Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, August 21, 1812, Image 2

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**e are (kfcendrd, the defenders of the rcisgtoa wc profefa. Now as thf fir(l fettlcr* ef both Mafihchu fttts and Connecticut were driven nut ot their native land by that fame people or government, for difT-udng from the ‘eligian of ihe country, we confukr it rather a and ffi uk ‘ifk f r all the pious fedrr alUl* of N*. w England to reconcile the former treatment with a duty to !ovt and fyrnpathife with them at prrfcnton that very account. Mach might be fa id or* this whice-wzfhed zeal, in the Tons cf our persecuted and exiled aaccftors, who now ap pear tt> re.ain fo .anfc an affection for the (le(h-pea of Eg;,pt.— ib. Gr*od often comes out of evil, ami fo it has row happened. The Bp ifh printers ana party in this country denounced ur Govern m'-jt as pufilitr.imous—declared thvy dare nor vindicate our rghes by (word, and could not eve* “ be k krd inra a war.*’ The Briufh G•> - eminent believed them—and •tied upon the belief. They made no preparation, ofFezdivc or defen {i r, to meet the flu: m. Th-s will b s of grrat advantage to ua—both in enabijrg us to get home a large am. unt cf prdperrv which mg u o rhcrwife have intercepted, and n making the Brit fh colonies aa fv cc. queft, wh-oc a la:gc force g u ella ruvr been in rc.adiaeffi to poG us. Jufl fo it was with the -tr Printers and pp.rry during the polutionarv war—vhey were alwa* s ading rhe Bruifh government into •IB uitics wed defeats by their falfe intelligence. Trcn. True dmtr. We have net fte a fingk fede ral psprr exprefs one wW of dif &fprcinitial of the tnafinshie lan gurge Uttiy held by the B lion Re fs ru ry !-—Are wc to infer from tbeirftltncs cn the that they ill approve that ii.iguag-r that ihtv 4r all iu f&vir or wdftMuiitn of the U-m n—a dtftruttion of the G'—of ccsnfequrn: enar chv, and eventual dtfpotiim ?——• Ij it unchin-aVk to draw this cotv ci ifioti from their conduct ? efpt ciaiii .53 much of their language nearly ct*rrfpends with that er the R ptrvor ? ihould they fuc f’ i*d ir ; kmdl ttg a tjvi! v*ar, have tl ? re fl cd upon its confequtnces to them of a let tor from a gentlemen in v / Mary’s to ike hatters of the Cw nule t dated t jib July , 1812. O > titc tv*ui>-g. f the 4 h inftani a lehooner fiom NafTau (N P ) ignorant f the dtcla atiun of war, enured the St. Mrv*a river, bound to Ferna.-tdino, with twentr thuw faod dollar! ia fprcic, the property ©f Logan, L'ne:* & co. of England, configacd to thvir agent Dime! Stewart of St. Mary'a, who ha* been 1® deeply engaged here in lumber centralis on their account. It beu g a iala day, and the na val *..(8 ers nut expedting a vtfft from to g >©d a pnzr, were n>t prompt in b-ardig her, and flic woi hi have eleaped to fea had not capt Chrvelcer, who *s e gaged with the Pa riors of Eafl Florica, detained her until rhe next mernii g w .cr: die waa by one of the gun b?ac fh ‘ns, but not until the money had b-en taler!*, out by Stew arj, wr.o, as an Aaicricaa citizen, claims and retains i, which, by the b wa as liable to condemnation as rhe vcflei or any part of her car -8 * Will be. On the 9'hinst. afmali i fch unet frutn the fame place As the formrr, unappiiited of the exifltßce ol war, came in with 4 or 5000 dollars for the difburfemtntt ol an Englifh fh :p, and 500 dozen Psae Apples, wnich was immediately feized. A privatrer is fitting out a Ameda The afTairs in E Flo rida rema nin flatue quo , with the excepttoa cf ar. election which was to have taken place on Friday iaft, amongft the Patri®ti far 15 conven tiunmeni whofi: duty it fusil be to draft a conftitution, and proceed to the organization of their govern ment. The Spanifh Governor alledges, that it is from the gc.xi will which he bears towards the American g - vernment wi ch has reft a ed him from a&s ot, Bu l be lieve the fad is, that he dare not truft h:3 white troops without the wails fur fear of deftrnoji, and he is doubdui of the certainty of irg laurels at the head f his l#.ble bands.” A friend (fays the National In tell whj haa looked ovr a file *>f the Paris Mmitcur, down to thr lTd; of June, has furnifhcd ua with the following iterriA, which may gratify curiofity and increafe inf rmation; About the middie May there h2d afTembled a, Drefdeii, a Saxo ny, the principal me mber* r r the Imperial families of Fiaacc he Auf ttis—N-p ikon and his Emprefa arrived thrre en the 16 h; the Auf tiian monarch and hi* ipoufe, toge ther witSi the principal pfrlonage* of their e*iirt, on the 18 hj die of Wcftphaha on the 17 hi ft and the king of Pruffiacn the 25 h. A g r eat concourfe of Gurntn prin ces had repaired to Drcfdcn, which, for the time, had become a f< eae of g> and religious, of illu minations, nuficsl cntcrtainmeius, and of all forts of diverfioa* lirta b!t to royalty. Kin apa tc was at tended by rhe duke ot BafTano, his m n.fur at f rr gn affa rs, by ScTthlcr, and was, noiwithftiifiding his cccafi nal devotion to pteafurr, much occupied with bufinefs. Na polcrfn hid behavtd very refpclt fully to his father-in-law the enrspe rcr of Auftria, having paid h;m the fit ft v fit. The prince Engine * B iuharnois, vicc-roy of LaL, had repaired to Wa far, ?n Pound, where Jerome B maparte, m*g cf Wcftphalia, had been fent bv brother. The dukes of Treviio and Aoran*e3, and the du!v cf Bel lunc, werr to cutnmaud in the north ot Europe. The duchy of Warfaw appears to be the great point of rendezvous for the armies now m root, on again ft Rafiia. The Emperor Alexander has left St. Peter (burg; in his ab le net a mintftcral committee, over wr.u h fi id marflial count Sclrikow was to prefik, ha<i beec noiiii-iated t* iffut orders and inftrudions to all the fun£lionaris of government; the members cf the council et the empire, adm rl Techitfchagow & lieut. gen. laiafchaw, had been or dered to i In his Ri-flian Majefly. On the iy h of April the emperor Alexander was a* Wilna, in Lithu ania, abaur 115 miles north eaft of Warlaw—titc luite of his raajrilv was compofed of count Romauzow hanccllur of thcempiie; of counts K itfchubey, prffid>nt of the law Uipaitmcnt, Ar Auftfchrjcw, chief of the war department, of the duke of Richelieu, and a great number of aids. Count Sal kow a<ftx as minifter of foreign affairs whilft Ro mtiizow is away. The emperor left Feceiibufgh on the 21ft April, and travelled as far ss Pklkow on fledges, en acccunt of the inow.— Cos. ps of the French army *erf at Gtir.cJenfy, Thorn and PaUnk.*— the French grneral DcfT ies w'as put in command of the country between the Oder and the VifluU, nth his head quarters at P Ten—the treops of the durhy of Warfaw form, un der rhe rt-drrs of Prince Jofeph Ptv niariwfi:, the fifth corps of t. f j£ French Grand Army. S<? good is the underftsndina between the kir.& •4W *i/ of Pi wffia and rhe Emperor of the French, rhat Berlin ii to be occu pied fey French troops, zr.d the go vernment of teat city has been con fided to gen. Durettc, who is in veiled with plenary powers. Dr. Gu.lls, ef la Gironde, has obtain ed from the muiifter of tne interior amcskl for his works upon vaccina tion, from which it appears that he has mad* many fu< ceitful applicaii- O/i the vaccine flu-.d aa the cure of fvrophulous ms ra. Late Jr cm AH AD A. A Jau Momrtas paper gives sn acccun; u a rior took place at Poit Clare. 1 i.c ysung ssen of tlui pla. t ; co fiiting of abovi r 400 perio;.s included in a recent diaU, refutied to be funj et ro raiiitary dif cipior; and embodied themfzlvei in opp.. fi u* to a very rcfpcftable mihiary force feat agiinft them.— Fne riot was quelled, and about %*] lent to prif n, Carlton Hk -d, oppofitrto Kingf ton, (U. C) is f aui to have bean ukr po.j fti *n of by the Ameri ca.o. —* Chron. v>L‘.vJ K V,iA EX EREbb. ATHENS, AUGUST 21 ■ *>** teemvt . aacagx^rsagsr letter day was the day appelated fer the triel ef Cel JONES of Jmes county :beCurtM a e. T 1 a l *sgs te Jit ia Greene (hard* tVe have net heard the refult One ef the charges again,t Col Janes we underf end to be this :—-when the Jenes sJaunty Mili tia or* 're called on for tbeir quota of the ioo,ogo Militia required by the General cvernmert, cel. Jones refuf ed to obey ike orders of bis fuperiers, cHedging (jo vee are informed) that tc u ;n-irr nad never fought a g i n ft GEORGE 111. and he'd be DAMN D if HE ever \M6uld /** IVc ivr.ll net pledge ourfilves that ihtjc <ere freer fry the words of Cel. J but if Juch, fello w citizens , is the language of a man r-ko has been eniruftsd by the PE').’ LE with c high Military Command ! —readit , we befseebyou — net only read it, but rsjleSt on it—-let it make * deep imprcjfan cv your minds —and fay >0 the man who refufes to do his duty at this moment ms crifts — “ yon are a another Jones —therefore you unworthy ef our confidence— we will net, that you jhell rule ever us ” Fellow Citizens , It is not im ptjjtble but that there are more nun in nr fate, who bold offices either ef a military or civil nature, who are no better than JO AES at heart.— The fate of this deluded man, will *# deubt deter them (if there be any fuck) from an open declaration of their fenti wients l herefore, aye sn your guard —watch them—be flow no office either civil or military cn any man who cannot prove htmfelf pure as unadulie reted go:d. 2ou are called on by your love of country, by the love you bear your wives and children, by your re gard fer the welfare of year [elves and your neighbors to be vigilant. It is your bom den duty “ not to be weary in wAI doing ” The Met!ion throughout the fate is fa fi approaching—then will be the time, that we can purge our Councils e f all Corrupt ion. ft order to the PE® LF,s bung Reprefented in deed uni in Faff, by their O%'N SenH r\ tuents—by (left whs are uni*- PHISTICATSD RfPUBLICANS it is effentially neceffary for them to in - ve ft ‘gate with the utmofl sta e ctn rsj, and impartiality, the WHOLE con dull if theft who claim their Suffrages —Enquire for yeurfelves, for on have it i* your power, whether y m£H who NOW p ref cuts him, as a Candidate, HAS, at ANY t fince our difficulties w:;!s Great fi . din btgnn to wear a ferious afp , if (that is, f ace ihe year itooj— me fay, enquire whether he has, hlh. £ that period, Eulogized Great dried and Denounced our own Gevtrnnteat 0 —lf there be any Juch, who are fi T hg your favor to obtain—(punt t.u H ydx a from you, as a MONS 7.’ R who ft peffileniixl Breath would <v tamhaifi the whole Sedy PoHiic- y a Courtier's Sycophant, unworthy - Suffrages of a FREE PROP: f When the People fh. 11 all in this 1. r • then, and not till then, mxy they - feci to be re oily and truly nprefet . JVe repeat—(altkeug we fine wife, for the honor cf the ft ate lb.-> is not fsj—we much Fear that are more men in cur Jlate, enj Offices, who are nt better, at //• r t? than JONES . Let ihe People loth to this. —in aiawcawtia jMiw ON (he N gbt of Monday ihe \ r’ i:ij}. there came to the fere of Mqfi s, KIDD & Cos. at the Hog Mountain, Jack fin count", EG Jit INDIANS cf the CREEK Nat in—it appears this fiier had in view the rebbiur the w 4> # Store, and then cutting the threat cf ft id Kidd. Mr. Kidd had, by fme me ms vr other, get intimation ef their intention, and had prepared himftlf for the attnek. The Indians bad al ready get into the Store, and t&kev therefrom fmt few ar titles — Mr, Kidd rufbsd in cn them—inf mediately dijpatched one, and as the fee met one w.rj aiming a blow at Kidd, be vsrti led his knife from him, ct>d wish his Ofwn weapon, laid (his ether invade low—He then made at the third, vi*9 he ifpera'tly wounded—the fourth efcaped unhurt. We are happy to learn, that ihe wounded Indian, uni lis companion, who efcaped from Mr, Kidd, are both fafs in fackffn county Jail. A few days after this affair, cue of tbs Chiefs } accompanied by fever a! of the Warriors, came in a //., Mountain, and informed Mr Kuid that ihefe Four Indians were a fart of a Company cf Twenty-Seven, who had been laying out for feme months , for the purpefe cf committing depre dations on tbs Whites—that they hud heretofore eluded their fearch, alt ho* d’.lligetJily fought for —and that the Chiefs and Warriors ft rarely hoped* the remainder of the party might ween tas fame J site. Several Companies of tbs Jackfou county Militia, have gone in purfuit of this gang of Differadoes —and we truft they will give c good account of them. SINCE writing the above, we have cenver ed with a man, who in forms us, that himfelf and family were flying ferfafety frem the fsnip ing knife of the wercilefs Indians. Hi aljo fays, that three other families lay *t the Camp Meeting Ground cn ike night of Tuefday laft. Ibis man in forms us, that, in the night of Mon day lafl, between 3 and 400 Creek In dians crojed the Appalctcric near tbs Hog Mountain. The avowed off eft cf their viftt is to feck revenge for the: murder of their comrades. IF'e arc It he wife informed, that Cot. HA KRIS has, with a promptitude which does’ him great honor, motflerei upwards cf 100 men, and mar bed *yiib them to the defence of k:s invaded county. Tice Intelligence above related, may cat firf lies