Newspaper Page Text
On the firft Tuefday in January next ,
at the court-bcufe in Clark county,
within the ujual boars, the folio w
hr property,
-80 Acre* of Lmi, more or If Is,
Ln Clark county, on the waters of
Green Brier creek, gramtd to
W lliamfon, joining H< fter and
others, well improved, levi-d on as
the propertv of Samuel Stewart to
latisfy an execution in favor of
Henry Pearfor., Jun. 6c C.
One negro woi-nan and her three
children, Mllv, baft rand Hmry,
levied on as the property of Gib
riel H jbberc, decraled, to la’ sty
an execution in favor of Themis
144 Acres of lad in faid county*
mote or left, on the vraiers of R fte
creek, gran'rd to William ion, j nn
ing HufF and others, levied on as
the propertv of Jon.. Bcafley to
fatisfy an execution in favor of
jamts Johafon aga'nft faid Be. flry
and Natha lei Wiliiams, levied on
by j ofeph [ ones, conliablt, and re
turned to me.
One k hurl. , three cows &
calves, ten head of h g<, lev.ed on
as the property of John Mart.nciaie
to lar*sfv an execution in favor of
John Walton.
Twelve fplit b ttomed cha : rs,
fix pme tables, four bcn< He, two
g'id ir ns, or e pair of wt ffi irons,
©ut por, one Dutch oven, < . cof
fee mill, one ct ffec put, two tea
pots, one and zen k ivts ard fork ,
one doz'n fp- ons, one pine flab,
fiyit g pan, two wanes, four fLwer
barrels, one wafhirg tub, one pail*
one tray, one pigg n, one red cow
ard calf, one bUvk heifer, one fac
tub, one dozen cups ad faucers,
two earthen difhes, one loup Ipo m,
two old trunks, levied on as the
property of William H. Hutto
fatisfy an execution in favor of
Thomas Knaptn, furviving copart
355 1 2 Acres *.f land, more or
Ids, nfa and county, on the Aupa
lathee, grafted to Marburv, j. fl
ing Mihoi and others, it bn g the
tradl of land whereon Robert Fui
wood lives, lev ed on an the pro
perty of the aforefaid Fulwood to
fatisfy an execution in favor of Ja
cob Hinton, indorfer, for Abner
One negro man by the name of
Cha les, levied on as me property
of the Admm.ftracor of W burn
Bunton, deceafed, to fatisfy an exe
cution in favor of A. Borland.
al o,
325 Acres of land, in faid county,
more or left, on Shoal creek, grant
ed to Fmch, joining Ha) is and
Shf phrrd, a ftriali improvement,
levied on as the property of John
Ramey to fatisfy an tx.cuti n in
favor of John Lmlt c, .ga nft ja.d
Ramey &e Johuft'-n Suo^g— pv>inc
cd bUv by Uefen t >r.
50 Acres of laud, n*> >re or left,
in ia.d . ‘untv, on B e be. ‘s cret k,
j u ni g Z and ck C* k and o heio,
levied on as rhe p opertv o’ Da *. el
Craft to lat.sf an ex* unon in fa
vor of R sbert C ->nn r, u vied on by
J *nn Dickerlor, c * ftaok-, nd re
turned to me.
150 A res of laud in faid coun
ty, more or lefs, u being thepiaus
thars called the White Plains or
Cogburn's ra e pat&s, ac') ’n- 2
Thomas Lovi/ g and others, 1 vied
on as the pr pricy of Mofcs H.
Cgburn to fa i.sfy an exei ution in
favor cf Wili.arn a*.d Mar ware:
Browning—iev ed on by J aim
Di krrfu.i, <ol.(table, and returned
to me.
Conditions cafti.
John selman, stff.
December 6, 18 it.
On the Firjl TuejJay in January
next, at the Court Houje in jackfen
County, between the ujual smuts,
will hefold tbe folio wing property :
50 Acres or land on Parkes
errt *, a. join?, g Gi r cs, lev r j n
as the pr pertv of Vaientmc Gncs
by S.las Bia 1 ;ck, coaftabl-, b, vir
tue of two fi fs. f-orn i.ejuliiccs
a urt *• Ik inftance of luac L, nch
and J- fL Banne t.
One Sorrel ho. it* and one bay
mare and nine head or tattle, le vied
on as the property of J hn Biiiev
a; the iidtance of James Linal. —■
the property pointed out by the Gt-
30 A” res of lurui more or Iris, cn
the M hdic riVer, w tn a good
ad faw mill thereon, f.muiiy
krrwn bv th>- r.arne of jon dto/s
m l : s, joioirg 1 at., levied on as
as the properry of Georg- Kett ,
onrofthe defendants, ai the u.fiance
of Williaiu Hcniy
104 Acres of, be the fame
mie ir lef-j on the waters-A the
Middle river, granted co Porter,
jom i g M‘Cart), levied on as the
property of Edward Bohannon, one
or the defendants, at the inftance cf
William Ezell for the ufe of Wal
ton Harris.
200 Acres of land, be the fame
m re or left, on the north Oconte
river, g.anud to James Graves,
with excellent gr ft and law mills
thereon, formcily known as Boons
mdls, levied on as the propety of
Narhamcl L gg at tne infiancc of
Marun Bo^n.
Three head uf norfe creatures,
two black ad one grey, Icvud on
as the property of i nomas Lrgg at
tne infia .e of Rolf 1 Jones —the
property po.nted out by tne defen
Two lots in the town of Jefferfon
nuuio is 20 and 21, levied on as the
piopeicy t f William Wood by the
f*ilowi g fi. fas. viz—William
Jjnt*, Samuil Ward, B. U E. L.
Hairis, John Wrght for Simuel
Ga doer, Mathew HobfOi., Buck
ner Hams, B. Harris & Wiilon
M‘Kinncy, Dav.u Files, Wnham
Johnfon for the ule of Alexander
Bucchler, Ehpraim Patrick, John
Alien and James l ate, all which
fi. fas. a e vs. the before mentioned
W 11 am Wo and.
30 Acres -f laud and two thirds
of a gi ilt -Lid therein, on the Aq
pa a her, 3 leather beds and furni
ture, 3 fpi .n . g wheels, ©ne 1 file
g’ , 1 mll pe k, 1 hand law, one
u. ii , 1 orawr g k afe, 1 Imooth
n g *roa, I r>*’r if fteely aid-*, three
fi nup irons, 1 hur , 3 pots, one
ha, 5 in tups, 1 ct ff c msli, 1 cof
fev t Ira oaf *ns, 1 ink ltand, 2
pitcner*, 1 ora s canal, ftick, one
pe vter e. fh, feveral bOO ks, 1 keg,
1 iabi , 3 water pails, 3 cane bal
kvts, a r arr of cotton cards, 1 box
of IE ne tods, 5 fi'ftrg cha’rs, ore
frying pan, 1 grind ftone, 1 ferew
auger, tea kettle, 2 fodGrr fta ks,
5 barrels of corn, levied on a’ the
pi perty of Da id Giilrfpy at rhe
inftance of Abraham Miles fort* e
Lie of John H i—the above levy
made by Geoig** Penticofi, D. S.
227 Acres of land, be the fame
mere o lefs, on the waters of Wil
liam Ton's (rre k, j ini; g Wakcr,
levied on as the property cf John
W r ods ai the i. fiance John H o
lor—levied on by Archibald Nel
fon, cordlable, by a fi. fa. from a
jufiices court and returned to me.
November 29th, 18 11.
On the fir ft Tuefday in January next ,
at the Court Houje tn Clark
county, between the ujual hours, the
following proper ty :
220 a ~5 of land, in faid countr,
gear, ed to Melto ~ joining D -b
---buis and Figntj, 1 fi.g on the wa
ters of Rofe crenk, aid one negro
man, known by the name of Bob}
W-ed on as the pr operty of Lu y
Clark, to Tadsfv three executi nr,
one in favor of Stepheri Fhomas,
v. Lucy Clark and George W.
Moore, one in far ref James Pit
man, inderfee, vs. the fame, one in
favor of Har.ifon Jones, for the ufe
of Phimzv, Son and Shields, v*.
Lucv Clark and Samuel B. Hut
chinlon, rhe above property pointed
out by Lucy C ! ark,
One regro v. man, known by
the name of V, os } levied on as
the property of Benjam n T. ur
mond, to fatisfy an ex unon -n fa
vor of Pope and Bibb, f r the u;e
of Leroy Pope, pointed out by the
One negro man, named Frank }
levied on as the property of Tho
mas Moore, to fa sfy an execution
in fivor of John Smith, vs. George
W. Moore 61 Th< m** Moor,, the
negro pointed out by Thos. M-ore.
225 acres of land, more cr lefs,
lying on the Oconee river, j inirg
Wm. Strong, Sen. and ocher?, it
bring the plantation whereon Hen
ry M* ifet lives} levied on as the
property of laid Mc.fFer, to ffctisfy
an execution in favor of Charlc A.
Redd, vs. laid Moffet and Temple
Conditions Cafh,
December 2, 1811.
On the fir ft day of January next, at
the late reftdence of Mtcajah /W‘-
Gehee, deceafed, in Oglethorpe
county .
WILL commence the lale of the
eftate of faid deceafed, real and ptr
fonal, and contw uc from day to day
untfi the whole is fold, confuting
of land, negroes, ftock, corn, cot
ton, houlehold and k'tchen furni
ture, &c.—twelve months cicdit
will be given.
All perfens having demands a
gainft fa and eftate are rtqucftt and to
hand them in witnin tne time pre
feribed by law.
Thomai M'Gehee, ) ~ ,
a * Lx rs. 2;
Abner M‘Gehbe, j J
November 4, 18 1 1
At the Court-tic ufe in Jackfon county ,
on the fir ft ‘lucjde.y in February
next , the following trails of land
or as much thereof as will JaUsjy
the tax due they eon with cofts —
287 1 2 A; res of land, giawted
to kobtrt B oner, on the waters (if
Sandy creek, reposed to be in de
fault for the year 1810, the land of
the third quahtv , lo lav three free
holders— tax Gu 35 rems. ;
287 I-2 acres Li t. granted ro Ro
bert Haccher, on Sandy creek, re
ported to be in dtfiult ft r the year
18.0, the land of the third quality,
fo lay three freeholders—tax due
35 cents.
1150 Acres of land, grunted to
John Garret, cn the head of Little
Sandy cret k, reported to be in de
fault for the year 1805 U P t 0 H io\
iiulufive, the land of the third qua
lit v, lo fav three freeholders—‘tax
dm 15 dollars 8214 cents.
W. TiLLMaN, t. c. j. c,
Auguft 1, 1811.
Will he difpoftd of by the fubferiber v
r eliding in Clark couhty, the follow
ing property :
500 acres of land on Broad River
in Franklin county, z-. j Irung C 11-
ier and others, graated to Grant
T a lor—Alfo, 375 acres on Ihoal
creek, whereon Cape, Peter Waters
I'ved, well improved, good dweil
-1 g houfe and out houfes, good ap
ple and p? ach orchard—Alfo, 200
acres of land in Fnnklin county,
a joining lands of Mathew Arthur—
Abo, 80 acres, be the fame m re or
Isis, v/he eon I now live, beir.gtftc
place whereon Jamts C -x forms • y
It *< d—Alfu, 60 aerrs, ft rmerlv ;ii
pr pmy of cape. Zdchaiia i Butler
—Ab >, one tract :n the 15 h and ft.
of Wiikirdon, No. 222 —Ail , 3
Lie *ly negroes, five head of ver/
likely hoilts. cud heufeh dd and
kucnen furniture.—U th? ab’ ve
♦iefenbed property is not 1 .Id by
the 25th of Deccrauer at private
file it will be l*ld at public 01 the Saturday in March next.
September 27 1811.
EDUC it lON. I
THE Sub ft nbt r will open a
ar h s houle in h s county, on the
15th of January, 1812. The Ru
diments of the Lain, Greek and
Englifh Languages will bi* taught.
The School will be furnifhcd with
Maps fur the ufe of thofe who apply
tht mfelves to Geography—a Globe
will be obtained as foon as poffibie.
A few boarders can be accom
modated on reafonable terms.
Clark county, Nov. 22, 1811,
Agreeable to an order of the Inferior
Court , will be fold at the Court
Houje in Clark county, on the Jirft
Tuefday in February next, the fol
lowing trail of land, viz .
287 1-2 acres, in laid c®unty,
belonging to the eftate of Henry
Radford, dec. joining Peter Ran
dolph aod others—l o be fold for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors
of faid deed. Terms of fate will
be made k u.wn on the dav.
November 4, 1811.