Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, April 24, 1812, Image 3

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do hereby c©nflitutc and appoint C. D. to be my attorney, to vote in in behalf for d<r< <ftors to manage the affairs of the Oconee Navigatt on Company at the ‘■nfuEg elrdfti oo,'’ wh ! h proxy fhail be Witntff ed by a of the peace or no tary public. Ref shed, That on the day of each annual election, the direct -rs fhsll lay before the fliarr holders an rx (aCt ftitement of ail debts due to, or owing by the company} and all mo- Dies received and expended Thev fhall alio raufe to be kept fair and f-gular entries of their proceedings in a book provid and for that mi pol , which b >-.k flo 11 be fubj"6t to the inipection of toe (hare holders when tailed for by them at a general mee ting, Refolvad, That more than twen ty-live per centum 01 the amount of fhares fubferib'd, (hail not be dif trairsed for by the drc&ors within an term of fix man hi from the date of iuo( rip;ion, nor diall *ny P cr centum be demanded, without giv i g th ?e months previous notice thereof t n tne Start Gazette. Refolved, That a fair price fhall be allowed for iu h laborers & pro vifio'>s, as the directors may have a <t i r, in openi g the rivet; and fhare holders fhdi have a decided preference in (upplying. TO THE PUBLIC. The advao ages irfuitirg from inland na tig i'Em are too felf evi dent to render a comment on them ne < ffi> y, The carrying into eff ct the o j-"ft contemplated bv the fore g • / g charter, will not only be of the fi ft importance to the community, tin: will alio furnifh ?he capitalist with an opportunity of turning his numey to advantage, as he wsu dif cover bv turning co the sth feclion of ire a<ft of incorporation. T he river has been minutely cx sm ned by a competent perfon, who has reported to the directors not on ly rhe practicability of obtaining nav gation .hereon, but that th ; ob fTodi ;ns are much lefs formidable than has been generally conjectured. E lccuraged by the amount al ready fubfer bed for, v z (alrn fft one third of the capi a ) and rely ing confi.lentlv on ihe liberal pat ronage of a generous public, the directors will, in the sn*nh >f May nex*, drfeend the river, fr the purpofe of examine g each obfEuc tion and determ urig on-, the me th and of rtm >vmg themj with the expectation of commencing their operations in the courfe of the cn fu g fu mmer. F r the accommodation of the public, übferip ion papers are de p fi t and with the Editors of this Pa per, Mr. Denham of Darien; Col. D. M‘C >rmi<k of Dublin; Mr. Thomas of New-London; Cape. Taylorof Sparta; H. Gox of Clin ton; Major Wilk ns of Eatooton; H. Walker of M st c*dlo; IVI ff s. Cunm gham & Dannell<f Madifon; IVI j >r George M >ore of Ogle thorp county; M ff * James Eiwards & Cos. of W fh ngcon, W Ikes coun tv, and M j >r Brown of Watkinf ville. By order of the D'refl >rs, JAMES H. NIC KELSON, Secretary, Oconee Navigation Company. 1 \ Options for (hares i*r> t „ ; r - mpany w.ll be receiv e *r the r fftce of Georgia Exprefs tin father notice. Thofc who feel :> ed to encourage this lau da f aking, are requtfted to ca, tr their names as Pat rons *.l as pcffible. GEGKOiA EXPRESS. a vTjen TTTpFii . T 4. more Pickerings in congress. / / appears by the proceedings of Cengrefs on the 6 th irtjl. that while the Houfe we* e in fecret fiffton cn tbs Embargo l,a *t* fome Member, loji to all Jenjs of Jbame, and fojj'jfing no particle of honor, divulged to *betd itors of the Alexandria Herald the proceedings , by fating to them the fa page of the law in the Houfe of lie prefentatives, tbs divijion on thequef tion of its faffage, and fever al other particulars One of the editors was, at that time, in the cuficdy of the Searg*ant at Arms—-Several inrffec tual attempts bed been made by the hfiufe to draw Jrom him the name of his informer. Mfjf r s Cra - ford y T<t if, Uibb 3 Pretip and Hall voted for the bill. We this dav prefent to our readers rhe ad to Uy an E nbrrg >, [The ad (hall be pubhfhed in the next ExpreV ] pa(Td by C ngrefs with doled doors, together with a detail of the proceedings of the two H-uP sont ns lubjed. The term of bs duration, :t appears is to be nineev dav 5, and it is to apply to ali vrfi is, dear and or not cleared, b und to aiv f sag purr, Tne law contains within i ielf “hr necef- provifi ns to enlure ns ex-cu tion, and for mat purpofe the naval force of the United States is pro perly put in req-.i ficion. With the motives which induce the Executive to recommend the P Tig? of ftich an a£l we a e of courfe una quainted j but prefume rhey ruay be found in tne circum (Jances to which we have herejof rc adverted as fanfl oning the meafure —n the late inaiifpicious news from Europe; tne hot prefs for lea men in E gland; the known intention ©f the g >vernment of that country to ftnd a fquardron on our coaft to annoy our commerce ; ine late nu merous captures, f me of them on our coaff, under the Orders in Council; r gather with the deter mined perfcvcrarice of the BririfK g •vernmenc >n obnoxious tnealures which ft . kc at the roots of our commer e ; rhefe, we fay, are the caul * o we a r e in clined to reEr thf rrcommendation of th s (Up by the Prcfi lent. Under fu h circumftances, ‘he adoption of rh’s meafure bv Con- g r cfs, bv a * o flderaOie m j >ruy in the Senate, and a vrrv Sa g majori ty in the HLufe Representatives, proves that the fpiritofthe na ion is up, refolved no longer to (üb mit to the opprelHon and degra dt'ion, which have neretofare been irift on u* with impunity by foreign powers. The Embarg Law is, in itself, an aft equal m its operation as it affV&s the belligerents; at the fame time that the non importation a£t is p-tferved in force againft Great Britain for refufing to repeal her Orders in Council. Being limit ed in its duraunn, at the end of the the Exe’ U ive and Con grefs are at itberrv to take what mrafurci they think proper as to both or either of thefe powers ; a-d whilft the door i? left open to both powers for accommodation on fair and honorable t onditions, in the mran time preparations for warlike operations may aid probably will go on with great activity. Thefe are the prominent features of this meafure, on which we h2vc not at prefent time to enlarge, but to which we fhail devote a t olumn or two in our next 6l fuccceding papers. We will only add, at tins time, that there is no danger, whilft a go vernment lupp'irts with integrity and fu rnncls the rignts of a people, but it will, in return, receive their mod ample and vigor us Support. A enfis has arrived which puts to trial the virtue and patriotism of this nation ; and we will not per mit ourleives to doubt the rtfuit. THE lateft intelligence from Eng land is to the 1 jtb March. It is un tiling to tbe im eric an reader unlej's it is cmjidered of mportance to hew that the Brtttjh Government 00 jiinately adhere to their lawiefs Or ders in Council—and peremptorily re fute to relax, one iota from tbetr pre j'ent fyftem of plunder Ss to Dmy lie Affair s y we have given as much as our limits will per mit. It appears that the lory papers have got into us great a taking about Gov idmpkins proroguing tbe Pegif lature of New York, to prevent thim from chartering a B'itijh Bank, as they were at the di-cicfures of tbe A gent Henry. The bill to incorporate a bank offix Millions Capital having prffed the fhufe of Ajjetnbly of New l vrk > & being on us final puff age in the Senate Governor ‘Tomkins, with a view of an effing its pregrefs , cn Thurjday week exercijtnga right vefitedin h>in by the conJluMtton of the fate, ?ro- R< gued the legiflature to tbe i\/t of May. Five of tbe Six Millions which was to compo/e the Capital Stock of this Bank , it is underfired was to have been the property cf the late Bri itjh Bank. It is under food that Central Polk has received orders to repair immedi ately to Columbia , in dcutb Carolina , she. place fixe *on for the Head al ters of tbe Sou hern Army—and to make preparations for raijtng and or ganizing the troops. IVe under/land, (fays the Nation al Intelligencer of the cyth inft ) that General Dearborn has accef ed ihe command of the army defined for the north , and is making arrangements for ratjmg . contenitatuig and trga nixmg the iroi ps of the additional mi litary efahlijhment. Ihe fame paper Jays that Mr Ca! houn, cn the %th inft flatted that it had become his duty to call for the confide* alien of buftntjs of a confiden tial nature ; and upon his motion the pallet i'S were cleared Arid /’rangers excluded , and Jo remained until tbt koufe adjoHi ncd. W m F T ul l, Efq no w Governor of the Michigan ‘ Territory , is ap pointed a Brigadier General in tbe sir my of the U States. Morgan Lewis , Efq of N York, is appointed Quarter Majler General of the Army of the U States. Hi Hi am J nes , EJq. ef Philadel pbia, is appointed Commiffary Gene ral of tbe Army of the U States David Holmes , Efq is re appoint ed Governor of the MiJ/iffippi Terri tory. Preparation. —Ninety pieces of field artillery (part of them brafs) were received at this place from Waftiir.gton City laft week, the carriages and narnrft for which are now making, anc fixiy of them will be ready for the fi (and by the middle of May, for the uie of the old regi ment of the U. States 1 ght artillery and the two regiments of artillery now ra fing. Fifty 18 pounders for travelling carriages are ordered to be completed as Soon as poffible. Columbian, <k*s/* ... —*’ h. ; 1’ come to it got, that Mr. Coore, a ;d ---de c.nnp to Sir George Prev ft, was in this town fome time fince.— The federal papers of yefterday were inftiufted to fav, rha: he did not appear in difguife, but (t:> th>m) in hi j proper character. If this is the cafe (which we do n -t-believe) h'w docs it happen that E has beta kept a fecret cill this turn ? Ii has a *a* s been rhr cuft-uh wicn the s ‘leading frdeia ftp* on ihe ?pproach of a difltngttijhed character to it known 0 (Li sg aouiktin.— ihe approach of Francis James Jack lon was duly announced, and 2 number of the (t choice (pints** went ou r , met him on his t*/av, and elcorted him into town, yud gave him a dinner ar the Ex hangr ! Bu r Mr. Coore pavs a v fit at acer tam time, and n*ne but certain imm mull know it. There 13 more in this bufinefs “ than meets the eye.** L'ok our ! It is now dated for the fu ft time, that Mr. Morier, the late Bntifh Chargedes Affairs, was in thEtowa a (hurt tune before M Coore, aid that a convocation of 44 v hoice fpi rnV’ was held, no doubt for the purpofe of renewing ‘heir mutual pledge of 4< integrirv, of intention.** Bsfon Patriot . Mfjfrs. AP Donnell (A Gvines, SOME rime in tlie month of February, ißit, there appeared in your paper an extrsfr of a len\*r, dare ‘ F >rc Stoddert January 9 n, audrtffrd to a gentleman of \ojr city, touching the condiuft & {find ing of various charaTers in this country. The writer, at that time* igno rant of manv fadls which havt ft ice trartfpired, believes he has done Col. Joseph Carson u juft -r in sffician- g nts name vith the Lead ers of K mp’ r in his lawiefs expe dition aguufi Florida. He is happy to have it in his power to correct any m ; ftatements Calculated ro in jure the reputation of an innocent cii'zeii: and is, at this time, well affured ihat rhe oblerva r ion relative to Col. Carfon unfounded. ,f Great Hajte —We have it from good authority, that on Sarurday hft, the day on which th nevs of Henry’s confpiracy arrived here, a letter was ddparched to an offi ‘er f the driufli g ivernment in Canada.** NEGRO IN i ELI IGENCE. We have feen ahvertifed, as runaways, m the late Charleft n pa pers two negroes, one of which livs his name is BILL, bclorg ro Wm. Jame<i j the naine of nc the 19 unknown, (ays he belongs ift Wrn. Jones —:hey both fay their rmftcra live in the State of a —Mr, James, we underftaruf, live& in the county of jacklon—B II is in the Tail of Pendleton, and the other is in E'g fteid Jail. GEORGIA, l By John Smithy Clark County. \ Clerk of the Court of Ordinary for Jaid County , Whereas Samuel Laird hi 9 ap plied for letters of d'fm fti >n from the adminiftration of the eftate of Margaret Laird, deceafed. Thefe are therefore t o cite and adomnifh all and fingubr rhe kin dred and creditors of faid decca/ed, to be and appear at mv offEe, with in the time preferibeo by hw, to fbew caufe, (if nv, w ’ .aid let ters of d’ifmiftion lh ultl rot be granted. Given under my *\VE z day of March, 18 12. ‘ ’ JOHN SMI ITij C. C.