Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, January 24, 1812, Image 3

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WARD. Ah a m B Venable, Prefident of it Biuk, Wm. Southgate, fon I of W gr, Benjamin B ‘ft* & wife, A-’ama Hunter, Marv Wn;tl <k, Juliana Harvev, Mrs n, Mrs. G* /Hi and child, M s. R. G eco ho v, M r s. Mb, Bi racn Jua’s child, Mrs. I ii , Edward Wan ton, a y ? r! , Ge g Dix n, do. Wn. Brow i, Mrs. Pa terion, John -1 id, Ma g3 et Ancleiln, &iliy Gue.v'-jrn , M C.av, Lucy Gawta in?', L H i* Ma o, Mis. Gcaid, jVIn. G b( t>, M is Green, Mary Dav s. In mas Frrfi r, a youth, f r Wade, Mrs. Wrn. Ci k and nughte , Elza Stevenlen, Mrs. }) . vrr- and child, Pa fry G ffi. , E-mov Guff, a w manui coi -r, Bci -1 <f, J hofo , a bee womaa, de l phia, rr ft? g MONROE WARD Mrs. Tayl r Brax.oc, M s Eli -3c Serf. P g*-, Mrsjerod, W-l dou, Mls Elliott, M-s. Galicg-i, Mis Can vers, Lieut. lames Gb hft , Mrs. Thomas Wi'ifon, Mils Ma a Neifn, M is Mary Page, Mrs Latin*ft ffty a In addition to the above, we have by lajt mail, received the fol lowing : Aijs Elvira Courts, Mrs Par ker, Mifs lit tie page, “lean B p'ifle Foziey / hrmas Lecroix, Robert F err ill, a mulatto boy, Edwin James Harvte M Ha* vie died in con,fe quence of tht tnju yhe received his efforts to Java bis unfortunate Juter from the flames ! fe PROP OS A L s“~ pox PubUJhing, by /übfcnptior in the town of Louijviile ( leorgiaJ a News Paper, to be entitled The AMtRiGAM Standa s>. Alalo per iculofam Liaenatem, qu m quietam fervitutan. The w rK w ii ov pu ji fh and eve ry Thurfda , upon pap rot ala ge fize and fuperi r qual ty. It w*ft be delivered to fubfiri bers, n fidi g in town on thr day of on, ad r gularly and pane tu liy far ja ded co nin rtfi.ien.s, by t e fi it j p rtunity . The itrns will be regulated by the eftabl fil'd L )ui! vilic ra e, >f T tree D lUr* per annum, pi, able at the exp ration of fix months from the c mme i ement or the pubhea tK> ; and A ua 11 y ther< after. Advertisements will be thank ful receive-?, a,d duly pubhlhet 1 , at the ufuai Leu fv illc Prices. i > Profpeftive Addrefs . The vaft importance of a tko r o’ knowledge of the events upon which •ur civ 1 and rel gu us liberties de pend, is a k o ie g and by eve^y IRIEND >’ FREEDOM and IN DEPEN DENCE. It is denied by aone Even the m ft remd's and carekfs among us atteft, in words, the mag nitude of this momentous irutn, al though their example mav not con cur in fupport of the giand petition to they fo v< iuntarilv iub feribe th-lr mental belief. D ts oot rrafon then declare, at this eventful period, when every bofom beats with anxiety and concern, & when public exp* Nation is o the pinn >le of elevation, that correal information will be and r ad with redoubled eagerncls a id atten tion ? Do s fh: not aver, at the prefeat j jr.dure, wen iearr ing, ignorance, wifdona and folly, a c ah ei.lift-d oo the file of misfia-ement and mifrepreitntatien i that the voice of truth w h h at in he ear* ef every houeii enquirei, uaclodi- ous as the found of an apona:hing guide to the weary traveller, be nighted, loft and bew Uered in all the mazts of u..travelled perplex - ity ? Undir fuch aofpices the Stan dard it* .veer* and, in a firm and lafti g al ia ce with truth, hat nrvrr*: it vows a facred r gar 1 o private which fh all not be violated, Tnc Standard o rver, will not re lmqo !h i“ no >l. g privileges of de:e mi.led F e men. If wid ex amine with be com . g impartial ty, the public conduct :>t men in e fii e —•arid b idly dive into the caufi-t g( political evils, as the only faiuta ry method of applying an rff flual rem-dv to the “ear of the and fordcr. Studiou lr avoiding the inad nefs ot • xtravagaut ex efs, The Standard wdl nor emit under the of uni verbal denuncia tion j wor fh ill t c moft powerful cna m uf Ldtious m-gic indu e a fubicrip ion of political faith to the creed of party Infallibility. In addition to the purity of fim gle trufh, whi:h, o f lace, fee ms to have defer ted rh* 1 thr* province A leaers, rhe Standard will endea vor to rn ngl • ent uimne it in the cup of udi n, f as ,r> rea der thedraog tc uf uaiity pleafant, a?d agr-rabie ro the raite of the m ft areleis anb i iartentive reader. The < wi| t mpr fe the stupor a t poir: al occurren •ifi sand dif ufii ms, or g oal and leledt a, on a 1 ma ot a pub It nature, deemed *nie’ ft rg tu <he friends and of ;he eftab) (h m* nr In fin, a neat fum ury rf he news of the preiedi.-g week, with occufi nal details of im mrtant. e vents abr al, and at horn'*, h g'fli t'v^, j i u a’ and executive— om mtrcial, mm’ ary aid m fcellaieou?, Ibad be arranged in ea h Number, fu a* to preft mt as perfect and cx tenfive an ou line rA arftion as the li mits of met Paper w ! l admit. AMBROSE WRIGHT, DAVID CLARKE. c r 26, 1811 A Liy of D fan ttrj in Jtukfen coun ty, for the year i3 11. Capt. John C. Smith's DiJlriEl. Pi Turn r, Fracas Gar ner, Thomas H us, JahnCambd, Jof ph Smith, Qjiller Hous, Ben jami ! Camp, A iJrcw Park, Solo min B owuj liaac Lav. Capt Sami. Willingham's DiflriU. P ter A g’in, Shelton M c W ; re, Wll an Brtynon, Royal Bate*, Na ti:a Lankford. Capt. William Moore's Dijlrift. Edward Tavbr, JdTe Corneli fon, Thomas Moore, John Wil fon, Eldridg* B) ker, Ifaac Pace, J hn B ford, Daniel Taylor, Ri chard W learner, Thomas Grim*'!, Jolrph Co*, jin. W.lltam Stapler, Simon Cardwtfj John Williams, Hugh P Me. Capt. James Cullens’ Dijtrift. J feph Sherlock, Jofeph Nor ma i James Wilfm, jun. W. M. Mara ~ ooiomjni Kelkt, Robert Caiey. Capt James Patton's Dijlrifl. Hukev B r iwn, J ihn Jones, Jas. BU koum, Ambrofe Blackburn, A.narolc Fa klin; John Franklin, Inn Harnp on, lenr. Alexander B rd, loh ver Shelton, Henry Wil ! A Id v Sheppard, Andrew M < icn, W Brown, Jofeph Capt. Samuel Barnett's Diflridt. Pee, Farmer lenr. P-tcr Farmer Jnn. Adam Williams, liaac B ewer, J-invs Aidrrfon, Did fon Barnett, Hambletun H r 'd<z ( *. Capt Andrew Boyd's Difirifi. B. Hu vs. Capt John Rogers’ Did rift. Jam s Riky, Cummen Rlf‘, J hn P .trick, W. M. Thompfon, V t rv. C apt Elijah Allcom's Difirift. Jon - W. Ma fi 10, J feph Cain, Linfr Ejbury, VI M. Webftrr, Mi k Walt., John Cals, Samuel Huwkits. Capt Samuel Boren's Didrift. John Dx.'n, B ia n b ianr, Old Mr. GTmore, Z and. Nabrcie, John S.nrs, Th Stars, James Liner, I'hs. Fianklin, ChM. Wlnt- Fik, James Whitlock, W. M. Whilork, D tply Hulfv, Julius Bares, W. M G-udet, W. M Duf- Ty, Old Mr. Eli g- n, H- s.iv Waikirs, Archibald Ymk, J ihn Saxton, John Shew r , D-v and Burps, |as Deal, Johp Dal, John Lane, ftnr. Sartiplon Cu ! *nptr, jun. Enoch Cb*ptuan, Vincent Capt Nehemiah Gatrtfon's Dijlrift. Elias Gin f William Sttwar<i, J, W. J res, John Mullens, Brer Mercer, Henry B k-r, H nry V utk, D G M‘Cbfkr\, Robert Dew man, W, M. Cave*, W. M. Shaw, Clement Cavtrdrr, Garten Ha s, John Dentrn, Tbs Bra and, Davih, 7. ward H wkin*, J on Hlendrirk, Ed.*, und D X"a. Capt Jofeph Wharton's Diihift. WM am I homa , W Ram Fa rner, Gr > ge Cox, W ll am Snodgrais. Beijatnin M'Ciifkev Capt. Benjamin Mayo's Di lrift. Gtd. liuvkha .on, Thomas Ro berts, { Rph Keneda , Mrndeth George Mayo, Thoniai Phili ips, John Forten. Capt . William M < Nee's Dijlrift. Alexander Hodg , Btlty Cnar.d ley. Capt. Wilfen M Kinney's Difirift. June* Edwards, R o n Cos mr, Win. Todd, Will am Eva s, j hn K. Jam*’*, jAbram T gin ud. Capt. Robert Montgomery's Dtflrift. Curtis Gitene, j n.i Walworth, James Langlev, Riciiad Vancey, John a >yle, Edward Turner, Brit ton Fdtron, V. Puller, Clement Pa vM, M irdock Martin, S ud der, William Dertfidd, Peter Vic kery. Capt William Coats’ Difiri ft. David Jones, Thomas M rris, Abfaiom R j ed, Moles liurft, H ci ty Woody, Levy Hays, Robert Kelly, William Howard, William Lewellin, A’a Kinr, Peter Vcn^r. Capt. Daniel Qtllafpey's D iff rift. Hofca Camp, Charles Wearher ford, Alexander Miler, Henry Bifhop, James Morns, Sami. C a ter, Moore Henley, Richard Bojth, David Coker, J *f<rph Hambrick, Harmon Holt, C* iley Carter. Capt . Edward Williams’ Dijlrift . Allen Bla lock, Andrew Hailes, Solomon Ba ler, Andrew Camp, P lley Jones, Shadrack Humpnns, David Hailes, Henry Coker, Th. Ciaik, Levy Smith, Elj*h Lam bert, Eli&ia W iitains, A.idrew H*fle% Andrew Corneld^n. Capt, Geo. Penticojl's Dijlrift Auftm Fuilhe/, B njam.n Wal ker, John Jamie for., John Marty, Samuel Eilifon, Sam ot* Cerb , To. Flemming, Wiliam Fuller, Braun Br2zcal, jiff. Geo g**, C. C k r, Richard Thurmond, jima Mar cm. Hardiman Rouks, Tn. Waikcr. CORNELIUS M‘CAR i Y, a. t. a ;• •. Jaa, 17, 181 a. EXECUTOR’S 9 ALE. On Satur day the 29 ‘b day of Febru ary next., WILL BE SOLD, at the bouje of the Sub/criber, in A thtns, all the perjonal property of ft illiam Finch, year. dec. confjl ing *f CARPENTER’S TOOLS, &c. . Notes, payable the ? 5/h of Decem ber next, will be demanded. (ffff All ptrf ns in* rb te> faid eftate are rrqiivfted tu makr* pay ment to the fuoft riber, a*'d thole to whf>m the rftae s indebted; will pleaf- p r rf nt tfeir account*, itithid the time alluwrd bv law. J.D. COLE, Ex'r. Jan. 24. COI LECTOR’S SAi ES. On the third Monday in March next, at the court houfe in Clark county, bet ween th: ujual hours, W LL BE SOLD, the following p ; opertx , or as much thereof, as will fatisfy the lax due tor the year 1 10. I2ouns*:f land n Rob : nfoq’ cr k, >n Clark ountv, mui bv A f'bald H ftrrj tax due I 2 er. S. ALvO, icß 1-2 arrt s c f land, in Cla'L r ui.ty, returned bv Charles G. Bu grj ux du * 56 1 4 cents. AL O, AOO acre* of land in Ogle thorp© ecu.ifv , returned by John Boyd 5 tax due 1 dollar 31 1-4 cents. also, 21 acres, on Call’s ‘'reek, Clark couu.ry, refurnfd by Edward B *tid„ tax dur ore dnllfr 93 34, pointed cut by laid B rid. ALW, One hr life and lit in Wa krnf v*l|., retuffird pointed cut by Gecug’ W. M ore; tax due forty three (ioLais 24 c<* <s. AL'O 69 I 2 acre* or land, Clark coun ty, t’ urr.ed b- ; James b. Robdun, tax due 62 i-2 ce rs. also, 81 acre* of land, Clark county, returned hy Haywood Harper, tax due 56 1 4 cents. ALSO, j h 202 1-2 acres of land in the 28'h ddlr 6t of WdkinEn, No. 149, re turned by J >hn B tax due 81 1-4 cents. ALSO, , 202 1-2 acres land, No. 284, 9 k diftrift W liktnfon, returned by Tit. Cook, tax due ona dollar 87 1-2. ALSO, 8o acres of land, on Shoal creek, in Clark county, returned by Tho mas Findlev, tax due 93 3-4 cents. WM. JONES, t.c c c. January 6 NOTICE. Nine months after date, application will be made to the honorable the infe rior court of Clark county for leave to Jell part of the real effate of Beattie M'-Kigmy , deceafed, viz: Eight hundred acres of fine land, lying In Montgomery county , on the waters of the big Obo'-pie, iff Rentfroe's creek . One hundred acres in Wnjhwgton ecun'y near the big Ohoepie. One thoufaad acres in Jackfon county, on the waters of Broad river 202 i 2 acres in the loth dijlrift of Wilkin] jn county, on the waters of Limeftcne creek 202 I 2 acres in ths jlbdif t ift of Wilkin/on county. 232 1 2 acres in the 21ft diHrift of H ilkixfon, now lwings county 202 1-2 acres to the 9 tb diflrift of Wilkinfon county. To be fid ■or the benefit of the heirs g er editor s of J aid deceafed. SAMUEL BROWN, at or. Qftobcr 3, 1811.