Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, May 15, 1812, Image 2

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would prefer war to humiliation ; but He would fay m -ft foiemnly and molt fmcerely, that if he were to m J ge between the two countries, he 0 \ iuid be oblged to vote agai'ft his own ! he fhould be forced to fay, that England had ailed mt/t ty rannically and unjufily toward Ameri ca. Ti.e rights which the Mhailler claimed for England were rhofe of plunder er and KngliQimen big w * *. the Ipirit of their conftttu 1 m, fliould teil him, that they would not aift like plunderers in compliance with hi* tyrannical policy. The me diner for Carlifk had exprefT-’d a hope, tha f other men wtuld luc cced to ihofe Rations, in which the right honorable geatleman and his colleagues had fhown thcmfelvrs fo iutapafeir; but what was the right honorable gentleman's reply to this hone if hope ? He told the H *ufc, (and it ought to go forth to the country) that whaever g dden dream* that honorable member in dulged in, might be disappointed ; he, in fa£l, toid the Houle, and not equivocally, that he was to be me future mimfter of England, How the right honorable gentleman could poftibly think of facing an i; - dignant country at the commence sav-nf of anew era, fuch as the pre fcni awful period was, he could not imagine j but of one thing he was certain—that if the mmiftcr and his colleagues, or any other patched adnun ftration, fh >uld continue to ad on the f ftern which had been hi herto pnrfued, rhey would foon fhakr rhe monarchy to its founda tion, and bury the conftiiucion be neath it* ruins. IHe begged pardon for iotrudit ghis obferva 1 -ns on the Houle, and would conclude at oore by laying, V at he placed ew confi dence whatever in the plunderers of Copenhagen, nor m tnofc who had the bafene s to originate the heliifh cry of “No Papery.” Burlincton, April 2, iJJi?. It 1 % fU'td by a gentierua w o has arrived in this place dired from Montreal, and who refit Ses at the latter place, that the no red Capt, j hn H nry was a few days previ ous u* the oublicaron of hi* difclo fure at Wafli ngton, appointed, by the Governor of Canada, high Iheriff for rhe diftrift of Quebec j an effi e faid to be worth at leaft 10,- 000 dollars a year. From a know ledge of th gentleman who brings the information, we have no and mbt of the truth of the ftatement. Fhtis it f nns that the man wan is cried down by a t ertam party as one of the m It abandoned villains on the whole earth, has been appointed to one of rhe m -ft important and lu crative ffi ?s in the gift of the Can adian government. ; North. LcnthieL From Wafhingtm, April 15. “ The teeming difaofiti m whkh is evinced bv certain late vote* in the H ufe of Rr prefentatives to “ hack out l have no doubt has furpnz and and alarmed you. I idred the a tempt to repeal the non un p r ati m was well calculated to a la m the m(l faoguine in vthcircon fidden*'e of the ultimate corre&nefs and energy of Congrefs. It would feem its advocates a e fick of their projed, there being an undemand ing that the poftpwnement of the bill to Monda/ next, was an cafy mode of letting off certain gentle men, not lefs fufpedted for their ho nrftv and parriotilm, than for their taienrs. It is believed the bill will not be egain called for. Perhaps the m *tion for an adjournment may ilfo be cufifidcrcd as indicative of a fitiiilar ferret uifpofitien. Great effirrs will undoubtedly be made to eff 6b fuch a belief. “I am now perfectly fatisfied, if the views of the Cabinet Congrefs will not adjourn before it Jhall ha ve DECLARED P/Afi a gainfi Great-Britain —of which I have much lels doubt now, than I have had at any other period of rhe , fttTion. You need not be furprifed if it fhould fo happen, that, at the moment when the B it lii Cabinet arc mofl confident of our inaoility to carry a war qutftion, that quefii on jhall burfl upon them without one previous additional indication. I we have war, taat will he the faffc.” City Gazette. Recruiting for he additional mi litary force ha3 commenced, aid promifes to progrefs vigoroufl and with much fuccels, if we judge from the fadh which have come cur knowledge. By tht joth of March laft, we learn, on erquhy, that recruiting irftru&ions and mo ney for bounties, &c. were for warded to every quarter < f the country. The appropriations far the lupport of the addit o al milita ry force were made on tift F u ary; on the 24m February tta 600 nominations of ifixceis for that *r my were made to the Serair; -n the 12th of March thole romina titans were coi fi tried by the Senate, and within thrr e days thereafter tl e mail i arr ed t iai notices of ap~ po n merit to the Officers in every feflion of the c* untry. The law f r rhe* eftabhfhmenc ©f a aricr- Mafter's D partment aid m t pals until the 2$ h ult.—mmediatelv afar which the ttcruittng ordeis we:c ffued. We have collated theie fa£b, in order tfe txplain to th> 1 e brave fp.rits whole ardor cannot brook delay, the realon why tne hour of prcparaticii has fe>'rrird to them to £f htpp fa heavd ai gd” Nat Intel. New Ycfk. Aprl 15 TeSlerdey after nan between 3 and 4.C clack, the United States* frigate Prejidenty commodore Rodgers, and EJfex, /ailed Jr cm this pert m a cruize . IVh-n the frigates get oppojite Ladle Williams they fired J row 6 to 8 twen ty four pound [hots at the cajlie for the purpofe of trying its Jlrength , which we are happy to jlaie was found to hr ball proof, and more than anfuiers the J'anguine expetlatims three balls were fired into one of the embrazures, which did little other damage, than flattering the gun car riage. One 24 pound jhet [truck tbe wall of the caflie, a liitte above the feesnd tier of guns. and made an in deution in tl. 0 [lone of nearly 6 inches without defacing it in any other man - ihe frigates then proceeded on their ccurje , and in the evening came to anchor at the watering place, Sta ten Ifland fVe underjland the com me dove will try a ftmilar experiment at hen Richmond, when bep&JJes the Narrow r ADMINIMRA l OK's SALE. Agreeable to an order of the honorable the Inferior court cf Oglethorpe county y will be fold , at the court houje in faid county , on a credit of twelve months , on the firjl Tuefday in July next, within the legal hours, 202 i-i Acres of iand, drawn by Roland Hudfon, deceafed lying and being in the countv of Randolph, formerly Baldwin, known by No. 63, 17th diftrdh Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditor:. DANIEL DEUPREE, Agent for Admintjfrator, May 1812. —a—B—MWII 111 11 vjliUßcjla faXPRE-bb. ATHENS, MAY 13 IT is really amuftng to witneJs the fhifts to which his Britannic Mayfly*s editors in this esuniry are reduced , in order to give the leaft piaufibihty to their infamous productions. Not iong fmee, the whole phalanx declared, un ■ equivocally, that the American Con grefs dared net lay an Embargo —that tht People would not fubmit to fuch an outrage ( on the feelings of the Britifo government me prejume) that if fuch a meafure did take place the authors of it would be in dignantly hurled from their elevated fattens Now that this wife and fa luary meafure has actually been adopt ed by Congrefs j thefe tory gentry fay, that the\ am c pate a fuch a meafure —but fay they, it is only intended for electioneering purpofes—and that Congrefs and ice Executive dare net in reive this country in a War with Britain If a Declaration §f WAR. has not been already made by the American * Ctrgrefs , Aguinjt the tnoft piratical, ana the *r fi pe ftdious of Nations , ( Britain's fait an-her'a iflc” ) — —we feel confident, that but a very (hert time will elapfe before fuch an e vent does take place When that much wifhed for declaration is made, we then (hallfee (mote clearly perhaps than we bo by Henry's dfcU/ure-) who a e the ft tends sf America—who tb‘ e defenders of the 1 world's lafi bspe * If ever the biufto ef fhame tinges the cheeks of thefe parricidal fcoun drels —what waft be their emotions, when they rcfl.tsl en the Jitu&tion of our beloved country , and remember the a gency they have bad in bringing about the prefent flats of our Foreign Af fairs. That they were, and are ft ill, i Agents* in the bands of the Briiifk Mini fir y, to Jubvert the Liberties of this country —and to fever the Union ef thefe happy /fates, we believe there is no honed . imerican will deny. As we have glanced at the Britifh Intrigue, we would briefly mention, that one of the molt cmfpicueus (not in print of size, but devotion) of the ‘Tory Editors in this fate, as well as his brethren in Baltimore, N. Trk Bofi-.n, &c have endeavored to eflablifh their innocence, as well as that of TIM PICKERING, — BURR, and others—by alerting that ne individual is mentioned by Hen ry, as being concerned. Granted— there are no names of PERSONS mentioned———ls there mt the n am e of a PARTY frequently made ufe of ? Can thefe venal wretches fup pefe that the PEOPLE ef this coun try are fuch ninnies as not to fee thro * this cob web fubterfuge ? Do they think the People cannot eafily perceive, that the fame Ipirit which u Studied John Henry , Influenced Timothy Pick ering ? In fait, they might as well endeavor to arrtjl the pregrgfs of the Sun, as to make the benefl Yeomen of this country believe, that they are not propelled by the fame powerful engine. SOME Few of the ‘LORIES (for there are but very few) in the upper part ef this fate, have exfrejfed a kind of w ijb, which is tafily con firued into a belief\ that Belling Hall would not be re eleSfed a Member of CengrefSy at the approaching Election. Republicans have never doubted of his re eUfiidn —But if they hod ever had a doubt , it would have been remcv edy aUerpervjir.g the liberal Jh are ct fon der b(flowed t>n him by the Editor of the Auguft* Herald. Mr. Hobby is a pretty cunning little “ Agent”—and we are furprized at him to ahute a man. whom he wifhes to degrade in the public cliimation. Our Hal* Hero , we fhould have fuppofed, hoi lean t before this, that in Georgia* where he is fo well known, for him to fi under a public char alter, is the furefi means by which that character can rife in the public eflsem. We fhould have thought that his Bilings gate atrufe of the late Mayor General James I action, might have taught him, that tbs Citizens ef Georgia will always befiow the kighefi hsnors fit their gift, upon thojs whom he affaiip with his polluted pm. WE learn b* a rentlman of rtf testability, who arrived in this place l*fi week, dire It from Tcnnejfee, that the cxtrait of a letter, taken from r: Frankfort paper, andpubllfhed in the . lafi Exprfs, fo far as relates ts the killing of twenty White Families t>yi tbs Indians, is without foundation G:ir informant further flutes, that in his faff age thro* the Cherokee Nation s the Indians appeared quite friendly £*? well difpofed towards the Whites. WE offer ve advert fed in an Au gufia paper, as in the Jail cf that ci ty, Two Negroes, who fay they be - to Mr. Ezekiel A. Riedge, oft this county. Col. Browne, the Britifh rom mander so AugufT, during -ur re volunor ar* ftn/ggle wirh (i mother Britain, ** *as lately been arcubd in 1 England, of F Hgen, trier , and feu -d guilty*~and w? wufl wii be har-g**!. Afh *rt Ik* eh f his tri al ill ill appear :n the n Jit Exprefs. THE following paragraphs will (hew the lengths to which the party by’ whom Henry was entertained and ta riffed will fo. t hefe Tory Gentry muft think the People cf the 1 nited States] to be as big fools as George 111 if they 1 • pppofe that they cannot dijcover the I hankering of the Tory Editors tow ards the <c fafi anchor'd ifie ” in pub - Heat ons like the following—and with fuch their papers, from Mains to this fiate , daily and weekly teem. HENRYISM. From the Bofisn Repertory. “ Americans !—Frepaie your arms— ou will foon be called to ufe j them. We muft ufe them for the Emperor ot Fiance or far ourfdverf. It is but an individual who now points to this ambiguous akernaiive —but Mr. Madilbn and his cabal may reft afiured tht-re is in th* hearts of many thousands in this a bufed and aim oft: ruined country, a femiment and energy to illuftratc the definition, when his madnefs fiiail call if* o adtfan.” ( From tbs N. Y Commercial Adver t\jer. <c The prefent embargo will be fucceeded by another, and another, ffalfeJ until the ipirit of the North, of the commercial flares, fhall fay, 1 in the tone q ( thunder, thus far fk all ye go, but no farther. Already the figns cf the times begin to ftiewy themfeives in the Fall, and the mi/- gul led chief, in the reaffes of his pa lace, trembles for the future. Old Msllachufctts is as terrible to the Americans now as she was to the B-otifh Cabinet in 1775; for Ame rica, too, has her Buts and her Nf rths. Let then the Commercial States brcait rhemfeives to the fhock and kr.fcw that to thcmfelves they mull look for fafety. All party bickerings muft be facrificed on the altar of patrsenfm. Then, and non till then, fhdl they humble the pride and ambition of Virginia, 4 whole ftreugih lies in their wcak nef3, and chaftife the infolcnce of thofe madmen cf Kentucky and Tennefice, who afpire to the go-