Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, February 21, 1812, Image 2
and that his mind kept pace with th* pr -g’ -is of the li ie ice to w.v h his heart is form-d and fi:ted. H * rrgimm formed a happy example ot the modem difciphn*. Aurora. UNITED S I A i ES’ BANK. We have the pirafure to an noun :e the rejection if the applka tmn of the ftulU—s of tne la e Ba k of the United S art s to the Lrg flature of P-nnlviva ia f>r a charter for a ba k effi * m il ns. We have been trd h the fol k-wing copies of fwo prop oik o ,s which were midc by th igrn- of the Truftees to the commi cc to whom the fubj & was referred: The TrufUes of th** la r e B* k r>f the U med Scats, as a b nus t > the comrnnnw'alth, fwr a charter rf Incorporation to continue in force twenty vevs, and to include a capital of five millions of dol lars, are willing to pay the fal lowing (urns: I. The fum of 175,000 dollars, to be appropriated to the conftruc tion of an art fi al road from the b*r>* of Harnlbui’gh to,the boro* of P f fb i g, upon the route report ed bv < o -rn IT) wers ap pained und r an ad of rhe genera!, mr I , paff’ ed on r. e 2d day of April, 1811. If. Tne further Turn of too.oco duli.vs, to be appropriated ti. the conftruftion of an art fi iai road from Northumberland to the town <)( Waterford, in the icunty of Erie. li!. The further fum tf 50.000 dollars, to be appropriated to the eredion of a bridge over the rivr Sufquehana, at or near Celumba. IV. The further fum of 50 000 and H its, to b Appropriated to the errcl-on of 3 r dge over the laid liver at Ha fb g It is ur.cU u 1! ihat thefc -urns art: o b'given 1 ad fche <ppro p no: n tv ret-core made bv the g- iv rai ;fT mi>! , and with a view to e fur; th’ exe- urmn of certainob j-5U re'erred 10 in the great appro priate n law of the laft k ffi ri j and that they are to be given Iv, in order, in the fiilt place, to in duce fubferiptions by individuals to r hr turnpikes and bridges men tioned: and in the ntxt pla to increafe the profpetft of emolument to the flare for her intertft in them i but rhar >hc ba* k, when chartered, is not to be c< ofi Wed as interfiled in rhe fa'd ;urn k* sand bridges, as aft kh ’d* r'v ot e wife, Lancafter, December 18, 1811 SIR, T e T uft :;f s< f he la e Bank of h U red Scaea, having under go and t at rhe b ’ us hererofore of fered by ih m to a charter of in- Corpo a t o-s, is 1 ot thought propor tion* e to that whi’r h other banks have paid, and bring willing to g ve to the commonwealth a funner pi” ge of their difp ft inn to make the i-rert ft of th- ftate at leaft equal to any which the ft-x kholders can have in that *bj Ct, have mftru&cd me to fubmit ihe fwllowii g propo fi ivns, in addition to thole which I former!v had the honor tfo lay before th* comnvttee. I. lo pay the fum of ore hun dred ard twenty* five thouiand dol lars, obe appropriated in the fol lowing manner: Thirty thi uiand dlollars for im proving the navtga ion of the river Leh'gh, !rum the Git at Turn-H le to the mouth of rht river. Thirty eh- ufand and lla.s as a lub fcription to the ft ck f tne *t mpi ny, incorporated or -raki g a turn pike road fn mme * aft rno Pc r kkioming brioge, to tac of Keadi g, in B*rks county, The fink tins iubl ribrd, to become the property of the corr.monweaklk and the prop sand dividends to be received f>r the ufe of the com m in weal :h. T ftern thoufand dollars as a fub fnpi.on to the ftock of the com pany which may be incorporated f..r rrr£l -g a bridge over the river i') h- a , between Bi.n k*s Eddy (nove Bull’s ifhnd) and W-li’s E’ 18. The ft 1k :o belong to the comm mwealtb, as in the preceding i cm Twenty thoufitnd dollars as a fubf rip on to the fto. k of the cotnia-iY f-rmakcug an arefi ial road fr m Berwick to that point on the north I ne of the ftate which ;s n a r ' j ft 10 Newtown, on the river Tig- a, in the ftate * f New-York.— The flock to belong to the com monwealth, as in the preceding item. F-freen thoufa :d dollars robe ap plied to the ufe of the Centre turn pike road, in Inch manner as the exigcn ies of the company for ma king the road mai require. F keen thouiand D liars to be ap plied to the improvement of the road, k own bv the name of the N uoh ai dS- nth R ad, which runs th ;* he county of VVayne to the north 1 ne ot - he ftate. 11. The 1 a- to the common wealth a any time during ihe con tinuance of rhe charter, a fum of five hundred thoufand and liars at an intereft- f five per cent, per annum, for toe purpole of aiding the interi or improve me. nfs vf -he ftate. B the e ns, taken in connection whith thofs heretofore fubtuitted, you will perceive that the toral amount of bonus ia cafh, w.ll be five hundred thouiand dol lars, and the ftare will have the op tion of ufi g the further lum of five hundred <h >ul'ana dollars of tlu back capita), at a low rate of 1 mere it which will form a cm.fiderablc an nu ty for the ufe of the fta.e, when ever it may think proper to claim the benefit of this provifion in the charter, Thefe propofition3 are fncended, fi , a- a compeniacion co tne ftate f>r a charter to tmb ace a capiat of five million of dollars. Inalmuch h ivvever as this amount of capital ma , bv rhe kg ft i f ure, be thougnt to > large, I am nlbudled to pro p le, on behalf of tne truftees, a bonus of four hundred thouiand dollars cadi, robe expended upon inf nal mpruvemen's, for a charter including a capital off ur millions of dollars, or a like bonus of three hiand ed thoufand dollars, ror a cap ital of three trillions <f dollars, and lo in proportion for any capital be tween the fum laft nam d 5 and five m llionsof and llar , conteraplared bv the prop ft ion fi ft I take the liberty of vou to fubmu this communication to tne committee on ba ks of which you a e chairman, thro* whom, I may prefume it wdl come to the know ledge >f the hou ft. Iha the honor to be, V r* reiptiftfully, Y ur brdienr fervarf, HORACE BINNEY. LancxJler , January 17, 1812. John Drinker, E>q. cna rman of the c mmittee on banks. The bill before the Houle of Re prefen anves, predicated on thefe prop fi tonsj was negatived in com mittee if the whole j and on the ao h tnft. he H uf* concurred in ts r rep r , Yeas 69, Nays 22. — bx r puoiicau, only, vstirig in fa v 1 tne bill. El tins magnanimous refufal of the L p g’ilature to aggrandize the Sr ate at the expence ot her neighbors, the people will fee new that Pennfylvnia maintains her high po litical character, with acorfiftencv which muft enfure her the relpedt of everv friend to Am rn an in er efts. Mav others rmuate io noble an example ! National Intelligencer. The Bi k M a. —Notices ap pear in the Ne w To r k papers of the intention of four differen co npanies to apply to the fate Legflxturt, at its enfuing fejfion for char lei j, to emsrace the following capitals: One of Six Millions , One of Five Millions , One cf Two and a balf Millions , One of i'wo Millions^ Making an aggregate 9/ Fifteen Ctf a half Millions ! IFe have no e jecti on to the amount of capital for which charters are to be ajked , becaufe the extravagance of the)e projects ca -.noi fail one would think, to enfu*e their rejection by an enlightened Republican Legtjlature. Qui-py —if the cir culation of the notes of any one jlnte jhould be come a nuifance to another , cannot the Legijliture of the Utter prohibit their inn edutlion within her limits ? Ibid. ANGLO-SAVAGE WAR. To the Editor of the Eollon Chronicle I hand v<u riff il wi >g . x act of ale. ter re ned rm ar ffj er in rfi U. S. R[* nar r this fta ] :f er the ? mou.u o V ncen nes. I contains fo ne particulars never beh ‘epnbl fh I. THE IXTKACT. ** Thai: the E g : Ih have been exciting -ht Indians to war with the United *vatr, there can be no and übt j for w *-ook more than fifty Fufe-8 3-d R flfs fi-'vm the in Lmp* eel Ketland & Cos. London , wnh In dian devices &c\ Th*’ powder horns taken from them were likcwife fill ed the be ft fi r E giifb ghzed powder. I brg fi <r meoal was alfo taken in tnr P >{,'hec*s own ha bifanon with the king of England's portrait on one ff *, ai.u thr Bntijh arms on the other, with (unable devices, exprrfti g friendfhip and paroal rv f r rhe Indians. The In dians ft and from t eir town in iu h haftr, mat they left b hmd ala g quanritv of c. rn, a quart ay ui brans, 200 brals and c .pper ket tles, 30 horfts, Ar . [A vi ver { e Centinel a ■'•rot be lieve he E'-‘gl fn o d . an hand in inftiga:!’ g r h- I nans - war agao ft •he U ii 0 S t . !j Confirmation flrovg as proofs of holy writ. William port, Dec. 25 Came to tms pUv.e Mr. J hn Barnes, wr.o lrft D cro :, Sunday was four wreks. He ftat- s that he faw at Fort Mild n, in the Br.t fh territory, in the Mg sborhoud, a m ng a parcel of Indians, fix lealps of w ante men, lately iakrtjbv cnem, being of the P ‘phi t*s party That they hai t: Fort Malden a war dance, in conlrqurnce thereo*: That laft fummer, a year finer, he faw a number of Ind-.ans, luppufed to be about 500, receive arms and am muni i tr . m the command! g ofti er at Fort M dden, for the pur pofe of going co war with the A merica.s—tnat thofe Indians were confidered to be of the Bri fh ter ritory and their influence Gazette. On Thurfday laft, the Owl, a Miami chief, arrived at t;m p-ace, being fent by a party of 1 u a , which arc encamped *ojjc torty nuifs iiwQi tn s plat c., to whether the governor wr uid ■{ cave a deputation fr .m the K poos and Winebagos, who the laie action, and who had cited the enu is or the We a tnhe J inrerrede with the governor -B* g.a >t them an in erv’.ew —We i:.formed that thr governor dec hr,B ed re< eivi; g their v fi , and dec la ed ?hat he *<;iild I ften to no proß-d p-zUtions for peace imnl the ProM pheq and all ns f •llowers, wno dJI ; not properly belong to the WabafiiH * were removed fn m the country. | Laft e cuing Mr. M f C'>iloug'nlj whom the Ge vernor had lent 1 ‘ prels to Fore Wayne re'urned: heR ‘ there faw the chief who came tell J rarer thi G ivrrnor from the Prc.B ph<t*s town, the night before th : B aCtion. This man informed M £ .l Cullough that it was at firft inccrd-f and b> the Indians to meet the Go.l vernor in a conference, ?.% they! prumded, with the intention of al ia ffi an g him—That one oi the Wiuabsgoc warriors had agreed to devote lumfcif for that purpofe . v/hen the conference ended, he to watch an opportunity, and kill the Governor—when th ; s was* thev luppcfed rha the armv could II eafilv be defeat and. The ir formation I given by thr ntgro who defer ed I was the occfi not the at ack be- j ir.g made at mgn-'. Vincennes paper. 1 moasast. zuezx g *n*mu**t I EX PR Ebb. Z==^Tij R,VS, ~~FEBRNIRT 2 17~ OUR readers will notice in this day's txprefs ihe prompt rejection which two jeparate applications from a horde of Hritifh Speculators wv 1 jlyle them fives • Truftees of the late I Bank of the United ‘states.” have I met with by the Logtjlature of the en - I lighted> the patriotic., and the infiu • I ential fate tf Pennfylvania. H /T e f know that -we have been ceufured by ALL the TORIES, and by fame few 1 who are them!elves Republicans , for \ the opinions we have advanced ref- | petting the renewal of the charter /# ‘■ the United States’ Bank. For the denunciations cf the former , we al ways feel grateful —bccaufe we be - f lieve them w be the heft evidences of | the juflnsfs of cur caufe 4s for the frowns at the latter , we regard item only as they mu\ induce the P: OP / £ to an invefiigution of their principles and their conaubl It has been deni ed by feme hireling feribler* , then the Untied runes’ B:• k was lubfrvient to be views of a ei of Mock j. btr- s, Specu diets and lories—lf bo her evidence were want ir.g to prove the Ft retgu char.idler of this Bank, it would be fufftcient 10 point the atten ticn §f our readers to the name cf HO RICE BIN NET— a noted fo reigner, and a more noted enemy to the government of this country /> will alfo be perceived by our readers, that four different companies intend to make application to the Isgftature of New Tork, for charters ('an any one doubt, but that the I'rufleeyof this Bntilh Inftitution have an imerefl in fame one of thefts wifhed for Banks ? IVe trufi ihe Leglflature of New- To ■ k will follow the example Jet them *y Pennfylvania , and by a prompt rejec tion, put an end to the hopes of the Speiu.ators IHE Pre byt &* y of Hopewell met in the o..ege Chapel, in this place , on Friday la/l Two Difcnuftes were deliverea on each dty until the rife of the me siirg en und ay evening. No twi. branding the he a y fall of rain on the Subbath, a ccnjiderably large congregation aft .i:r and if ter a very tip pi opr tats aa joUean Sttmon,