Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, July 24, 1812, Image 4

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SHERIFF*! SAI M. WILL BE SOLD, On the firfi Tuesday in Auguft next, At the Ceurt-Houfe in Clark County, between the hours of Ten and Three o'clock, the following pro perty, VIZ. Three negroes, viz. one woman by the name of Myma, two boys Will and Jack, two feather beds and furniture, levied on as the pro perty of David Meriwcather to fa tufy two executions, one in favor of the adminiftrators nf William Thur man, deceafed, and the ether in fa vor f the Planters Company, ALSO, One title bond for a lot of land in the eighteenth diftrift of Bald win, but now Randolph county, No. 146, granted to James Hark ns, find given by David and Jeffcy E van ; levied on as the property of Abfalom Echois to fatisfy two ex ecutions, one in favor ef Thomas Hart and the other in favor of the executors of Charles Stewart, de ceafed. ALSO, One jaegro man by the name of Joe, levied on as the property of Thomas Booth to fatisfy an execu tion in favor of Robert Freeman— the property pointed out by the de fendant. ALSO, Two feather beds and furniture, two bedfteads, one black colt, one pine ched, one loom, fix mobby Hands, three head of goats, eight head of hogs, two ploughs, one pair of gears, one large pot and pot hooks, one fmall pot, Haifa dozen knives and forks, two fmall pewter dithes, one fet of cups and iaucers, one coffee por, one cotton wheel, one pair of cotton cards, one look ing gjafs, four bee gums, one fpi der, five earthen plates; all levied on as the property of Joel Laffi er to fatisfy an execution in favor of George Hargraves—pointed out by th* defendant bv confcnt of the parties—The bee gums, mobby Jtands, hogs, goats and loom will be delivered at the plantation where the defendant now lives. JOHN SELMAN, Shff. July 2, 181a. SHERIFF'S SALE. Will he fold on the firfi Tuefday in Augufi next, at the Court Houfe in Jackfon county, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, the following property, to wit — One negro girl, named Sal), le vied on as the property of Mtcajah H. Fretwtll, at the inftancc of William Byrom, fen. n the fore clofure of a mortgage, the property pointed out by the defendant.— This levy was made by J jfeph Whorton, D. S. ALSO, 401 acres of laad be the fame more or left, being part of a 500® acre lurvey, granted to D'Eftasng, on Parkes* creek, joining Carngan, whereon Mr. Cansblc new lives, one lot la the town of Jrffcrfoa, with a good dwelling houfe thereon •—occupied at prefent by Mr. Pope, and a good Bore-houfe, occupied at prtfent by Mr. Boyle, one moiety or undivided half of 5577 acres, be the fame more or lets, being part of a furvey granted to Wagnon on the north Oconee river, and Curries creek ; all which land and lot is le vied on as the property of Buckner Harris, at the inftance of Clendcn aing and Adams, on the foreclofure of a mortgage. ALSO, 353 1-2 acres of land, be the fame ttoic or Icfs, being part of a 5000 acre furvey, granted to D'Eftaing, on ParkrP creek, joining Carrigan whereon E. Harris now lives ; levi ed on as the property of Buckner Harris, at the iiftance of Walton Harris, and Samuel Gardner, on the foreclofure of a mortgage. ALSO, 330 acres of land, be the fame more or lels being part nf a 5000 arce furvey, graced to D'Eftaing, on the north river, joining the Hurricane Shoal trad; levied on as the property of Jrffe Smith, at the inftancc of Edward L. Thomas, on the foreclofure of a mortgage. Conditions cafti. Wm. POTTS, Shff. June 3, 1812. —■ —■■■ - ■ ■■—* ■!, mi mii mns II mmtnmma* SHERIFF'S SALE WILL IE SOLD, On the firfi Tuefday in Augufi next, at the court hex/e in Clark coun ty, between the ufudl hours, the fol lowing froferty: 738 1 2 acres of land in Clark county, granted to Cook and Shay, on the waters of Porter's creek, joining Brown and others—and 200 acres in faid county, joining Dur ham and others, granted to melton; levied on as the property ofGteige W. Moore, to fatisfy t*o execu tions, one in favor of Zadtxk Cook vi. laid Moore, ami the ether in favor of John Smith, vs George W. Muora and Thomas Moore. ALSO, 115 acres of land, in faid county, it bcieg the plantation whereon John Smith, R. H. now lives, granted to Wooton, jc imeg IF dford Brown, Alexander Smith, and Wm. Strong, junr. lying on Porters creek, one negro man known by the name of Harry, one woman by the name cf Milky, one boy, by the name of Abram, and 3 houfe and lot in the town of Watkinfvilic, at ptclent occupied by Samuel B Hut chinfon, joining William Crane’s lot and the public fquare; the a bove !?vied on as the property of John Smith, R. H. by virtue of an Execution in favor of the Inferior curc of Clark county, and pointed out by th* faitl court. Conditions Cafn. SAMUEL JACKSON, d.*. July 3, ISI2. SHERIFF'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, On the firfi Tuefday in September next, at the court ■ houfe in Clark county, within the ujual hours, the follow ing property, VIZ — O r*c negro woman, by the name of Rate; levied oa as the property of John Chill >m, to tansfy and ex ecution in favor of Hundley Brewer, obtained on th* torecloiurc of a mortgage. Conditions cr.(h. JOHN SELMAN, Shff. July 1, 1811. SHERIFF'* SALE. On the Firfi Tuefday in Augufi next, at the Court Houfe in Meaty on County, between the nival hours, will befold the following property : 200 acres of Uad on Broad river, Madifon county, granted to Basil Human, well adjoining the widuw Moon and others; levied on as the property of Alexander Human, to fatisfy two executions in favor of William Dudley, it be ing the place whereon A. Human new lives. N. WILLIFORD, Shff. July 3, IJI2. CORONER’* SALE. Oft the firfi Tuefday in Augufl next, at Madifon court houfe, between the hours cf ten and three o'clock , WILL BE SOLD, TWO hundred acres of land, well improved, in faid county, on the waters of the feuth fork of Bread river, bounded by the widow Strick land and others—occupied at pre sent by William Edwards. Taken as the property of John Williford to fatisfy two executions in favor of Ifaac Holman—the executions re turned to me by J. Wood, D. S. of Elbert county. WILLIAM HODGE, C. M. C. June 16, 1812. TAX COLLECTOR'S SALE. At the court houfe in Jackfon county , On Mon aay tueJeventsenth of Sep tember next , WILL BE SOLD, The following trail of land, or as much thereof as will fatisfy the tax due ibtreon, with ccft: 7160 acres vi land, lying cn the ApaJacchie, in Jackfon county, granted to Bazii Jones, j hning lands at Cobb*, Evans, Williams and Holmes; reported to be in default fr*,m die year 1788, to the year 1811, both inclufive —1000 acres ot the above, is vi the 2d quality, the balance <yf the 3d quality, fo fay three irce holdea-—tax due 234 dollars and 60 cents. No ether pro perty to be round to pay the above ux. JOSEPH DEPRIEST, T. C. j C. July t, 1811. tds. Lijt of L.etters remaining in the Pojt- Ojfice at Athens, on the Lift day of ‘June, 18 12. A. jant' Alko, Stephen Allen. B. James Boy if, Obed Baker. C. Howei Cooper, Raecisi Cary, 2. D. Grey Dunn, Ciaiborn Dofs, Syivanus C. Doolittle. E. Buckner Eaves. F. Fiancis Farrar, Mrs. Ann Farrar. G. John Goodwin. H . Uriah Humphries, 2, Rev. Joh* li -ng<, Rev. John Henning, Norris Hendon. J. jofeph Jolly, Jofcph Jones, John Juliice. K Oiatio Kenncn. L. James Lycn. M. Gen. Meariwether, 2, Wm. Mathews, John F. Mathews, Ro bert Mitchell, Eikk & Jas. Moore, Fraacis Meriwether. N Needham Norris. P. Marco Phin>zy, Wm. Park, John B, Pendleton. R. Robert Rovfton. S. sarough Shirley, Wm. Smith, Henry Stoneham. T . Madame Vc. Taney, John Treadwell. fiT. Richard Wiifcn, Wm. Wea therby. July 9. }. D. COLE, P. M. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Agreeable to an order of the hen. the inferior court of Jackfon county, Will be Sold, &i the court houfe cf Jcid county, cn the 15 th day of September next, About 170 acres of land, lying in Madifon county, unimproved; being the whole of the rasidlate of Thomas T. Bennett, dec.—to be fold for the benefit cf the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed. THOMAS HYDE, CORNELIUS MCCARTHY Admin'ifirators, July 9, 1812. NOTICE. rn A HE Subfcriber refpe&fully in forms the public that he has com menced ihe HATTING BUSI NESS. His Shop is within one miie of Watkmfville. He will work on reaibnable terms, aad by his attention and pundluality hope* to give general LEWIS LAMPKIN. July 4. iaw 4m. WILL BE SOLD On the firfi Tuefday in OUcber next, The Plantation whereon Charles Allen formerly lived, now the pro perty of the heirs of faid Allen— Sold for the benefit of faid heirs.—* A cradic of twelve months will be given, bond and approved fecurity required. JONATHAN LANE, Guardian . Oglethorpe county, July 9, 1812. FOR SALE OR RENT. r"g “-1 1 HE HOUSE and LOT at pre fent occupied by the i übferiber. The (ituation ispleafant—being near the river, of which there is a hand fome v?iw. It would firic a gentle man wilhing to educate his Children. For terms, apply to HARRISON JONES, Sen.: Athens, July 17. Ibe lac, GEORGIA, } By John Smith Clark county. y clerk of the court, of Ordinary for faid county. WHEREAS John Dean applies for letters of adminiflration en tb dials ofW r i!liam Ramey late of this counry, deceafed. Thefe are therefore to cite and admqnilh all and fingukr the kin dred and creditors of faid deceafed, to be and appear at my office, with in the time prescribed by law, to fnew caufe, (if any, why faid let ters of fidminiftration fhouki not fee granted. Given under my hand this 6th day of July, 1812. JOHN SMITH, C. C. NOTICE. j NINE months after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble the inferior court, when fitting for ordinary purpofes, in the coun ty of jackfon, for leave to fell the whole of the real efiate of John Hanlon,efq. deceafed, to wit: One rradt cr land on which the deceafed lived, containing two hundred and one half acre?, in the county of Jackfon, joining Walton Harris* land—one other trail adjoining the above, whereon Samud Crocket lived, containing 16S acres—one other tradt of land adjoining the lafe mentioned tract, beipg the tra& whereon Cary Evans formerly lived —one ether of 472 acres—the whole lying in Jackfon county, on the waters of Applir.’s creek—the faid land when leave is obialned, fold for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of fasd deceafed. WALTON HARRIS, H. MONTGOMERY, Adininifi raters. March 8, 1812. CASH Given for COTTON f S LINEN RAGS Apply at ibis Office.