Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, January 24, 1812, Image 2

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colar’zes the twenty Jays d’ffruL ti*i he had encountered in hi* ope rations before S. guntum in render ing rhe b r each pa&icablf, du- g which'im g B ake had bee. j>* i ed bv ftooo troops under gen. iVla kv, and others, to rhe am unt of 2 3 s ooo f >ot and 3000 c valry. On the 24 h of 03. he fa 5, his corps took poft upon the heig ts, fuppor tieg its right by the Fa, fl nked by 9 \ Englifh fl e*, and its left on the file of Lvii. Oi the 25th at 8 o’ lock, fays Souchet my ta raLr. s were attacked and oblig'd ro give gio and—foon after 6000 men atra ked my right. I then deter mined to breakthrough the tremv’s centre, bwt I had lo mer qu tted a height, when 1000 horfe and 6000 /on cam* to the place. The bat tle fcon became general, both fHes alterna tly g ving bar k, the enemy defending ‘hemleives from rhe tops and windows of the he life* of Puzol F eld Marfhal Coro, Governor of VaU Almeia, from Ca diz arc w.*unded and made prill n err. Souchet appears to give a mi nute detail f the opperarions, and fr< m his a- count of the bravery of the Sj a ;fh n*op‘, it i* pn b&ble his own luffcred much moie than he ftates, having as he fa s, but 128 killed, includii.g 20 ffi vrSj and 56 vt unded, include g 40 of fi rrs, am ti g rhe laiter G nerfl Pa ris. T el Is f the enemy he flates, in kdieri, wounded and prifoners, to b 6500 men—and “ the refulc is, the v btory of Saguntum pu r s in the power of the Emperor 4639 pr.loners, of cers, 40 colonels, r r 1 tu r enant co lonels, 2 fv Id marfhals, 16 pieces of canno*, 3 rail ns, 35 cartouch boxes, 4200 Engl Ih midkers, and 4 pair iolurs. Sucheton the 17 h fends in to the governor of Sagtumum his terms for the capitulation tf the place, agreeable to the honors of war, which are accep and. From the owner of the (hip Au* rilla, we have received Cos k pa pers of the 16th ult, winch con tain the fallowing artu F : Sav. Ev Ledger. CORK, Nov. 6. The Regent. —lt is laid, and a certain degree of confidence is arached to the report, that his roy al h.ghnefs the Regent means, as (bon as the rtftriftiuns are removed by which he was fo indelicately and 10 unconftuutionally bound, to take Lords G ey, Holland, Lauderdale, and Landfduwne, imo Ids councils - o retain 1 >rd Wcfitfl*y as fi ft lord of the treafurv, to make Mr. Tierney his Chancellor of the Exchequer. Lord E fkne, it is laid, is to be Lord C nance Hot $ Mr. Sherridan is again to have the Du chy of Lancafter, vice Mr. Perci vak and to be made >he Navy pa/- mafter as before. The Admiralty is to be retained by Mr. York *, who is a favorite of the Royal Family, and it is rumored that L rd Hard wk ke is once more to ►fifome the Lord Lieutenancy of this country, wtn M r . Secrc a y Cos k. The resder will perceive bv chs arrange ment, the p werful (am iy of the Grenvilles is rurally excluded. From t v diana erritory. Vincennes, December 7. On M nda evenu g iait a depu tation nf two •hnfs fr m tht K ,~ka poo tr be of Ii ians, arrived iVi tins place with aU nred S atesfl g, and c:i Tu (day they h*da cou inence with the Governor, but nothing mattrial v-as fate; on Wedneida* they were j nned by five other chiefs of the fatne tr’be with a white fitgi on Tuefdav they hadafecond ta k: with the Governor, a: which they expr? fifed an anxious defire for peace with the United States ; the governor, in anlwer to them, in formed rhem tkat as a proof of the fi cer tv or th* lr prof fli -ns, he ex pelled they would drive the Pro phet from their country— hax whilft they continue! to cherfh a mong them a man in open hoftilk es with the United Stares, their pro fdfi of peace would at ieaft wear a queftonable ihape, and that the next time he heard from thrm he exptfted to hear that ‘hey had o*l ifned him from the Wabifh —they faid they could not antwer h cn that evening, but would the next day at twelve o’clock. O i the afternoon of yefterdav the chiefs delivered their antwer in which they informed the governor', they would as far as in their power comply with his rcquf.ft; they would go themselves co lome of the tribes, and lend nia lpeech to the 0- thers, hoped foon to give him a favorable anlwer- they will hav# another conferrence to day. The Prophet is at this time at a vll ge ab< ut e ghc cr ten m.les a bovt his own vflings but a number of tr bes Have abandoned him and others it is believed w 11. fVeJietn Sun. More Smuglirg —A few da's two w*gg n loads or matrajjfes were traced the lurthwatu m Albany, and It zed, by an old fox hunter, in the tavern ya r d, whe the inlertion of a pen k ife into the btd9 dilcevered their ftuffi: g t*> cor.fift: of fl innels, cambric mufllina and cafimers. The prrfcns who ha i them in p fif flion mak ng no claim to ihern, the ingenious up hclft“r who manufactured the m ?s not known, and the manafl s a*c Brought, down to this city tor the legal at judication. We fufpe& that “the w rthiv ft portion of our communi:y” are fo ad r it in the honorable a t of fimng gli g, ha iz b h.jve our citizens to exer de as much vigilance ac ; d in g nuicy as a e r qu fire in <s the mo ther country** to foppert the laws at and g ‘v?r r 'ir\ent. —Columbian GEORGIA EXPKEbb. A THE NS, NullßT 24“ ■■i 1 1 —um- ~r-r.:-sr- zxzzs;’,~sii —r,; umwi, IVE are forty that we cannot, in this day's Expre/s, prefent ear readers with the eloquent, but laconic Jpeech of our refpetted Rep r efenialive , col . Troup, on the Jecond rejolution re ported by the committee of Foreign re lations J. /bail appear in our next Several articles intended for this day's paper are omitted—Editorial notices of the doings of fome the Tory preffes are alfo omitted , for the want oj room. On the pajfage of the bill for raif ing an additional military force, the yeas were 94 —nays 34. Meffrs. Bibb , ‘ Troup and Hell voted in the affirmative . Jack Randolph , with his ufual confikency , voted againfl de fending cur rights. About half pafl 8 o'clock, y eft er day morning, a flight fbockof an Earth quake was felt m this place and its vtantty. The bill for raifing an additional military force of 25,000 men , yefter d.iy ( 6 :h mil ) pajftd its third read tug in the Houfe of Repnfsntativss by a majority of SVXTT votes. Some amendments have been mads by the Houfe which require the concurrence of the Senate j and the bill has yet to receive the Executive approbation be fore it becomes ala :v But, as the Rill originated in the Senate, if is not probable that tnuih eppoji ion will be male m that body to t'-e flight attend meats by the Houfe-, nor, as the bill ryes far to put the nation into tb v ar mour and attitude recommended by the P reft dent in bis m [figs at the e of the feffton , ts it at all pro bsTiethat his ftgnaturs w f ll be with held, So that xsje moy co ftder the bill as having become a law. The p iff age of this bill it is expec ted, will diffipate the cloud of mfre p” fen tat ion which has overfhadowsd th- 3 proceedings of Congrg.fs, Suf picion andjealoufy eta nc longer afj'ecl to belieue that congrefs is not n ear.n ---(L After agreeing to raife 25,000 additional troops, there cannot remain a doubt of their employ men* in WAR as fton as they can be organized for fervice-, unlefs a very material change fhould take place in the flute cf cur Foreign Relations, Uis, we believe, the fentiment of the net that a- c ft.n ought now to char a Air fe the me a fare ot our gov ernment Having from a love o 3 pmee, and an indifpotion to engage in Euro pean war-are been for five ears vad reluflantly content with meafures of commercial rsftr iHhojr, and now, per ceiving that forbearance and remon- Jlrance have failed to procure a ref pecl tor #ur rights; the People, their fpirit routed by the indignities they ha >e witmjf and, loudly call for mem fures of a ts onver Con grgfs afting under the ‘impulfe of pub lic fentiwent and feeling, and the re commendation of the Executive, have adopted oeu meafure, and others are in for v ndnejs, which, under prefent cVcumdan \es, can only be jusifted by a dete-nation to employ the force In du f • f>n, in open, affivc war. In this ajpeA we view the meafure, and under this mprejfirn announce it to our readers as the ft-ft iV <iii MEA SURE. As to ulterior meafures there is every ref on to believe they will immediately engage the attention sf cyngrefs j -who, having, in our view, pa Jed the Ru bicon, will fee the necejftly cf pro ceeding in their ccurfe with energy and difpatch. ‘The fivord being drawn the fcabbard muft be thrown afids — For congrefs to refufe to fellow up this ftep by the adoption of the necef fary defenftve cr preparatory meafures w*uld ke to meafure back the ground they have trod, and could only lead to humiliating defeat or degradation in the eyes of the world. —Nat. Intel. Extrabf of a letter from a member of Congrefs from this flute, to a gen tleman in this city. ” The determination of Congrefs is fixed to have the lights nf the nation acknowledged and refpe&ed, “ Peaeibly if they can, forcibly if they muft.”— I So foon ss ene com petent means are provided, war w ill urqufftiorab], be declared, unlefs tfec orders in council arc revoked in the mean tim?. The reft i&mns impofedupon the R gent will ceafe in February, and if a change of meafures in relation to this country lhould not then take place, ail hope or adjuftment will beat an end.” Aughtfta Chonicle. In the London Morning Cronicle, of the yth of November , we find the following judicious remarks ref pert ing the Orders in Council, which, we are aflonifhed , do not force con viction upon every mind. ” R*peai thofe Oiders in Coun cil, fo much complained of by A merica j unlefs this be done, the manufacturer cannot find a Sale for his goods on hand j cculd the plant? r fI! I r s prccufp, even if it v tre j tin rtr, ss lc;rg ss the r.< t. n porta? n sfl c fr! t U r ted Siaus Is in *0 cr. IT*] r ? < Or ders ir Council, a- o n't N im pcrta.'Kn A3 i at orce nmova ; the b*ft and m ft rx t. fi t market we have w< ult’ irr mtciatch t ri pen to us. It is the t uly cerraia market we have. Mu h might be fa and f the unp'rranre . fa g-od un des ftandmg with th U ittd Starts, pa’ kula lv n w. Th* v threaten u 9 wirh an embirg >, ifeur Orders in C unci! a r not rep^aied—cm ar te s rui the Peccnluia would feel it fcvrreiy. fi Our g ‘ v.rrment lr guided by a narrow, Eifiih policy—they thick America w -uld profper in the cn of a free trade to France, * trade we cannot par.ak-of—that $. very doubtful. The American mer chant has not fmgrven the lois nr has fuflaintd bv Bur.aparte’s fei*- ures and hr wu uld be very cautious ab u r adlvcnturirg to France, bc caule the very cin umftance of that trade being permitted, by the re peal of cur Orders in Council* would induce the Tyra t to fei* A nerican property. Banapartc wants to fv'cc America into a war wirh Great Bri-'ain, the moment he finds tnat inapraclu able, he will Riike war on fur hm T If. Thij government cculd n t adopt a mea lu?e that would fo much dera ge the extfti. g n be ween A m ri a and France, as he repeal of her Orders in C ,urc fl. She cr uld not take a ft p that would be fa likely to give rew life to our W - ft- Id a in-r? bants, planters and man uii,3urers.” The tr a! of Goif ra! W’lkfnfon ha clofed in Frederi k*own, the fen ence is not yet known but from the foil .wing it is believed he will be honorably aivqijitred. His perl-outers, muft of couTe be mo,’ fi and a? the difappoint ment ;n thtir iniquitous plans. Mirror Alexandria, Dec. 30. The Court Martial of F eder icktown have decided on rhe cafe of Gen. Wukmfon & adjourned.— The members being fworn not to divulge the feritence, of ccurfe ic cannot be known till the Prefidmc of the Uttitfc’ S ates decides. But it is prefumed he is acquitted, as af ter the fenrence was made out and the court adjourned, every member waited on him, whu h they ct uld not cor fiftantly have done had they found him gu : !ty of a fTgle charge. This wes the fi ft rime of their waiting on him fince the am ft. James Barbour , E q of O'Tange, V-rg'n'a, has been defied Governor of that State, to fill the vacancy oc eafioned bv the death of Mr. Smith, who per fhed in the l2* conflagra tion in Richmond.— lbid. The following are the names of the un fortunate perfons whs left their lives tn the late conflagration at Rich mond : JEFFERSON WARD. George W. Smith, Governor of the ftate, Sophia Trouin, Cecilia Trouin, daughters of Mr. Trouin, Jofeph Jacobs, Elizabeth Jacobs, his daughter, Adeline Baufman, a daughter cf Mr3. Baufman, Ann Cra'g, daughter of Mrs. Adam Craig, —— Nuttal, a carpenter, C-priar. Mirks, wife of Mordecai Marks, Charlotre Raphael, daugh ter of Sol man. Raphael, Pleafanr, a mulatto woman, Nan y Patterft n, woman of (uppeied to have per: And.