Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, February 07, 1812, Image 3

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* chrir fidfrj each flafh cnd?d with a fnap, or crack i kc that which is on di/cha ging an el-ftrc 0 ba-rery, bat toco unv-s as loud—. In - he rooming :f . was oberve-i th,r 5 alarg ftream of warn wa'er, ( em- I pera urr bv Fah. 142 deg.) lTi-'d s from a fififure mar k on ht ti e * of the m u ram, which had been ’ opened the precedirg n ght Wmle I I they were exanvnu g it, aanrher : (bock was frl which laded 2 mi nutes. Tne water of the Warm .filings ( u that nme ove;fl wed bv the nver) was thrown up ltveral > tbnrs to the height of 30 or 40 Ua.* i NEW Y >K K, Dec 25. Extract of a letter from an American gentleman in Pans, to a gentleman * \ tn this city dated November \, re ■Bv ceived by the Pacific. b* “■ iVj Bad>w a- ived u tirtu 5 natHy j• l if afmr tne and parure of ’ ‘ the Emperor for Holla* and, rnd Has bu*. >*ne I believe, it with thr Min Err of Fore'gn Af •r fairs, who form a''er >eut to j in •1 t? A Fuvoeror in Holla and, of course •K he ha as vet n thing— nieed •Hit is nr tiffin’ for him t- - * bv per 'ptioraiiy prHented to the Fropernr ti * bef >re a y n gociation can be con - t’ chi’lcfi. I have qnderft*-od that in i’ the interview abovcmert.unrd, Mr U Bari w received the rnoft p< fi.;re laffVanices, .hat this g ‘vcmmenr would reft >re ail the property had been illegally captured or feiz ed, ad do us ever j ft: rwe had a r ght to demand. Bat as maw J cf real American < !a<rn> are | blended with others which are, at * bottom, nothing but E g fh urn c American colors, and fade papers, 4 it will probably be iome time be | fore an abjuftment takes pla< t of t all the connfiled cafes. Several p vt fT Is and cargoes captured and I it zed a year &g* , hav> laulv been I reftcret; and the bt fi ds of a-:>- and exam nat o . is conftandy going on. They have, however, 3i r- ! f condemned fume Amt bean I v fids captured in the Baltic, 00 J the ground of their being under j F gifih conv v, and of courfe tx I c r g ftrung luipicionsof their be I ing E *gi Hi propei ty I is unfor- I tunate Hr toe lion ;r of our countrv, ! and the inccrelt of our *it zer.s; hat I they ill old ha'*e been in cHlufi n v? it :f c Engllfli in carryir-g n a ffjnugg g nidc ro dIF rent ports ). > ~ 9 9 o f vjtLvJKvjiA EX j r HNVs7 FRBtJAR Y 7 THE follo wing Utter to the Editor cf this p /per from our refpebted Re prefent alive B H ILL, contains the mojt Important part of the In fa mat ion received by la ft Mail. Conor ess Hall, ytb January 1812 77 e enclofd paper contains the ms% imnr. %itt information from this place, been f QY< dgn and domeftic. ibe o ver tvbn n ‘Z v>y Hy in favor of the bill ftr-ittot* . ’• military face letUt nt do t ,he c,ar f e whuk Cweft will tarfue—l can venture to af.rm the! u' v mcreu/e of the ir my Is < mtenic * b tbclewh, fave tuppe ed tt, as a feacc Eftabltjhmen JU JLfaurn,iy fa <>< ‘ft enjy, if ou’ r,(l s are no, reefed ‘be cor refoondence betiveen Fojtr and Mr vlonroe, is in my opmun, con ciufi 1 evidence tbit noit. expelled from ion /r Submtffion is now our omy a'Mfnati w, and as we can hope for noth ng r(,m toe tarter hut an increajs of n, Jti l i axd iufults i / haps that we jball with •vigor refort to t&c former* as tee cr.iy fourcc of redrefs for the wrongs which we have fu/fainef and jor the pro tection #/ cu r tights in future. It t)ia\ be proper to mention that many voied agnin/t the pafjage of the bill in confequence of belie’ ing the force contemplated to he railed more than ntCcffary ; but will now give ail the aid tn their power. If War jheu'd be declared, and of which there can be little or no doubt —l am decidedly of opinion that even 25,000 Regulars in add lion to the prefent Military Ef tablijbment, will not be more than ab j'tlute.y necejf'iry. THE Pnjby terry of Hopewell will meet at ibis piace cn Friday the i tih infant, and will be opened -with a Sermon by the Rev ft ends Cummins , M. 1 ’lbere will be Preaching in the Cbrpel cn the following days—the Sacrament of the Loras butter •will be adtninijiercd on the Sabbath. IFF i v e ferry to announce, that on Thurfday morning, the 2 yd ult. the Columbia tea demy, S. C. was con- Jumeei by Jire ! BT the UJI Mail we received in telligence cf the death of Dr. C has. D. 1 M Mjns, / ’ rofejfor of Natural Pbilojipky and Cby mi (try in the South Carolina College. Particulars in our next. ‘1 HE Balbmop Federal Repub lican, if the qth ult has out fir ip fed the lutle 1 1 berty P*ie hero, tn hts de nunciations of toe American govern ment He hai had the audacity to prefix a Caricature figure (deriding col Porter, the Chairman) to fume of bis fcurrilrus attacks ok the committee $f Foreign Relations, the Executive, Congrfs, and the American People in general are really fur prized at the patriotic citizens of Baitiehore permuting this Scoundrel to 41 cut Juch capers” with impunity IVe can confidently af 11 , that if tirntß, (for he has but two j of ms Majef ty's Editors in this jtats, jhali have tbs impudence, thus ts Jport with the feelings of Americans he will prefent a much mc y e ludicrous appearance than the reprefeniaiitu tn we Fetter al Re publican. ffF IVe objerve advert fed as in the Jail of tag f eld Dijlritt, S C. a Negro fellow by (be /tame of JOE, who lays he belongs to Maj,, ‘fc.mes Cocerran, cf Ju.kjon county <dijo, in the fail of ureenvtlle, a Bey by the name of jAC K, who Jays he be longs 10 a Mr Puce , in the upper pin oj Georgia The Senate having yefleradv re ceded tn m their GiUgreement to the rema-air g amenden at* of the H ufe of R- pre ft natives to the Army B 11, that bdlonl) wains the Civ a ure of the PrcfiJent ;o become a iaw. The H ufe of Rcprefentatives progrH* but fl wlv in the difeuffion or tw V Kiuteer ; biil. CorTidcra ble ci E cnee of opinion ex ftsas to its; and the committee of the whale Hhrdav rofe without ha ng deeidea any quefhon couch i. g the principle ot uie bill. Nat. Int. ES IIM \i ES FOR THi- YE A < 181 2. (P uuiidtu 4>n a•ca c EftabEfh m cr. ) Treasury Department, } December 31,1811. 3 sm, I cave Ihe hon r to tranfmir, hert wi h, the eftimatts of tne ap- iaii ns pr p- fed Er the ler viteofthe year ilia; alfo a Rate rr.ent of the receips and expendi tures ac the Treafurv, for the yejr end ng on the 30th dav of Septem ber, 1811. Tiie appropriations, as detailed in the elt. mates, amount in the whole, to fix millions feven hundred and rigotv-five rhoufand e:g t hun dred and futcy-fivc dollars Icvcuty fix cen s. The tftimate of the Secretary of t?ic War department is cab Hared on the whole number of troops au th nifed by law; but it does not include the permanent anr.u >tes to certain Indian trif>rs, nor th- annu al at pn pr'ation of 200,000 ) llais for turodE g arms tor ihr- militia, thofe obj-£ts b-i jg pro. and cl for by permanent ia-vs. \~e fums which wav br aflually expended in the year iS 12, for thofe ohj-et., are not therefore Included in the aggre gate ab.ivf ftaced. Tne funds out of whi h appro priations may br made, for the purpofes above mentioned, a e, I. Toe ium nf fix hundred thou fmd doliars of the proceeds of du ties on imports and tonnage, which vd l accrue in the vear 1812; .vlvch lum is bv law annually r ewed for the fupport o! g ivernment. 11. So mu :h o # tne balances of aopropria ions tniexpened v>n the 3i and: of De ember, 1811, as is not wanted 10 defray me txpenfes of that vrar. 1 11. The fur pi-as of rh* revenue and in cine of tne Dll ed Sucs which ma. accrue to th- end ot ihe ye a’- 18 12, af er (at s-ymg the ob~ j sls tor which appropriations have l)nn heretof >re made. Hif. The proceeds of fuen loan or loans as may be authorilcd by Congrds. I have the hon rto be, V rv refp- and u lv, fir, Y ur fib dten lervant, ALfeER 1’ GALLAIIM. The Honor bit lbe Speaker of the ILufe of Representatives. NOW TO BE SEEN At Captain COLE'S, A handforKe colieflion of WAX FIGURES. Admittance 50 cents. SHERIFF'S SALE. WILT BE SOLD, On the firJl Tuesday in March next, at the Court- Houfe in Clark dounty, between the hours of Ten and Three o'clock , the following pro perty, VIZ. One “egro fellow', known by the nfcrr.e of John ; levird on ♦ the property of Robert J. Cabed, to ia'isf v an execution obtained <<n the forrclofure { '( a mortgage, in favor of Stevens Thomas, pr perty poin ted out by Thomas. Conditions Cafh. SAMUEL JACKsuN, and. s. January 2, 1812. PVANTED, AN apprentice, to the Tanning and Currying Bifi.el—-A Negro from 16 to 18 vears af agt, will be preferred.—Enquire at this office. Decembfr 25 W AN l ED, AN apprentice to rhe Blaik fmuh’s Bufinef;—A Ntgro, from 1 8 to 20 yea: sof age w<l be prefer ed. —Enquire at this offi c. December 25. SUPERIOR COURT. CLARKE COUNTY. RULE NISI ; U PON the petition of Bedford B own, liiewirg to the court tr.a. Obediah Pryer, on the 2>d of January, ioto, mortgaged to the; lad Bedford a trafl of iand, granted t Freeman, lying and being in the County of Cia'-k, sdj >inmg Archi bald Crowley and others, contain ing one hundred and twenty live ac res, more or lefs, bn wild-cat cruk, to fee ore to the laid Bedford the payment of feveral no-es of Band, particularly deferibfcd in the deed of mortgage, anil 1 haf there is now cue on the laid rocrtgcce t’nfs lum cf one hundred and twenty two dollar:.—and prayn g that the equity of ride nip ion of, in, and to ihe lad trad of land may be foreclrftd —on roooor— lt is ordered, That the laid Cbed ah pay into court the prim .pai, interdl and tolls, which may br due and accrue on the laid mortgage, within twelve months from tnis day, other wifi- the equity of redemption of, ip, and to the laid mortgaged premdes, will be from thenceforth barred and forecloled, according to the a£t In that cafe pro vidrd—and it is further ordered, that this rule be pubi.fhed in one of the public G-izrrtts of this fiarc, ac leafi once in every month, for and dun* g the laid twelvemonths, or ferved on the man gager or his fpe cial agent, at leaf! fix months prior to the expiration of the laid twelve months. A true ex trad froth the minutes* Bedford Biiow n, Clerk . Auguft 20, 1811. NOTICE. Nine months after date application w li be made t ) the Honorable the Inferior Court of Ja-kfon C( unty, Hr h ave to F II one lot of land lying iu 13U1 diOndt Baldwin, nv; Jones county, for the benefit of the neir and creditors of James Holmes, dec. ANN HOLME Guardian, for the heir of laid deed. September 2, 1811 NO 1 ICE. HjPHAT after the expiration JL nine months from rhe date application will be made to the hon orable the Inferior Court for Jar.k fon county, when letting for ordi nary purpofes, for leave to fell# tradt of land, containing two hun drtd acres more or lcls, lying an* being in the county of Egbert, be ing the whole of the real efiate t Thomas T. Bennett, deceafed, t be fold for the benefit of the htrii arid creditors. CORNELIUS M'CARTY, THOMAS HYDE, Admivijlrators. Augffl: 2 1811. NOTICE. NINE months after cU f e I fhal mak application to rhe honorable the inferior court of Oglethorpe couo f y, for leave to fell 350 acres of land, mare or Ids, in laid coun ty, ic b mg part t.f the real efiate of Thomas Brown, dec. for the be ntfi. of the heirs ad creditors c laid de^caltd. ELIJAH BROWN, Surviving Executor. Oficber 9, 18 11. THE U B jCIHSER, (Living near Athens) W T ! MI tv , r fhre. LIKELY NEGRO FELLOWS, w ,i> ( be well recommended for tncir fidelity. R. J. CABELL, Jan. 30, 1812.