Southern weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1881-1882, November 01, 1881, Image 4

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inner IAthkns, Ga., November 1, )88l. ' JT T- WAT3RMAN, FROPRlb'l Ult. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. A Communication. ' Editors Banner—Gentlemen:— Will you pleaso allow me to give the following information to your read ers? The Athens Manufacturing Com • pany had at work on Monday, Octo ber 24, 1881, 346 persons, seventeen persons being absent. I sent to know the cause of the absent ones, and received the following report: Two sick of lever; one, boils; one, Bore throat; one, sore eyes; two, colds; one, bowel affection ; nine, doing household duties. Out of 363 persons, only two in bed. Your obedient servant, R. L. Bloomfield, N Ag’t Athens Man’f’g Co. Vnforuuate Accident. E-Mr. J. B. Johnson, familiarly known asJ'Dock,’ who^lives near Ath ens, had his left arm badly lacerated Tuesday, by being caught in a gin. The bone* were not broken in any way. Dr. W A Carlton treated him. Mr. Johnson has been peculiarly .inforiunale. Three or four years ago, ho fell off a cart with a cor J ol wood on it, and two wheels run over him, breaking several of his ribs, ami injuring him so that for a time his life was despaired of ; and last year he was laid up several weeks with inflammation of the knee-joint. lie has iudomitable energy, however, and will doubtless be up and at work again soon. Hon. IT. n. Felton. It is not generally known that the great Independent of the Seventh District was an Athens boy. He was born in Clarke connty and moved to Athens when quite young. He was reared in this city, graduated at the University and married before mov ing to Bartow county. His first wife was Miss Carlton, daughter of the venerable James Carlton, of Athens. She married quito young, and was very beautiful. The close and cordial relations which existed between the Carlton family and that ot Dr. Fel ton, were not sundered by her early d catb, hut still exist. I’ost-Office Petition. We hear that W A Pledger, the editor of the Atlanta Blade, is in the city, soliciting signatures to a peti tion to make him postmaster of Ath ens, in the event of the removal of Dr. Orr. If a colored man is to have the office, there is one in Athens much better qualified lor the place— we mean Eugene Brydie. But this is a contingency that we do not care to look for or provide for. If Presi dent Arthur acts on the dictates of a sound political policy, he will let the Athens post-office alone. Dr. Orr is giving satisfaction. A Thriving Business. Whatever may be the state of the season, whether dnll or brisk, dry or wet, the business of Col. S. C. Dobbs will usually be found in a flourishing condition, always lively and general ly crowded. There is reason for this It is ran on business principles and is never allowed to lag for want ot at tention and proper energy. Cob Dobbs always keeps his business be fore the public by liberal advertising, realizing as most successful merchants have done, that customers need con stant reminders and sufficient induce ments laid before them to make them steadfast and remunerative to the business. Again, Col. Dobbs sends two men on the road with samples and tho towns and country are given an opportunity to purchase from him. Ho does a splendid jobbing trade in addition to his immense retail trade, and every town or bamlet in a hun dred miles of Alliens is kept acquaint ed with the fact that he offers bar' gains of a superior character. The business of the house is sometfiing immense and what, is more, is entire ly of a nature to give satisfaction. To make it thus,of conrse it is nec essary to have a large and desirable stock of goods always on hand aud of this Col. Dobbs can boast. A look through his store must satisfy all that do is able to supply almost every demand. His goods are piled such prefusion that there is hardly room to contain them all. The stock consists of a general selection of sta- plo and fancy dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, shawls, blankets, etc., and in immense quantities. Passing through tho store we saw in groce ries, sacks upon sacks of coffee, bar rels aud barrels of sugar and syrup, any quantity of flour, mackerel, to bacco, snnff and other things too nu merous to mention. In dry goods there were jeans and cassimeres, bleachings and stripes, dress goods and prints and all sorts of art! cles for ladies. In shoes we especi ally noticed a line of ladies’ shoes ol the celebrated T. Miles & Son’s make which is not surpassed by any other, Then Coats’ spool cotton is made f specialty and is kept in large quanti' ties. We could fill the paper enumerat ing the many excellent lines of goods which Col. Dobbs offers to the trade, but it is only necessary to adv ise our readers to call and examine for them selves. Those trading at this house can feel assured ol fair dealing and bottom prices. Call and see the ge nial gentleman who presides here and his corps of assistants who are ways ready to wait on yon. i per- $500 REM j Over a Million —OF— Prof. Gnilmette’a FRENCH Kitaj Pails Hare already been sold In this country and in France; every one of which has given pence tioa, ax formed cures every time when used according to directions. We now say to the afflicted and doubting ones that we will pay the above reward for a single esse of! BACK That the Fad fails to cure.* This Great remedy wM POSITIVELY and PERMANENTLY cure Lum bago. Lame Back, Sciatica, Gravel, Diadetcs,Drop sy, Bright’s Disease of the Kidneys, Incontinence and Retention of the Urine, In flam at ion of the Kidneys Catarrh of the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain in the Back. Side or Loins, Nervous Weakness, and in fttet all disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Organs whether contracted by pri vate disease or otherwise. LADIES, il yon are Weakness, Leucorrobiea, or any dun neys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CURED! Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by sim ply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE*S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD" WHICH CURES BY ABSCRATION. Ask yourdrui FRENCH KIDi Gk H. U. N UMEROUS lc-tiiuonul« and Urge u |» prove that piioe* of Pianos and Organs, for None nrnse and style, are from SO to SO per cent, less at “The Music Boose of the South” than elsewhere. G. O. ROBINSON & CO. Xj_ IE 3 . Q,_ S. Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Cane Mills. MacDinery Plantation And Engines and Boile in*,O' lar’Sawa and Gumniers Valves and Wliistlaa, Gu ’£.*8?\® tc -ti ron J nd Br “* Gastints and Gin Bibs, GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., FOREST CTTY FOUNDRY aND MnClii^ hear the Water Tower,.170 Fenwick .Street, AUGUSTA, GEO! REPAIRING promptly done il* Lowest Prices, L ARGE Cash Contracts with the best inanu • lecturers and Large Sales at “The Music House of the South,” enable G. O. BORIN SON & CO., to sell Superior Pianos and Organa .at leupnoe than is paid by small dealer*. 1st for PROF. G UILM ETTE’S )Y PAD. and take no other. II he has not got it, send $2.00 and you will receave the Fad by return mail." Prof. Guilhettts French Liver Pa Will positively core Fever and Angne, Dumb Ague, Ague cake, Bilious Fever, Jaundice, D/*- gjP*ia, and ulH)iMvues of the Liver, Stomach and Price $1.50 by mail. Send for Prof. Guil- mette’s Treatise on the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., . . Toledo Ohio. R. T. Brumry A Co., Sole Agents, Athens Gi dAwlvr. ATLANTA HEALTH INSTITUTE Hygenic and Electric Water-Cure, NO 17S WEST PETERS ST., ATLANTA, GA T HE only Medical Institute Sonth where Chronic Diseases are scientifically treated by regular qualified Ilygenic Physicians oi both sexes' and where all heathful and invigoratln BATHING PROCESSES are in existence, Itcther with MACH1NE-VIBRATTONS,A1 , % E- MENTS and ELECTRICITY arc a • 'cMinlly inidied, according to DISEAoljJ COND ITIONS of each patient. T*. only place in Georgia where no EMPIKd' or routine practice Is pursued, and where no DRUGS or POISONS UNDER NAME nr MEDICINES arc used as remedies for tlu* sick. RHEUMATISM. NEU RALGIA, n»ART, LIVER. KIDNEY, and SKIN DISEASES, INCIPIENT CONSUMP TION, SCROFULA, PARALYSIS, and all disease* peculiar to the R EPRoDUC.TIVE OR GAJSS, arc by our method of treatment restored with greater success than bv any other processes known. Treatment especial Goon for invalid ladies. Exclusive Ladies’ Department, hi charge oi experienced Lady Physician. For urther information address «b22. DR. U. O. ROBERTSON. a N The Hebrew Congregation. At a meeting of the Hebrew con gregation of Athens, last Sunday, the following officers jwere elected for the ensuing year: President, Moses My ers ; vice-president, G. Jacobs; trus tees, C. Stern, M. G. Cohen, L Mor ris, Louis Morris, S. J. Sloman; treasurer, Iv. M. Marks, secretary, Philip Stern.. The I!ev. Dr. Levy was chosen Rabbi. The congregation is a flour ishing one, and they hope before a great while to build the synagogue which they have long wanted. Two Deaths. A little daughter of Mr. Curt Pridgeon died Tuesday morning, about four o’clock, after a long illness. Her ago was four years. On the same block, a little child of Laura Bell, colored, died Monday afternoon. Both of these children died of fever, wo are informed. Will anything ever be done to abate the causes of dis ease? Hopeful of n Good Trade. The merchants have been com plaining a little that trade was dnll for the season, but most ot them have recognized tho fact, that there lies been no fall weather, and that the farmers arc holding back their cotton as long ns possible. There is gener ally a hopeful feeling, that a splendid trade is ahead during tho next two months. COMING TO TUE FRONT. Captain G. J. Foreacre, late gene ral manager oi the Atlanta and Char lotte Air-Line railway, is rapidly coming to the front as one of the most prominent officials in the Rich mond and Danville tailroad com hi na tions. Ho is in charge ot several very important extensions from the main line, and his ripe experience and tire less energy are already manifest in the progress being made. He is pushing the Northeastern railroad on to Rabun Gap, and will have his line through to Knoxville in due time. Thc’above, from the Augusta News, is bnt another evidence that the splea did serviced of Colonel Foreacre are becoming more and more appreciated. Athens is peculiarly fortunate in hav 1 ing this gentleman in charge of her line of road from which she hopes for much in the future. Colonel Foreacrohas always carried to success all the schemes under his manage ment, when led free to execute iiis own judgment, and now that he is made the head and front of the whole line which is to connect Athens with Knoxville, wc shall look lor cars to run through in the next two years. Smith's Scrofula Syrup and Star Curino are purely vegetable. Why will you suffer with CJancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kid ney and Liver Diseases, when a few bot tles of these two great remedies will cure you ? From ,C. D. McCurry, Newton county, Georgia—I take great pleas ure in recommending to the public Dr. Cheney’s Expectorant and Croup Preventive. My little son had been a great suffer from Spasmodic Croup, during the night. Dr. Cbency, about two years ago, prescribed for him his Croup Preventive, which has most miraculously cured him. I find it equally beneficial in all cases Coughs. I consider it a blessing in my tiimily. Every one should keep it in their houses. - Try Smith’s Scrofula Syrnp for your blood. It removes all skin erup tions and will give you a beautiful aud clear complexion. nov9-ti An Ancient Male. Mr. John Lord who lives at Prince ton factory has a mulo over twenty- six years old. He owned the mother of it and Policeman Rose remembers when it was foaled more than twenty- seven years ago. Mr. Lord has moved to Mississippi and hack again and tho mule has gone with him ail the time. We never knew of such a continuous ownership of one animal. A Rare Specimen. Thero is a young man clerking in Athens who never saw a circus. He was rajsed with in 20 miles of the citv. How i* this for moral innocence? He is going to see Rentz& Santley all the same. T. M. H. O. T S. G O. ROBINSON & CO., Bell infToxas, Ar- • kansaa, Louisiana, Mixsi**ipi, Alabama, Florida, and in every Southern State north ol’ Georgia* Augusta can justly claim to have “The Music House of the South.” E. I. O. M. T WENTY tv thirty per cent, saved in pur chasing Superior Pianos ano Orpins, Mu sical Instruments, Sheot Music, Music Booki and best Italian Strings, at “The| Music House ol the South.” Tuning and Repairing B Y C. il. TAYLOR; the only autlic Tuner of the Musio Homo oi th# South, Augusta. Georgia. G. O. ROBINSON & CO.. OTIS ELEVATORS Steam & Hydraulic, OF ALL KINDS. PENDLETON & BR0., PouirnitY —AND— Machine Works, No*. 616. 617 and 619 Kollock 8treet, AUGU8TA.GEORGI O UR Foundry and Machine Works, which were destroyed by fire in July, hare been rebuilt, enlarged, and furnished with new tools. We can lurni.sli IRON AMI BRASS CASTINGS AND XL t llINKRY of all descriptions at reasonable prices * of the best quality. We would call attention ►roe of our specialties, via: Cotton Presses. Sa 4 a. Cane Mills, Plantation Engines, lion Fenc- „ and Balcony Rails, Iron Store Fronts, Water Wheel, all kinds ot Castings, Gearing Mill Work, i Shafting, Lathes, Pulleys and Hangers. Send for 1 Descriptive List and Prices. mcU29 CHAPMAN BROTHERS. 318 JACKSON ST*, AUGUSTA, iA. Having accepted the Agency ot the above.* now prepared to furnish and erreot them. maySo- .KSpaiN^TVbRKS E8TRL18HED 1853.] WINSHIP’S IRON WORKS MANUFACTURERS OF IM ROVED WINSHIP COTTON GIN, SELF FEEDER AND CONDENSER, Cotton Presses for Steam, Band, or Horse Power, SHAFTING, PULLIES, BANGERS. Saw Mills, and Mill Gearing of Every Description. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Correspondence solicited. Address ■TOT2TSHIP <£s BHO, mrtl ATLANTA ClfEOlA W. J. POLLARD, NOS. 734 AND 736 REYNOLD STREET, -AUGUST A.. GEORGIA. COTTON FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT -AND DEALER IN- 1 frl Also Dteston’n Circular Sawn. Rnbborand Loothor Bolting. Steam Pipe. Water and Steam Ganges. Connections. Whistles, Oil Caps. Pop, Globo and Check V.tvos, Gov ernors, Wrenches, etc., together with every article of Steam and Water Fittings, Findings, etc. GENBRALi AGENT FOR TALBOTT & SONS. Talbott’s Standard Agricultural £i skids.) Talbott’s Stationary wheels.) Talbott’s Planter Portable 1— , ... Looomofrye Boilers. Talbott’s Turbine Water Wheel Talbott’s Corn and_Wheat Mills. Talbott’s Saw Mills, Circular Saws, Shafting™ Pulleys, Boxes, Hangers,Belting,and patent Spark Arresters. ’ Carter & Solomon, ATLANTA, Jlnvito an inspection of their immense FALL stock ot CARPETS,, Moquettes» Brussels, Velvets, Ingrains, 3-Ply, Etc., la M ATTING WIUDOW SHADES. WAIX, PAPER! And evefy style of INTERIOR HOUSE DECORATIONS! OUR STOCK is unsurpassed in Extent aud Elegunce* CARTER & 80L0M0N, A ”g9 No. Sfl Whitehall Street, ATLANTA. GA. Watertown Steam Engine Co. ’"atertown Agricultural Engines (onWhrelv) Watertown. Portable Engines (on skids 1 W a tertown Dairy Engines (for small buildtags.) Watertown Vertical Engines. Watcrtwn Stationary Engines (with and without cutoff.) Watertown Return Tutalar BoilersTWatertown Tubular Boilers (with two flues.) Watertown Loootnodve and Vertical Boilers- Watertown Saw Mill* etc. C. & G. COOPER & m. it attached.) Cooper’s 8mut , SL^^O 0 SttSS* bU n beat Seporator. and Oat and Weed Extractor. Coop er’- Eureka F.onr Packer. Cooper’s Saw Mills (Ruble and single.) LADIES AND GENTLEMEN SEND YOUR Die ©iiiM A1T33 HAVE THEM DYEB|! So tuat they will look as well as NEW no matter of what material, SXXjK, WOOZiEH OR COTTOIT GOODS! Try me and see whether I can be surpassed either in work or prioe. I defy competition. JACOB KREISi PROPRIETOR OF THE PREMIUM STEAMJDYEJWORKS, ch2» W. Peters Street. Opposite Trinity Chnrch, ATLANTA, GA. IMPORTED MUSICAL MERCHANDISE We import direct from tho best manufacturers in Europe, Violins, Guitars, Accordeons, Harmonicas, trings, And all kind* of Musical Merchandise. NOBODY CAN UNDERBUY US—NOBODY UNDERSELL US. CHEAP SHEET MtJSIC. We make a specialty of Live, Standard and Popular Sheet Music. All Grades—Best Authors— Lowest Prices.* Send a three cent stamp for our Catalogue containing over 3,000 different sub jects ; the bent Catalogue in tho country to select from. % PIANOS, New York Pianos lead the world. lVe are Southern Agents for all the celebrated New York make*, via: STEINWAY & SONS, A. WEBEI1, DECKER BROTHERS HAINES BROTHERS, THE GATE CITY PIANOS. New and Second-hand Pianos from $50 to $1,200. Send for onr prices before you buy. ESTEY OS.C3--A.3SrS IB 1 ’YOU WANT FIRST CLASS CIGARS, —)wO TO(— ELEGANT CIGAR AND TOBACCO EMPORIUM! asrjHTCKrTOJsr notrsa coilisrsill. There you will find a large and choice selection of Tobacco,tCigara, Snnfls, Pipes, etc. My Cigars are of my own make, and I warrant them as good as can be had in the United States. Prices always reasonable. Give me a call. Cardwell’s Wheat Threshers, Separators, and Cleaners. Cardwell's , ‘Grimnd.Un»>> Cardwell’s HvdmnUo Cotton Presses. CardwelPa Hi^ pLers-donble ^d'TfnX geared—(Mounted and down.) Cartlwell> Power Corn Shellers aud 1W Cuttera. Johnston Harvester Company Emerson Talcott & Co., Reapers and Binders. Reapers and Mowers combined. Single Binder*. Reapers and M • Cultivators and Grain Sowers. 41 Fairbanks & Co., Fai-banks’Standard Scales, all sixes and patterns. Alarm" Cash Drawsre. Manufacturer of the Pollouniug . NEBLETT & GOODRICH IMPROVED I. X. U COTTON GIN. REID’S PATENT a7; Pr> MATIC POWER SCREW PRESS, STEAM OR WATER POWER SMITO-SIM PROVED HAND POWER Co'lTON AND HAY PRESS^ COTTON GIN FEEDER. COTTON CONDENSER. NEW VIRGINIA FEED CUTTER. Engines, Cotton Gins, etc., Repaired in a workmanlike manner. Orders solicited and promptly executed. For further particulars, circulars, geueral information etc., apply to i * * ‘ ‘ ° ■W-. O'. POLLARp. HOLMES’S LINIMENT OR THE MOTHERS’ FRIEND. O ONE OP THE GREATEST COMPORTS TO THOSE" EXPECTIiSG TO BE CONFINED Is a remedy upon which implicit confidence can bo placed—ono that will prodnee a safe mid .V!? 1 9° nvro ! l )aiu » «ud shorten the duration ot Labor. Such is “THU LUillRR o RELIEF. Trv it, aud see what \ BLESSING IT IS TO SUFFERING FEMALES. o This Liniment, when used for two or three weeks before oonflnomcnt, produocs a wonder- fnl effect, causing a very easy and quick labor, with comparatively little pam, and leaves the moth er in a condition to recever quickly—or, in other words, to have a good getting up. Under its use, lador will ordinarily oeeupy much less than the usual time, and ti e io3i ring be dismissed beyond expression. * The condition for which this remedy is offered is of.such a character as to forbid a long array of certificates. Those interested in its use ere respectfully referred to the hundreds who have used it. READ THE TESTIMONIALS! «earnestly entreat every female expecting to be confined, to nee “ THE’MOTHER'S RELIEF. Coupled with this entreaty. I will aad. that during a largo obstetricaTpracticeJfor ty four years) I have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quies delivery. . H. J, Holmes, M. D. Atlanta, Gf.. A lady from one of the counties of Middle Georgia, who has been acting Midwife tor many writes: “ I have been disposed of all the Mother’s Relief you sent me and t AM I)L- TED WITH IT. In erery instance where it ha* been used, its effects have been all that I could a«k. I CONSIDER IT A GREAT BLESSING.’’ A Gentleman writes: *My wife used a bottle of‘Mothers Relief’ procured from you. She was oonsiderbly advanced in life before this, her first confinement, and she knows it was the means of very greatly lessening her suffering i£ indeed, it was not the means of having beb life Another gentleman writes: “My wife used your ‘Mother’s Relief ’ at her fourth oonfinemen and htr testimony is that she passed though it with one-half the suffering of either of her forme tneud who was about to be confined tor the first time, and she says : I havx never seen any ONE 1*A88 THROUGH THIS GREAT TRAIL WITH SO MUCH EASE AND SO LITTLE SUXTUUNO*” The names of these, and many others, can bo had by cally’at my office. Having had the foregoing remedy Thoroughly Tested in Atlanta and vicinity. I now offer r to my patrons as possessing superior merits. Prcnaredby J. BIl tVDFIELD, Sole Proprietor, ATLANTA, GA" Sold by Druggists generally. Price $1.50 per bottle. If not kept by your Druggists.or far- ther information on or particulars are wanted, address the proprietor m.30. All tho wholoaalo Estey Organ business in eight Southern Strtes is transacted by the ESTEY ORGAN COMPANY at Atlanta. At our warerooms may always be found a complete assortment ot these nrcoMFimABLS htstxvctme2Tts. Including all the newestf styles and latest improvements. ORGANS new and second.hand from $20 to $500. E I. O- M. Sol4 cheap for cash on easy monthly payments. Sheet Muuc of all.the latest airs,both vooal and instrumental. Sheet music at exactly half price. Parties wanting strings, violins, etc,, we can save them time and freight, and sell as low os any importer in America. Old Pianos and Or- gaus taken in exchange os part payment at their full vulae. ESTEY ORGAN COMPANY, O* H. Smith, Agent. nov30-weow Slncer Sonne Machine Office, next to Post-Office ATHENS. GA. :or Nervous Weakness, Deafness, Loss of Voice, 'Sense of Taste and Smell, Neuralgia, Faint Feelings, Disgusting Odors, Weak Sight, Sore Throat, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all Dis eases of Respiratory Organs, use (Successors to Carlton & Bro.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DBALEBS IN CARLTON & SON, E Peanut flirtation; Break the shell gently—I am maehod on you. Crush ing it savagely—Why will you break my heart? Slipping the shell into the pocket—We must be secret. Throw, ing it away—You are fired out. Bwal lowing tho peanut—I’m yours alone. Eating it mincingly—Go slow. 'Tos sing it np and catching it dexterously jn tho mouth—5>ome other evening. W adley, Emanuel * 'o., Ga., Octo ber 10, 1879. Gentlemen—While • (lending the General Assembly this summer, I tried your Star Curino on my leg. it being affected with an old sore caused by a wound received during the late war. \fter having thoroughly tested it I am compelled to say that it is a success, for I have had experience with different physicians and remedies, and found nothing to cure me, until I used your Star Curine, which has cur ed a remarkably bad case. Wishing you success, I am Yours, respectfully, John Bell. Do not fail to call on your for a bottle of that pure, sweet and delicious blood purifier, Smith’s Scrof ula Syrup. Star Curine cures nil chronic Sores and is a sure cure tor Piles. Call on .your druggist before it is too late and get a bottle of Smith’s Scrofula Syrup and Star Curine. From B. F. Moore, A. M., Pres ident of Moore’s Southern Business University, Atlanta, Ga—This is to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney’s Expectorant in my family for several years, and can recommend it as an in. valuable remedy tor Coughs, etc., and have found it superior to any other remedies that I have tried. nov9-tf Loachapoka, Ala., Jan. 12, *78. CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, SUGARS, MFuTS, > ARD, COFFEE, TEAS Spices. Etc. FLOWER A SPECIALTY .--Wo keep constantly on hand the very bc*t grades of Flour*, ftom o own mill*, manufactured expressly for ns, and which w« guarantee. Ifealcia and ccnnumcr* arer ancctfully invited to try our flour*. Fair dealing, dose attention to orders, aud the lowest pops lb JKSTare what we aimit. CARLTON A SON.. 1$4 Marietta Street, ATLANTA. 6a. 0\ HI. ^.IsTIDE^SOlsr, AGENT FOR Agricultural Implements —AND— MACHINERY. DOWN, MOUNTED AND DETACHED ETNTGIKES. Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Separators, Fans, Sor ghum Mills and Evaporators, GHINGLE MA.CECX2TCS, Smut Machines, Wood PLANERS and Match Surfacing Machines, WATER WHEELS, COTTON GIN8, FEEDERS, CONDENSERS, TANITE EMORY WHEELS, REAPERS, MOWERS, BRICK MACHINES, WOOD PUMPS, Etc., Etc. GO Uronil Street, - - (mchM) - . ATLANTA, Gtv. COTTON GINS! I have on hand, and on tiie way, fresh from fac tory an immense stock of GINS, Feqiebs, Corns, Etc,, Of various makes. I SELL GINS AT $2.25 PER SAW! Equal to other Gins sell ing at $3.00 to $3.50 per Saw. I CAN SAVE YOU HONEY On ENGINES, BOIL ERS, SAW MILLS, SHINGLE MACHINES; SAWS, BELTING, &c. Send in your orders at once for COTTON GINS, FEEDERS, CONDENSERS, &c., that I may supply you in time. Every Ma chine I sell is fully warranted. Give-me a trial. Address 3?W. MitchelUh^.^^Njl?"GA*. j25 82 and < THENSrOUNDRYn VJACHINl \ a I— IfiPN&B'RASS X/ V / IhtORGlA. CASTINGS (j \ MACHINERY. \ MILL GLARING' " SAWMILL ORKS SMITHING REPAIRIN' PAT'WORl STEAM ENGINES AND CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, IMPROVED SOUTHERN FAN MILLS, EXCEL THRESHERS, ATHENIAN AND BILL ABP HORSE POWERS, BABE MILLS, CANE MILLS, COLT’S CELEBRATED POWRB & LEVER, BROOK’S REVOLVING COTTON PRESS 1 IRON FENCING, &e. ALSO MANUFACTPHEB8 AGENTS FOR Portable Steam Engines,Turbine Water Wheels,Cooks’ Evaporators, Victor Cane Mills, Combined Threaten and Separators, &e. J3T For Descriptive Circulars and Price Lists address septl XI. jTIOK .tili-cSOlT, JS^gexi'ts. MARKW ALTER, MARBLE # WORKS- Broad St. Near Lower Market, Monuments, Toombstones and Marble Works, GENERALLY, MADE TO ORDER. A large selection always on hand, ready for lettering an elivery I. X. L. Mattress Factory. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. PRICES Furnished «e Application. HEIGHT CASH PRICES for SHUCK and STR AW! j-. w. nov30 318 and£320 Decatur Street, ATLANTA, G;A. ■ Eureka Catarrh Cure, A SURE RELIEF AND A SPEEDY CUBE. Send for Circulars. Terms, etc., to J. W. G-URLEY, M.D., Atlanta, Ga. XJXIlvEIHllSrSIHi STOCK OF NEW CARPETS! PURCHASED FROM The Leading Manufacturers and Importers of the Country, And effered to* die Trade, our Friends and the Public ut nnd^Ipesuy lirufseU. M on net’" 1, Three Ply 'and Ingrain Caapets, all qualities Crumb Clotbs . Door Mate, Hearth Ruga. A full line ol New Chromoe, Hair Cloth and Upbcl- terers’ Trimmings, Floor and Table Oil Clothe. I acc Curtains. Cornices and Bands, W indow Shades, ail sixer; Piano and Table Covers, Wall Papers and Borders, Frenoh Tcrrys, Curtain Goods, Cretonnes for Lambrequins, China and Cocoa Mattings, and a big stock of goods in my line. JAMES G. JBALIE, (Not Limited) A Old Original Carpet Store, 71* Brojiri at, AUGUSTA, GA. FRESH Stockof GROCERIES I have in atoro aud arriving 600 cases Canned Goods. Meats, Vegetables and Fruita ot every variety. New Preserve*, Jellies Crackers Mackerel, No 1 and in mess; Salmon and Boneless Codfish. All grades of Sugars, Coffees. Teas, Sonpe. Starch, etc- Onion*, Cabbe^re*. Potatoes Apples, Straw and Rattan Brooms Scrub Brushes Kong Handle and Short Handle Hair Brooms, Tubs, Pails, Clothes Hampers, Clothes Baskets, Market Baskets, etc. All of which 1 offer at the lowest prices for cash. JAMES <Jr. BAILIE nov9-d&w Old Stand James 6. Bailie <& Bro., 118 Broad at., AUGUSTA, OA STILSOlff, ROE auonment ol the latest LARGEST STOCK omCLOCK8 ih i UNDERSOLD. . _ ev h 'in Jewelry"and Silverware jnstlreceivod. Al»o th e e State. Prices lower than ever. We WILL .NOT 03 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, G3B30E.Q-XA. 33 Marrietta Street, Under Opera House. REPAIR ALL KINDS FURNITURE 1 ’ AND . :j Do all Kinds Upholstering. S And mate eaipets without noting fram tie floor, ji WE are tb. rela proprietors of the Chrpot Renovating proeemuaed to thlxbjr E. p - lf 7 e ”* n ' hold ht» receipt for the pureham of the oriftaal Lmdon Carpet Renovating Recipe, end.e call it by BiKia°XKCxi.—Dr. Westmoreland, Dr. Sells, Mr*. B. H. HU1, Mrs. Wm. Hurry Peck, Mrs. H. T. Inman, Mr*. H. V. M. MUler and other, too numeroneto mention. CPR.RAKT tfc GO. 33 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. W. Mc^.X3NT3>3i<>3Nr. ACK8MITHING & REPAIRING SHOP , Jookooa Street, Next to B. H. Allen, Athens, =da of oMiTHING and REPAIRS done et ehort ootioe. 0n)y the b»t Workmen are tm ployed here. SATEFACnONtGUARANTEEJ) in ever, ,rn*tance.j GUNS and «* iff WwJ» *» bwfuMBnif. tii auwijp"