Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, January 17, 1812, Image 3

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though. E cry article of the the atre was conform and ; as well as the I*l well fog houfe n* xt to it. But what is wealth in companion of the valu fb?e lives whit h g*>ne forever ! nr he whole town is (hroudf and in w ,e. jfrTads of famines extingufoed for ever—many and many the houfe, Sn which a chalm has been made fthat can never b ft led up.— We esnnor dwell on this pifture—Sot •book ar t,t catal of the viel ms aid then conceive the calamity I v liich has fail- o i >on us—wc tnufl 5 cfoop the pen —whe we have t>me Ito coll- Cl; a in or parti uUr act unt ■}'■ .• fh?.i! give u h area Err. Oh mi ner able mgh? of woe ! | [ f lift of ibe Dead and the Miffing rw.d hi given in our nextf\ ►1 . A By the arrival of the /hip IfaheUa, at avannab. from England, we are enabled to /late that American frs -of every defcripfion bad rijsn con • filer ably in value tit bat market— fbould this alter alien proceed from a tty other canfe than a profpelJ of war with tb'if eoun , ry i we may reafonably txptff fotne per martini advantage from fibe remit —U is agreeable , however, \to obferve, that both Cotton and Rice are on the rife, and on better demand than for tbefe fome weeks pad Av.fvjla Chronicle, SNOW STORM On Friday morning iaft about 5 o’clock, it commenced fvwmg, which con inued until about three in the afternoon, whr n it ccafed, and then cleared up— Fhe fnow mea fured on a level, fr@m twelve to (fifteen inches; acir urn dan eflarce ly ever known in G -org ab fore. ) Augufta Mirror. NEW B INK Notice is given in a New Twk pa - f i 'r, by lbeo Bailey Th. Buckley , J. F. Laurence and John t C '.bampllr, of their intention to apply a t the next fiffiion of the hcgijlature of that Hate, to incorporate them and their ajfociaies as aBANK ‘■ N G COM P-V\ Yun tier tbs name of “ Fhe P li ! e v, D - sand Company of the Bank td America,” with a capital of Six M lie ns of Dollars Ibis appears t be intended as a Jintfifing Jlroke to the re eftablifbment of the Bank of the U S in the Jiate of New York, under any form whatever. City Gazette. DIED, at hi. Plantation, in the county of Jatkfon, ori the 9 b inft. Major John Hanson, in the 24" h , year of h>s age —leaving a w,fe and two frmll cmldrer, together with a numerous Cffinr&inn, to lament the lofs of a htfband, father, rela tion and fr-end—all of which he r< ally was. mrpP 5 ~-r. > . pip>By tjjpw m msmsawbwkebvj/ •swMzwmm GEORGIA, By His Excellency David B. Mit chell Governor and Commander in Chief of the A* my and Navy of this State , iff of the Militia thereof: A PROCLAMATION. HF.REAS I have received information of a cruel and unpro voked murder having been com mitted, in or near the Town of Dubim, in the county ©f Laurens, n the fourteenth day of Augoft lad pad, on the b >dv of a man by the name efßerjanvn Harrifon, by a certain Hard*! C. Roberts, Isre of the county aforefaid. And where as it appears from fundry cl u tr.eats tranfmitted to th* Ex** urtve Department, that at a Sup* riar Courr held in the county cf Laurens /tforefaid, far Oftobfr term * g f e hundred ar.d eleven, an ind.ctment was preferred, and a true bill found, agafott the aforefafd II mfel Roberts for the* murdrr of the laid Benjamin Harr if n, and he the laid Hanfel Roberts, committed by th* Judge to the cuftody of the Sheriff, t> be conveyed ‘O the jal of Wafhi’ gton countv, there bewgnojatl in Lau rens county ; and after being fo C'-mmitct-d, he the faid Hanfel Ro berts broke cuftxly and made his el ape from the guard placed over hitn by the S;.er ff. Now in order that the fad Hanftl Roberts may be brought *0 jutti e, I have tho’t proper to Ifnc* ttvs my pro; lama ti heiebv ff ring a reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to any perlon or pc rib ns wno may apprehend and ftreure him toe fa:d Hanfel Roberts in any fifejal with in this State. Atl I do hereby charge a id require all offi ers, both and military, belonging to this S' ate, to be vigilant in afiifting to apprehend and (ecu * the atbrela and Hanft l Roberts, fo that he ma be dtalt with as the laws of this Sta;e require. Given under mv hand, and the Great Seal of the State, at the State H >ufe in MiUc evdic, this feventh day of January, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and t velv-r, and of ? he thir y-fixth year of tne Independence of the United States f Am? rica D B MITCHELL. By the Governor. a hammond, Secretary of State. {jfF The Editors of the Georgia Exprefs — dugufia C bronic/e — vhn - it or — Louifuille Courier , and Savan nah Evening Ledger , are requsfted to fublifif the foregoing . Proclamation twice, in their ref pc Hive papers , and forward their accounts to the Execu tive for payment. A Lift of D fault ers in Juckfin coun ty for the year 18 if. Cap:. John C. Smith's Dtjlriff. Picafant Turner, Far s Gar ner, Thomas H >us, J .hn C mo !, Joftph Smith, Qjiiler Hous, Bei jamin Camp, An .rew Park, Solo mon Brown; ILac Lav. Cdpt Sami. IVillingbam's Diflrift Peter Anglin, Snelton M*VV re, Will am Breynon, Royal Bate?, Na tha Lankford. Capt William Moore's Dili riff. Edward TayTr, Jcfii. Cor.ieli fon, Thomas Moore, John Wil fnn, Eldridg** B x ker, Ifaac Pace, John B-ford, Daniel Taylor, Ri chard Whearher, Thomas G imrs, Joleph Cox, jun. William Stapler, Simon Cardwell; John Williams, Hugh P >lk. Capt. James Collens’ Difiriff . J oleoh Sherlock, Jofeph Nor ma ; James Wilton, jun. W. M. Martin, Solomon Kellet, Robert Cafey. Capt. James Patton's Difiriff. Hukey Brown, J >hn Jones, }as Blackburn, Blackburn, Ambrofe Frat.klin; John Franklin, John Hampton, fenr. Alexander B rd, T >liver Shelton, Henry Wil fon, Andrew Sheppard, Andrew M iden, W.lliam Brown, Jofeph Th mpfon. Capt. Samuel Barnett's Difiriff . Pe e< Far m r fenr Peter Farmer Jun. Adam Wiliams, Ifaac B ewer, James Aiderfon, Dodfon Barnetc, Hambleton H dg'*. Capt Andrew Boyd's Difiriff. B. H*ys. Capt. John Rogers’ Difiriff. Jam s Rif , Cummcn Riley, J hnPirrick, W. M. Tno mpfon, Aaron V.< erv. Capt. EBjcb Alhom's Difiriff . J -un W, Jofeph Cain, Lin Hey Ei&ury, W. M. W%bfter, M.vk Waits, John Cafs, Samuel Hawkirs. Capt Samuel Boren's Difiriff. John D xoy , Ben jam ?n Bilanr, Old Mr. Glm rr, Z and. Nabicce, Th mas Stors, Liner, ‘Ths. Franklin, Chas. Wnit- Uck, James WhMo> k, W. M. Whi So, k, Deoipfy Hulfv, |i)l*-us Bares, W M. Gmdet, W. M, Duf fey. Old Mr. Ellirgrnn, Henry Watkins, Arc ibald York, J hn Saxton, John Shrwhorn, Dav and Burns, Jas; Deal, John Deal, John Lane, fenr. Samplon Culpepper, jun. Enoch Chapman, Vincent Hulfev. Capt Nebemiah Garri/on's Difiriff. Elias Gaiif William Steward, J. W. Jones, John Muikps, Brice Mercer, Elenrv B-ker, Mtnry V urk, D G. M‘Clufkc’y, Robert D? wma 1, W M. Caver, W. M Shaw, Clement Caverdrr, GarUn Hays, John Denton, Ths Board, George Davis, Edward Hawkins, John Henrirhk, Edirund Dxon. Capt. Jofeph Wharton's Difiriff. William Fhoma , W llitm F.tftntr, George Cox, W ILam B-rjamin M*Ciiffkev. Capt Benjamin Mayo's Difiriff. Gid. Bu kiifenu, n, Thomas Ro berts, j iepi Kereday, M rideth Par fins, George Mtyo, Thomas PhiliiDs, John Forten. Capt. William M*Nee's Difiriff. Alexander Hodge, B iky Chand ley. Capt. Wtlfon McKinney's Difiriff. J *nfs Edwards, R b rt C mine, Wm. Todd, WtlTam E> ai s, J .hn K. James, JAbram I’ gm <l. Capt Robert Montgomery's Difiriff. Curtis Greene, j hn Wad* -ren, James LangE"., Richad Vaneev, Johnß ‘yle, Edward Tin v r, B tc too Farron, V Pull, r, CT rncn Pa vf!, M trd ck Martin, Ja ob b ud der, WlTam Dcnficid, Peter Vic k v. Capt William Coats’ Difiriff. Junes, I homas M rrls, Abfalom Reed, Mofes Hut ft, Hen ry W todv, Levy Hays, Robert K II , Wdliam Howard, Wiliam L wellm, A a Ki;r, Peter Vainer. Capt. Daniel Gillafpey's Difiriff. Hofea Camp, Charles Wearher fnrd, Alexander Miller, Henry Bilhop, Jxmes Morris, Sarnl. C a ter, Moore Henley, Richard Booth, David Coker, JaErph Hsmbrick, Harmon Holt, Cnllev Carrer. Capt. Edward Williams’ Difiriff. Allen Blalock, Andrew Haiti, Solomon Bailey, Andrew Camp, Pulley Jones, Shadrack Humphris, David Hailes, Henry Coker, Th. Clark, Levy Smith, El.juh Lam bert, LHha Wiliams, Andrew Haflet, Andrew Cornelifon. Capt. Geo. Penticoft's Difiriff. Aufbn Fuifher, Benjamin Wal ker, John Jamicfon, John Marty, Samuel Ellifon, Samuri Cerbo, Th. Fiemratng, Wiliam Fuller, Britton Brtzeal, JdT Geo gc, C. C kcr, Richard Thurmond, James Martin. Haidiman Rooks, Th. Wsitc r. CORNELIUS M‘CAR 1 Y, a. t. x j c. Jan. 17, 1812. NO I ICE. NINE months afterdate, appli cation wiil be made co the honora ble the court of ordifiary of Oark county, for leave to fell leventy-fix and one half acres of land, lying in the laid county, on E)ilon’s creek, joining William Claik and others, far the benefit of the icirs an! cre ditors of Jones Broi’ h dec. CHARLES BRO \CH. Surviving Executor. b> January 6, 1812. CO I .LECTOR’S SALES. Oft the third Monday in March next % at the ccurt houfe in Clark, county > bet ween the ufit a l hours, WILL BE aOLD, the following property, or as much t her col, as will fatisfy the tax due for the year 1810. 120 acres cf tand <n Robinfoa’s cr k, n Clark rountv, returned b A hibald Htfter; tax due 62 1 2 ctn s. AL? O, 108 1-2 acres of land, in Clark cr-u'.ry, returned by Charles G. Bu g(f; ax du*’ 56 I 4 cents. AL O, 400 acres of land in Oglehorf County, returned by J. nnßiyd* tax due 1 dollar 31 1-4 cer.ts. ALSO, 21 acres, on Cull’s errrk, Clark cou tfy, returred by Edward Bond, tax due ©ee dollar 93 3-4, pointed out by faid B md, ALSO, One houfe and lot in Watkinf ville, returned ar.d pointed out by George W. Moore; tax due forty three dollars 24 cents. AL'O 69 i 2 acres of land, Clark coun ty, returned by J.uiics b. Rob.fon, tax due 62 1-2 cents. ALSO, 8 r ac.r.'s of land, Clark coimtv, returned by Haywood Harper, tax due 56 1 4 cents. ALSO, 202 1 -2 ac res of Lad in the 28th difb & of W Ikififon, No. 149, re turned by J >hn BLnkeafhip, tax dui 8114 ears. al o, 202 1 2 4 tc*L and, No. 284.. 9'k diftr <st \V llktnlou, returned b r In. Cook, lax due ona dollar 87 1 2. ALSO, 80 -ic r cs of land, n Shoal creek, in CN'k county, returned bv Tho mas Find lev, tax dr 93 3 4 cents. WM. JONEh, t.c.c c. January 6. NO I ICE, \ i. LLLperfon* indebted to the ef tate of MILLER FLEMING, or to the late firm of BLEDSOE & FLEMING, are, for the Lit time, rcqutfted to make immediate pavment. SEED COTTON, of the heft quality will be received at one dol lar & fiftv cents per hundred pounds at Mr. G-ieves’ and Mr. Rdberc Bledloe’s Gin Ploufes. Thofe not complying with this intimation before the fi ft nay of rhe ii'Xt month, may expert to find thtir notes in the hands of an officer for collection. Sctckmenta are made at the next houfe wtfl of Mr. Walcon’s, for merly occupied by Mr. Shem a Mann, or during the abfence of the fuOfcribcr, by Mr. John Grieves, For M. & J. Fleming , Adm'x iff Adm'r. JOHN M'ALLUM. Lexington , Oglethorpe county , January 9. 1 5 12. NO i ICE. INJiNE months after date appli cation will be made to the honorable the inferior court of Clark county, when letting for ordinary purpofes, for leave t-> fell all th real cfiace of G.bncl Hubert, dec. to be fo!4 for the bens fit of the heirs and ere dicars. ELIZABETH HUBERT, AdninUirairix. JAMES MERIWETHER, Ad.ainifiraior. January 17.