Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, January 31, 1812, Image 2

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‘Deb lie cn the feconct resolution report ed by ihe Committee of Foreign Relations Mr. TROUP role t m ike an f ft’ r r to put an end to the deba f t; a debase in wfveh th*- g ea’ mats f the Hotife were rnhft and n the one fide, aga tft the I‘f-litary g nrhman Irom Vt giviia, (M Randolph) an the or:\er. I truft, fi , the ptriod ha* arrived, when the Houfe will fe 1 itfelf bound by the imperious call* of the country to a£t, and to aft promptly. I am ready to go heart and ha >d with the advocates of the refolution—all I fk is, that r>e will Itad with prudence and idifcrefli in i deliberate when delsbe ration is ufeful, act when a<ft*on i ne fiftry. But if fh*- fpirit of de ba as in former times has fazed upon us i if idle verbig* and emp ty vociferation are to take the place of manly and en* r g tic cendudl, I enter at this earlv ftage of the pro ceeding mv f Icmn prnteft. I can not, I will n- fh^re the relponfi bility * f this ruinous cuufte. In d< rd, fir, fo confcinws do I feel the evil, nav of the dangers to the coun try fr< m f ht con. fe which has been adopted, I fholi be c tocall for the previous qu;-fti ’ , unleff, m friends fhall interpofe the more pleafant corrcftivr ; the r own g od lenfe ro ft pH. I know fir, they have been impelled by the lb eft honorabk lew imeots, the moft generous paffi n, patriotilm, honor, z*al for tber country, rage agauift her oppreff>rs. They are g *od re.nfonrn, they arc eloquent—but of what ava l is argument, of ria avail in eloquence, to perluade, wh m ? our LI vet, tne people ? S'r, i the people are to be realon ed into a war now, it is to loon, mm h too foon to begin it. If their reprefrn'.rives here arc to be led to it by ftv flowers of rhetoric, tis too f.'Oa, mu n too foon to begin it. When the hoh'orable tfva rman of the commit;ee (Mr. Porter) ff Fo reign irUtiOns reported the ref lu- Ci ns, I had hoped he would have made a motion tog mtocoridave, cr it that had not been deemed ad vifable, that at lead ihe ref lutions \vh>.n taken up ‘pen dooiSj would have b rn treated a- a fjftem of clef fi e mtaiurcs i ailed for by the ex g< n of the times, and af ford ig n j ift ground or c< mplawt to an. power which mlgnt pkafe to confider itfelf tne obj tl H hem. Su h a t u le w ,uld have been not lcls confident wun the report of the commit tee 1 ft If, than with h letter and fpirir ‘ -h** Pr fid nu's mfT ge. Tht P fiienc h mielf w til i r.ave beta t • fi and by it When tne B fli mi niter called, ai he will undoubtedly upon the Prefidear, to demand he exults of thole warlike preparations, he might have b< en anfwerrd— Sir, they are do other than wnat they pu r port on the fa*.e of them, to be a Jvttem of defence on the part of the American government, called for b the Itace of tne w rid; or if he plnied, he nugh f have faid, aibd for bv the at itu ic which his Bri auie majrfty had adorned, *-he pr. pri- y of which nonadon hau a r ght to queft on.— Bit inftrad of tins what has be mi dune ? Wliv, at the very outlet, wc have been told che m alurc *ere intended as mmfucs of if fi/e h fttbev— 1 ha’ the arm- was b ra led to a*, a k Canada j nothing fh rt of it; all the advo ase? of he rrfuluti n ueckre it. Now, fir, could a more public or formal oe rlaration of var av. been made— contrary to the practice of all a ions v.e declare fi ft ard make ‘irepar atior.s aftci wards—mo.c* tnous than v/Sle, we tell the enemy v. ? hrn we where we will ft.lke, and how we will ft ike—D > we mean a mere b?avo ? Imp fii hie—no man who know* the advo cates of the ref lutio.i wbuld fuf peift it; bu- we h p-- the enrm wdl recede; fh ma j but if fti fh uid nor, le gentlemen look to the conftqum es, let them look weil to the chari.iler of tha r enem ; is he feeble, fpiritlefi* dt ftsture of refburces, wrh ut courage, without hono’ ?—X i, fi , with two hundred arid fifty thou land regulars and all amunmons of war in Itore, his fleet and traofports man. ed, tqu pped and prov T ined ; their fa ;s brnt to every wind, r l ’*’ afk bu ; . 120 da s iO r inforcr M utter 1, to guard the f>afT's in o Canada, ■ • muren the fuper umera res to B ft n* wrnle we fi in idle dehare ; fi , I d'3 contend moft fe rioufl , ‘har, io,coo regulars can march to Boft >n in defiance of the m fi.ia of M ’ffaci ulet : * well armed and organ zco as I know them to be. Wc.i, fir, fuppofe this Ihoold happen, for m re wonderful things hav happened—what would b> fai l—whac w.l mv friend from V gMiia fav to the fi ft vidb ms of wai ? Why he w- nld lay ‘‘tios is no war of mine, I exerted ail my ftrength t turn theie people fr im their rnad ad defperate cateer!” — The gentleman from Vi g ma ex onorau't h<mlelf fr< m all .<efV> fi bility by tne very ion; but what can be laid of the advocates of the refold*! w, to whom all re fponfib Fry a:tficks—that * f we had no fi lilhed our war fpeeches!”— that ‘we could n t begin to ra fe men uml we had fi.nflied them !” Sir, believe mt, the people of this country want no fuch fpeeches— they will go to war, becaufe they iteve war & nectiTary to the pre ferva idn of their honor and fub ftantial intereft; they want men and arms to defend them—not words. If gentlem n perfevere in the de ba I viii all the previous q ‘efti on. The fafe.y of the fta.e, aster wat has been lad and done, de mands it, and all con fide rations rmftt yield to that. Inaugural Addrefs of Simon Snyder , Governor of Pennfytvania. Fello w - Citizens , I’hree years have this day c iapfed fi ice, in mis houfc, fur roun ded as Ia <w am, bv the reprclen tativers tf the people of Pennfyl* vama, l f>f m dv fwore to devote ai! he ee g of my mind, to the prom lion and tneir happinds. I have a well grounded reafon to bel eve, tha m zealous efforts have not be-* uniuccefiful, becaufe they have received the approbation of a free and enl gh ened cummunuy.— M re, and the circum fta .cea attending it, fill my heart w>’h gratirudr, and produce a more perfect and entire devotion, if pof fi de, of allmv faculties to the fer vice of the people, who have thus h n -iablv dft ngu fli and me. lam fenfible that m ptrf nelmcrirshave contiibuced t>ui hale cothc concen trati n nf the public luff age. A ?a iiful a ihe e ce to republican print ipit s—an * a neft dr fire ro p. o m te the piofperity, and a general coincidence of .‘pinioii upon pub lic mtalures, with the representa tives of tne prople, united to a coidial x.- jpera ion with them in all che;r off rts to promote the pub lic weal, are tne tru* caufcs of the uan ra y wni h n as been lo hap p l d a. the late general ekeb n. We tie, fsilow-citizens, placed in authority at a momentous period of our national b ftcry. Ihe fb' r m cf war, whi? h has lor.g ben drlo latu g the world, howis alo; g *>ur ccafts, and hovt s ove r ( ur i.abt tations —whether - may be difpeil ed, or defee. ri upon us, in a 1 its fu y, remains ye untk , rm - ed. — l he rcprelen<.a‘ivo f ail .he peo ple of the fevtral ftan. s are now in i-ouncil. They ac; efs to the b ft fourc % of information, as to the conduft of the bdiigeren s— they well know the fentiments < t their confti.uei rs, and wc mav rely on their wif om and patrionfm, faithfully lodiftharge die *ruft >e pof din them. If .ney ftioulcJ de term ne tha we have not only ex- che cu of forbearance, but tafted that of humdiadoui & that cur c*nl\ hope rf havirg our wrorgs redrclTed, and ur righis re!ported, and f holding cur equal ra k a tr.; g rhe nations of the earth, is by an appeal t > the laft refort—then, let uv, as c;t.z* s a'd public func tionarn , manfully pri pare t do cur dutv. L the voice of fait.on be IvarU no m -r?; but let evvry arm be iti ih to (ificid the rghts and and maintain the depen dence (-t ere only fire pebp-!e upon earth. Lrt us c flfe v , ti we ruuft and fifer, ab. ur men, or minor po litical queft ots; lei us, however, be u an m us iri cur meaiures a gaif ft ;hc common enemy. Ler the lword arid the nacon, as a band of brothers and fict mn , who having a righte ous and a o mmen cautc, ait tie terrained that neither act nor m irigoe, i- cr or fraud, fhai induce them t - ab-nd -n the comm-’ ‘ ftan darci, up which ;* np ff and. he glou m mono of “V mu , Liber ty and Independence.'* Wnh Inch determi arions we fnall be as in vincible as our caule .s juft and fa cred. Again permit mr, th- ugh faintly, to cxprrfs ro vou, and through you to ail m’ fellow citizens, the gran tude I feel for the cMV-ngu-fh o man ner of my r> -tied ; ore evv rhe alTurances of m\ devoted els to the pi mot on of rhe happu-efa of ur common ecu r ; a ,ci t- affine you of mv gor and w ffi s for your per ton al welfare. SIMON SNYDER.. Lane a (ler, Dec 18 11 uiLui<oi/v EXFKESS. Whrns~ : jlnuar r 3T IV 4:N ! JN, t'he Britijh Agent , in his Bt i’tjh Gazette cf the \th infl has an a< tide from the New York Commercial wbhb aitrt butes the late engagement cn the IVa bafo> and the ju^jsqum; hyhitins cf the Indians , to the irjujiice of our own government Even Wagnails employers, the Britijh Mini fry, do not believe that the Indians were instigat ed to hoflilities by any ails of the A merican government ! Why, then , fhtuid this Hireling attempt to caji this ftigma on our country ? the reafon is obvious—he is P ID for it this article , reader, is faid to have been the production of a Member of C on grefs ! / fVe Jhould like that the names of the Members of n hr, are cor rejponding with the Britifh gents in this country could be made known Ibe PEOPLE would then exe cife their conpiiutional privilege 01 dif carding them fretn then fervice - Put it appears that the Vhviftry and their agents have , as yet , if ten too tunning for the hone fl yeomen of indepen dmt 1- m eric a Hrwever , this political jug gPng has been conduced in a m ,n.=cr fimiiur to every jpecies of dtjhonejiy— and by efcaphig fo Ur>g with impunit) | J the Villa r*s have become more boU s and daring m the manner of executMm ing their diabolical plots —this cFcum . 4 fiance will , no doubt 9 turn to the aL vantage of the People — for, by vigi. lance they may be enabled to dr eel feme of -he athrs in this Jcene of political dep: avity, (CJp The Mail from the North, ward, bad not arrived when this pa. per went to prejs.—neither had that ■ fro in Mill edge viii s i.uiiiwgß-LiJsaß . THE SUBSCRIBER, (Living near Athens) WISHES ro fell or three LIKELY NEGRO FELLOWS,! who can be well recommended fort their fidelity. R. J. CABELL. Jan. jC, 1812. TAILORING BUSINESS. | T. % HE Subfcriber refpectfully in-|I forms tne Citize sf Watkinfviile| and the Public generally, that he|| ft 11 continues the above bi.finefs ini all us various branches—He feels grateful for paft favors, and trufts that h• s unremitting affiduity to pieafe, will fecure to h?m a conti-1 nuance of thofe favors, which he isp happv to acknowledge ha? been fo liberally bellowed on him.l All orders for work to be done, | will be thankfully received, and executed in the neweft ftyle with J neatnels and difpatch, and on moi dera e teimsi 9 i S B Hutchinson. |’ * IVat kin fiuille , January jl, 1812. NOTICE I J INE months after date appli. j cation will be made to the honorad ble the inferior court of the county of Ogiethorpe, for leave to fell two thirds of a trad of land, containing 335 acres, more or Lfs, in faid county, on the waters of Cloud’s creek, joining Da itl Deupree, Jas. i R berth 0, and others, granted rn W iHo ad Sen ggin, to be fcld for fhebe.tffi. of the heirs and credit tors of Gf :rg* Farmer, dec. DANIEL DEUPREE, Adminifirator . Jan 30, w- §4 NO 1 ICE. A LL perfons having demands i < gainfl rhe rftate of El fh* King, of s E* -te(t county, dec. are requeftedps ro render their accounts, duly at-l tefted, within one year from this date, that provifi n may be made for payment-—and all thole that are indebted to the fad eftate, are alfo requefted to make immediate pay- j merit, to JAMES MILLS, or 1 WILLIAM KING,, Admintji raters. 4 Jan 31. I VALUABLE NEGROES TO f HIRE; I IVill be HIRED out cn Tuefday, I the /yth day of February next , at | She court bouf* in the county of 1 Jack)on, NINE likely NEGROES-f cot lifting of m-n, women and hoys, J ail able w rk in the fidd, b**ing the 1 propei-rv *i( the eftate of the laicfp John H f .*n, dec. WAD ON HARRIS,, I amir, ijh at or, pro tern. 7*