Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, May 29, 1812, Image 3

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GEORGIA EXPRESS. * ATHENS7M?AYT7 T/c E we prepared for WAR? — This ion is by wary filed — but without exception, is this quefinnajk ed bv every individual inimical to tbs government. IbU qusfiitn is fifed too by ft) me -who heir ti e appellation of KederaMt — but who are in fail (launch friends to ibis country. This qu ‘ r y cinbe e fitly anfvered — f e a y e pncared fer War — the P&OELE of theft U.filed States have ban prg ■pored for tVnr with the “ Mifhefs of ibt Ocean” ever fires they /hook off her iron ‘ eke — for, jo fan us our j nt ‘ was acknowledged, to fan did Britain commence her jyfiem of pillage, robbery, opprejfion, and hi,ary. If the imprejfmsnt'of near i 7000 of cur fellow citizens , and the rstami.i? them in bonds?? >ro r e cruel <#> v_ than Algerine f every, is not deemed Juffttieni esufe for War, agiinji that perfidious nation-—ths his attempt to Jlfjcr our Union thro’ the agency of J Henry and others— the procuring the agency if te'k, of drafon, of Hng rar, and a hefi of other perfumed sn Tenants, tvs-it id be fvjfiaent cafe for us to wage H-’ar am's fafl anchor'd iff “ . But, Jay fame -adf acre , we have rot the re Jounces wherewith to fupporl a V ar. IVe deny the afijeriion — the rapidity with which the Lean of Eleven Mil lien (if Dollars has been fubjcribedff r , gives the Lie dir eft, to the bale infin uaticn lbs valor of our country*, men -mil-teach Britain, and ‘■nor hire tings in this country* that a Nation of Freemen have the rejvur.ees and the (curate within tbemfelves, to defend their rig' its, .and to chaffs tbs info tense op lyrards a ’j'JK 9 2b_Sb sr-.r : IVE vcifb ths Pub, c ta fen well the arguments o- thofewbo are ad on iates isr an Uiiance with Britain ; and to prufe attentively, the fol low: 17 farcafic ( though jwtjphil. } :on that ill fared country. It is taken from an Irifh Paver : A PROS PE ROW COUNTRY- E .s wiiere fwi.ilioni arc po>r, &n(j Hundreds rich—where tho(- reap who do not fow— where U berry is founded and Opprefilon tri umphan -—where Religion is taught Und Vice pra6tifed—where Self-h ---tered is the rule of conduct——‘where 7 monopoly is fan£lioned— where ia- is the fuprems Jaw—-where Men trafiL on men—-where Pcrfe codon is the portion of the juft.— In fine, a Prosperous Country, is that T*-here Corruption is the Order of th Day—and where a Man is el- Wmed only in proportion to his Wealth and nfereft. HE txYi M. THE following paragraphs confirm us in cur belief that we have (till fome f cares of Brr fh p> <***d A g in this country, endeavoring to fife A the fame ends which Henry failed to accompli fh At a time . like the prefent. inch language (hould not us tolerated Such darmg threats are mi only highly improper, but, in cur opinion, they amount to High Deafen againfi the confiitUied cuto rities—and ought to be fun ified in the mofi exemplary manner: Ft m the B ft n R perrory. lf we eleft aft rang legiflaiure of representatives cppojed to war, it vft Jhew /v w decidedly the meafure is and / approved. IVe cannot Jpeak in alou der voice, but by reporting to force. If ‘f: peg!elf this chance — we mu ft endure the calamities of war cr fift the tn ‘"’dates cf cur conftuutsu aiiiho’ fittest! Y FORCE.” From the N Y Evening Pofi. i{ Mr. Clay and bis IVefern bre thren may make light cf our being laid in afhes, followed by a fight to Ken tucky end Ohio, rut we jhall take the liberty to think for ourfelves, as ■well as to ft el for cw-felves, to deliberate for ourfehes, and to determine for ou-filves. IVe tell them plainly we wdl not go ?o war; we will not a ban don ear cities’, we will not take flight to the wf ward. And now, let them cr* their pswer over us as foon as they pleaf Mr* two THE ljaN. IVe ar happy to fiats that tbs fub jeriptions to the Loan, aulhorifed by the Con greys at their prefsnt fejftci, a win ted- durin? the two days the o ‘ bocks were open viz. on tbs firfi and feepnd days of May, to about (six Millions of Dollars l\o dcubt there, fire remains that in fie curfe of a fe w weeks the whole ft*ck in the mar ket-wul be taken up-, at lead be:ore it is wanted for the currrent expendi ture We do not Jee upn what ground feme sf the federal prints fi loudly ex ult at what they ic’ in Tag fai urg cf the Lean Without propping to ana hze the motive which -would inducg exult*, zon at fucb a circumfiance. bd it really occurred, -we deny that there has been any failure Ha l net a cent of the loan been fitbfc- ibed the ref ult would only have proved that monied men could obtain more than 6 per cent per annum for their mincy. Federal-, if r thoula recoil eft that their attempts , during the admimfirathns of IVafh ington and ldams, to borrow money at b per cent proved whisky abortive —-fo much fi that not ada far was e ver fubferibed under an al cvOborifing a hex of five milti ns- oi u.i-'V-s at fix p*r rent IVhen the General Govern meat is compelled to to loans a eg per etc to obi via money, we will acknowledge that the federal tils will -save re Jon to exult (admitting, isr argument's fake, fucb a er be a fit fubjeff cr exultation) -j.. ■ the < re dit of the National Goierarnsnl u>i der a Republican Admin', fira ton, is red iced as low ay it flood curing’the piricd to which we have already re fenced, when to fave the government fern abfohtle difgrace, a r-ec,u'fe was had ti loans at eight pe” cent Com pari font are J'aid to be odious, but. contempli'ing the amount of fuhfcrip tinns t > the prsfent lean, we certainly Jed feme gratification at the ref ult, when wc compare it with the utter in ability of any adminifiralv v.. before this day, to borrn v a cent front indi vidua Is at an of 6 per cent When we have more room to [pare, we Jbail again advert to this fubjetd Na . Intel By a gentleman who came Baffin ger in the Southern Stage, we are in form and hat ths the Aids of the uov ernor hid ■>curved from Augufitne to St Mary's a few days find Ifi fiat Governor Mitchell ogam difpatcbed them back, on what errand was not known lb; Garrifon of St. Auguflinefai lle and out and m de an attack on the Patriots, but the United States troops interfered, and were the means of pre venting any bhodjhed, and they agatu returned to the Fort. Sav. Muftura. A letter from 4 gentleman p fief finer the beft fource of informanon,- to another in this env, arrived by laft fouthern mail, flues, tha he had recendv been s. A <guftirre, and tnat there was yctadiftant probabil ity of Airieri an troops b-i .g em ployed IB that quin r. Sav. Elepubuaa. Tue Londc.a Sun of the I.3th ult. ftatrs rhac the R? it lln fnga-e had juft arneed fr >m oft Cnobu'g, an i informed that the American fio ps cf wer Hornet and Wafp vr re lying in that harbor when (he it ft if. lhe Wafp let New Yo.k on the 9>:h of Mar h.— lb. Ye tier day mining, arrived within Sandy Hotk , the Jhip iVhampea, enpt Cvukhn in 45 days from Amfierdaw, with a valuable car go of drv goods and gm ibis is on; cf the jkips that was ffqncfired At Amfierdam by the Trench three years ago-, raid was recently refiored by order of the Em peror. i\ Y M. Adv. Washington City, Mav 14, Toe 1i v of K*:pici'entanves refit rday pa IT and a refciution dirctft -1 the Speaker of the Houfe to re quVt rie attendance ot eacn mem ber of the Houle in ns feat forth wich. The prcbnr t/ifii in cur affairs eshioTi a curious phenomenon. —- The hab tual friends of peace, thob who view prace as among toe firtt oi hi (fi ‘g?, and who to fiders mu. h of tin liberty and happmefs Of nations 2s dependent upon u, arc for war; while thofe who have in fiiVcd on the expediency of an oc tal! >nal, if n t tr. q icnt recurrence o war, arc now the itout advocates cf peace. Char lest n, The mip Ikitart, Capt. Bunker, in 29 days from Liverpool, bound t -avannah, p iled the bai on Sa turday evtru g >aft. She failed A p ! 17. T > the politenefs of caf)t„ Bunker, ar 1 the attention of Mr. Burns, branch pilot, who boarded the Bei afi in.the offing, we are in debted f. ra London evening paper (ne Star) the 14th ©f April, fifreen da.s later than bad been be f T-r received. The mo l important news which lib arrival fumdocs i. ti e great jcnciry of provifions which rx-ifj in E , c , ’e r ) : a *d die fear* of famine which apoear to be entcnained by ne people ©f that country. The government ltfelf lemb to partici pate in the alarm, for in a debate in he houfe of commons on the 13m uk. the iu :je£t is noticed wun tvi denf marks nr anxiety. The w?.r in the Eeninfula Is pro feru’ed with vig r. The out work* of B d*j .‘Z have. b*en carried by ftorm, with imall lb Is to the btfi*g ers, and it was expebtc J that the place mufr foon fall. The fubjed of the orders in coun cil has been again incidentally no ticed in parliament—the mtrufters adhere to them as pertwic! ufly as ever, notwitliftandirg the numerous petitions ag'-.iaft them. London, April 14. We mention.'tl ytfterday the ar rivil of a g ntleman from Libeau, who had feen before he left that place, a copy of the Ruftiaa decla ration of war againft France, the fact of war having been declared is m ntioßcd in feverai private letters. One received by a meft rcfptdabie houfe in the. city from another of equal ch2iafter in the Baltic fay* : vVe have a Jcclara.ton ©f war in our poff.ffi >n.” ** Gottenbu*gh, April 6. An Au fit ;an Courier has arrived here, and will proceed in he next packet with important dilpat-’ .es for London. He is detuned at pre fent waiting for further advices biockholm; but will proceed for England oy the full packet which mav (a 1 after ii h advice may be braugv nithcr. F is conjectured that Auftria ha* t ft .-red to mediate feetween Rui'fia led F an e, ar. 1 ’ ro ufe her influence wi h England to put a flop to hoftilitir‘s, on c. ndlri o s which are fuppof, and to be ad van tageous to ail pnr ies.’* ARMY AP'POINTMENT3. Some of the late armv app cf ments hrve been honorablv j-c i cious We could emmier a number of inflan r es. Ttn n- Tbs fitas Pinkney* cf South Cvultna to be Major-General is • uii.i ly nit !i. This genrlernan (lands high on t!ie roll of honor, — Hr is' o ’he cfiimablf Charles Cos if worth Pinkney* ; and unices the lolditr, the ftatelman, the IchoLr and the gtntlema l- The appointment of Gov. HtJ! to command at Detroit 11 alfb judi cious. Hr :s peculiarly acquainted with the frontiers—Th** annals of the Revolution a ter ft to hts talent* and coinage; snd in war and brace he enjoyed the conlidence of tVr.ih ington. The appointment n Wil liam North, to be Adjutant-Gene a), 1 iq sally. Gen. N. is ana ive of Majfacbufetts and brother of North >( Augufia His prg- bon came rom Ireland V fettled in North Yarmouth n Maine ; and hi: fa her commanded Fort Frederick in that d-ftriCl when the General was born-—The failure of tip fa mous houfe of VV. and A in Befioit (with whom the funds of many wi ll tws and orphans were plafcd as in a bank) 1 jured the family of the G neral, and changed hi* profpc'fls. He remained no apprentice to a merchant in this town, until lhe re volutionary War commenced—ln tins he engaged—was an <ff t in Craft's arnlFr —afterwards a Cap tain in Jack/m’s regiment, and fub lequrnrly u: Aid-de-caiwp to Baron Steuben, the great difciplinirian or tile American army. Aboir 17 G(S he commanded as a field . at Fort independence in this harbor Hr mariird toon after, and lettlcd in th? interior of New York. Me was Adjutant-General ot Adams's (landing *iinr ; ©a* for a long ;mc a nr tober of the L g fi. tir; of Now York. and frequently SpeaK-Ti A the Houfe. Ht is a farmer, a federaldt, a man oi (halt integrity, and a foldter. Boficn Ccntihel. DU D , fuddenly en riday lad, Mr VV 1 L LIA M vA.M LY, fin of this courty NO! ICE. ALLpeifmi arc hereby raud oned againft harbnring or trad 1”.3 with tilv wife Ei.ZHb*‘ , n Rmnn, aa ihi t as left niv bed and board with out anr juft caufr, and as I am determined not to pay any debt fh? may have contracted, na to the date hereof, or that (h? may contrail hereafter. HUGH ROUIN. Mav 26. 1 “ ~ .p. NOTICE. NINE months after date applica tion wiii be made to the honorable the inferior court of Jackfon coun ty for leave to fell 567 a< res of land, lyi gin the countv aforefaid, on r ne waters /j( the Muioerry E x t 1 .e Oconee, being Cnt rr*ai tfi c of Thomas Wadlwofth, dec. for cne benefi of the iieirs and creditors of laid deccafed. BEN J. WALLS, A3hs Adic.inijlraior . ®Bober 10, ion.