Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, August 28, 1812, Image 3

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deemed of immediate impor tance to our fallow-citizens.— FRO vl CANADA. Bv letters from the North-Weft* ern Army under Gen. Hull, it ap pear* his Head Quarters were at CanH'/ich on the 19 hof July, and iraticn was making tor the fiege Ulden. ■e Britiffi farce was luperior in at that time, although fifty ty militia h*d def'eired from e every day fmee the Ameri 'Jandard had been erected on Tnada fide. A detachment Vended the river Le French, id taken a corfi (erable quan provifi *ns, which had been ted bv the Bricifh army. The ‘s advanced pofts had been 1 by a detachment under Col. — Nat. Intel. cf a letter from Cel. Cafs to >n. Hull, dated Sandwich, \J. C. ly 17, 13 12. R—in ccaformity with your i&ion*, I proceeded with a de nentaf 280 men, ro rrconnoi b* enemy’* advanced pofts—* found them in p?IT (lion *f a e over the river Caoas, at the p ct nf f, ur milfs from Malden, examining their pofition, l one company of rift men, to tal thcmlVlves near the bridge, and upon our appearance on the eppofite fide of the river, to com mence firing, in aider to divert their attention, and to throw them into confufi *n. I then proceeded with the remainder of the force about fivf miies, to a ford over the Ctnae, and down on the fouthern bank of the river. Audit fuufet wc arrived within fight of the enemy. Being entirety dtftiiute of guides, we marched too near the bar k of the river, fir found our pregrefs check ed bv a creek, wnich was then im pclT ble. We were then compelled t march up a mde, in order to cf ffd; a pafLge over the creek.— This gsve the enemy time to mak’ their arra geratnis, ad prepare for their and fence. On comi g down the creek we found ihrm farmed ; they commenced a dftant fi e of mi (ketry. The rfl men of tht de ta hment, were foirn and upon the wi.-gs, and the two compares of infantry in the centre. The men moved on with g r ea f fpiric and a lacritv the fi ft difeharge the Britifh retraced —we continued advancing Three times they far med, and a* often retreated. We drove them abou r half a mile, when it became fo c!a*k thar we were obliged to relinquifti rhe purfur.— Two private* in the 41ft regiment were wounded and taken prifoner*. We learn from deferters, thar nine or ten were wounded, and feme killed. Wc couid gain no precife information of rhe number opp<fed to ui. It confided of acorfidera blc detachment fr m the 41ft regi ment, feme mikeia, and a body of Ind an*. The guard at the bridge con lifted of fifty m*n. Our r fit men ftationed on this file the Ca nts, aifeovered the enemy reinforc ing them during the whole after noon. There is no doubt but their number ronfidrrably exceeded ours. Col. Mdler, conduced in th* moft fpirited and able manner. I have tvery rt-afon to be fau&ficd with the conduct of the whole de tachment. Very refpeftfully, fir, l have the honor to be, your obedient fervant. [Signed] LEWIS CA^S. Col Regt. 0. Vol. Hi# Ex. Brig Gen. Hull. Savannah, Auguft 6. Bv a gentleman juft arrived from tht fouthvard, we learn, that a few days before leaving thence, two of the Patriots, Jas. Hollingfworth and Daniel Pritchard, were (hoc dead by fom Indians belonging to the Loich way tribe (Creeks) *ho have re cently made their appearance in the neighborhood of Auguftine, in or der, it!* (uppoted, to aid the Spa niard* employed in the defence of that fortrefs. B jth men, when found were fcalped and tawmihawked, Sc a painted (or war knife) found be fide the body of Hoiiirgfworth.— They had been difpatcncd expref* by the Patriots, with orders to a part of their body ftationed at Pe culata, on St. John** river, to re pair immediately to the head quar ters of their encampment; but lav ing octillion to ffap on the way to water their horfei, they were unx peftedly fired upon by the Indiana. Our informant further ftates, teat previons to the above tranfa&ion, a party of the lame Indians, had en tered into Laurel Grove, rhe plan tation of a M.\ Kiogfl y, k lied a perfon, and carried oft liable property. The inhabitant* in tht’ quarter, are faid to be much alarmfa, and were moving their families and ef fect*, with tne utmnft expedition, to the Mauds of Fort George and Talbot. ___ DIED , on Friday laft, after a jhort tllnefs, Mifs N iNCT HULL , aged 11 years., tideft daughter of the Rev. Hope Hull, near this place To Jay, that in the death of this in ttrefting, this truly amiable Girl, her parents, her brothers , her filter , and other near relatives , are dep ived of one among Heaven's great eft gifts, would not be faying ail that is juftiy due to the deceajed Innocent Society, in her death, have Juftjined a lefs, not cajily repaired. But alas ! this juft Decree of an All Wife Providence, has deprived the Church of Chi ft of eve. who bid fair to become a Bright Ornament to cur Holy Religion But her affT’fted relatives and friends can emphatically exclatm—that “ Happy ‘ s the one , who privileg'd by Fate , To Jhorter labor and a lighter weight Receiv'd as y fier day the gift of breath Order'd to morrow to return U death” CANDIDATES For the ‘thirteenth Csngrefs — To he eittt*d on the fir ft Monday in Oc tooer next Dr. W W. BTBL C !. G M TROUP, BOLLING H aLL, THOMAS TELFAIR, WILLIAM BARNETT, and JOHN FOR Y TH, Ef^uires. We are an* .us to announce John Forsyth, Eq. a candidate to fill the vacancy if* the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United State* occafioned bv the refignation of Howell Cobb, ETq. fffj* WE are authorized to an nounce M’. Josiah Meigs, as a Candidate far the Houfe of Rcpre fentacivei, far the county of Clark, in the State Leg ft a cure, at the en fuing eLftion. SHERIFF* SALE. On the fir ft Tuefday in O&ober next, at Madifon court-houfe, between the hours of ten and three o'clock , WILL BE SOLD , Twn tra&s of land in Madifon ceuaty, on the fouth fork of Broad river, one containing two hundred acre*, well improved, beiig the place whereon Abfalom Hendrick nowlives, granted to Samuel Nel foo, the other trafit containing fe venty-tae acres,adjoining tbe afore faid 200 acre traift, and faid fo be granted to Samuel Ncifon, adjoin ing John H. Marks and others; levied on as the property of the faid Abfalom Hendrick, to fatisfy fix executions, (to wit) one in favor of James Ewing againft Abfalom Hen drick and Daniel Orr, one in favor of John Billups & Cos. vs. Abfalom Hendrick; one in favor of John Smith, endorfee, vs. Abfalom Hen drick, one in favor of Robert Bied lor, lurviving copartner of Bledfoe fir Fleming, v. Abfalom Hendrick, one in favor of Henry Stn kland fir Cos, vs. Abfalom Hendrick, and one other in favor of Thomas W. Cobb vs. Abfalom Hendrick—rhe above property pointed out by James Ewing. C >r.d ; rions cafli. NATHAN WILLIFORD, Sheriff'. Auguft 25, 1812. SHERIFF*# SALE. 0* the fir ft ’Vue! day in November next , at the Court Houfe in Madifon count , between the ufual hours , WILL BE SOLD One Negio Boy by tne name of Joh , levied 01 as the property of M cajah H. FrcuwtU to fatisfy an execution in favor ot W J am By rum, fen. vs. Micajah H. Fretrwell on tht foret lolure of a m rtgag* the property pointed out bj Hardy Strickland. Conditions cs'fb NATHAN WILLIFORD, Sheriff. Auguft 25, 1812. TO THE PUBLIC. The Subfcriber returns his fin cere thanks to his frirnds and the public in general, for the favors he ha* heretofore received in the TATLORING BUSINESS ; and relpediu ly informs them that he has refumed the above bufi icfs in all us various branches at hi* old ftand, next door to Col. Carnt’s law office. As ne is determined to give unremirrirg attention to his avocation, be hopes to meet with a liberal fupporc from a generous public, therefore earneftly falicit# the pacronage cf the community.— Cutting done with neataefs anddif parch, aad all favors conferred on him a* above, (hall be executed with punctuality, and thankfully receiv ed by their humble fervant WM. H. HUNT. Athens, Aug 27- NOTICE. WILL BE SOLD To the bigbeft bidder at DANIEL VILIE, (tbe fite for the public buildings of tbe County of Madfon, ALL tht LOTS fronting the Public Square and thofc adjacent thereto—a credit will be gvven for one half until the 25th of Decem ber, 1813, and the remaining half twelve months thereafter, the purchaser giving bond with approv ed fccurity. Tbe fale to com mence on Thurfday the firft day of Odtobcr next, and continue from day to day until the whole of the Lots are fold. William Fergus, Edward Wari, Charlis Sorrels, James Sandlr, Isa ac Strickland, Cemmif/ieners . Auguft 25, 1812. NOTICE. / will SELL to tbe Hlgbt/l Bid der, on the fourth Monday in Septem ber next, at Watkinfville, (if not difpofed of at private fale before that day) a few likely Virginia NEGRO MEN, who have long been ac endowed to Mill Wnks of Jevtral deferiptions , for ready money, or on a credit, as may at any time he agreti upon In the cafe of credit , bond and approved fecurity will be thought reafonable. All perfons to whom l am ft ill bound to pay money , to whatever a mount on my own contract, will be fleafed to bring in my papers and ac counts, judly ftated, on or before that day — when, notwithftending tht ap parent great fear city of money now in ciaculation with us, I flatter msfelf I Jhall not only be found anxioufly dif pfed, but, be ready to make facisfac tory payments to allju/l demands. PE 1 FR RANDOLPH. Auguft 14, 181 1. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD On the lytb day of September next , at the plantation of J. Jewell, dec . in tbe county of Oglethorpe near China Grove , on a credit of twelve months, by giving bond and appro ved fecurity, tbe following pro perty, viz. A Quantity of H gs, one Cart, fafr.e Furniture, and a number of other articles, too tedious to men tion. JANE JEWELL, Adminiftratrix, JAMES 1 EWELL, Adminiffrator. Auguft 14 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Agreeable to an order of tbe bon the interior court of Jackfon county, Will be Sold, at the court houfe of faid county, on tbe 15 th day of September next , About 170 acres of land, lying in Madifon county, unimprove 1; being the whole of the real eft are of Thomas T. Bennett, dec.—to be fold for the benv fir of the heirs and creditors of faid deCi-afrd* THOMAS HYDE, CORNEUUb MCCARTHY Adminiftralors. July 9, 1812. EXECUTORS SALE. On Saturday tbe 19 th day of Septem* her next, WILL BE SOLD, At tbe late refidence of George Brad ford, dec. in Jackfon county. ALL the pertonai efta.c of (aid deccafcd, confifting of Hnfas, Cattle, one Waggon fie gear, farm ing utenfils, See. Terms made kaown Bn the day of fale Wm BRADFORD, Dd. BRADFORD, Executors* July 13. NOTICE INE months after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble the inferior court of the county of Oglethorpe, for leave to fell two thirds of a tract of land, containing 235 acres, more or lefs, in faid county, on the waters of Cloud’s creek, joining Daniel Deupree, Jas. Robertfon, and others, granted to Willßn and Scroggin, to be fold fop the benefit of the heirs and credi tor# of George Farmer, dec. DANIEL DEUPREF., Admmlfir ator . Jan. 30,