Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, May 29, 1812, Image 4

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SHERIFF AAIE. the firft Tuejday in June next, will be full at the court houle of Jack Jon county y between the hours of ten and three o'cltck, the following property, to wit : ‘1 WO fti<>w b xcs, 25 fti ks of tw ft, 2 pair ladif- glov<, 2 veib, 4 ip patterns, 2 •■rmnants b;a k la ‘ t 1 hair fnmli; 7 cantfters, 1 bex medicine, 3 remnants of cloth, v z 2 yards L nd <* brown, 2 do. and -b, 2 do. blue taffi nere; 8 yards \v;mc pattern cor*-', i yards dark do. two and one fourth yards white fl.nnel, 8 yards black corded vel v r, 8 1 4 do. bla k pattern cord, 4 a*r of fteelyarda, one ftinvei and tong , one hand b How*, on* 1 -tin* k r\ ladle, 12 12 yards • d!i g, 24 3 4 yards onmhaz-t, a par el ,*r Out kcry ware, coj lifting of rureens, bowls ar.d teapots, 5 pair of !a is fl jxrg, 52 1-2 yards f call*:*', 9 o k 1 pair of men's boots, one pair bovs do. 2 pair of bridle bins, 1 plated bndft, 5 uair hinge cs, 2 claw hammers, 3 rh flUs, 8 ferew aige r s, 3 burg b'-reis, 3 trunks, 9 fmall waiters, 1 pair pin cers, 4 f egar boxes,, 1 pair of brafs Ii grs, 4 fhavmg boxes, 3 ‘u r nirure b ufhrs, 3 trunk Jo ks, 3 fiinr guns, 1 Jpan cofF- e pot, 3 lerew drivers, 2 pair fcales and weighs, 41 yards durants, a lot of white beads and 7 (ft c>’i plume?.; levi ed on as the pmperty of C • *rles Lanos at the infiance of M Ids, Ta> lor dt Cos. also, 575 Acres of ia.d, be rhe fame more or Ids, on the middle G< once Tivr r, whereon John Wright for ro- rly lived, beir.gknown ov Ciarkf b * -1 gh and t c Old F- ?g-trad, lc* <>ft on bv m\ prrdeitiTnr m of fi e as rhe property of Eld ridge H 3 grove at the inftance ot R de- Tl k Eaflry. ALSO, 100 A res of land, be the fame more or lefs, or the n rth river, with a cotton muhine and and ftillery thereon, being part of a fi ’*■ hundred acre fiirvr\ g an ed to Robcrtfon, j ining Fa tag , h vird cn as die properr\ of John La e by thrrr fi fas. one ar the inflam eof William Reed, one at the infla. ee of William Oovcr, and one at ‘he finance ol P pe & B ob; all which fi fas. vs. Jonn Lane—tne proper ty pointed out b\ thr defendant. ALSO, 547 Acres of land, be the fame m f or iefs, brir g part of * fi e t uland acre luivt., granted to I>’Fftaing, on the wa er of the noi n O oner, lev rd -> by my p'rdecrfT’r in . ffi r bv virtue of a and a. founded on 1 .e f *reil fure of ni r gag? as >he property of the h'-uat and Cos wen, and created, at the inftance of Thi .nas Hurr ; his taft of land was fold b’ mv pr*dr< ft’-i in ft fi eon the fi ft Tuelday 1 A guft 1811, and cue laL has 10 been compiled with, fo fays m> prefe ct ft >r in tffLr. also, One Shy g.u n ftill and the wos ci w.;ik of a road wagg >r levied on as the propnty of John Hamp to a ‘•! R.iberi Lane at the it fiance of Walton Harr s—(he property pointed cur bv thi defendants and levied on by Joleph Wharton, ands. ALSo, 287 i2 A its'of land, be he Cam m r lefs, g anted to Gar rtu, j iRo g S*jr? kia c, he wa tt • of Sandy cretk, and 380 ar res of i d, be the lam- m h i*, fi'* and n. Lgr anu Ba t n, j Barron, uo the uoiia Uconce I'vee, lev’ed on j?s *-he pmperty of J'fT Sm.i ’ and 1* s? hat the Kifta ice o’ LLvd D kf n, Execu tor of D vuj Dckli ri, deccafrd— the 287 1-2 Acr-s is levied on at the inftaioc of P pe fit ‘3 Db. ALSO, 50 Acre* of laud, be the fame nv>re or lefs, g<ar,t-d to jo.airg Orr or. Parke's creek, levi ed o by aroi ft.ibJe as tv property o( Na hnniei Hill and Jimrs Hill to faiisfv two fi. ras. ftu?d bom the indices court ar the inftance of James Sm: r h, aM re urned to me. WM. POI TS, A •'•ri! 27 1812 dlitKJhb's S/lLk WILL Hh sold, On the jirjt Itteflay in June nsxt y at the court bsujc in Clark county , within the uiual hours, the follow in l property , E7Z— One negro womi , known by the name ot Mary ; ie vrd on as the property of William Shaw, dec. to latisfy three executions in ia.vnr of the State of Georgia, vs Wdl am Shaw and Peter Ra id Jph—The above neg’-o wa3 adver ifed and f *ld the fi ft Tu Ida in Dec'r, iEso & bid of? by Margaret S-iaw, but the conditions .helale have not been complied wah. ALSO, 50 acres of u .0, whereon M fes Bl dloe now livrj; iev rd on as the property of Janvs f -e, to fa;;sfy two exccu’ionsat the inftance of ;he P a 1 ers Company; joining John Sai nett and G< ogr Y. Farrow, granted to Sarnur 1 Gauin r, pointed ou b Sherwood Siring, it vied on b. J -hf.fton BickerftafF, Conftable, and rctuuud to me. ALSO, One hnufe and lot *n the town of Arhens, known in the plan of laid town bv No 4; levied on as the pr pmy of Jack F. Cock, latisfy an Execution in favr-.r of Tabitha W tid, vs. Reuben Br)oth and jack F Cos k. Condition*! Cafli. SAMUEL JACKSON, and. a. dfrtl 30, 1812. bHERIbKs 3 WILL BE SOLD, On the frjt ‘luesday in June next, at the Court Houfein Clark County, between the hours of Ten and ‘lbree o'clock, the following pro perty, VIZ, 87 i-£ Acre* of land in Clark more or lefs, joinug Thicftj r and others, well improv ed, on the waters of Role creek, it being the plantari n whereon Thomas Wheeler now lives, levied on as the property of the aforeiaid Wnecler to fatisfy an execution in favor f Francis Tennell agau.ft laid Wheeler and Green B Jack. ALSO, 220 Acres of land in (aid county, on tne wa ers of Ilofe creek, grant ed m Mr-It on, joining Dobbins and Tig r., with valuable improvements thereon, and one negro w. man by the name of Rachael, the nrgro pointed out by the defendant and the faod by pia ■nt ff, Jevurd on as thr property of Lucy Clark to fa tsfy 2’ execution in favor of Ste vens Tn mas agavft laid Lucy Cia?k and Ge<*rg W. Moore. ALSO, Ont fmall brown mare fiddle & bridl*, one fmall iorrel mare, two y.sung ftr, rs; levied on as the pr .per ’ R -land Taylor, to fatis t *'■ x . uuun m favor of Joftjoa Baku, ica. ALSO One negro boy ov the name of Lews; h vied on as the property *T Leonard Wcrd, to fatisfy three exe cutions, two in fa**r of the Truf tees of the UHvcrfi v *f Groiga, the other in favor 01 Ranfota and Arnold Atkirs. Conditions cafh. JOHN SELMAN, Shf. i, 1812. SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, On the firfl Tuejday in JUNE next, at the court bouje in Clark coun ty , between the ujual hours, the Jol lowtng property: SIX Negroes, known by the names of Jim , Harry , Andrew Charles , Molly and Miltyi levied on by virtue of an execution obtained cn the fore cloftire of a mortgage, given by Mi chael A . Gc.uvatn to P Phimzy pointed out by D heegin, jer Phini SAMUEL JACKSON, D S. April 1812. SHERIFF’S SALE Will be fold on the JirJl lutjday in June next, at the Court Houje in Clark county, between the hours of ter and three o' clocks the following property, to wit ONE negro man known by the name of Meier, levied on as the pro periy of Michael A lauvain, to Ja tisfy an execution obtained on the fore clofure of a mortgage , in ‘a ver of Con- Jlantine Petit de iJaiiiie JOHN TELMAN, Si if. April 3, 1812. NO i ICE INE months after date appli cation w.ll be m*de to the honora ble the inferior court of the county of Oglethorpe, for leave to fell two thirds of a tradl of land, contarorg 235 acres, more or ids, in fa and county, on the watos ‘ft Cloud’s creek, join ng Da id Deupret, Jas. R berth)**, and others, granted to WUn ad Sir gg n, to be lold for the be “fi of the heirs and credi tors of G <Fatmri, dec. DANIEL DEUPREE, Adminifhator. Jan. 30, - 1 ml NT j TICE. NINE month* after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble the inferior court of Jones c un ty, for leave to fell a trad of la< and in Jai klon county, containing be tween two and three hundred acres, on the watC'S of Cabin creek, j in ing Smith a.d odiers, being part of the real eftate of Mordna B” • ton, dec. to be fold for the benrfi of the heirs and creditors of faid deccafrd PRICILLA BENTON, Admimfiratrix. Jones county , Jan h, 1812 NO I ICE. NINE months after date I fhail make application t© the hon orable the inferior court of Clark countv, for leave to fell lot No. 59, containing 202 1 2 acres of lad lying in the *d d.ft and of Baldwin countv, when furveyed, bounded bi lots N s. 73, 60, ana 46, and by d.ft -id No. 1, • the laid county, on ihe water* .;i F fil ing errek, whic land W 4 g a ted to the heirs of Richard W i, dec. and to be fold for the bene fi of laid heirs. TABITH A W > >D, Admtnijtrainx. March Ib, 18 ta, FOR S4L&, A vsrv valuaoie uaCt of I.fßd 15 ja-rkfon cotint? on Beech rr-k, Cs rnaining about eight hundred a cres, one hundred and fifty of whn k is cleared a<.d under a good feme, with a Urge pra< h ar.d apple orch ard, and a va>iety of other fruit trees. Ths Land is well waned with good fprings of pure water, the foil ftrong, its narural growth is oak, hick >ry ad pine timber 1 here in a comfortable dwelling h? ufe, with brTk chimneys, a vc n g*-'d barn, ftabies, kitche*, and other houfes. Tie *ai ge for (lock is excellent, and will always conti nue fo.-—Tiiis Land is well worth the attention of purchafers, for its fi uarion for health is equal to any n the world, and in an agreeable neighborhood, being ab ur fi’ miles wr fi from the town of Athens, about the fame diftancc from the town of Watkinsville, and ten miles from the inn of Jefferft n, wth a thi- k fettled country weft ward! < ; its advantagr s therefore for a profef fi-.i character is very confidera b!e. Indifpurable general warran ter titles will be made the purcha ser. Any perfon wifhir g to par— chafe tan view the Land by apply ing to Mr. B itain Brazeai on the land, ind know the terms bv ap plying to the Sublcriber neai the town of J'ffVrfon in Jatkfon coun ty, Georgia. GEO. N. LYLES. February 8, 1812. TJ* j HE hUBSCkIBLR Will uiftrufl young p<rl©n% at his houfe, in the Grrek and Lana languages—in Arithmetic ana \L g F br—in Geometry and Tr?g u metry and their appbca ion to Surveying, Navigation, Dfti g, & —in G* graphy and tne cen- JlruSlion ad uie of Globes—? Af tronomv, with the calculator of eclipfrs—in the Elements of Na u ral and M ral F ulofophy, Chyrnif try, B any and Rhetoric. A f cw B arders can he accom m an d either in his family or 10 the vicinity, J. MFIGS. Paracletoe, February tj, 18 12. NO i ICE. NINE months after dare, apHi carion will be made to the honors -I* the inferior court of Jacklon coun ty, f>r leave to fill all the la *ds be longing to the hefts of Davft M c - Cullcri, dec. The lands Uv in .he counties of B irke and Wavn?. U VI LOWRY, Guardian. February 28, i3si. i. NINE months after da:r appli cation will be made to the hor ra hlc ihe inferior court, when fi ring for ordinary purpftcs, in the • oun ty of Jackfon, for leave to fell nt whole of the real **ftate of J hn Hanlon, rfq deccafed, to wr: Qn traift or land on which the deceased lived, containing two hund*-ed two ai.d one half acres, n the counrv of Jackfon, joining Wal on laud—one other ab?ive, whereon Samuel Cro k*t lived, ouaming 168 acres— ne other tradl fo land adjoining -Sc laft mentioned trafi:, the ’r; 6: whereon Cary Evans formerly 1 vd ne other of 471 acres— he whole king in Jackfon county, on the waters or Applin't creek—he faid land when ftave is obtained,fftd f*r cne be tfi of the heirs and cre ditors of fa and derailed. 4 WALTON HARRIS, H. MONTGOMERY, Adminiji raters. March 8, 1812,