Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, August 28, 1812, Image 2

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©fthe people—.that curfed voEe ! It * panic into the ft uteft hears and the fun fame folrlier Ih unk with out a ftrugglt into the paltry citi zen. Ai appeal to force, then, in our prcienr eahaufted ftate, will ne ver do. No— ,r Our better part remain*, ,r To work in clofe defig i, by fraud or guile, ct What force effc&cd not; that he no left, €t At leng'h from us may find, who overcome* ** By force, hath overcome but half his foe£.” During the harangue of Caution attention hung upon his words, which appeared to give general fa tisfa&ion. He refumed—My friends, (have thought deeply on the crifis of af fairs. I will not deceive you with hopes which I do not myfelf enter tain. The time for us again to triumph cannot come foon. Our enemies pofi'cfs the confidence of the people. Their chara£ters are fair, their mcaiures wilt; and uni* is fonse extraordinary event oct'U< that confi ience rauft increafe. I cannot too h g ly extol the policy of our frlends in the Enaceandthe other houfe, who feizing the fleet ing moments, ftrovc by every hu man art to hurry the nation into war. fudging of thi* by every o thrr nation ; they had reafon to hope that the fame ftratagem that ha* fubverted the liberties of the cne would have dtftroycd thole of the other. But events have proved the temerity af their hopes, and have funk lower in the public ef teem than we flood before This ftracagem, permit me to fay, has loft its effi. acy, unlelt to injure its b ft friends; and me lefs we lay a b>u it ths better. Bjc we have other refources— However pure the character of our opponents, and however wile their mrafures, wna. arc purity and wif dom unaccompanied b public cf teem ? They are mere drof*, chsm eus of a childifti brain, unworhy of a man of vigorous underffand ing. It is true that public efleem no y attends them. Our only chan, e fpri .gs fiom deftrovlng it. This ca in >t b” done bv a coup de-main —out it may be effldtcd by gradu al and infidious means. As to the mealures ft the g ivernm nt they cannot fo eafiiv be miireprefcnted. They are fully known, and their ef fects a r e felt. Yet, let us io , on tha.’ account retrain from tne tile of every politic to defame them. Lrt us rail the love of pea e cow ardicc—the regard for economy, nillerablc patriotum— the cauauus aid fpanng exercile of pow r, a hired of goad government—and the repealing odious taxes a mere catch for popularity. Theft a.e and übilefs daring reproaches, but b on g often urged, by being ex hibited in every lhape, they will ga n f me credit. This, however, it a fubordinate x ficc, and from it mu h cannot b< <xpe£trd. There is fortunately another rclource. The character 01 ur opponents muft be proftrae td—their private as well as public chatafters. Once induce toe peo ple to doubt the motives of their ru lers, ad you may toon render their mtafteres unpopular. This, too, win . .ltd fuipicion, thac demon of co* fi ience. I have faid that we mult proftratc private chartfters.— Here, thank God, the field *al our own. There is a conlcious dig nity in innocence that dildams to •tdwer the tale of fliidcr. Let, then, thac tale be told. Let it U circulated in wkilpers, in convivial companies, on tne fl >or of Can grtls, from the bench of juftice, or the public prints as circumftances may recommend. What, though the piece of families may be inva ded by the malicious tale, is not the end in view great, and ought nor aft minor c >nfiJerations to give way ? Let then any thing and every thing be faid. The more the iHs ao'ice will be taken of them by thofe they injure, and the ftronger will be their tmprtflvni on the igno rant and uninformed. We have a majority of the newfpapers on our fide. Let them be Ailed with tra duftion. Their Editors need not be afraid—the abminiftratiqp is too magnanimous to appeal to law for rehref*. Let the fame mcafure be dealt out to tiactr public characters,— Deny all the good they have done, and afcr'be it to hypocritical mo tives. Ab >ve all things never a b*ndon one ground. Endeavor to c n vince the people tha: they are mife:able; and that the nat'onal eftarader is the fcorn of the world. This is my advice. The Preftdent. Gentlemen, you ha ( 'e heard the advice of our hono rable friend. To me it appears pro found and politic. D t you approve it. Many Voices. Wc all approve it. President, Swear, then to prac tice ic with zeal vouifeives, and to recorrmeM it to rnhers. Many Voices . We Swear. ACTION at SACKETs HARBOR. On Sunday morning, rke 19 4of Juiv, capt. M. T. W >olky, of the Oneida, lyug 11 Sacket's Har bor, difeovered fr m the maft head of his brig five fail, ali BmmlH, viz. the Royal Georg, of 24 guiu; the Prince Rrgrnt, a ne* lh 0, ftuppof cd of 22; the Elmira, 20; the Se neca, iej the name ft -ic o her not known; ab* ut 5 leagues and fla u, beating up for me harbor, with the wind dead ahead. The troops were immediately called to arms, a;d ex pr (T Cent fo call in the neignbor irjg detachments & volunteers, w <0 arrived in the cou fe of the da. t*> the am unt of nead’ 3000 Soon after fun* rife the P i. c R gen’ brought to and captured tne cult ;m houfe boat, about 7 mftesTrotp the harbor, on her return ir*m Giveliy Point. The b ai’screvr were i be rated and fint or. fhoec, wnen a nuf fer.ger to col. Bdlipger, the com nu ,dant at the aaib >r, demanding the lucrenier of the Oneida, and the late B nib Ichooner Ncllon, fe id for a breach of the revenue laws, an i fi; h g for a privateers anu declari- g, that in cafe of a re fulal ro furrrnder the vrIT- Is, the fquadron would burn the village, or lay the ltuub tans uadtr con r bu:i --o. Soon a’tcr this capt. W jolfey left the harbor in the Oneida, and ran down within a league of the Iqnadron, .when he returned and m red his vefifft on a line with a battery eretfted laft week, with Iprirg* on his cables. Capt. \V. being the molt experienced Engi neer prefent, left the O .cida under the command of a lieut. and went on Ihorc and caok the command of a 31 pounder mounted the day be fore on the battery, the other guns of which confifted of 9 pounders. i*y this time the enemy had arriv ed wthin g’in-fhot, the Royal- Geoigr, as fl g fhip, ahead, and fi ing was commenced from the 32 pounder. This was returned by the fquadron, which flood cfF and 01—and a cannonadrig was reciprocally continued for more than tvra hours, all our guns being well manned aid lcrved—and it was plainly difeovered that the Royal George and Prince Regent were much injured. At this time, as the fl*g fhip was wearing to g ve ano thcr broadfide, a ball from the 32 pounder was feen to ft. Ee her and rake her completely, after which the lquadron firra but a very few guns, aud bore away for Kingfton; our brave cutzensgivi g hree hear ty cheers, aiid grfer*rgtne ears of his majrfly’a faithful lu jecis with the w il remembered tune of Tan kee Doodle, tram all the mufic at rne p ft—not a man being hurt on our fide. I’he effi ers, detached troops, volunteers and citizens univcrfally, di 1 prayed a degree of firmntft, iu- and patriotilm on the oc cafion, wor hv the Tons of freemen, and defenders of republican gov ernment. The aifition ws* maintained with in point Hahk fh >f. Moft of the cn my’s balh (truck the ro ks be -1 w the bakery, and one 32 pound (h-->t was picked up by out c.-nze *, it havn g lodged near the bicaft woek EX.'REbb. AUguTt - it. THE Northern Mail has again /ailed. We are almeji tired 0/ re pelting this old tale. It is to be Jin lerely regretted that there is fitch ve ry great irregularity in the Mail to this place, lnjtead of receiving the Not them Mail once a week, .as con trotted f or by the Pajt M&fler Gene ral it has become little better than a Mail once a fortnight. Two of the late failures Are jaid to have been oc caftan* dby the death of hsrfes As this has uecc’tns fo common, we may, we prelum: attribute the prefent fai lure io ibe fame caufe — and fit it down that another of tbeje POOR animals ba* quit this ft age f attion If tto e remainder of the prefent fit of horjes which the Cont ratter has for the con- veyance of the Hail, were to (hare the fame fate- we might then reafin ably txpeft tha ‘ in the file It ion cf a new fapply he would have an eye to thofe that could perform the duty, with out danger of dfappointment Wc are not certain whether it is, or is not, a duty incumbent on Poft Mafias, when accidents of this kind occur, to procure the neceffary means io forward the Mail to its place of deftinaiion If this is not the cafe, it is greatly to bs deftred, that fuch an arrangement could be made— it would obviate many diffi cui.ies and give general fatisfeSHon io the People , VHE Senile of the United States, by rejeSfing the Bill from the Houfe ef Representatives, authorizing the government to take psjfejfion of Eaft tlorida, have left the fate of Geor- V*> in particular, in a very critical Jituation. The Eaftsrn Bifrtdl ef this fate has every thing to fear for Us fafety, lbe known policy of Great- Britain is to affail her enemy by the mojf cruel , the mof inhuman warfare. Already bus fhe let loofe tbs favage Indians on the Patriots of E Flori da, who have taken up arms to free the)r opprejfed country. Ibe fate ef Georgia, forming only afmalUfetlion of tbefe Lnitsd States , has no power, has no right, to lend her aid as a party to the Patriots. Could fhe , without violating the facred cotnpaft by which tbefe fates are indijfolubly bound in one cammon Family , ajtft the cpprefl id Republicans in her neighboring ter ritory, there enifs net a dotbt but fhe weuld do fo. Th: uniform Republic can fentiments which pervade her Le gi/DtU'-c, and the Patriotic con duff of of her Governor, with regard to Flo rida, afford ample teftimonv that her will , at leaf, is good. How, ttosn, can tie citizens of Georgia be of fer vid io their brethren of Eaft Flori da ? There is a way in which they can participate in their toils and dan gers, and (hare the fruits ef their pa - triotifm No authority prevents them from going to Raft- Florid. (Vbcn there they can join the Patriots—they can affil in conquering the country— and FIVE HUNDRED ACRES cf excellent LAND, and the emanci pation from BONDAGE of many of their Fello w Creatures, will be their Reward. Further, it is ejfential to the REAL Independence of Ame rica, that both Eaft and H r tft Flori da become an integral part of the/e Untied States . Will Georgia's Jons, then, not fight will they not bleed . is obtain this fupport to our Independence ? We are well affured they will. We are not a degraded or degenerate race, but the mighty fpirit of our bathers is in us. Argument, on this point, to the Revolutionary men who are ftill ali -e, would be unnectfjary They know tne value of (he prize for which they fought—they will tell — yes . they will c mm and their fens to defend thofe Kighti which their valor and their blood pu*chafed. To thofe who. like eu'felvts, were too young to partici pate in the pci ft dangers and difficulties of our country, we will jf“ k in a language Which, in cur opinions, be come the times. Our fathers fought they bled—they gave us Liberty ! Let us i6ok to them and to our pofte ■ rity—jhall it be told to future times that the prefent race of Americans have fvffercd the great bUffings of Li berty to perijh in their hands ? Fir bid it Heavsn l—-And if American Liberty is to expire, let it be after not laft /park which can be fir nek fro* the lltar of the Revolution is extin guijhed!—Let no grey headed Revo lutionary man witnefs our degenera -91 The prefent conic fl is not to place a favorite iefpst en a tbr >ne —it is to preferve ibe fiver eignty and the ma jefty of a Free People—it is that ths { poor and the rich may reign together— to place the bumble and the affiring on the fame Political level. IV 0, then, can be indifferent ?—Let us :ll jdin heartily in repenting, t( Curfed be he who doetb the work cf the Lord de ceitfully, and curfed be he that with holdetb bis /word from blood” THE account in our laft ef India 4 bn fill tics tn Jackjou county, has turn ed out as we had wijbed , it was a falfs alarm, and tbefe of the inhabi tants who had fled, have returnedta their hemes. Ibe affray between Mr, Kidd and four Indians did take place but no lives were loft . IFe could wife that there was feme mode by which thofe who circulate reports ef this kind ctuld be feverely punijbed. Thera was a tints, we believe , in this ftate, when ar.y man in the frontier fettle nienls, whs fbeuld be guilty ef circu lating a falfe alarm with refpsEt to Indian boftilities, would be feverely bandied—we wifh again to Jee that time revived. Hew ever, tie Militia cf that county have evinced, that if there was real danger, they would be at their pefs—ready to de fend their country. {£?* WE have endeavored, as far as time would permit, to fupply the omiflbn occafioned by the non-arrival of the Norther Mail, wirh fuch ftleclioas fron the Millcdgeville paper* were