Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, June 12, 1812, Image 2

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INTERESTING to FARMERS. Of the Siberia, or Naked Wheat. D’ a fortunate accident l obtain ed from a merchant in B ft in, in January In ft, half a bufncl (which he impored fresm RufTu) cf this invaluable grain, as refpe&s cur cold northern regions. Sma'l iam - pies will b* delivered to each of the members of rhe ftrrk.hrc Ag ricultural Society by applying to Thomas B Strongs or the fubfenber in Pittsfield; 01 to Dr. Caleb Hyde in Lenox, pcrfonally or by order. For the information of the pub lic, the following is, in fuhft.iice, ex:ra£lcd from Yarlu’s 1 b ib* idry, ad vol. psg* 263 —publiihed in 1795, by aa Engi fa Farmer refi i Ing m America. A. WATSON Pittsfield, March 9, 1 3 12. “ Varlo Hates that tire Naked Wheat is a native of Siberia, one of the coldeil countries in the world, covered with fnovr nine months in the year. That is the chief fupport of the inhabitants, and veger CS & grows quick; the grain fmall, fuil and hardy, with a thin (km—that he afceit&incd its value—l 2 pounds of Fnglifh wheat was made into a loaf, the 1 kr quantity of Siberian, and both bak'd together. The E gi fh loaf weighed 151135, the Si beria 1 Bibs, when baked, and both equal in quantity. That the Six nan produces only half the quanti ty ©f bran, and as it partakes part ly of barley in its nature, it makes good Ale. Thai when it fi and arrived in En gland, he procured onlv half a wine glafa full, intending to fow it in A pril, but by miftake itwas not low ed until the 71b of June, and it yielded a good crop. Theenfuing year he dibbled in each grain a toot apart, in April, and yielded 2000 fold. That it exceeds any grain n>r in Tcsfc, and grows better on bad land—but yields better in proporti on to its goodnefs. The proper feafon tsfowit. is about the 10th of April, (probably iftof May here) headvifed ro plough deep, or even totr.-n''h plough, that is, twice 111 the fame furrow—ro dibble in each Teed with a fetri g (tick, a foot a part; as it ftoois out greatly, and injures the crop to fow Sr thick.— That it coft onlv about 3s fir i ng tin ar re in England, and will \ < quire in this mode, onlv 12 quarts to an acre. One man can cover two a cres a dav with a rake—and graft feed may be fow.o before the ground is raked. There are two kinds of wheat in Siberia.** Pittsfield Sun. A letter from an ejficer in Florida, dated at the camp before St uguf tinc, cn the 17 th infi. received fines cur lady yields the fallowing inform a ti§n concerning the late jkirmifi) on that quarter :— “ I arrived before Augufiine cn Tuejday iajl An affair took place on that morning between the Spaniards and the picket guard of the patriots ; but ike Dons would net go beyond the cover of their line. c< On iburfday a boat was re ported going up the creek on which our aa vine ed guard was puffed. Itfeem cd, from be’ manoruvres. that (he wijb cd to afeertain whether we would permit her to pafs by unmoledcd by which (he could have got into the rear of the patriot's picket. Our guard was ran forced, and a difptfition ma~ nifefied to diipute toe pafs. bhe had a fix pounder mounted in her bow On an iving within ab*ut fou bun dred yards of Moofaf* jhe retreated *%dfired. The aniiael returned the firs. “ Tefierday miming an armed Jch inner was fan under w -y , making for the North river At the fame time, feu- launchr , filled with men and mount ing fir. /- u ders , we* e dif covered gang up the creek, towards Moo fa. He f'bvi ntr opened her fire upon sur advanced guard which had hern reinforced by a detachment cf ri fierntn ttndet the ex mm m \i of curtains fdoidruff and iVvjfias and lieutenant Appling Cos! h<nth ga e orders that they fhculct maintain their pifl until the enemy's fire Th uld 0. net race the walls if ‘ hefty c:nd then retreat , leaving a detachment of fifteen men concealed in the houjs. “ Ihe twenty fecund (hot, (a twen ty foil’ pounderJ p ff-d through both wails, cevthing tec tf e:i -rath dirt 7he g ape zv-is dfiix'tly heard rat thug agcirri .he walk ’he detach went retreat'd agree abd H orders , leaving the t-*rty c fiteen “ It was • *■ dr. . that the Spans ards feeing the • j -awould imme diately, under covet cf th fi*-e from theJckc n ner y advance in their ’-.ach es, when cur c once a ed mm mi Pour in a deadly fire Th . uiievi wculd have taken fifed ■ Out u “untidy the Jerjeant left in < mw and fired too few, uni the o field o the ambuficade Jailed tc As foon a.: pofTeffion w-? had of Moofa, they , (the Spaniards) fet fire it it, and retreated v hh their beats to the fckconer . ‘ Their twenty fours zvei e then opened upon cur lines, dt reded the fi g filing un cur parade <h<- hoi / in every dir ec tier, around us. puffing through cur tents, and rootin’ up the patadc ground Fortunately no injury has been received with the exception of a few tents damaged. s After juda-.nhig their fire, from eleven o'clock until Fur. nit hint ih: poffibihty of doing ihmi the Icafi injury, it was judged ad-vij file to retire be yond their cannon tc IVe anxioufix exp Ad ihe'ir Dtn (hips in the field -where their gun boats can cfi-"d them We then will give yen a good account of them from tire fit'll dijpiayed in the direction 0 then gun boats cn this occafitn , and their bad Jbooting on ethers , we are induced to believe, that ttrtillerifis were tent from on board a Br itijk brig of war new lying &t Ame Ha. t( ‘Their boats and fchoontr reft dated before we left the ground, and our flag remainedfixing until fun fet IVe bear this morning, that the Jchioner has r (fumed her fiat ion of yefier day ** Sava- r h Republican, Th* London C urier of April 4, ftvs, “ The American diipatchts, taken from on board the American frhr. Horfpur, bound from Balti more to E urdeauXj are laid to have been traced to *he regiflrr of fi e in DottoTs Common?, where fays the report, tt:ev were Jeen by a gentlemaa iarerefted in the fliip. Accordirg to this a -ounf, thtfr were three encl'ftu e c > two of them addreffed to the American mini ft er r< France, both of which c'c fiated to have been opened, and put together again with wafers ; the ot t •as add fT-d to Mr. Fee, the American ccnjul at Bourdeaux, rhe leal of which appears not to have be.rn bro ken.’ Nat. Intel. The Draft , fo far as we have heard has been carried on in this ftace with a great deal of piomptitude & pro priety on. the part of the f ffi ers, and gone through with alacrity and g >od humor cn that of the men.— Notwithftanding the lies ccld, cha: the drafts would be marched to Cc.* nr’d.*, scc with a view to difpint Bz and ‘courage the militia, in manv c m pantes rh urifber r quired fte ; ped ou., volunteered their fervo t s, and decUtd they are at a me merit’s warning. The quota of this will be fc-c.n deta- htd, and or ga: zed into compa u s, battalions, Kgonems, and i ig.ndss. Trenton American. 1 aii rh.e troops now r:*h:ig “ A Islanding Army.” They ire c< n m -e goods ” It will be a moving fighting, conquer ing arm —anti as loco :>* -s outv is done, u will be dijbandcd. W. have no fedicioa or aLcn isws to en force that requires a jlanding nrmv. Ibid. J A FACT, Oil FAIR RETALIATION, Abm c ghtt c n montus fiuce, Ai R fhi* , “x the M re?, bordering o'? :he Adr'atlc, fi ted cut and load ed two vcfT ls for port? in that fca, to enter which the B itdh required every cargo tube accompanied with a licerff his the horn ft Grerk d< fpife r His vtffcls were taken, carried inco (Vlada and < ondemneb, wirh mesr heii g, after a regular, formal, and what thr Bot ih term, a fair trial . The moment the in- reared the Bafhaw, he fciztd the property of every Bridfh fubjedt within his r; a* h. They complained, remonftraxd, referred h si the iasrs of nations and the Britifh dtizc courts, he anfwcred— c< This is \:r-t true !e -, me. e fi op!e r .ha. ’ >•; cut of your property / will pry my fulfills what ihvfe of yout k-r.g has jUlctt from item, wub in. e-t ifi; the fur plus fihali be returned, but l command you all to quit my do minions immediately ” and ar cord ingiv compelled their conful and fi ver v one cf that nation, to depart without dday. This naiativc is given by a gentleman of u quefti enable veracity, acquainted with the fa<sl, and who law them at Mai * s. Newcafitle , Del 14 th May, 1822. CORO NER *8 sale; On the firjl Tuejday in July next, at the court boufie in Uark county, between the ufiual hours, WILL BE >v LD, NINE Negroes, to wo : War ten, Sam, Agg, Eliifon* Muy, Nora, baac, juiia and Cl t ffi— A:i fie (1.1, Lr-p ,f dto b. 100 gailo i, —Alfo, 380 acres bud, moie or iei>, being cne tradt of land 00 whi. h tne cekndant n w lives, on Cedar g arued ro G r hAisi, joutii gD < gfitri - Alio 45 acres moi *- -r leh, -'.n Cedar crct k, g?anud to Gorham, joining Ra’.my —Alfo, 50 v res, mure or left, on the O j-’tping Scmrgando thrrs—A t , 150 acres, more o left, on the O nee, granted ro Ap in, joisi.g Ray—Alfo, 337 1-2 acre- of bnc, n the fork of the North and Middle Oconee, where on Solomon Ray and others form er!/ lived, joining Theophilus Sim lntcn had others—rhe wkole of the ab"*ve property levied on as the pro perty of Jack F. Ca* ke, to laiisfy an execution the State of Geoigia vi. laid Cockr, and otlieii. CHAS. GARNER, Cor. May 28, NO 1 ICE. I AM going to the Natchra Ter ritory, and (laall be ablent four or five months—and hereby appoint James Hendrick my lawful attorney and age nr. JAMES HAMP i ON. May 10. id 62 1-2 GEOK.GI4 ATHENS, • UNF. i2 ==S=a^| IT appears by the NatmafJjfiM li genet', that the General has NOT difive wed its e*enc\ in M I ujte tranfaTitens which have aFiai l Eafil Florida IFE have been informed, b* a tleman of ref pell ability, that he fecn a letter, from Mr Crawford I bis friend in Oglethorpe county unrlm dale of the *gd ult which fia:M that Letters ef Marque and Repy }/■ G-gAirfi the Belligerents, before kite” could reach ibis fia.e, zveuM be iff usd, NEXT rRESIDENT. THE Republican Members ef bc\m Hovfes of Cong refs have had a meet I ing, at which ail the members from this flute, except Capt Cobb, wc-m frcfer.t, jar she purpoje cf nominalitm fit and properperfeus to fill the d-gni. fied and impgrt ant fallens fi P r £ j. cent and Vice President of tbi United Ttales , for fou r yea* s Tr-m the of March next, md on ths ballot for P refi dent, JAMES Mi- DIJON bad an unanimous Fet: as the mo ft proper per [on to be fupi-ort*d for that , the highefi office in the gift of man On the ballot for a Free- Prefidsnt JOHN L TNG DON, late Governor of New Htmpfbire , was agreed upon by a very large majority. IVhat will the Federal Editors Jay now ? They have heretofore off led y that Mr. Madifen would not her could not be put in nomination for the next duty. IVe prefume , that now they are convicted of this IS, they will perftte their final court} and have rscoufie to another, ‘which it will be equally as caf\ to refute — v.-z ft is mere than probable that ibefe mif creant funder ers will no v have the boldnefs te offert, that there will net be a m ferity of El Alt as chofen who will vote for Mr. Mcdifsn If f) % we (hall very contentedly leave it te the KleSticn to put the feal en that Flß—'Confidently believing that \fr a Madifon will ire re eledied by nearly , if net quite, as Urge and majority as was the worthy TffertOn —and that he will dif charge the duties ap pertaining to bis high office, with as much fidelity, as did that Venerable Patriot. WE a r e grai ij,vu yy the arrival of every Mail in perufing the accounts of the EnliOment, the Volunteer mg, and ihe Marching of TROOPS in every quarter of the For then: and North iVeflern States of tbs Union. It is fiiil more pleading to oblerve that they are all bending their courts to the cm fines of Canada. The accounts reprefent them as flout , hearty, likely men—panting for glory, and anxious for an opportunity to revenge the mul tiplied wrongs -which have been oeap ed upon their infilled country. Some fpiriitd Relilutions have been entered into by the pa node citizens of Savannah, recommend ing- an i?ncnedia f e declaration of war again ft Great Britan —a id alfo tue Urne ft ps to be perilled .’gainft France, without an m ned - r ac commodation. They have a f re cemmended to die peopF if g 5 to take poffeffion of 1 aft Flori da without delay. To this Lift re (olotion there was an objection on the part of ihe Federalist—"t waa fuppimed by the Republicans, and adopted b.’ die meeting. Ir is Ha ted to have bem the laigcft affem blag* of the Citizens ever knotvn in that place.