Southern weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1881-1882, December 06, 1881, Image 2

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HENDERSON "WAREHOUSE CO. TALMADGE, HODGSON & CO., PROPS. * , ;\ 4? - , . oottob msTsss* IjIBEILJAXj A:D"V.A.:tiTG:ES 023 COTTON". TALMADGE, HODGSON & CO., ATOMS, OSOBOXA Sr Jfi’. Corner of College Avenue and Clayton Street. £|tj§ro]jten|lamtcr. Wall Papers Are now becomingso fashion able and so universally usedfor house decorations that it has induced manufacturers to use every exertion tolemploy all the art obtainable in producing the most beautiful and elegant de signs. They add so vastly to the refinement and beauty of a homethat hardly any genteel family will forego the pleasure of having at least some of their rooms decorated with these beau tiful papers. The next best ar ticle for beautifying walls, and perhaps better for parties living where no good paper hanger is obtainable, is ALABASTINE. The most perfect article for kalsomining walls ever produceo from the fact that it is the most beautiful, most durable and most easily applied of any articie ever put upon the mar ket for a like purpose. /1 comes in all colors and shades and any person can apply it, and it is so cheap any one can afford to use it. It never rubs off but makes your walls as frm and smooth as marble. Directions for use on each package. For sample card and nrices send to Duck & Company, sole agents, 35 Broad St., Atlanta, Ga., Wholesale and Retail dealers in Oils, Paints, Window Glass, Etc. The larg est and oldest established house of the kind in this section of country. novis 81 . Athens, Ga., December 6, 1881. J- T. WAT31RMAN, PROPRIETOR. U. O. CABAN 188, - - Tuvxumo Agent, la authorized to make collection!, to receive aubacriptloaa, and to contract for adreitiling, for the Dally and Weeklv Banner. Official Organ of Clarke County and City ol Athens. Registered at the Post Office In Athens as Second Class Matter. LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. Special to the Banner. Washington, D. C. Dec., 6. The Douse organized yesterday. Ths officers an all republicans, in spite of ill that was said last yaar. The whole number ot votes cast for Speaker was 285. Keifcr received 148, Randall 128 and Fold 8. Keiier was escorted to the chair by Randall and Iliscock and sworn in by Judge Kelley, of Pennsylvania. Don. Emory Speer voted the straight democratic ticket. II* did not, and I think will not, go into the caucus. Pledger saye he will get the Ath ens post-office, //is papers show strong endorsements from Athens in case Dr. Orr is not reappointed. I think a republican will certainly be appointed, and none can prevent it. W. E. 8. COTTONSEEDS. For the Southern Banner. Jefferson, Ga., Deo. 2,1881. It has long been the opinion of good farmers that land could be kept up aud run continuously iu cotton if the seed waa given back to the land. Our old pine fields have become our best cotton lands and it is not at all uncommon now for them *o produce one bale of four hundred pounds, to the acre. This would give 25 bash- els of cotton seed—worth (2.50 per sore. Twentysfivo bushels sown broadcast and p'owed or harrowed in with wheat on cotton land, will pro duce very line wheat aud leave the ground in fine tilth lor com. One single handful of cotton sited, or half a pint to the hill will produce a good ear of corn on thin upland that would scarcely produce a 'nubbin' without it. One bushel of cooked cotton seed in slop with a pint af bran and a lit tle salt thrown in constitutes the en> tire feed for five cows one day, and they are fat enough for beef. They get neither lodder nor shucks, but have free access to the straw pen which they enjoy the more by steal ing it. Two bushels a day have kept a flock af 40 head of sheep in good condition all winter without any fod der, and they neither ‘cast their young or shed their wool.' Scientifically used they are much more valuable as the oil is now being extensively used for manufacturing and culinary pur poses, leaving the oil cake more valuable tor stock and the bull us valuable for manure, it is said ss the whole seed. And yet this valuable fertilizer so rich in plant food and which can usu - ally be bought at 10 cents per bush el, is suffered to accumulate in gin houses generating heat and possibly setting many gin houses on fire, causing heavy losses to the planter as well as the giuner. In the loss of three gin houses by fire in Jackson county this fall, probably not less than 10,000 bushels of cotton seed were consumed—enough to have manured 400 acres of Ifind and to have produced 400 bushels of wheat. Composted with stable or lot manure in alternate layers cotton seed forms one of the very best and cheaps est fertilizer tbat'ean be used and needs no “brand" to indicate its val ue. APPLE VALLEY Is about half way between Jeffer son and //armony Grove, is being rapidly settled by substantial citizens, has no railroad and does not want any. A small tract ot thin land near the post-office and store of D M Nix & Bro., with only a cabin upon it that was bought five or six years ago for (300 lias just been sold for (750 or $13 per acre. Large congregations sometimes assemble at a small school house here for worship and we think it quite probable that a neat church will be erected here in the near iu ture. Mr Marshal Jairet and Miss Bell England both of Apple Valley, were married on the 27tb inst at the idence of the bride’s mother. Thomas, Richter & Co., dealers in Parlor, Bedroom, dining Boom and Office FURNITURE! SO Whitehall Street. ^ Agents ^for th* sale of the celebrated Furniture of Wrnmpeimeier Manufacturing IN GEORGIA ! A Literal and Absolute Fact. Special Bargains- too Drcasing Case Suits. complete (75 00 worth (100 00 “ 1* ‘‘, *‘ “ 60 00 worth 75 00 40 French Dreasing Case Snita, complete 55 00 worth 65 00 too 1-4 Marble Bnraau Suite S5 00 worth 65 00 100 Plain “ “ . 20 00 worth *5 00 25 Parlor Snitea—7 pieces J5 to worth 50 OO 20 “ “ Raw Silk 50 00 worth 76 00 J° «... — . * *11 colors 75 00 worth 100 00 100 Marble Tables.. 5 00 worth 7 50 5o Bed or folding lounges , ....I.... 12 60 worth 16 00 25 Hat racks . 7 50 worth 10 00 25 “ “ Marblo . 10 00 worth 15 00 10 Pier and Mantel Mirrors 45 00 worth 75 00 The handsomest line of Fine Chamber and Parlor Snitea, in the fin net fabrics, from CHAPMAN BEOS., No. SIS Jackson Street, Near Bell Tower. Au gusta, Ga., furnish and put up AU Kinds of r F . Otis Elevators. CHAPMAN BROS., No. SIB Jackson Street, Near Bell Tower, An gnats, Ga., eel' Delameter Steam Pumps. CHAPMAN BROS., No. SIB Jackson Street, Near Bell Tower, Au gusta, Ga., furnish and pnt np A11 Kinds of \ 1UCHIKEEV CHAPMAN BROS., No. S18 Jackson Street Near Bell Tower, Ao- gusta, Ga., Manufacture and sell GAM MACHINES. $100.00 TO VI8ITOR8 CORDIALLY INVITED TO WITNESS THE GRANDEST EXPOSITION OF FURNITURE In the south, and at prices beyond all competition. Don’t; be induced to bay until yon get my prices. 50 Elegant Wahairb Eeslss—Very Low. This advertisement is not copyrighted. Other dealers permitted, through courtesy, to copy it, even at quotations a shade lower. P. H. SNOOOK, dej6 Atlanta, Ga. Give motto. dec6 hats, hats, HATS I FROM McXUTT. McNutt, Ga., Dec. 3,1881. Hodges it Osborn on Watkinsville attest, have an auction house in con nection with their mammoth dry goods house. It is a long felt just supplied. Mr. Jon Cook has opened a first- class barroom on Monroe street. Mr. John Jones is erecting a neat dwelling on Lawrenceville street. The Epps Bro’a. on account of the increase of business are enlarging their store room*; they have secured the service* of Mr. Arthur Do-ilittle as salesman. We visited an old-fashioned corn- shucking at Mr. Olaybon Sims, on Tuesday night last. Only those who hnye attended such entertainments know the pleasure derived therefrom. Mr. Sima is one of those model farm ers. Mr. Joe Hodges is quite eick—hope to hear of him convalescing now. On last Wednesday eve at 3 o’clock Mrs. James Gann, neo Miss Anna Leaner departed this life. She was a kind wife and Christian lady. We extend our sympathy to the uniortn Date husband. C. B. D. Lorillakd, ot New York, offers (500 reward for the return of a lost poodle. That is probably more than the.average of salaries received by the ministers of the North Georgia Con fenence. It has been said with biting carcssm, that God's estimate of riches is shown by the kind of men aid whom be bestows them. Mbs. Weight, the widow of the late H Gregg Wright, of the Augus ta Chronicle, was married Thursday evening to Mr. John G Mobley, of ipolumbhi, 8.J&J A Hiccoughing Business. Sparta.Iabmaelite. Reconciling the sections over bask ets ol champagne is a hiccoughing bus iness, that is apt to be followed by headache, nausea, aud red-eyed for getfulness. It is a fruitless and wretched business. Where They Lost It. New Orleans Picayune. The actors who travel with two pa- want per collars and a gripsack are all say- mg that they lost their wardrobe at the bunting of the warehouse in Now York. — / Sturdy old Jere Black has given the North American Review a blow which, id time, may prove fatal. It was riohly deserved. R. B. Bullock and John Screven misrepresent Georgia in the tariff convention in Now York. Lost or mislaid in Athena on the 12th inst. a email leather puna with on* or two dollan In change In it, abo a certain promissory note on W. A- Bewail for two hundred dollars, pay able to J. R. Culbertson, dated April 1880, and due December let, 1880. All persona are ion. warned again*' trading for aaid note. Tula November Slat, 1881. J. B. CULBERTSON, dStwSt Kraatua, Banka Co, Ga. Notice! GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNT If Whereas, John Hope HaU applies to ms for let tan ofaduunistratioe on the estate of WUUau U Hull, late of aald county, deceased. These ere therolon to die sod admonish aU ' to show cauaa at my offlee an or before the Int Monday le January next, why said let- ten should not be granted. Given uodar my haod at offleo, this 7th day or November. MSI. eSA If. JACKSON, Ordinary nov2SwS0dprinfee S2.4S HOW TO GET IT! The Men and Women's* Mutual Relisf Fund Association, of Atlanta, Georgia. ANDREWS, HITCH & GO. DEALERS IN Ilf *i§f jfjk ■ w A JUk A H? AND Gents Furnishing Goods We have e large stock of Clothing in Business and. Dress Saits, OVERCOATS, ULSTERETTES, &c. Everything in th« way of First Glass Furnishing Goods. i us a call. Orders by mail promptly fillad. ‘First-clan Goods ut Low Prioea’ out E VANWINKLE. W. WALLACE BOYD. E. VAN WINKLE & CO. T*r-A.isro s\A.crr"crR..K.:His op Van Winkle Premium COTTON GIN, Feeders and Condensers, Circulars aw Mill s WITH SIMULTANEOUS LEVER HEAD BLOCKS, THE FAVORITE GIN, FOR LIGHT DRAFT, CHAPMAN & BRO., MS, STEAM S MW ENGINEERS, PLUMBERS And Pipe Fitters. No. 3 IS Jackson Street, Near Ball Tower, Augusta, Ga. Manufacture and sell , OHAPMAITS EUERKA GAS MACHINE Estimates furnished and contracts made for Lighting and Heating Residences, Stores, Factories and Small Towns or Villages. UNSURPASSED FOR Strength, Durability, Simplicity, —AND— SAFETY. Send for Catalogue and Prices. Or to C. O. MoKIE, Athens. Ga, Smooth Bunuer, CLEAN SEED aud GOOD SAMPLE LINT. Box 83, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Calhoun’s Female Bitters Sure, Effective and harmless remedy for all irregularfe of the Womb and Bowels. Dr.Calhoun's grandson, Mr. E. Williams -rftey will he found . sure hum]*, and specific remedy for young when afflicted vrith whSt iU hri™ Thay S. 1 *" 18 ?’ p " n - ,v ’ 8nd 08080 8 frcc otteulatioa of the blood, open those obstructions to which Virgins life and lirar b ?hfv nol n i°^ l ‘f^? r0P ^ ^ ll8n ? el: a 1 ™** healthy tone to the system, and converting the sickly, pale complexion into oue of . A* p t ? 0t rDed, «°®. bro are used extensively bv many pliysisians in their private practice; and by experience have f'-'troi^yever ^aoovared for Delayed Menatruotion, Palpitation ot the Heart, Giddiness, Fwna in the Stomach and Head, JjSSSi! A f tene9 and Neck, bunking of the Spirits, etc. They will bo :ound an invaluable aid to those females who are about to experience 8 °f, Ufe > *° Ff T0,,t disorder* which usually attend them at this time; by their immediate and specific action on the bowel* they carry off many humorous »uwtauoes whioa would otherwise enter the system and cause untold misery and danger to those so afflicted. 1 ™ For sale toy all dru^slsts. Price *750, $1.00 NOBLE C. WILLIAMS. Frop‘r» Atlanta, Ga. ANDREWS, HITCH & CO., 16 WHITEHALL ST.. ATLANTA, GA. J. A. CHRISTIAN HATTER. SUCCESSOR TO L* HE- Olarke.» N”o- 6 "WTaiteliall Street by courtesy and ^^nT^'«ur ^n^r“"‘'' novS4d£w J 4.Q8IB8gia» t OTOWall, Jt«—fa.. PARKER & CAMP BROS. ABB RECEIVING DAILY A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Fancy & Family Groceries, Canned Goods, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrup, And the Beat Maokerel in the city. Besides Groceries, we oall apodal attention to our Ur^,e stock of STIFLE SIT (OSDS, BOOTS, SHOES, MTS, CIGARS mi TOItCSG We have bought In large quantities, and can therefore offer uneaual induce meats to puroharen and. Ties. Remain ber we sell only at Rock Bottom Prioe*. Call and M> that wc mean what we aav. PARKER & CAMP BROS., apt* No. 12 Broad street, ATHENS, GA. HORSES —AND— The Qmt Specific for Neuralgia aud Headache. Fraou trank L Haralson, state Librarian. „ „ ATtanTS, Oa.. January 14,1180. Messrs. Hurcutsoit A Bxo.: I hart tested your MM neuralgia and headache. I recommend It to n anfiaring public. Yours truly, faun L. Habauou. , Atlanta, On-, Fob. 10,1672. Messrs. Hntehlaon A Bro.: 1 havo used your > Noanlsino ,, In totonl instances, and find it tha boat remedy for neuralgia and headache 1 have over tried. II relieves the pain, leaves none of those unplaaaint ettecladue To narcotics or other anodynes. I shall always hoop It in injr office W. S HOLMAN Will keep constantly on hands fine lot ol BROKE MULES and HORSES, which ho will soil aa low aa can bo afforded m this market. Examine my stock before buying elsewhere. Special rates given — J --’— THOMAS 81 novl5 18T.. ATHENS. GA. Clarke Sheriff Sale. made up by m iribution. The boat institution evmr organised to give young people a start in the world. Local agents wanted arervwhern. Write for blank applicationr. aud Constitution and By- Laws, tor agendas, address, M, F. AMOR OUS. Fol blank applications, address, W JU. STOCKTON, feeretiryJAtlauta, Ga. »°TlI|6} 117 ILL be sold before tha court bourn daer in the YV ettyof AtBbaa, Clarks county, Georgia, on ^SSa^ethiSnS'p^r.^* On* undivided half of Its hoadrad acraa at hud situated, lying and being tn Clarke sounty, Geor gia. and near WinterviUo en the Athena branch of tha Georgia nilnad, tha aaaaa being pant of the tract ef land on which Humphrey Pfiterd lived and died. Levied aa ee the property of R. T. Fittard to aatiify afifk from dark# superior court May term, Ittl. In favor of Ferdinand Phlnliy ulintuid, sad dead mads, filed and neord- Pllterd, Uneat in possession. This 2vth day ol November, lttl. J. |A. BROWNING. rlMWfJNlMf . Sboriff. C.C. For mle by ill Druggist. of Howard, Wood A < T. 6. HADAWAY, (Successor to R. H. Allcnd Harness, Daddies ■wnaipSpdko. IfYatock laliand-made, amlMefy competition HI from any quarter In quality, finish nadprice. Machine made Harness at law pices, if yon want J5"d Vgvm £«• by compytent IT HAS THE ONLY ERFECT SPARK ARRESTER mchN ORE & HUNTER, MANUFACTURER’S AGENTS, ATHENS, GA. TBS GREATEST Enterprise! 1 Of tlis Season X A Splendid Eating Saloon! LADIES & GENTLEMEN —AT— THRELKELD & JESTER'S This la an entorpriso long wished for. A moo plaoe for ladies and gentlemen to get the follow ing Luxuries when they come to Athens FRESH OYSTERS, Stewed, Fried or Broiled in five minutes; FRESH FISH, CHICKEN, BEEF STEAK, HAH, EUliS, Ac., ate. They have built nioe rooms and had them carpeted and splendidly furnished, and are now prepared to feed all the hungry. octlS Administrator’s Sale. P URSUANT to an order of the court of ordi nary of Clarke oounty, will be sold before the oonrt house door ot said county,on the first Tuesday iu December next, du< ing the legal hours of aale tbo following protierty to wit: One undivided halt lute rest in one tract of land in Jackson county containing 695 cres more or leas, and knowuas the mill place, whereoa John H. Colt lived at the time of hit death. Said plaoe his a good merchant mill, with the greatest abondauoc of wster at all seasons of the year. Also a very good saw mill with up and down saw, a good gin house, all run by water. The dwelling house and all the necessary out-buildings on tne place are in very good order. The lend is a good average lend, most of it in the woods, enougbgood open land ■on the place for a four or five horse crop, aud lice principally ou the water* of Sandy creek. The purchaser of this undivided iutercst can bay the other undivided half Interest at the same price end on the same terms that he buys the drat half. One tract or parcel of land In Madison coun ty, containing 96 acres, more or less. Said tract is all in the woods, lice wall, end is near or Lolniug the land. of .Bethaveu Presbyterian church. One house and lot in the city ofJAthcna on tha oomer of HiU and Franklin street*, contain ing two acres more or le**.Tbis lot is in axplen- did neighborhood, all neoeaeary out-buildings on the place with good well ol water.. The dwelling and all the ou .buildings are in very' good repair. One house and lot in the city of Athens con taining about one aero. This house is compara tively right new and i* known aa tha Tboa. K. Childers lot aud ia located in rear of th (Col lage campus. One lot ou Broad street, Athena, adjoining lot of Davy Gann, containing two acres more or la-a. This lot will bo divided iuto four lota. The first or lot No. 1 has a large workshop on it, the other lota are vat ant. Administrator’s Sale. Pa mu ant to an order of the court of ordinary of Cburke county, will be sold before the courc house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in toe* ceinber next, during the legal hoars of cule* the following property, to-wit: Seven tracts of land lying in the oonnty of Jack- son, all adjoining one another. Lot No. 1 containing 120 acres actual surrey. On this tract is about 40 acres of first-class rim hot- A, P. TRIPOD, SIGH, FRESCO end SOUSE FAXNIER, ATLANTA, O-A.. 13 SOUTH BROAD ST., DEALER IN- about 30 or 40 acres good river bottom land in^wxi several good mine tenant houses besides a good many log cribs mnd other out-honsos. Thu is the home tract. Fences in good order. Lot No. 3. contains 155 acres actual survey di vided e» follows: About 25 to SO acres rood river and creek bottom, about 60 to 70 seres of first-rate upland in cultivation, balance in old field pine and forest land. This place will have s good two room frame dwelling sold with it, also the old gin house. The creek bottom on this place is well set with bermuda grass and has been used us s pasture. Lot No. 4; contains 87 acres actual survey- This lot has about 15 to 20 acres of creek and braneh bottom, all well «et in bermuda grass, bala nce in old field pine and original forest. Lot No. 5, contains 200 seres actual survey, and Is known as the Hunter place. This place bus two good settlements on it, and is divided about aa fol lows : About 50 to 60 seres in splendid creek bot tom land on Creoked creek, in high state of culti vation. There is about 25 or SO seres of good up land in cultivation, the balance in first-elais orig inal forest. Lot No. 6, contains 116 seres actual survey. About 10 seres open and in high state of cultiva tion, balance in splendid original forest, with ex ception of a few acres which is in splendid old field pine. This lot fronts on the main rivet* road from Athens to Jetteraon and runs back to Crook ed creek. Let No. 7, contains 117 acres actual survey. This land is ail original forest and old field: fronts on river road and hiui back to Crooked creek. There is one two room log tenant house on this place; land lies well and is splendid land. Jflso h«re shares of the capital stock of the North Eastern Railroad Co. of Ga. Plat of above lands enn be seen at ray office. One house and lot in the city <tf Athens, known aa the “StovsU” house and lot, containing about one sere. The house has 12 good rooms and ia in 'very good order, with, all the neebssarv outbuild ings on tin lot, also a splendid well of water, feucea ail in good order, recently repaired. Also one vacant lot near Georgia railroad depot, originally owued by W. A. Carr. Said lot con tains shout one sere. All to be sc deceased, for Terms, hall cash and half twelve months, with note and bonds for titles, except as to the rsiilroad slock. Possession given January 1st, 1882. JOHN K. CRANE, Administrator, John kittle, dgrd. eastern Railroad of Georgia. Eleven ahsree of the capital stock of the South Western railroad of Georgia. ‘ _ All to be sold as the property of John H. Colt, deeeased, for benefit of his heirs and creditors. Terms hail caah, and hall 12 months with note end bond for titles, except as to the railroad stock. Possession given January- 1st 1883. JOHN K. CRANK, Adm’r.. John H. Colt* Pec'd. , GENUINE RUST PROOF Steed Wlieat! I HAVE to spare a few lioshels of Choice Boat Proof Seed Wheat which will yield more per acre 'ban any xnown vtfiaty, will workmra. (fill and aovMO not nut. and i* very heavy jrain. Price (8,00 perlmshet H ,8. UUGHE9. ^Athene, 6*. Clarke Sheriff Sale W ILL be sold before tho court boose door iu the city ot Athena, Clarks county,Ga., between the legal b >ufo of sale, on the first Tucad ty in Dt camber next, the following prop erty, to wit: ' Four aquare bales of cotton, No. 89, weight SSl; No. 40, weight 854; No. 42, weight 868; No. 48. weight not known. All levied on by virtue ol * fi ia from Clarke superior conrt,May term, 18S1, Alonso Powers vs. J. M. Weath erly and W. A. Weatherly, defendants. Levy mode and returned to me by J II. Willingham, deputised by me to make this aoeeial levy. J. A.BBOWN1NQ, SheriffC. C. nters fee (8.81. ( GEORGIA, ClteBH GOUJITT. Whereas, James E. Bl-gera, Administrator, de bonia non, with th* will annexed of Nathan Big ger,, deceased, applies to me for a discharge In.. •aid administration in term, of tho low. These are therefore to cite and admonish all cote censed, to show cause at my office on or before tha first Monday- In December next, why odd dla- charge should not be eranted. Given under my band at, offlee tthla 15th day o August, lttl. Au M. Jacxsox, Ordinary. Printer - * foe 81.85. Um-8nnr-oIfo INIsfcg Ittk < ?«vafeAA«) Window Glass, Artists Material, Etc. 1 ■MWIWIUUIIf ATHENS. GEA., Wh.ol esale and Retail Coalers Xn Iron, Nalls. Steel, Fairbanks’ Scale, Mill Findings, AGRICULTURAL IMPLIMENTS, HOLLOW W ARE, FEED CUTTERS, Circular! Hand and Cross Cut Saws, Corn SheUers. the celebrated • WEBSTER WAGONS, Watt Plows, Hor.e and Mu’e Shoes, Rubber and .. „ , Leather Beltings. Harness and Leather C otton* SISAL ROPES AND CORDAGE, SHOE FINDINGS, HARNESS ol ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ETC. aepfl-wit LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST Having just returned from the Eastern Market* with a (tall and extensive stock otL STAJPldE AND FAJSrcS*. DRY GOODS, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, SHAWLS, 1BLAEKBT8, ETC. I feel ooufldent*I can suit etuumem. I would call aepeetal attention tn my selection of T. Milot * 8on’ai superior ehoes for ladiee. Abo the veiy extensive assortment of Fancy Groceries juaa received, const Wing In pert ot peaches, tomatoes, strawberries, sagar-corn, string beans, Marrow- lat peas, Bartktt pears, pineapple, jellies, oysters, lob*tare, maooarou., ete. 1also keep on hsnd a large stock of Honiford’s Bread Preparation, the beat in oat, 200 cases bell potash, 1,000 sacks salt, 60,000 pounds bacon, sugar, coffee, syrup and kerosene oil by the oar I—* 1 J Coats'spool oc.tton iu’»oobineUand fancy boxes. Cigar* for the jobbing trade. A variety o- soeM,tauaie*,oraekera,mdto, axe*, ahovefo, epedea, buggy whip-, bridles, addle blanket., umbrellas, flour of *11 grades, oom and onrn mead, maokerel. flsli, bagging, ties, rope, wood ware and an extensive variety of other goods too tedious to mentiou. I amjetosing out my eeddleiy, crockery and clothing at coat, at I wish to gu ont or these lines. If to call and examine the mammoth stocks ot goods now arriving and 10 arrive, yen trill make a grave mistake. My motto ia low prioea and cash down. The best farmers understand how low prices and cash, down work to their in tercets and avail themselves of this, the only safis and oorreot plan of de*l- .offer th the people >iledt< ins. Remember also that I am he. dqaarten for the very best Gmuros. and Iwill __ _ a fhll supply for 1882. My Jobbing trade i* increasing so rapidly tint I have boon oumpel arrange my stock eoeordingly, «nd all order* trom m< rehanta shall have prompt attention. •i-n< ■jnarantecd with any city iu Georg'*. * s. Qo SOSES, sep20-vvm Athens, Utorgia,