Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, February 07, 1812, Image 2

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AN ACT if or completing the exifiivg Military b.ft ablifhment BE it entiled by the Senate and flolife of Reprefentatives of the U. S. of America , in Congrejs affitr.bled, That the m licar v tftaol fnmr'nt, as now authoriled by law, be immedt a.elv com} ! fed § 2. And be it further enafled, That h rc be allowed and pad to e.i h fFedtveabE b died man re cruit'd or tr.i.fted f r that lervice, foi the term oi five vats, isink Is fo oner dilct.-arge. 1 , the fum of fix feen dollars: Ijjj the pa merit of one. half of ih laid b untv (hail be deferred in’ 1 h fh Ibe m itcrcd ad have joined rhe c rps m he is to It- v ; and viemcr r any non-comn.ifTio -cl ffi *~r or 1 >ldet fh a I be ddc aged f ‘in the fervicr, who fh a 1 hi c bat ied from the ccmmaodi g ffi er of h s compa ny, oa.ralonor eg:m .it, a certifi es tt tha he had fa thully peif ru ed his duty whi ft in fervice, he (bail m ireover be ali wed and paid, in addi v-n to the aforefaid b unty, three months pay, and one huidrcd and fi sty a res of land ; and the he- s aid repiefenc.t Dts of thole i:o omm fit in.- and ffi ers or lol dir s *vh > may be kd <d in aftion, or dir in tbr fervicr of rhe United S au-s, (hall I'k-wtie b,i pa*d and ail wed tee fa and additional bounty of (hire m whs pav, and one hun dr**si and fixty acres of land, to be dff- a ed, In veyed and lad IF at the public expenfe, in fuch manner &r>c! upon fuch t rms 8c conditions, as ma be provid dbl. w. HENRY CLAY, Speaker of the Ihufe of Reprtfen t a fives. GEO CI.IN ON Vice Prrjident of the U States and P'-efident of the Senate. December 24 18 11 APPAOVtD lAS M \DI ‘ON T . VOLUNTEERS , lO ARMS. I ue fli wmg an imated ad.irefs to the Prefidr a of ‘he U Starrs f r m our Citizen S 1 .ie;s ro rhe Weft of thf Ri g t we rrad a fpirit whi it tiijglv t < e vade Antn-a. Thefe generous fois of .hr YVeft ae run v-d inm h*- lores -ft da .go—a and yet the aic the fi ft to Ie k 11 m the lervtre of tneir country. Let thole who live on the fh ies of the Arlantie or the frontiers of Canada, imitate what they cannot but applaud. Enquirer. An addrefs to the Prefident of the U States, from the stb Regiment of Virginia Militia , convened at Lex ington Rockingham county , on the 14 th of Nov 1 811 SIR,— T ie er fii has t ome when the r.onor and rights of the nation mult be enforced and protected b, ! the energies uf the people—We 1! ve prac-, bu- there is apo n in human forbearance bev >nd wht h we :.ii no’ pal —and it war muft ctme, wi fh .1 1. k upon it w’ h thai firm.iffs, and th >f ft urn • s which bee me me-, wh 1 are tret & ref lived to continue In. Sunk in the deep rcc; IT s of ou> moun ans, the chi.vuifivt ftruggl- 1 ill c ccen irg nati ons s ann u r? a h us— ur wivri a .and lamftes arr late benind t rm—-another frc-my care not b:av their lofty lumm is—hu we are the fons of a comm > fain-1 , aid if but a hair is touched ti the rnnoccft corner of he wo Id, wr feel the wring, a wII ave g.- . Our, lw< rdslea flam g ftom their U iba ds and m t lie* t< urn* i unappva.ed. Wc have pui. ou the if armbr’ of cur oatior, and de to be maroh*d in her fervice. Tne heights ofßu kei's Hill, or the plai s of Sa atoga, fhill be points of equal gl irv to u:—We Will on the fhores of the At lanr- , or in rie wildcrnefs of Cana - da. Bound and rea.fy for the call uf our cou tr , ou ’ arms and our hears a r .* al kc a her f^rvicc. Major Jofeph Alien was injrutWi to forward the aidrefs to the Prefi dent and accompanied it with the fol lowing letter. Lexington, Nov. 231, 18 n. SIR, —I im nft elat'd 1 v ihe 8 h Regiment of V rgmia M ima, which co vr ned in L xi -gton, on the I4fh iitft. to forwa-d to von the m< lolrd aJdr fs. I take the liber yof ac c -mpa iv ; ''ig : with an abftraft view of r.t ftrt g , a r m'-, ammunition, 8c . of ill* K- giment which I had fhr honor on teat day to command. In p. fo m ug this durv, S;r, I &m not lels obeiitent to m own feelings than to r he w flits a;d 1 - ft-uft. ns of rhe R gimeot. The limes are portentous, and the- g-ea caufe in vvhh ii wr are invoiveu ad m ts of no room f r hefi anon aid dr lav—When our property is ff zed and plundered—<*,.en -ur neutrality is diiregardrb—when the dignity ad honor of the nation is 1; fF i an I derided, it 11tie becomes the cha a<sler of a foldier or a. citizen to ih 1 k fr m the dang r which the c- fi hrratens—the remotenefi of r u> fi union takes nothing from the z< al and klk nude we fed for the c- mtrion good 5 and it lh dl not be tvvicc required of us to'do that whicli h norard national prclp rov may c-crna and. Upwards of 1200 men cvrnp fir.g tht Reg*’ a r c ready for the e vice of cur country, and will ma hat < ail. I ave the honor to br, &ir, Y u obedient 0• v > c, JOSEPH ALLEN. fames Mad'fcn , P nfiaent U S- A reply from the secretary at war* to the foregoing letter li a r D epa r 1 merit , 9 th Dec'r , 1811. SIR,—I am directed by tin Pre* fident o the United States to ac k • owlf. g r ;he re 1 eipt of vour ie; ler add (Ted to him of the 23d ui:. in cl fi g an a bit rad fre-m tue returns of the 3t!i Regiment of Virg rsia militia, and acv mpanied w:tu an addrefs an h< -r*fetl by the citizen ioi diers ci mp fi g that Regiment. I have the honor to exp refs the h gh icnf’ that is emma ned of the laudable zeal an 1 devoti >n to the public imerefts evinced by thefe vcdiiiitary tenders ©f fervice, the promptitude of which will be duly re olii dlcd, whepever the coi-ftiru tioral authorities lliall >he energ. of our natibn to a fpecifi;; r,bj cd. Hive the goodnefs. Sir, to com municate the thanks of the Preli* dent to th Regimen*, whole patri otic lennmeuts, your letter has fb ably ino did. I am Sit, rcfjxdfully, Y ur ;b dienr fer^’t. W. EUSTES. Maj J ffph Allen , oj we 6th Reg't of Virginia militia. Savage! - \ *• the battle on the vV •; ih, ( .iys the Kentucky G z •) g vrni-ir Harrif n bu-*ed 50 ‘ 60 dvad up o rh- fi H—W? u and itrf ha* he lad aiu rt-turned i att *v davs af tr hvs deparru r e &. and r > k the. -i up, S spied thf m and left tn m on the ground, tn-.i interred their own killed ia the g aves^ BE FENCE OF NEW TORE. 11 this fealon o ag ation and a larm, when the t( nne ore paration 0 ii at leaft talked of in Curgrefi, and whe , in mi 1 hmi opinion, nothing bu: acftuii a ;d cf ficient preparation can pr-ve,u ‘ ar, it is ufctul, and will ivc lati'sfaitory to the pubkc to kn w of >he for e aoor p .a ed to the de fence of New Y rk, rhe commer cial emporium of “he Un:ed S', the neheft an f l moft p jpulous and important city m Amcrua. Toe militia of the U- & coun ty cor.fift of ten regime rs of lafan rrv, oncbatral on of r fl ri>ei, one fquidron of cava'ry, in re regi ments of ar ‘llery, one torhpany of fl rjg do. and or.e company of ve to an volunteers. The field pieces are of b ifa, in complete order for fervice, ad well provided with a m:r inon. Ex [iffive of thefe rhe iron p > tr, tr.uunted on travelling car riages, ad toe Imall arms and cc cuiitrements, in r oe ar'enal, under C m m ffi r \ M * Le. an, ar** nm m e rous and m perf-ft rtadinefs, but to what am Hint wc a:e not preciftly inf irmed. T r fin 1 ions b-Lnging to th’ U ited ‘at??, exoluft r- of he torts a he Narrows, a immedi ately a'tarhed to the cm areas fol- I >ws, aid could be ft? ngrhewt and by air.) ft any numb r of cannon, at the fh -rtt ft notice. Otv bar.rriy, 28 32 pounders N r f h and ; 16 i>. B-'flowN Iflaod, 30 Ei] s 5 do. T 4 32’i C.ftie Williams 26 42*3 0.6 7 2 > S and 50 50’s Ft. Columbus, 4} 24*1 a.d 57 18* s b^fidei —— fi id p tees. Total 290 Extra A o f a letter’ from IVafb'ington city to the Editor of the Cor thins Gazette, dated Dec. 31,1811. “ Y'fterday t c H >uie of Ueprr k*'irat:ve, m of the wholr, d-lagrreed to 31 amendment reported by the committee of Fo re ig Relations it had f r i*s o ]°6l a r ‘ dSiion of the force auMonzcd i; th’ bll from rhe S -ns e, (’ in 15 to 25,000. So i r as & nin C‘!fTuntt'-e goes, it ma'. be pr*-fum ed th?.t t'ne h nfe will pafs trie bill the fena:r, and thereby au rhor ze an arm/ of 25,000 men in ft j J 10,000, recommended by adm ruftniii >n. T'fis frerns to breame f>meth : rg *f a war fpirit, bur. having witncfTed the evtpua tion of that fpirit fo often, I cannot but doubt ftill, no'withftandi g [ am told tha* among tn* members of congrels war is corfiiered ine vitable. The preEnt is a un fortunate perirA hr decifi Jt nfliop; as indeed the t of every fourth year muft bp. W- nr wdi be the <ff (ft nn me nex P- fi al El-6t enters fu cnrft-i tly into qi ftioi, i* s almoft, if not ahogeth - -, reft of every mea fure. There are few, much too few men here, who have no O'her than their courtrv** g >od a r hrtrr. At th** prefsnt m 1 rr gur is the order of the da ; and act ve as it has been at paft oe.mds, it per haps was quite fo mu h h before Kgraid aal p-oj ft-ft in Ne-v Y .-k is .he gcid trnfked battery from b*h : nd -vn ch the pre fen r adm nftration is robe <v ml v e--fiud>d, bu’ deftr \ved.—A*? VV Clinton and G um-ui M - ri’ (itivif so this ar u.d o be the grad engiorc's min s h crufadc—the Meiicaatuui iurciy flit ft be a*, bariu, when the Eon 8c the lamb lie de wn together. Ever fi re ihe commencement of the 1 fi ffion, eff ris have been making to gt h<#it tt cld George our of the wav. It is r* w whilp-red (cbferve i only ytt whtfpercd) that the old m mar. has co denied co retire—he h fupp -fed to be the (tumbling, bio k m the v?av of his nephew-, that removed, the feenc will open in fine ft k . E is bd eved by fame that fhe V e P efidency is too 10. | fig- fi air fur even his firft effort; yl ar.ti t a f any man prefents himftlfi f trrhat pt-ft who can bringfor. es enoimh into rhe fidi to mikeaco a fin a up.trd”, he will he ren till? embraced —bu (h-u!d this fail’ then the vice prefi icncy will be u ken, n *: indeed ber aufc the man is 4 ambitious of rtfi-.-g higher, bu out! of pure 1 >vc f hs ton .try, Un-| drr this >view uf the fnbj^cf, I fhillq n© be furp-z dif Mr iVI .(id .'s J fervices are dsfpenl and wt u, aver l rhe prefer;t X'-rm of the PiefiJenral Eidtion —tte more efpecially wnen it is opeojy c. intended that the ra tio of fepr-He station la .ely eftib ]ifil'd, ’s toe ratio by whi hfh E- Eft rsc-f Fre.fidruc and V c*“-P e fi-j'* it will br jaicei-iained. A: anyl ra r.i if thrv it n H,. it will only be I be aulc Mr. C. car not procure af fuitabie co*. jut t.” The rnoft intrreftfng article rc-j ofivH by the bit ro;i i, relates to! the Ear hqoake of the i6:h Dec. Eft; and 1# . ontained w a uonmu nicauo?! from a g^nrbmvn ar Bun rnmbr C. H. (N. C ) to the te-rs of the :<ak gh Star. Thisj ac'.uunt would ft cm to place thqf caufe of the earth's agitation f>n amor.orft that vail: cluft r of m untai s . erween the Blue Riogtl and Ci mb. riand. W have ex- j trafted fuch parts of rhe communi cation as ait muft inter* ft ‘ g and; dtf ripovr. Monitor. * “ O M -‘day morning i*- 16 h Drc muer i df, ab *u r 1 o'. In k, the inhabitants of this pla e were a roufed from heir peaceful fi imbers bv a dreadful found; fnme wagg >n ers who wee up at ihe rime (t be gan laid it re fern bled, (but was !ou on.) than if 100 waggnns were c!ricn a full fpced down the moun-1 tain. A bidden trembling of the earth caufed frdh tenor and alarm, frem which we had not time ro re ceive-, when -we felt a violent fhock which Eftcd about tkree minutes, &* was attended with a hollow rum bling no te, and ended with a dread- ! ful crafh, 1* aving behind a ftrong ftench. It is fomewhat ftrange tnat its tff ifts were moret vii-lent in the valhes than on the ■ mountain!. A tan-yard in a valley near this place had feveial vatsdif placed-—the edges of fome were raiff'd rhrre feet above their former R('d, others were moved partly r.iund and Eft in a z izag manner. I would far exceed the bounds of ih s inter to defer; be ali the pheno-1 me*on pr duerd by this awful con -J vu fi of nature— rocks moved,! hiib (ho k, houfes (hatterfd, “ I Have Irena gentleman frorrn K nxvilE who paffVd Sunda*’ night a the warm fpringt, with M r . Nel-I f n—From his account his fi nation | was n .re terrifying than ours. For f-veral hours previous to the fh the m ft t;tmend us noife was | heard fr m the neighboring moon-j tains. Ac intervals ic was quiet, | but would b g<n with fo much vi-, ole-v e, that ea h repe'icioo was be- g leved t‘> be hr laft groan of ex-S pin g -.arurt. Th’- fulmina'ing efi th* u ;a ns was a rompanied ■ wiUi fli.ih.s wi fi e leen .fiTiing fruir.