Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, July 10, 1812, Image 4

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SHERIFF’* SALK* WILL BE SOLD, On the frjl Tuesday in Augufi next, at the Court-Hcuje in Clark County, between the hours tf Ten and Three o'clock, the following pro forty, VIZ. Three negroes, viz. one woman by the name of Myrua, two boys Will and jack, two feather beds and furniture, levied on as the pro perty of David Meriweather to fa tisfy two executions, one in favor of the admin.ftrators of William Thur man, deccafed, and the other in fa vor Ui the Planters Company. ALSO, One title bond for a lot of land in the eighteenth diftriil of Bald win, but no w Randolph county, No. *46, granted to James Harkins, and given by David and Jefley E vans; levied on as the property of Abfalom Echols to fatisfy two ex ecutions, one in favor ef Thomas Hart and the other in favor of the executors of Charles Stewart, de ceased. ALSO, One negro man by the name of Joe, levied on as the property of Thomas Booth to fatisfy an execu tion in favor of Robert Freeman— the property pointed out by the de fendant ALSO, Two feather beds and furniture, two bedde&ds, one black colt, one pine chcft, one loom, fix mobby (lands, three head of goats, eight head of hog*, two ploughs, one pair of gears, one large pot and pot hooks, one imall pot, half a dozen knives and forks, two fmall pewter dilhes, one let of cups and i'aucers, one coffee pot, one cotton wheel, one pair cf cotton cards, one lock i g giafs, four bee gums, pne fpi dci, five earthen plates; ail levied on as the property of Joel Ladner to linisfy an execution in favor of George Ha.gravcs—pointed out by the defendant by confent of the parties—The bee gums, mobby Reads, hogs, goats and loom will he delivered at the plantation w iere the defendant now lives. JOHN bELMAN, Shff. July 2, 1812. SHERIFF’* SALE. Will be fold on the ftrfi Tuefday in Auiujt next, at the Court- tiouje 1% Jackjen aunty, between the hours of re a and tone o'clock, the j clawing properly, to volt — One negro girl, named Sail, le vied on as the property of M.cajah H. Fretwcll, at the inftancc of William Byrom, fen. on the forc ciolure of a mortgage, the property pointed out by the defendant.— This levy was made by Jofcph Whorton, D. S. ALSO, 408 seres of land be the fame more er lefa, being part of a 5000 acre lurvey, granted to D'Edaing, cn Parkes* creek, joining Carrigan, whereon Mr. Cacsblc now lives, one lot xb the town of Jcfferfon, with a good dwelling houle thereon —occupied at prefent by Mr. Pope, and a good ftore-houfe, occupied at preient bv Mr. one moiety or undivided half of 5577 acres, be the fame more or lels, being part cf a furvey granted to Wagaon on the north Oconee river, ana Curries creek , all which land and lot is le vied on as the property of Buckner Harris, at the inflancc of Clenden a;ng and Adams, on the foreclofure of a mortgage. ALSO, 353 1-2 acres ofland, be the fame more or left, being part of a 5000 acre furvey, granted to D'Eftaing, cn Parkra* creek, joining Carrigan whereon E. Harris now lives ; levi ed on as the property of Buckner Harris, at the ioftance of Walton Harris, and Samuel Gardner, en the foreclofure of a mortgage. ALSO, 330 acres of land, be the fame more or Ids being part of 1 5000 arcs furvey, grated to D‘Efta:ng, on the north Oconee river, joining the Hurricane Shoal trad; levied ou as the property of Jeffs Smith, at the inftance of Edward L. Thomas, on the foreclofure of a mortgage. Conditions cafe. Wm. POTTS, Shff. June 3, 1812. SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, Oh the firfi Tuejday in Augufi next, at the court boufe in Clark coun ty, between the ujual hours, the fal lowing property: 738 1 2 acres of land in Clark county, granted to Cook and Shay, on the waters of Porter’s creek, joining Brown and others—and 200 ceres in faid county, joining Dur ham and others, granted to melton; levied on as the property of George W. Moore, to fatisfy two execu tions, one in favor of Zadock Cook vs. laid Moore, and the other in favor of John Smith, vs George W. Muorc and Thomas Moore. ALSO, 115 acres of land, in faid county, it being the plantation whereon John Smith, R. H. now lives, granted to Wcoton, joining B dford Brown, Alexander Smith, and Wm. Strong, Junr. lying on Porters creek, one eegro man known by the name of Harry, one woman by the name of Mdley, cne boy, by tne name of Abram, and a houle and lot in the town of Watkinlvilie, at prfent occupied bv Samuel B Huc chinfon, j fining William Crane’s lot and the public (quarc; the a bove levied on as the property of John Smith, R. H. by virtue of an Execution in favor of the Inferior court of Cla k county, and poiattd out by the laid court. Conditions Caih. SAMUEL JACKSON, and. *. July j, 1812. SHERIFFS SALS. WILL BE SOLD, On tbs firfi Tuejday in September next, at the court-heu/e is Clark county, within the ujual hours, the follow in* property, VIZ — One negro woman, by the name of Rofe; levied on as the property of John Chillom, to fatisfy and ex ecution in favor of Hundley Brewer, obtained on tke foreclofure of a mortgage. Condition* cafe. JOHN SELMAN, Shtf. July 1, 1812. SHERIFF’* SALE. Ou the Firjt Tuejday iu Augufi next, at the Court Houfc iu Madifou County, between the ujual hours, will befold the following property : 200 acres of land on Broad river, Madslon county, granted to Basil Human, well improved, adjoining the widow Moon and others; levied on as the property of Alexander Human, to fatisfy two executions in favor of William Dudley, it be ing the place whereon A. Human now lives. N. WILLIFORD, Shffi July 3, 1812. GEORGIA, Clark Coiinly. INFERIOR COURT. RULE NISI. UPON the petition of Jofeph Brown, (lacing that he was in poffcfiion of a nore of hand given by William Thurman, dec. to the hie firm cf Brown & Harper, for the fum of ninety-five dollars, pay able one day afterdate; and that the faid note is loft, and roc in his pof feffion or power—and praying that the copy of the faid note may be eftablifhed in lieu of the original, and faid Jofeph Brown having filed a copy of the faid note, together with feveral affidavits proving the exigence and lofs of the faid note, in the Clerk’s Office of this Court, ON MOTION, it is ordered, That the faid copy be citabbfhed in lieu of the original, unlefs feme perfon or perfons fhali appear, and fatis faitorily the fame, within the time allowed by law—and it 2s further Ordered , that this rule be pubhfeed in the Gerrgia Exprefs, once in each month, for the fpace of fix months, before this rule is made abfolute. True ccpy from the minutes. STERLING ELDER, C. I. C. C. C February 1, 18x2. NOTICE INE months after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble the inferior court sf the county of Oglethorpe, for leave to fell two thirds of a trad cf land, containing 235 acres, more or lefs, in faid county, on the waters of Cloud’s creek, joining Daniel Deupree, jas. Robertfon, and others, granted to W ilien and Scroggin, to be fold for the bene fit of the heirs and credi tors of George Farmer, dec. DANIEL DEUPREE, Admimftrator . Jan. 30, NO TICE. NINE months after date, appli cation will be made to the honoraoie the inferior court of Jackfon coun ty, for leave to fell ail the lands be longing to tiie heirs of David M c - Cuilers, deCi The lands lay in the counties of Burke and Wayne. LEVI LOWRY, Guardian. February as, 1812. RULE NISI. GEORGIA, J Court of Ordinary, Clark county, j May Term, 1812. O N the petition of Bailey George praying the Aciminiftrators of Rich ard Pounds, dcceafed, may be di rected to make titles to him of, in and to a trad of land in faid county, granted to Walton, adjoining Aaa ners and Freeman’s trail, contain ing two hundred acres— It i* ordered that faid Adminif trators make titles to the faid Bailey for the faid trail of land, agreeable to an inftrument in writing, made and delivered to the faid Bailey by the faid Richard in his life time, a copy of which is filed in court; and according to the provifion of the ail in fuch cale made and pro vided, unlefs caufe be (hewn agaioft the fam*. at a court of ordinary to be held in and for faid county, on the Ift Monday in September next. True copy from the Minutes, May i, *Bl2. JOHN SMITH, Clerk . NINE months after date applica tion will be made to the honorable the inferior court of jackfon coun ty for leave to fell 567 acres cf land, lying in the county aforefaid, on the waters of the Mulberry fork cf the Oconee, being the real eftate of Thomas Wadi worth, dec. fer the benefit of the heirs and crccliters of faiddeceafe ck BENJ. WALLS, ASing Adminifirator. &lisber 10, 1811 . NINE months after date appli cation wiii be made to the honora ble the inferior court, when fitting for ordinary purpoies, in the coun ty of jackfon, for leave to fell the whole cf the real eftate ct John Hanfen, cfq. dcceafed, to wit: One trait of land on which the dcceafed lived, containing two hundred two and one half acres, in the county of jackfon, joining Walton Harris* land—one other trait adjoining the above, whereon Samuel Crocket lived, containing 168 acres—one other trail of land adjoining the lift mentioned trail, being the trail whereon Cary Evans formerly livrd —one other of 472 acres—the whole lying in Jackfon county, ru the wae’s of Apidin’s creek— he (aid lard whea leave 13 obtained, (old for the bent fit of the heirs and cre ditors of faid deceafed. WALTON HARRIS, H. MONTGOMERY, Administrators. March 8, 1812. NINE months after date, applied tion will be made to the honorable in ferior court of Clark county, for leave to fell a trail of land containing 240 acres, cn the waters of Big creek, adjoining lands cf John Mofs, fold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of Elijah Strong, dec. GEO. PHILLIPS, Guardian. January 31, 1812. SUPERIOR COURT, CLARKE COUNTY. RULE NISI. UPON the petition of Bedford Brown, (hewing to the court that Obedian Fryer, on the 2d of January, 1810, mortgaged to the fa:d Bedford a trad ot land,- granted to Freeman, lying and being in the County of Clark, adjoining Archi bald Crowk'y and others, contain ing one hundred and twenty five acres, more or lefs, on wild-cat creek, to fecure to the faid Bedford the payment of feveral notes of hand, particularly described in the deed of mortgage, and that there is now due on the faid mortgage the fum of one hundred and twenty two dollars—and praying that the equity cf redemption of, in, and to ihe faid trail of land may be foreclos'd —on motion — lf is ordered, That the faid Obediah pay into court the principal, intereft and colls, which may be due and accrue on the faid mortgage, within twelve months from this day, other wife the equity of redemption of, in, and to the faid mortgaged premifes, will be from thenceforth barred and foreclofed, according to the ail in that cale pro vided—and it is further ordered, that this rule be pubiifecd in one of the public Gazette* of this date, at lead once in every month, for and during the faid twelve months, or ferved on the mortgager or his (pe dal agent, at lead fix months prior to the expiration of the faid twelve months. A true extrail from the minutes. Bedford Brown, Clerk. Augufi 20, 18 n.