Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, January 31, 1812, Image 1

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Vol. IV.) ATHENS, geoxoia: puslishsd by M'DONNELL Cf GAINES. EXECUTOR'S S fLE. Agreeable ta an ord> r o+ the fa*.trior Courts will be fold at the Court H uie in Clark county . on the for!} Tnfday in February next, the fol io ring trail of land , viz - 287 i 2 acn-s, in laid cminty, * b ‘‘ gmg to the rftatr’ of Henry || i idford, dec. j >ini g Peter Ran \liolph ad others—To be ibid for i the b-nt fr of the Heirs and creditors |pf fa id deed. Terms of faie will •T>£ made kvown on the day. |; JULIANA R ADFORD, Executrix. REUBEN RADFORD, JOHN H HANSON, Executors , • f r *vemker 4, 18 11 COLLECTOR’S SALE. (WILL HE SOLD At the Ceu t toufo in Jackfon county , on the for/t ‘Tuejday in February next the fellow mg tracts of land or as much thereof as will fatisfy the tax due thereon with cojis— -287 1£ A rcb of la-ci, gamed to Robert Bm.ner, on ih? voters ttf sandy cretk, reported co hr in de fault for the year 1810, the lar.d of the third quality, io (ay three free* jflrlders—tax due 35 cents, j 287 1 2 acres land gran ed to Ro c Ha her, on Sa dy creek, re j .ported to be in default f r the y ear hr land of the third quality, f in three freeholders—lax due 35 crvt *- 1150 Acres of land, granted to John Gatr-r, on the head ui Litde Bandy reek, imported to be in de fault for the year 1805 up to ilio inclufi e, the la *d of the third qua lit., fo li> three freeholders—tax due 15 dollars 8214 rn‘S. W. TILLMaN, t. c. j. c. Augufl 1, 18 11. NOTICE. ; A I / illnerf>ns indebted to the ef face if MILLER FLEMING, dee. t > to ate firm of BLEDSOE ‘pc FLEMING, at , Hr the tail tune, r* queltcd to make immediate J SEED COTTON, ofthebtft Ijualrv will be received at one doi ai 3c fifty cents per hundred pounds it Mr. G ieves’ and Mr. Ltdlne’s Gm H ufes. J Th>le not complying with this infimarion before the fi it day of rhe lihxc month, may expert t* find their notes 10 tne hands of an officer for colh <stion. J ( Settlements are made at the next houfe wtft of Mr. Wairon’s, for * mcrly occupied by Mr. Sncma L jMar n, or during the ablence of the fubferiber, by Mr. John Grieves. For M & J. Fleming, Adm'x lift Adm’r. JOHN M‘ALLUiM. Lexington, Oglethorpe county, January 9, 1812. *Ni” 1 1 A FEW COPIES Of the Firfo Part of the Life of Major lneral jamis jacks n For Sale at uia Office. GEORGIA EXPRESS. “MAXr SMALL Blf H TO AK FRO, AN RKJWLIDOE SMALL It INCRSASIM.” PROPOSALS FOR Publifhhig by jubfc'iption in the town of Louifville ( Georgia J a News Paper, to be entitled The Amerigan standard. Main per icuUJam Libertatem, quam quietam fervitutem. The w *rl< w.|S be publ fh and eve ry T wftiav, upon paper cf a ia'ge fize and iuperior quality. It wdl be delivered to fubfi ri sers, refidi g in town on the day of publication, ad regularly and punc tually forwarded to non refidents, by the fi ft opportunity. The terms will be legulated by the eftabl’flied Lvtu vdk race, >r Three D liars per annum, p 4 able ar hr expiration of fix m mths fi ?m the tommencemeat of the publica tion j and Annually thereafter. “ will be thank fully , a .and duly pubiifheo', at the ufual L u Gillr Prices. Profpettive Addrefs . The van importance of a rfcoro’ knowledge ul the events upon which our civ.l ad n ligsus 1 berues de pend, is a knowleciged by every FJtItND jS FKItD M and INDEPEN DENCE. Ii and Hied b; at ni :— — Even me m> it and < a eh is am i g us andt, in w-itds, tne mg nituat of thn> momentous ruth, al though then example ma, not co - in iuppert 01 the grand pefitiun to whtin they E voiuuta.ii 10b ieiibe their mental belief. D es not realon then declare, a. ih.s even.iul period, whert every bolum bears with anxiety and concerr, & when public exp, 6tati on is on the piniucle of ele vation, that corredt info'rna ion will be ioughr, asd r. ad wicn redoubled eagcrncis a.iu atten tion ? Do s iht: not aver, at the j jr.ctu c, w..t* learning, ign-n an.t, v id on and Dll., a c ad c hit and 00 the fi ic ot misiU < rncnc and m iicpreiciiiauoii j ctjat tne voice of truth w.ii beat in the tars of every huatil enqu rt:r, w.:l u‘- ous as the found of an approa hu g guide to the weary traveller, hc n.ghtsd, i it and bew.ldered m ad the mazes cf untravelled perpiex ity ? Llnder fuch aufpices the Stan dard urmnences its career j and, in a firm and lafliog alliance with trute, that never changes: it vows a iacred r<ga;d :o private charadter, which (hall not be violated. The Standard, however, wdl not re 1-nqu Jh Inr ennobh g privdeges of de.crmined F.cemen. It wui ex amine with becoming impartiality, the public conduct of men in o fh e —and b >ldly dive into the cauics ot political evils, as rhe only faluta ry method of applying an tffcdlual rem dv to the leat of tne difurder. Studiously avoiding the inad nei< ot ex;els, The Standard wdi not enhft under the burners of univerfal denuncia tion i nor fh all tne moll powerful cha r m of faeti ius mogic induce a fublcrip ion of political faith to the creed of party infallibility. In addition to the purity of fim pir truth, wnich, o* late feems to have dcierted the province f let- ters, the Standard will endea vor to m nglc e tertainment in the cup of inftruftfan, fas to ren dt r the draught of uiditv pleafant, and agreeable to the tafie of the m(1 cartlefsand inattentive reader. Jhe work will comprife the moil important political occurren ces, D nseftic anci Foreu g. Aifc, elTa .s a.-.d diicufiinns, or gioal and leledltd, on s,\ matters oi a pub lie nature, Ceemed intertfi ng to he fnends and patrons of :he cftablifh- In fine, a neat fummary of the fitv-s ii the preceding week, with oGcsfi iiial details of important e venis abroad, and at h me, leg’fii t-vr, judicial and executive—com met a l , miliiary and m fcelianeous, ihali be ar.angedin ea h Number, fo as to prefent as perfect and ex ti 1 five an u line of adtion as the li mits of tr* Paper wdl admit. AMBROSE WRIGHT, David clarke. DecemMn 26, 1811. A Lift of Defaulters in fackfon coun ty, for the year 1 8 1 1. Capt. John C. Smith's DiflriPt. Pr atant Turn, r, Francis Gar ne, Th nu* H us, J dm Ctmbel, J Uph Sm th, Qailier Hous, Ben jamm Camp, Aourt w Park, Solo mon B i ’ ; ; liaRC La~. Capt Sami. Willingham*s DiJlribf. Peter A igiiu, Shelton M 4 W re, W ii a m B’ ynon, Royal Na ina. •Lu : k. ’ rd. Capt IViUiam Moore's Dijhift. Eiward Ia 1 r, Jtfie Cor teli for, Thomas Mere, John Wil lon, Eldridg B ko, iiaac Pace, J ahn B tord, Daniel Taylor, Ri chard Wneßuier, Thomas Giim s, Jolcph Cox, jua. W Inam Stapler, Simon Cardwtlli J hn Williams, Hugh P v!k Capt. James Colic ns’ Diflritl. J fepn Sherlock, Juleph Nor rna j James W.liun, jun. W. M. Mar ui, hoiomon Kdiet, Robert Cate ■'. Capt. Jtimes Patton's Diflrift, Hukey Brown, John Jones, |as. Blackourn, Amorofc Blackburn, Ambrole Frankimj John Franklin, John Hampton, lenr. Alexander Bird, Toliver Shelton, Henry Wil fon, Andrew Sheppard, Andrew M ilden, William Brown, Juieph Th mpion. Capt. Samuel Barnett's Dijlritt. Freer Farmi r icnr Peter Farmer jun. Adam Williams, liaac B cwer, James Anderfon, D .dton Barnett, Hanbleton H dge. Capt. Andrew Boyd's Diflrift . B. Hays. Capt. Jehu Regers’ Di/lribl. James Riky, Cummen Rder, John Patrick, W. M. Thompfon, Aaron V.cery. Capt. Elijah Allcom's Diflrift. John W. Ma ri , j Itp- Cain, Linfey Eifoury, W M. Webiler, Ma k Wans, John Cals, Sa.nuei Hawkirs. Capt. Samuel Boren's Di(l y ibl. John Dixon, Benjamin B ait, Old Mr. Gilmore, Z*d. Naorace, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, iSiu John Stors, Thomas Stors, James Liner, Th*. Franklin, Cha<?. Whit lock, James Whitlock, W. M. Whrlock, D fwpfy Hulfv, Julius Ba rs, W. M. G udet, W. M. Duf fev, Old Mr. Ell! g n, Henry Watkins, Archibald York, J ihn Saxton, John Shewhur , Dadd Bums, |as. Deal, John D-al, fohn La nr, fenr. Sampfon Cu! “ppt-r, jun. Enoch Chapman, Vincent Hulfev. Capt Nehemiah Carrtfon's Diflrift, Eltas f VVI ii.ifii St war , J. W | o?*s, John Mullers, Bce Mercer, Henry B.k-r, H nry Vourk, D G M‘Clifkey, Robert D wman, W M. Caver, W. M. S'-aw, Clement Cavender, Garlen Ha s, John D n r >n, Tns. Beard, Ge ige D ivi , Edward H wkins, John Hendrick, Ed<nu id D xnn. Capt Jofopb Wharton's Diflrift. William 11 tna , W'liiam Fiftner, Gc''gf C’ x, W Ham Snodgrafs. Be j.irnin M'Chdk v Capt. Benjamin Mayo's Diflrift. Gid Bu k nan non, l t:o as Ro berT, J (eph Keneda , M ridech Pat Ons, George Mayo, Thomas Phillips, John Forte . Capt. William M f Nee's Diflrift. Aitxanacr Hodg , B-ley Chand ley. Capt IVilfon M Kinney's Diflrift. Jones Edwurds, K b*rt Cos me, Wrn. T'odd, William Evans, ) hn K. Jam-s, jAbram Ttgmond. Capt Robert Montgomery's Diflrift . Curtis G cent, f tio Wa i>.v: rrh, James Langlev, Ruhad John B le, E Turner, Brit t<> ‘ Farron, V Pulkr, Clrmem Pa vrl, Murdock Mar i , Ja- ob S ud der, William Derifield, Peter Vic kei v. Capt William C eats* Diflrift. Divio Jones, i nomas M rris* Reed, Mofrs Hu>fi, Hen ry Woody, Lew Hajs, Robert Kell , William Howard, W.l 1 am Lewcllin, Afa Kic% Peter Vainer. Capt. Darnel Gillafpey's Diflrift. Hofea Camp, Charles Weather ford, Alexander Miller, Henry Bifhop, James'Morns, Suml. C a tei, Moore Henk- , Richard B Noth, Dave Cf krr, J<- itpn Fiambrick, Harmor Holt, C- llev Ca ‘-r. Capt. Edward Williams’ Diflrift. Aden Bla.i ik, Andrew Ha lts, Solomon Basi l, Andrew Camp, Policy Junes, Shadrack Humphns, David Hailes, Henry Coker, Th. Cla k, Levy Smith, Eijih Lam bejt, El.fiha Williams, Andtew Hiifltft, Andrew Cornelilon. Capt. Geo. Penticefl's Diflrift. Auft n Fuifher, Benjamin Wal ker, John Jamieibn, John Marty, Samuel Ellifiq, Samuei Cerbo, Th, Flemming, Wiliam Fuller, Britton Brazeal, j if Geo ge, C. C ker, Richard I'hu m >nd, James Manin. Hardiman Ro ks, Tn. Walker. CORNELIUS MCCARTY, li. T- R J C. Jan. 17, 1812. WANTED, From 1500 to 2000 lbs. of FORK Enquire at this Office. (No. 184.