shutting Pulley*, Ilanger*’ Journal Boxes, Mill Gc nr- ing, Gudgeon* Turbine Water Wheel. Gin Gearing (cheap). Jut Ison’s Governor* Piston’s Circu lar Saw* and Guminer* and File*, Belting and Babbitt Metal and Brn*s Fitting, G*obe and Check Valve* aud Whistle*, Guagcs, etc., Iron and Bras* Castings and Gin Ribs, from GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., FOUE8T CITY FOUNDRY aND MaCHINB WORKS Near the Water Tower, 170 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. REPAIRING promptly done at Lowest Prioes. feblo I. X. L. Mattress Factory. Mattresses, Awnings, ^Upholstery. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. PRICES Famished ot Application. HIGHEST CASH PRICE for SHUCKS and STRAW! OV W- HXLTnVCJALT, nov30 318 aiul 320 Decatur Street, ATLANTA, GA, AND HAVE THEM BTED I So that they will look as well aa NEW no matter of what material, SZZiZS, WOOLEIT OR. COTTON GOODS I Try me and see whether I can be surpa-aed cither in work or price. I defy competition JACOB KREXS, PROPRIETOR OF THE PREMIUM STEAM DYE WORKS, nicli2h W. Petera Street. Opposite Trinity Church, ATLANTA, GA. :or Nervous Weakness, Deafness, Los3 of Voice, Sense of Taste and Smell, Neuralgia, Faint Feelings, Disgusting Odors, Weak Sight, Sore Throat, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all Dis- eases of Respiratory Organs, Eureka Catarrh Cure, A SURE RELIKF AN1> A SI*KK1>Y CURB. // Send for Circular* Terms, etc., to 5* ^ J. W. GURLEY, M.D., Atlanta, Ga. XTf YOX? -W-A.3STT FIRST CLASS CIGARS, —)<iO TO(— ELEGAN? CiIaR AND TOJBACCO EMl^RIUM! NKWTON BCOXTSE) CORNER. There yon will find a large and choice selection of Tobacco, Cigars, Snufla, Pipe*, etc. My Cigurs are of my own make, and I warren’ them aa good aa can be had in the United States. Price* always reasonable. Give mo a o ill. NAT. MOKINNOKT. BLACKSMITHING & REPAIRING SHOP Jackson S'treot, Next to 1*. II. Alien, Atbena. All kind* of SM ITHING and REPAIRS done at short notice. Only the beat Workmen are -m ployed here. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED In every Jins tan oe. GuwfiimaxnmiivG. GUNS and PISTOLS ot all kinde repaiaed in the bes manner, aprilli