Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, March 13, 1812, Image 1

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Yol. IV.) ATHENS, Georgia: published by M‘DONNELL fJ GAINES. FOR SALE, Avery valuable irad f Land in Jackfon counry on B ech creek, containing about gr hu .bred a crcs, one hundrcs a;u; ft ;y of which is cleared and under a good fence, with a large peach and apple orch ard, and a variety of other fruic trees. Ths Land is well wa ered vith good iprings of pure water, the foil ftrong, its natural growth is oak, hickory and pine cimoer.— There is a comfortable dwell! g houie, with brick chimneys, a ve rv good barn, (tables, k tche.*, aid ether houfes. The •age ior it >ck is excellent, and wdl aUa/s conti nue fo.—This Land h well worth she attention of put* haters, f r its ft uation f r health if tqml m any in tit world, and in an ?g <- able wghborho o, being ?;b u ft mdes w* ft from thi town cl A', at?'*, about thr- lame dsft'ar ce f m ne town ofWaik nsv'l *, arid te miles firm met wn of j r -n, ha thi k let-1 and iu . vvv h a* i ; it'; ad vamsg s therefor l : for a \ d fional c ! a-u Cit i is very fidera ble. Indifputabie general tec titles will Ik • J e ?hr puicna fer Any wfti-g to pu chafe can v j ew the Land iv* applv ing to M B stain B azeai n the land, and k w the tciim b ap plying to he SubF riber near the town uf j- ffcrfon in Ja kfon coun ty, Georgia. GFO N. LYLES. Ftbruan 8, 1812. .■■■■■■■ ■ ■—n 1 J ■ “■" l - 1 ‘ ADMINIS IRA i OR's ALE Agreeable to an order of the Interior court, will be fold, at the ourt Hrufe in Green cowy, on the jirfl Tuejday in May next, tbe following trail of land -viz: 280 a r< >., m - or ks, in O- c.-uar', 0” l ‘g * eftatc o N-’n ‘Cx 1I- fh , adjoining lands of Br • a t i(j j id m tnc b efi ■ h ■ f r * and bred to •- of fat<l derraJ-. cl. — Terms r- .v kn • - - • * da ‘A fale. I 4ACTHRAKfcR j - y. 20, i 8 i 2 AI)MINIS IK A l ‘s ?ALK. Agreeabu to an order / the botura Fu the nferror court of Oglethorpe county, will be [aid, at the court bouje in faid county, on a credit of twelve months, on the pit luefday in *pril next, in the legal hours , 202 i-2 acres and and, orawn by Roiand Hud ion, d-e. lymg a a beLgin the county of Randolph, formerly Baldwin, known by No. 63, 17th S Id for me be nefit of the heirs ad cr-duors. DANIEL DF.UPRKE, Agent for Admimjtrator, Jan. 3 1 -A7 monthi atter date 1 fhuil make application to the honorable .be inferior’ court of- lark count, for Lave to Jell ft trad of entatn ir.g 214 seres mv e o* lefs, in laid county, it being Port of tbs real ef tate of ihcmas B r o on, dec to b: fold for tbs ben,p of the bars and creditors . El.lf H B <OV'N, Q vi.mgLAtvUtor. GEORGIA EXPRESS. IiAMY SHALL BWIC TO AVI FBO, AN® LXOWLIDOE SMALL BE IN CUBASE*. ** COLLECTOR’S sales. On the third Uoh day in March next, at the hnufe in Clark county , between ike ufual hours, WILL BE >OLD, ths following property , or as ranch thereof, as will fatisfy the fax due for the year 1810. 120 acres <>f land on Robinfoa’s creek, in Clark county, returned bv Archibald Heflerj tax due 62 1-2 .-ents. ALSO, 400 arres of land in Oglethorpe county, returned by John Boyd j tax due x dollar 31 14 cents. ALSO, 21 arres, on Call’s creek, Clark C'-u i.v, rru ifd by Edward Bund, tax due o: d-.viar 93 34, pointed u b> faui B ■ . AL‘ 0, One hr uf a-. .J ht h Watkmf* ’ftli., . cn t aid p tinted om by G g* VV (VI j ;ax due forty rhrrc ... i . 24 < rs. AL’ O 69 i2 a 3 land, Clark ceun tv, f -u h fumes b. Robifun, tax u t 2 i-: e ts. ALSO, 81 acres of land, Clark county, re.u ; and ry Haywood Ha per, tax due 5614 cents. ALSO, 202 1-2 acresofland in the 28th d.ftrift of W.Jkinion, No. 149, re turned by John Bianktkfh p, tax due 81 14 cents. ALSO, 202 i 2 a r res land, No. 284, 9*h d'ft; & W ilkmibu, returned t> Ih. Cos k, ax due ona dollar 87 1 2. ALSO, 80 acres of lac *, m Shoal creek, i C'a-k f • tint}, returned bv l’ho rn F’ )\r\, ?ax cut 93 3 4 WM, JONES, t.c c c. fane, ary 6 i X m U rOH’S SAI.E. Will be fold on Monday the \gth of Mpt'u n xt, at the boufc of Henry M’ o\ dec in Clark county , the following property: ONE ex eiler.t ftill and ftilling ure fih, hog 4l , ea-tle and other ar tules. to., edious t mention,— Teims known on the dav. JOHN M‘COY, Exr. F-bruary 28, 1812 NOTICE. HPHAT nine mouths after the JL date hereof I fhall apply to the hon rable the Court of Ordina ry of Og ethorpe countv, for leeve to fdi tvr : tradti of land, the real fftae f William Swanfon, dec’d. 1 gon Line r:vrr, in the countv it >r riei re traft containing 290 ar. s, ‘ he tame more or lefs, ad j m.rg La -orn Sh rr and otheis— cne trtr coma ng 78 acres, be the ftme m <e or lels, adjoining Reu ncij M'Cla ■< a id to be fold f-,r th O’ f'fi of the heirs and cre dr.ois.jf facidrccafed. JAMES SWANSON, Admtnifiratsr, September 12, 1811. THE SUBSCRIBER Will inftruA vtmng prrfons, at his houfe, in the Greek and Latin languages—in Arnhmetic and Al gebra—in Geometry and Trigvi nometry ana their application to Surveying, Nsviganun, Dialling, he. — in G grapnv and t; e con ftruttion a.sid ule f Globev—in i\ crcHiomy, wi<h thr calcular on of eclipfes—in rh. Elements of Na ru ral a dM >ral P idofophv, Cn.mif try, Botanv aad R etonc. A kw B arders caii be arcom modaied either in his fain ly or in the vicinity. J MEIGS. Paracletes, February 13, 18*2 NO : LE. THAT aVi tilt expiration of nine months from the date application will bt made to the hon orable the Inferior Court for Jack fon county, when fetti. g for ordi nary purpofes, for leave to fella of land, containing two hun dred acres more or Ids, R ing and bemg in the countv of E ber, be ing the whole of the real eftate of Thomas T. Bennett, deceafed, to be Ibid for the benefit of the heirs and credoers. CORNELIUS M‘C \RTY, THOMAS HYDE, Adminijirators. 2, 1811 SUPERIOR CO UR i, CLARKE COUNTY. RULE NISI. the petition o f Bedford B own, fhewmg to the court that Obedra * Fryer, on the 2d of January, 1810, mortgaged to the fa and Bedf rd a tradl of land, granted to Freeman, lying and being in the County of adjoining Archi bald Crowley aid others, contain ing one hundred and twenty five acres, more or lefs, on wild-cat ertek, to feeure to toe faid Bedford the payment of feveral notes of hand, particularly deferibed in the deed of mortgage, and rhat there is now du* on the fa;d mortgage the fusr. of one hundred twt (iy two dollars—and prayi g hat the equity of rederrp ion of, 11, and to he laid tratt * f iand ma be foreHofed —on nor* — It is ordered, Tliat the faid pa in o o.urt the principal, inuitft a<d cofts, which may be due and accrue on the fard mortgage, withm twelve mentis from this day, other wife the equ ty of redemption of, in, and to the laid mortgaged premdes, will be from thenceforth barred and foreclosed, according to the adt in that cafe pr o vided—and it is further o dered, that this rule be publifhed in one of the public tea f tms ftare, at lead once in every month, for and during the fa*d twelve months, or ferved on the m r‘gr-ger or his f pe dal ag<-nt, a: iesft fix months prior to the expira ion of the laid twelve months. A true fr- m thr minu es. Bedfordßrov.n, Lllerk. Aiiguft 20, ißii. FRIDAY, MARCH 13, (812. DUBLIN, N v. 23. TRIAL BY JURY. Triumph of the People l Triumph ef the Conjiitutien ! The Verdid of the Jury laft night will do more for the peace, the happineft, acd ihe lioernes of Irifh rr.en, than the combined talems of all the adminift lis this country ever law could v Ift tlv atchievc—• the usm of Protritact, Catholic, P tenan, which the Circu it r and :!*c P: jclamatioa lb rapidly promtued, rhis verdt£l—this im mortal vertiid, hai rementtd, we iruft, we trull; forever. A }cr/ compiled of P* tefLnts ai P, f bvienans has founded a vcrdiCl in favor of the aggrieved Catholic— in favor of puolv ng:it —>n fav >1 of—in favor of tht empire.— T. has thrown a fhirld around the coi.ftitution-—lc will give liability to the (late—it will cuffule harmon? through thr counrry—the trVumpii is great—the conFqurnccs will b: glorious—the betu ftthus confer red upon the thronr u .and the people ate it-calculable. The enthufiafbc j >V tha Uft n ghr, with the cjuick— nei or l g g, fpread fr. rn the court to t vet \ orncr of ch acr •, is not to be deicribrd. Tnr plaudits in the C .urr, when the vtrdid of N t Gu;ky was returned, announced the glad tidings r., the rnui-mide in tht hill and a j vni 2 * venues, arj m a Uw rnr'.L'ti • hr a clamattona rent rhe air for miles around, 1 1 the ttieirre the intchig net was communicated from the gallery on the < ble ad of the play 5 the fliouc of applaule that followed was long and gent 31. Notwithftandmg this great and universal ferilation in the pubbe m-.nd, the m ,ft ptrfeft ordesr and decorum prevailed throughout the city—this lively feeling was on ly manift fled by huzzas, waving of ha-s, and clapping of handf. Op p Tue the door of this office, a num ber of perlons flopped and cheered, as thy faid, “ ‘lhe Ihnefi Paper.” We underftand the po ic< f olifhly interfered, and committed fomeof thefe people to the watch hou(k.—• The difplay of the police, and of 2 militar pat role in the flreets, muffc be co fid‘“red harfh, becaufe unne ccflary. Toe ga'rifon had orders to be in readinels, and a fecOnd or & r com nantEd the arediery to lim ber ihrir guns. Hrre the people nad another tr.umph, for did a multitude, having fuch caufe of exultation, c-onduft thcmfelves with m>re moderation ■, rhe expreifion of their honeft feelings did not ex ceed the bounds of propriety—but we have not room at prefeni co continue the fubjeft, A number of gentlemen of high and cha.after attended the trial, among wnoin we nbferved George Lidwell, Efq.—We men tion him weth h >n jr. dfj’ The Prince ! ! (To whom American look t as mariners to the pole Jiar ! J A letter ft . m h g ntlernan in L ‘iid'rn afftfts, we are cold, that au arrangemert to retain the pivftnc mi .ift. r%, has bas b-ei bargs?.*ed for buwWccLi them and tilt PrL? : (No. 190.