Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, July 17, 1812, Image 3

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i .ny man on b*trd wu not (retlw <ii looted to fight ie hi* country * £2ufe, he werdd be p.ideff, A per mitted tw leave the (hip. The brave rellows unsaiinouily rclolved to fink iwim with their commodore. Long lfiand Star. An Englifb vcflVl bound to the ‘Veii-indies, has been tent into N. York ss a prize by Commodore odgers. Alex. Herald, :•> a letter from a reputable mer * tt of this city, now in Rofton, J: is mentioned that Gov. Strong •re/nfes to place the troops ordered out by government, under the corn s’ and of Mtjor Central Dear borne, ‘.'be Governor fay 3 when cht Mili of MsiTsehufetts are ordered to swarth, he* fhali command them in peiidn. — -Phil, paper Norfolk Jvr.€ 26. The fchotner Patriot, j. A. Brown rr.after, frsni Gaudaloupe, bound to Halifax, with a valuable cargo of fugars, raken by the Re venue Cto ter, JcfTrfon, William Ham, Mafter, arrived hers on yef terday. Day ten, 0. June u. The 4‘h United Starts Regiment arrived te town from Vincennes on Sunday laft, and on Monday they proceed cn their march, to join the army under Gen. Hull, which is now lying at Ur■* an a. wo—n Onandago-Valley, June 17. A Friz2 takjs.— On Friday the sth mft. thr brg Oneicla, in I.ake Ontario, commanded by ctpt. Woolley, fpckff and brought to a B.uifti fchconsr, without tea pa ps:*, laden with American produce to thr amount of 3000 dollars, arr? brought her into Sarket'j harbor. We under(land the fchooner and cargo were eftimated at 7000 dol lars.— Lynx, A PRISONER OF WAR. Baltimore, June 27. Exfrefi ef s letter from an American officer to the Editors , dated Fort- Nerf elk , June 24. tc We have made cne prifoner of war, a cape. Wiikiafon of the Rri ifh Marine S3 a* fo on ss the declara tion oi War was received at this place, he obtained a copy ad put c*jfF, as is fuppofed, to a Bnt-fh fh :■ *? of War, which is reported to be off our waters; b was purtued by licut. Fitzgerald and brought Back. He at firft denied his being an officer, but afterwards confefied the tedl; he is now at the Fort in fafe keep ing, r* be dealt with according to the rules of war.” ct Ns EJJential Injury.” An American Citizen, a nsfire of Northumberland county in this Rate, juft returned from the con fines of Canada, fra‘€3 the folio w ‘ ing faa \~-7bnt THIRTY AMERI CANS were KILLED by the Britijb in retreating within the lines ef the United States having refu[ed ts take the new oath ef Allegiance !!! We well know the rcfpcftablc and truth lov ing character of the German farad y of the young man from whom we have received this information* he sloes not give it as mere matter of but as a ferial matter of fact. N 2. Paper. Savannah, July 5. We underfUnd, that the collec tor f our port is now resdy to g-ant Letters of Marque 2nd Repntal —- Application has rdready been made the privilege of fitting out two privateers, sxhich Will be reedy to crude the beginning of next week. Many others are in contemplation, and will be equipped with all pofli blc difpacch. Letters by Tuefdsy evervng’s Southern mad, dated Augtiftine 2 8 th ult. dates that the greateft health prevailed in the camp, but that col. Smith had received no orders from government either co attack the place or abandon his pofition. On the arrival of the news of ? declaration of war at St. Mary’s, the Commodore on that (lation proceeded to Amelia, and took psf- Ffllonof two verv fine Britifb Clips (letters ef marque) two brigs, *ud three fchocncrs, feme of them laden and ready for tea. Baltimore, June 10. From Ireland. We have fern a letter from Bel ted, of May 3, which (la'es Eigiasd w#.i ukdy to fufftr more (Vvetely from (carcity than Ireland; but the rejection of the Catholic pe tition had excited luch defperate rsientwent among the people in the fourh ai was feared would involve Irelandi in an sterming infurretftion the courfe cf the fummfcr. They were feizing arms wherever they could find them, and burning hoof er. where they met with lefidsncc. War with us will probably crown their efforts with fucceis. RECENT BRITISH IMPRESS MENT. Our paper of this day exhibits another tniUace of Brinfh tyranny, exercifed tover rhtrfy unfortunate young Infimen ? who were ap proaching our fhorns to breathe the sir of liberty,,and fwcll the number rf thf-ii’r country-re* who arrived hea fore them, to kneel at its fr.cred fhriaie 3 but rhe reientlefs prrfecu ecr denied them that blefiirg. in fV*d of leaping with youthful and manly vigor on the bench of that: hsven, te attain which they lacri de ed perhaps thoir drareft cor.nexusns and rent the bunds of juvenile at tachment, they were puunced upon by ‘ khod Stained vulture j and iiur- to a cheer Its abode, ‘ from whgfe bourne jew men e'er return.* Merciful God ! will the thirft of Britain fm fUvery anc* bl od be quen; hed, or is it mfausblc l Shali a day of retribution never ainve ? H-J it been in the difpenfatioo of thy providence thac h a part of the creation fbouid be predcftin ed to become (laves—fuvrs of the loweft g!*dc ? Two or three hun dred W. I. negroes may have only ©ne driver ; the crew of a Bnrifh man of-war has many : the Negro railed in ignorance is contented, nay often plealtd with his lot—can (ee his re latives around kin, and even boaft that once a week he has a k*!)da.y— The teaman on board a man-cf war has a mind, if not cultivated by education, pefiefifes at lead thole feelings and fentimems for liberty and enjoy anent which God end na ture have implactrd in his breafi, which bieflings in his fituation only fe.’veto render him more miferable than the former. Thus are the bounties of his creator cour.tcrafted bf thofe pirtrr3 and madf to add to h vs perpetual cffUßion. Irishmen 1 Do not tufficr this Ufi it* luper ccde the may which preceded it ; but ss tew minds can be fuffi* lently caosaous to contain a recolleftion ef Britifii cruelties, remember at Icaft that Britain rs ftill your deadly fac. You who anbcipaifd the ; u.nd embrace oi a brother or and are thus entity difeppointed, trea fure it up in your mind—tell your children the ilory of che c ALEX ANDER f and let #ne of the firft imprefii ms which you will make on their minds be an eurnal enmity co the government of England. A MEK.ICAVI! In the fate of thefe 30 young men, you can difeover how thoufandsof your Tons and brethren were deprived of liberty, and many, very many of life. May the juft fpirit of reverge never cool in your breads, until the power of England is driven from this continent into thzt ocean to which (he claims sn exclufivc privilege! Sbamnck. F. Freesnan, Efq. oae of the Governor** Secretaric?, arrived here on Sncurday Eft from St. Mary’*, where he left His Excellency ftill •ccupied with the bufiuefs of Eaft Florida, the fettlement of which hid retarded by * variety of circumflances, wculti detain hia a fhort time longer. The Spaniards, not fatisfied with the explanations the United States were offering them, which were can did, frank asd honorable, lent out feme weeks ego (as has been pre vioufiy dated in this papsr) a force by water in fevera! veflels, and mailc an attack with he*vy artillery upon the American troops (tarioned on the bank of the river, who not hav ing a fugle piece of cannon, were compelled t* retire. Soon after this anew governor arrived from the Htvmn*, and brought with him a reinforcement of black troops* ic is reported that more of the lame dclcriprion are expe&ed. From the moment of the attack rosde by the Spaniards, the Govcr rm began to take roealure* tc pro.„ cure reinforcements; the detach menc under Col. Smith being en tirely tno frnail for ofFenfive opc a tiens ; imee the arrival of the blacks this precaution has become mdd penfable, as ?hey are reported to be a bandim of felon* and infurgenu O lately embodied in the liland of Cuba. Rhe governor had received in formation of the Declaration of War bv the Uaiced State* againP. Great Britain, by an exprefs from Gen. Pinkney on the Saturday previous to Mr. Freemante departure * as an allisncc, both offenfive and cefen fiv?, exifl* between the Britifn and Spaniards—and as rbe vital inicreii* of this Pair, aod tho honor of the United States are impliceted and will be hazarded by (’offering the occupancy of Eaft Florida by the banditti now in poflelTicn of it, he will be detailed until the reinforce ments he has fent for, and which arc row sfleFiiijling on the Oconee river, are received. Geo. Journal of the Bth infs. Exiretbl of a letter from Demur ar a of April 29. te Ail Span fh America is in an uproar—civil war is in all quarters and fliughcermg each other bite t’ger*. There was a tenguinary battle fought a few days ago, at Guiana, in our neighbor hood, when the regular* got the better of the Independents, and flaughtered every foul, not one pri foner made.” Ex true! of a letter received from a very ref pell able 1 gent lemon, dated Gottznburgh , I ft “ I nave juft teen a refpettable gentleman direct from St. Peters burg, on his way to London, he fays that Ruffia had declared war jgimfl France, and has an army oi 300,000 men on cue frontiers.** The caufc of this fuddtn declara tion of war was that else emperor of France had bribed thirteen men of rink to murder the Emperor or Uu&a ; in contequcnce of which the nobility, one and ail, demanded an immediate decterati*R of war ngainft France.*’ N. York paper. As our country is on the eve of c war with England, we think the go vernment of the iattcr might per haps be willing to esrhang? die A nierican teamen in her fervser, who, from the circurnftanees of beirg compelled to fight againit their in clination, mult uc unprofitable fer vant*. for an equal number cf ita friend* in the United States, for which vre have no ute. Suppoie our government flvutiid pri.pofc & trade of that nature. Troy Regifer, POSTSCRIPT. L*eut. Thomas C. Porter, ef the U. S. Araiy, arrived hue Uft ev enir.r, about ?, o'clock. On hi* authority we Rate, that the U. S. Frigate Prefident, ft the Belvfcjerc, Britifh Frigate, had had ?m en gagement, which terminated, after an *A*inn of two hours, in the cap ture t>f the Bnrifh frigate—Lofs of the Amerirans, 2® —Britßh 1:0* When he came in con.ta&, Com. Rodger* ordered the vefteh in com pany net is interfere, as he intended to acroujplifh the JOB himfeif.— ‘i'he Prcfident vrai not difablcd, but continued her cruize. Georgia Exprefs. M ‘WP ? * B waCT<Bgßdwa. fit iw mm n*r>. WILL BE SOLD On the ftrfi Tnefday fa o Holer next. The PUmatian whereon Charles Alien formerly lived, now the pro perty of the heirs of laid Alien- Sold for the benefit of laid heirs.— A credit of twelve months will be giver, bond and approved feenrity required. JONATHAN LANE,.. Guardian. Oglethorpe county, July 9, 1 12, FOR SALE OR RENT. Ts HF HOUSE end LOT it pre fent occupied by the Sobfcriber.— The fituation is pleafant— being near the river, cf whieh there is a hand foirit veiw. It would fuit a gentle man wi&ing ro educate his Children. For terms, spoly to HARRISON /ONES, Sec, Athens, July 17. xbc rac. GEORGIA, Clark eounry. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1% \ 2. RULE NISI. ON the petition of David Hcitne© praying the Court that the executors of Charles Ste/arr, dec. may be directed to rmA.e riilc* to a treift cr parcel of land in the county of Clark, on Shoal crerk,- according to a bcr*d executed if the fciia CharitJ in liic hit time, to the (aid Divid. Ail perfom concerned are hereby notified, that unkis caule be ftiewn te th* contrary at a court of 0. di nary to hr. held for laid county on the firft Monday in November the faid executors will be dirr.&td to m.’ke n its to the fa;d trail of land conformable to the faid bond, a copy cf which i* fi.’.d in the office. A True Copy. j., c. c. o.