Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, February 21, 1812, Image 3

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drdtwrsd by (he Francis Cum rains-, tbs Com minion Ser vice was in tr * duct'd by Dr Brown, and about jet per fens having approached the jsllar, pa'-to kof the Holy Sacramen tal Supper of the Lord The Jcene was indeed folemn and inter tjh*g IVe t ufl it was to many, a happy Jeafon — Peace , harmony, and love feemtd te p rvade the ‘whole ajjembly, and not a J'entencc efcaped the lips of the Preachers which could, in our e pinion, give the leaf} offence to Cbrifi'- Pans of other Religious Per [nations, ibis hhly Ordinance was never before ad mi Eft end in this place. IPs fin c>. ■ e- • h <pe the good -ffifts refulivig from it ‘will be of lo g continuance, 70 the polite attention of ur rej p‘ ted friends , Dr, Bibb and Mr. II: we are indebted for IVafhing- Un City papers to ijl iu/i from which we rave made feme few extrafts— the Meal not arriving unitlour paper w is nevly ready for p y efs, prevents us from giving feveral articles we u u and wi/h to lay be> ere our readers —- the ‘dlowing extrair of a letter from AL //.://, to the Ed’ ors of ibis pa per, we doubt not, will be acceptable to our leaders: “ 4 7be Senate at lad, have pa [Ted the V)L JN ('£it R BiLL — nothing mere rente ins to complete the Syjlem bn* filing the ranks in the armies which the laws contemplate raifing —• cod eft abbfoing a fund to defray the encenf: —this is Jo r the People to do. ‘lbs P ref dent in his Meffage threw the rejpanjikihty on Congrefs, and Congrefs have thrown it on the Peo ple --they now have an opportunity of AVENGING their Wrongs, and of ca-fing their rights to be rejpeftsd Andi trull they will net be detered from it, h the urpapular found of S'ampt id, Excife Law ana DP eft Tax. IVben they were levied before, i r was ts [upport Armies in time of i\,ue-—but (by are now retorted to, \ to rdfe money to fur port the moft ES SEN SUL RIGHTS OF THE CITIZ j NS” IV E. have been frequently r.fked, if I vie hr and ota r d what part cf tbs Earth had been SUNK by tome one of the numerous E iRTHfHJ dKES, that we have experienced, in quick ftt’ceffi \ en dace the \6tb December laft ? IVe have b en n table, heretofore, to give a fdiisfaftory anfwer to the enquiry. J to ver&ciiy of M r . Edward (of which w* doubt not) ts to be depended $n a fdutim to tbs qusfhon is con tained in (be following extra ft of a, dal and Burks county, (N C J Jan i o isii. *■ On the of the t 6th it'd. <*> a great (in ike was Jeer, to iffue from the top of s ’ Sprar’a I\4 uruain,” which is detached from that range that ext rids from the Biue Ridge to Swa nanoe river , and ends fme miles be low its junction with French B oad To* great naife that w*s he ud thro’ the day, and continued fmoke, left no doubt but it was a VO LC I /VO that had bur (l forth during the Earth qa *ke lhe mountain is conic fid and ululated-, its bafe is waked on the weft tide by French Bread river , on tbs eat tide it is ftptv atedby e. nar row valley, (overhung in fame places by ia- ge rocks) from that Ridge called French Broad Mountains’, their bare rnks, (tunted v gelation, and and Jut face, (hew tbit they long have felt Vat fubterranean fire which probably gave , .ai to the bjVarm Springs, and has a laft burd out with fucb dread ful fury It dill continues to bw n with great violent, and throws up lava jeoria, dikes , calcined [tones, and vitrified matter quant: ties, csf with the mojl tremendous noife. ‘—The quantity cf lava andf charg'd at the beginning of the eruption, tv is bn menfeit ran down the mountain m a fir sum of liquid fire for more than three quarters of a mile, and has formed a dam acrofs French Broad ri ver, fo high as to overflow about 200 acres of prime bottom land, to the g r eat damage of the o wners ” The bill aut ior;fing the arerpt ance by the Executive of the far vices of a corps of volunteers, was yefterday palfad its third reading in the Senate; having received only one material amendment viz. a re duction of the appropriation it con tains from thee mb tons to one. In the H ufe of Representatives the two paft days have b--en occu pied in t ie Gift uilion of the bill lor the rb£;ii ation and arm! g f the mihtia of the . U cited So es. A motion to ftnke out the fi ft U Clion of the bdJ, with a view to deir-v it, has been negater ed by a ro; fide Ta ble majority, as alfio was a motion to amei.i the bdi fo as to place the arms, to be provided in pirluance of the bill, at the dTpofai of the States, it:fiend f at onct pia ing them in the hands of the mil .a — Nat Intel. A per fan from Whit? Water li ver, repored in this town uri Fri day iait, that lome few da,.s before, there were four Indians killed and Ealped upon the upper waters of that river. The {toy runs thus ; That an Indian came to the cabin of a farmer in which were nnly the mother and fame children, and car ri'ed away fame che< lea and lead that the father foon aSerwards re turned, a. and learning toe fad, pur fued the Indian a* u fh t him , ’hat a party off ur mn in the lame neighborhood bong out a hu;< ir.g, and having formed a camp, three of them went in pu- iuit of game, leaving the fourth to watch the camp, t;,at in the mean cmv* three Indians entered, and forcibly to ic fr .m the white man anew r fl , leaving an did one in us pla e, a id that foun ifcervvaids, the other three men having re urne they proceed ed and uvtrtoi k the Indians, every one of whom riiey kdied, and fcalp ed. The perlon who fu nifhed cd this information added, that ne hi&iftlf lav/ two of the Icmlps. Cincinnati paper. tan/ arjrritrj x*.7.*rgrya vam.*ttmum GEORGIA, Clark County. INFERIOR COURT. RULE Nisi. UFON the petition of Jofeph Brown, dating tnat he was in pui fii n of a note of hand given by Will am Thurman, dec. to the lare firm cf Brown &. Harper, for the lum of ninety-five d< liars, pay able one day and t t e fai'd note is h fl, and not irr his pcT feffion or p wer—a and pravirg that the c< py of the laid note rruy be eftabl fh din lieu of the original, and laid J feph Brown having fiied a copv of the aid note, together with feveral affi lavirs proving the ex ’l:ence and lo >f the fard iwir, in the Clerk’s Office of th;s Cc>urt, ON MO * lON, it is or da r ed, Ehac the fa id copy be eftabl fned in lieu of the orig-.nal, unleis bme perfon or perfars fiuii appear, and faris fad>ri!y gauday the wicliin the time allowed by law—and it is further Ordered, Vev this lule be pubhfhed in u.c Gerrgia Exprefs, onct in each month, tu Tie ipace of fix mor. f.?, btiore this ruic is made abfoiute. h ue copy from the minutes, o TER LING ELDER, C. I. C. C.C. February 2i, i Sl2. FOR SALE, Avery valuable tract of Land in Jackion county on Beech cieek, containing about hundred a cres, one hundred and fifty of which is cleared a-.d under a good fence, with a large peach and apple orch ard, and a variety of other fruit trees. This Land is well watered with god fprings of pure water, the foii ftrong, its natural growth is oak, hickory ad pine i.moer There is a comfortable dwelling Iroufe, nith brick chimneys, a ve ry g>od barn, (tables, kitchen, and other iioufes. ifoe >argc for isexetilent, and will always conti nue lb.— I his Land is wcil worrh the attention of purchalers, for us fi uacion for health is iquai to any in toe world, and in an agrftabte neighbor ho oJ, being *b cu fi ict*u nihes wt [f from the town of A hens, about the iam • dutance from die town of Warkinsviie. and rcu miles from t o town of JkfFe f n, wit fi a till k lett’. and country weftwardE ; it;- a fvan-ag- s therefore far a proitl fi .red chaia&er is very con fid m bh'. I dilpucable general warran tee titles will be made (he pure ha ler. Any perlon wfh> g to pur chase <an view t.‘ie I .and by apply ing to Mr. B itain B azeai on the land, and know ihe by ap ply * r g to he vSubfi riber near toe town )t Ji ff rfon in Ja. kfon coun ty, Gccign. GEO N. LYLES. F b r uary 8, 1812. CaUUON. /THE public at e hereby cautioned againft trading jor two Notes, which amount to 1250 dollars, given by the fubfcnber to Lol Peter Randolph. — they were to have been given up to me but bavt not. IVM. C JBINESS. Feb 20. CA U i .ON. / HEREBY fdr warn all per fens fr at trading jor a Note given by me, ta Jo feph Mut dock, for the amount of jixteen dollars It is unjuji, and l do not intend to pay it, as i never re ceived the value cf one cent for it. G. IVASHINJtOy CAMP. Feb 20 IATLORING BUSINESS,. ry-y 1 HE Subfcriber refpe£tfuliy in forms the Cu zr. s of Wi kiuJvdle 2>d cne Public g aeraiiy, tha he C li continues the above b. finds in all its various bl anches—l ie fee is grateful tor pafi: favors, and crufts that his unremitting aflndu.ty to picafe, will It curt to him a conti ruance of thole favors, whuh he is happy t( k owiedg have hitherto been fo liberally bdi .wed on him. Ali orders for work to be, will be tha; kr'ully received, end execurcd in the newt ft ftyle w.ih seatnefs and and (patch, and go mo derate terms. S. B. Hutchinson. IVettkinfville, January jl, 1812. NOT ICE. ALL perfons indebted to the ef ta:e of the late Job Felton, dec, of Oglethorpe county, eirlitr by note or book account, are requeued to come forward without drLy ad make payment ai no further indul gence can be given—Ar.d all thole having uaims dgaiuft ad dtate are hereby nocflrd to bring them i.i properly authenticated, ter lectle rnent, within cne time p-rclcr.bed by law. JOHN FELTON, Executor. January 2?, iSt2. yp \ 9 .> r 7 * . r * * • it*, t.aX r j k,jV J f On Thurfday the a6:h of March next, at the late duelling liouie of Job Felton, deceafed, WILL be: Sul D Negroes, Horfes, Cows, Hogs, Hou'ch -Id and K‘tchrn Furui r urt; lor**r Farmi: g Uter fils, with a number of other articles too tedious to mention. Twelve rnonrhs rrr dit will be given by the purchafcr givii g bond with approved fecu. i p. —Further conditions, will be made known on the day of faie by the fubferiber. JOHN FELTON, Eixecuior. Oglethorpe, count\, ja uary 28, 1812, RO IVLINS GREEN RvuCES. X 7a.. HE Bowling Green Jo key Club Races in the C unty of Ogle thorpe, w 11 commence on \Vedncf day the 26th inft. frte toranv horfc, mare or gddi g from any part of the world. Fir ft day three nule heats for a purfe of three fmndrrd dollars—Second day two mile hea s ft 1 a [;urfe of tw® hundred dollars Third day rn Ic hea s for the ba lance ol the fubfcription and f e en trance. m .-ney of each day. Weig ,ts &c. agreeable to the eftabl -filed rules of the turf. By order of the P reft dent. KOBE ROPE, Se. *ry p o tem. P- *>• A m.-retirg af the Club vs eutvieftly requHied *..> the at 1 2 o’clock on the 25m. February lft, i-Ji?.. [EXECUTOR'S SALE Cn the firjl Saturday in March next, IVILL RESOLD, at ike houje of she Suffer iber, in 4- ibens, all the perjonal property of H'iliiam Finch, cen'r. dec conji fl ing of CARPENTER'S TOOLS, Acc. Notes , payable the 25 th of DtC ’m her next, will be acm an (led. sPj~’ Ail perl ms iauebt*d to laid eftatc a>e n qiu fted tr) makr* pay ment to the fubJ.nber, ad thole to >vhr.m the eflare is indehred, will pfaafa prefant their accounts, within the time allowed bv law. J. L>. COLE, Ex'r. Jjn. 24. None E. HPH AT nine mom .% after thi Ada e hereof 1 Oml apply to the hen rable tht Court of Oriiina ry of Oglethorpe count , for leeve to fail two trads of land, the teal efta e of Wilhatn Swa.ifa/n, ife ’d. lyi g on Little r, in the county af irelaid— >oe tradt containing 2 ij~> acres, be the iatne mere or left, ad joining Laoorn Short and otheii—- the other contamg 78 acres, be the lame m oe or leb, adjotnirg Rtu ben M-Claia and to De iold for the bentfi. of the heirs a,d cre ciiiorsof fa ddeceafcd. JAMES SWANSON, Adminifitrator . September 12, 1811. NO l ids. NfAE months after date, I fhall make application to the honorable the inferior court of Clark county, [or leave to fell air aft ef land, contain ing 2! 4 acres, more or Iffs, in (aid county, it being part of toe real ef tate cf Thomas Brown, dec, to be fold jer the benefit of the heirs a-.d creditors. EUJ/.H BRQIViV, Surviving Executor. Oft, 9, igu.