Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, July 03, 1812, Image 2

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argumentative, and folemn repc, r r, co v l*i Td with a Declaration of War Great-Briaio,, that foul <te fa* hitfs enemvof our rights and m d- p'jncicnce-r-fuppofe that commit tee ro have agreed to report it to the Houle of Reprvfentatives as on this day —fuppofe Mr. Rando’ph to have (rated all th'<fe fuppofttions, tele vtete, to the Britrfh mimftcr on the Thurfday—(uppofe that he ftvsnld think it brft for the interrft of his royal mafia, that he ffiould afe rtain the manner in which the hnufe would probably vote upon the report of the committee of foreign re lation*, that he might govern him- Jtif accordingly, what bcrtier mode could be takvn to fort (tall the opi nion of the Houfe than chat adopt ed by M* Randolph in Ins propo fi 1 ion of Friday ? Let us fuppofe, that all cur fupp< fi ions are mere matters of fact, which is the great er, which the nnfl dangerous, ene my'of the country —John Randolph or Augufius J. Foficr ? Flat, Intel. It will give our readers a ftreng jdra of the virulence of the party fpirit now temporarily predominant in the Bate of Maftichufetrs, to in built them that the federal papers of Bofton more than htnt to the Governor and Houfe of Reprelen- Utives the propriety of turnirgthc Senate of that ftaenak and heels out of door*, becaufe perchance it contains a Republican iraj rit\ ! Raleigh Regifier. ENGLAND. The accounts of riots, burnings, dcflruvi.g machinery, robberies, murders, &c. &r. wnh whii h cur l ;, g fh r.ewf papers are filled, ge r. r.. 11 v ante fr<m two cauks. \he cveruhrlmtcg vices of “ the lead i g .tu ,’* fmm the Prin c Peg nr and wn to thf of h s rovai high • nr s’ bed-chamber, ar.d the wants of “ the common people.” While cnc Gala riot* in purple and fne linen, ad prefent its concubines with W ne Glades at five dollars each; the other, mere numerous, induf tr ous and valuable rlafs, arG with out employment, and almofl with out food and raiment. Let us think ©t thufe thirgs, and with grateful hrarrs thank the founders of tne r< iinbiic tba: we have no privilcdged 9'ders. They and the law of pri ir. gentiturr, are curies more than enough for any country. While the people of England, with an gzfhed hearts cry, give us o and or vr pt-rifh, our rlarnor fts, and our malcontents, groan ad cry aloud; becauie we have full barns. While the L.c.rdbrgs of our land, are fe d:'ioilT icattering difeon'ent, be cault of our abundance, the Lords of 1 e, gland are engaged in difeufii g how lntle in quantity, & how toirle in quality, may be the ford of the people of that impoverifticd coun try* Dem. Prey's. ExtraS} of a letter from Leeds , dated April 14. “If being market-day, the pop ulace about noon went in the mar ket ar.d feized the corn, and began quickly to ftrew it about the flrcet; and in confequence of potatoes be ing advanced within the laft to da\s from 6J. to 14F per pe k, they hized about 590 leads and attrib uted them to the populace. ‘I hey silo a-tacked the fifh Balls, and took the fifh and give them away; thev th- i. went into the Thimbles and fr zed a quantity of meat; and in the butter market they did not leave one whole box. Many of the coun try people loid it at 9J. a p und to get away. The raohvrer* now de ltroyirg and breaking the windows at adreaorul rate. The magiftrates and ab ut forry conftablas now came up, which only Termed to Infuriate them, for they direftly went to toe grearelt flour dealers, and broke all th-*ir windows. Jtitt'ce Parker then read the riot aft, but they feerntd to grow Wf-ffr, merely to k**ep the jultices, Wordy and Parker, where they were; for while they were en deavoring to q'uct them, a party went into the wu k'T, and b r nke up on the depot where the 1 >cal militia arms are kept, and in about fifteen mmutes thev broke e ght hundred (Land of arms to atoms, befid*s de ftroyirg a g r eat quantity of domes, fword*, ba-oners, cartouch b r x s, & , a dwhn the mag ftra;e; ar and conftablcs got atriorg ifiem, ‘he confLblrs, u grfher with the mas;ii tiates were knocked down. The herfe were now feu htd from barracks, a:,d th* yeom-ufl* caval ry called in. An exp (5 has gnz off to fetch the Don alter ana Ro therham m.litia and cavalry.” Ext raft of Brgad er Ge Hull’s circular to the Icdiam, on tne Northern Frontier: Head Quarters of the a>m on the Northern Frontier, at May —, ;S 12. To the Chiefs , Sachems and Warriors oj the nations cf OaowuSy Chtppe tvaSy Pottawattamies, IViandotSy MiamieSy Delawares Munjees, & fuch of the Skawancy as refidein the fate of Ohio, and the territory ef Michigan : MY CHILDREN— By the treaty of Greenville, and other lubßqtort trta ie*, vou have a knuwledged yurfelvts under the }r t fti- n ef the U iced htares, and t e United Sta cs ov -h*’ fame trea ti h* e u gngr and t aff dsoupro trft :—Y ur gren F rlur wh prefidcs at the council-fir* ‘ f na r on, determined to fi ifi! aH the pu 1 c engag mrnts, ha> dt nied it net(Try to Itr.d a numerous army tn the northern, I: cnie hand he carries the olive bran h f peace, in the other the (wo'd.— Thofe who accept the one ve dm joy pruteftion, lafety ar.d happ rei’s; thofe who prefer the other , will x perenccall the punifhtr.ent his pow erful hand can ir fl ft. To mv command he has entruftrd rh s ar my, with an authority coadopt fuch mralires with the chiefs and the fevt ral tribes of vour nations, as in m ’ J u 8 ment may be bdl calcula ted to prefer re the peawe of the c untrv. MY CHIIDRFN— Lo g have 1 lived you j long have I lmoked the pipe of pa e and friend fh p with you.— Y ur ears have heretofore been open to my counftl, and your con duft: has pmved, that you relp fted my advice. In all your concern* I have ever felt, and con tinue to feel, a deep intend. The prelent is a moft crmal moment.— Every thirg dear to you is now at (lake. If any coi fideracioni fhnuld induce your nations to viola e the friendly rcla.ions whith fobfifi be tween us, by committing afts of hoftdicy, you will forfeit all. your lands, ail your annuities, & claim to the fudirc bounty of our country— you will forfeic indeed your very evidence am r mg us. If the out rages and mu ders whi h have been Cf mT.'ued on our defencelefs in habitants are by the nations, it is their duty to make the declaration, and deliver up to ]uftcc the individuals vvho have committed them. Tftis will -be neccflary to prevent an imputation en the na tions. I 1 fimiiar afts in any inflame have been committed by the white people, 1 now make rhe declaration to you that they were unauthor i;ed by <*ur government, and the individuals w ho have been thus guil ty will 1* ff.jr the penalties of the law. Every friendly Indian will be pro.f.fted in his perfon and proper ty. The chiefs of the r.anons v/;l 1 be recrivtd at the head q arrersofthc arm 4, with the me ft friendly hofpi ts'i y, z> and their communications w 11 be to with all theatten rion who li the nature cf them de f r e. I come among you my children, a .and falure you as an afL c t* ‘ faihe?—l ipeak to y* u in t ipirit of pe*ce ad gocdwdl It ;s only ne ifary for you to lh w by yur ••utuet that you recipro cal tfcis o fpefi inn, and you will rr j >y vour lanes io peace, you will receive yourancmt rs, and the libe ral bounty of our country. To ra h of the nations I fend a ccpv of (hi., with interpreters toex \la . it. I have inftiufted than to g e you all the information you are v rfircus of receiving—and you will fu c bel evr them when they aflure you of the fmcere dc fire of the white people evtr to live in friendfti.p wic - nu. oilußGiA EXPRESS. AT H F.NS, J ULYj ~* fuJTrTlTqf JULY, WE are req itft and ro inform the public thit Thomas P, Carrs*, E q. will to-marow, ar halt palt twelve o*c!-’- k, r<*ad, in *hc C *: r a, the* DECLARATION OF INDE PENDENCE. The Me/age of the P v efident of the Unieed States , the Report of the Committee of Foreign Relationsy and the Ati of Congrejs declaring War agunft England—* t w id ume the cit z ns are refpeft tully invited to attend. —HTVTI IfßiM WE feel eu f elves under great ob ligations to his Honor ‘Judge Grefham , for his polite attention , in fending us, iy a fpgeiH mefenger, an Augufa Chronicle Extra—Jrom which we have extrtSfed the following HIGHLT 1 CPuli r .dNi\ end very PLEAS ING INFORM iTION. The die is c.:f —the Rubicon is pad—and he who is n&i for us, is again fl us If A Will have no Neutrals in ear lend The man who /hall in future dare to vilify the government of this country, and tax it with irjufiice towards Eng land, the confrquences, to bird, will be mof dreadful. The of ’76 has at length kindled into a fare, and vje trujl it wilt blaze with incrtafixg vigor, until it pall have conjutned our enemies. Citizens of Georgia , look out for Spies and for Ttaitors. Bri tain true to her fyfern of rafeality will have her em’JJaries ev.ionyji us.— Mark the man who Jhall be detected in uttering Jtntiments not purely Ame rican. AUGUSTA, June 26. Friday Evening, Half paf 8 O'clock. Through the politenefs of Dr. Cozens, ardent to the General P< ft„ Office, who has juft arrived exprrfs from Wafhington, on his way to New-Orleans, we sre favored with the following DECLARATION OF WAR agaiaft GREAT-BRIFAIN. The Pr-ftor has performed his j~.urr,ey * fr-ra Wafti rg.on with untemmen celeritv, having got ahead of the dircdt mail two days. AN ACT Declaring War between the United “ Kingdom of Great Britain und Ireland and the dependencies thereof and the United Spates of ■ America acid their Territories. JR?., it erafted by the Senate and 4 , Ei-iufe of Keprcfentativrs of the United States of America in Con grefs a(F moled, Thai WAR be, &*d the fame is hereby declared to cxtfi between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the depen dencies thereof and the United States cf America and their territories', and that the Fuji lent cf the United States . be and* he is hereby authorijed to ufe ” the whole land and naval force of the United States to cany the fame in to ejjfett, and to iffue to private a vi ed veffels of the United States commif jicr.s, or letters of marque and gene ral repnfal. tn fuch form as he jkall think proper , and under the feci cf the United States, againft the vefels , goods, and effects of the government | cf the fame United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, und of the Jub jedts thereof. June 1 Bth, 1812. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. On the final p*ff*ge of the Aft ix the Senate the vote was 19 to 13; in the Houfe 79 to 49. Defter CcZcrs line-wife mentions that before he left Wafhington an ex prefs had br n difpatc'ked to G-% dil who commands cur army m the fr on tiers of Canada, and to the different feapsrts, ordering tut cut frigates is cruize for ar.d b mg in the Britijh fri gate La Gucrisr , and another who are havering on the Chronicle. Exir&ft (f letter from the Honorable George M. ‘Troup, to the. Editor j cf this paper, dated Wafhington , June 18, 1811. “ WAR is deJared againft E- g land. Fiance continues to g-vc proofs of the repeal of her decrees f in relation to us, and promifes our M :n fter to conclude a treaty on our own term Whilfl the does th s, crmzers make captu*es on various pretences, and fh; delavs rhe rrtin ration of our plundered property — ii this fta’e ol things, Corgrefs have deem dit wife to lufpend, Ur a (h irt time, definitive mrafurcs a gamfl her. lead, by poflibility, her p oftfli his turn out to be finccrc. Incl )fed is one of the m ft able State Papers of which this or any other country can boaft—every ci tizen of Georgia fh mid be in pof fcfllon of it—it (hould be read in cur public ailembiles, and explain ed, (if indeed explanation be necef fary) to the kaft informed, that a deep and lairing inapreirmn may be made of the true caufes of the War, & that every cidzen underftanding, may juftly appreciate them, and be ready to fupport his country with his life and fortune.** The liking wmen the Britifh fca have for fhar fervice, may be fecn by the following article From the New- lork Columbian. c< YviTerday morning, whilft the officers of the Britifh fchooner Mac kaie! were breakfalling on board the President, a mefifenger came cn board and informed the Britifh offi cers that 5 of the Matkarel’s cte#