Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, May 29, 1812, Image 1

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V CL. IV.) ATHENS, gioucia: published by M'DONNELL ifi GAINES. GEORGIA, By John Smith, Clark County . S Clerk of the Court ■of Ordinary for Jatd County. | Whereas Samuel Laud has ap plied fur letters of dominion trom the admimfrrauon of the efhte of | Margaret Laird, deceafed. ’ Thrfe are therefore to cite and fdtnomfh all and fiogrdar the ksn dred and creditors of (aid deceafed, to be and appear at my office, with in the time preferibed by law, to fnew caufe, (if any, why (aid let ters of diimiffion ihould not be granted. Given under my hand this arid day of March, 1812. ’ JOHN SMITH, C. C. ®'& Saturday the iyib day of June next, WILL BE SOLD, At he the late refidence of IVm. The me s, dec in Jackfin county, ALL the pi pert > or laid dec. confifting of cattle, hogs, noufe hoid and kitchen furniture, planta tion utr- fils, ad fundry other arti cles too tedious to mention. A cre dit untd the 25th of December next will bo giver,, for all Turns above three dollars, the purchafer giving bond end approved fecurtcv. CHRISTIANA THOMAS. Adminiftratrix Mav 5, 1 § 12. d2 62 1 2 NO n.CE. I AM going to the Natchez Ter ritory, a..d (hail be ablent four or I f-vc mfinths—and hereby appoint I imes Hendrick my lawful attorney I and JAMES HAMPTON. (Mav 10. id 62 i*z NO TICE. Nine months after date, application will be made to its honorable the infs ncr court of Clark county for leave to Jell part of the 1 eal eft ate of Beattie M'Kignry, deceafed, viz : Eight hundred acres of pine land, lying in Montgomery county or, the waters cf the big Okocpie. Ifi Rent (roe's creek One hundred acres in fVaffjington county near the big Oboopie One the ufand acres in Jack/on county . cn I the waters of Broad river 202 1 2 acres in the iQih dfirici cf IVilkin/on county, on the waters cf Limefione creek 202 1 2 acres in the jtb dtf trift of Wiikir/on county 202 1 2 acres itt the 21ft difir til cf IVilkin/on, now Taxings county. 202 1 2 acres in the oth diftriel of V/ilkinJcn county. To be fold for the benefit of the heirs ifi creditors cf faid deceafed. SAMUEL BROWN, AdmirAJlratcr . € Bober 3, 1811. NOTICE NINE momhs after date, 1 /hall jinks application to the honor able the inferior* court cf Clark county, for Levs to fell & trail if land contain ong 254 acres, more or left, in laid oouniy, it being part of the real efi tat* ,f .hemas Brown, dec. to be jft C far Ibe benefit of the heirs ana #r editors of J’aid deceafed ELIJAH BROIL N, Surviving ©ft. 9, 1 $ 11. GEORGIA EXPRESS. V IUMY SHALL JUfN Y© AX* JBLO, AN® LMOWLSDOfi SMALL BE INCREASE®.” POET R Y. All things arc full of Labour. IVell what a bufy world is this ? 4 refilefs noify bubble ! 1 here's no Jucb thing a, fofXd b’ifs, Uncharged with and trouble The fweets. the joys which arc found, Vain joys ourfslves have Rated ; And but the fame laborious round, A thou/and times repeated. The fun each morn fo early /sen, Sweats up the eafiern deep ; And then as fof t goes down again , And/seks his native deep. The moon too. like her fifier made, Goes laboring on with pain j Till of her burthen hr ug t to bed, And then grows young again Now Flora's dr ef s'd in all her pride here , Straight Summer's deg clays enter , Next Autumn brings us wine and cyder, And then again comes winter. The/e are induflrious, all mufi own, For nature's feldom idle •, Shall man then, lordly man alone , Rcfufe to bear the bridle ? No; we too have our rounds ‘ tis light, JVc cat-—we di Ink —w: play Ai noon the fame, the fame at night, And fo conclude the day A young woman being to take her oath before ajulUce of the peace , as a witnefs in feme cau/e the examiner afked her by what title he should let her down, whether JViaid, fVi e, or IVtdew ? ‘ O certainly a Maid, (fatd Jhe) far Inner was married’ He feeing her a handfome agreeable girl „ c./ked her how old fie was. jhe an fiver ed four and twenty How/aid he, four and twenty ! have a care my girl what you fay ; remember you are now on your oath—may / fajely fet you do dim a maid at the/e yeai s ? the gi” if ruck with the quefiton, and con Jittering a while with herjelf, /aid, I pray ycu fir, to avoid all mifiakes, write me down young woman. Afcbolar a bald man and a barber travelling together agreed to watch at night, in turn, for the fake of fecurity. Ike barber's lot came fir ft, who fiav ed the fiholar's head while he was a Jlcep. then waked him, when his turn came Ihe fchelar feratebed his head and feeling it bald, exclaimed, , you wretch of a barb r, you have wak ed the bald nr an, :r (lead of me.* A fail or belonging to a man of war, having been for bis good behaviour promoted from a foit.mafi man to a boa/wam, was ordered on (bore by his captain to receive his cmmi/fion at the admiralty office Jack went accord in ply ard thus defenbed his reception afierwa, ds to his companions : “ I bore away large for the admiralty of fice ■, and cn entering the harbor I ef pted a dozen or two qutiidrivers : I hailed them, not a word faid they : Holloa a gain] did l not a word} at and they, jhiver my top fails hut what can this moan faid I ; then 1 took a guinea from my -picket and holding it up to tny pee - per, bc-1100 again/aid I, ‘ Oh ! hal loo/ returned they, ‘fo fo cried I, you are like Balaams afs , are you ? you could not /peak until you /a w the cn gel.’ IRISH SENTIMENTS. Extracts rrom a Ure I* tfh periodical publication IVc infers the two following dec uments relative to a country whfie bo nor and .ndependcnce are deer to Infi neon. ■ bough it is not cur country, yet it holds cut its arms to us in the days of our a/fiiftions, it impo/es no refiraint, no terms, no qualifications, but to land in its free and extenfive bejem Oppre/Jed /laves it converts into citizens, lnfim*tt have conlr't bxted to the glory cf America, and gy&teful America calls us to /hire in a repo/e and liberty unknown to any other nation of the earth If it is not the land ef our fathers, it is a refuge for cur children The many and dignifi ed cwtiuil ef the gallant Captain Rodgers defer ves a place in the lrifh Magazine, as tor. proceedings ef tbo/e American citizens who, in celebrat ixg the annive/fary cf their indepen merit cur cardial gratitude, be caufe cur misfortunes have not seen 0 verlocked by Americans j they mingle their jov for themjelves, with their bfi wifhcs fer us."—’ th Mag “ Ar;- r c — 7 he court of enquiry an the conduit of the American Cent tnodote Rodgers, after hear ing the tef tmtny of Jeventien officers belonging to tkcjhip Ft eft dent, hr. ve unanimu/ly a greed that Commodore Rvdgtr s ortgi nal jtatement is confirmed IVe are proud to hear that the gallant officer has acquitted bimfclj to the credit of the American navy, and hope be will live to ferve his country and vindicate her rights on jome more import ant oc casion if it is nece/fary that the hap piefi and fuefi ration that ever ex’(led fiould be comp lid to draw the (word Re in the happine/s, tranquility ard jucce/s cf America , be cau/e her arms are open to the unfortunate of all countries, who are driven frem their hcu/cs, friends and indufiry, by the two /courges that now de/olate Eu rope. bf/ t rejoice more particularly, becaufe hundreds of ihcu/ands of cur brave and generous countrymen have gained another country in exchange for their own where they were re/u/cd p> oteftien or bread, where the pi ivi - leged erengeman meajures cut human at his will, and the devour ing tax gatherer eats up ike produce of the foil. As we remarked before, if America be not the land cf our fa there, it is, we are proud to fay, the land of cur children.' -Irfh Mag, CONGRESS. House or Representatives. Mr TROUP'S SPEECH On the bill fuppler,tent ary to the alt, entitled c: An all to efiablijh an Executive •Department, to be de nominated the Department of IVnr.” Mr. Troup fatd, that ne was not furpuzed at an opposition mmng from that quarter -The Leer a: f.dc) FRIDAY, MAY 29, ISl*. of the haufr—Gentlemen who are equally oppoied to war and every preparation for war were conditenC when they obj< cc to a mrafure which was as necHlary c< fhc wat as arms or ammunition. In the wretched, deplorably wretched organization of the war department it was impc-ili bic cirhrr to begin the war cr to conduit r—ln its prefenc organiza ti -n it waa a mere counti tg h *ufe eflabi.fhtnmt—a principal and eight clerks without gradation of authority or tiidribution -ot duties—Gentle men were mdiaken in the obje<st of the bill-—they were no* clerks which were wanted—there wen clerks enough—it was refptftatijluy c£ character and knowledge of military detail that was required-—how was if to be obna'ivb? Certainly by creating a rejpetlable >fdcer with a reipedable taiary—a mere clerk fhtp, with 1500 dollar* a year, c. ,ulj not be expeCh u to command elrher. A man who had never gone to the department to lock into irs organi zation wouid naturally lupp fn that the various and multiplied duties of ic were divided and distributed a moi.g the clerks, and that in (hat way they were enabled to get along with the bufmefs 5 but vvna- was the the faht l Why the clerks were little mure than fo many book keepers, whiiit the general powers and detals or e devolved a I mod ext lullveb on ihe ferretary—a weight of bufinefi to which ‘he m~ duliry and capacity of on or.e man were acuquaie. Gentlemen ought to confidcr that the labor of fries like every other deferipuon of labor to be produ&ive ought to be fubdi vided—ln the organization of fßce three things ougne robe confide-ed —The general power, the details and the execution, ihe union of th-ie in anv one perfon is the worlt pt flibie organization—it is the jodi- ous dif tr buuon f them, the eonli g the general powers to one, the details • > a iecoud and the execution *a . hud, which conft* utes i- m >ft peru dfe organization of (>fn —By the bill under confiderauon it wr>s propofed to confide tne general fuperintend ing pev/ers to the fecretary, the de tailt; to the fubordinate fecretaries, leaving the clerks of office where thu* two under fecretaries were made lubordinate to prelcrve refpoßfioili tv —rtfconfiLiitv divided ;s dc ftroyed—it was therefore left Vn the fecretary cf war, unimpaired—lf gentlemen were not fad fied with what he had ftated they ha.:d only to go to the war ofri- e to fatisfy them lelvrs. Th? gentleman from South Car olina (Cos). Wiliiams) was incurred in his ideas of the organization of the old revolutionary B .'ard of War —at the carr.rr.ericetnent of the re volution the Board was computed of five members of corgrets feledt:- ed for their military talent and gen eral intelligence—they had their clerks—As well qua! fi 1 s the members of that Board mav hare been it was loon difeovered they were unequal to the bufi *efi of he 0111 C—at fri 7rc intervals, a> appears from th r ‘fi < j >urnaU, otner mem bers ‘xz.z a..hca to lov Bja.t.-—ou- (No. 202.