Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, September 11, 1812, Image 1
Yol. V.) ATHENS, csorgia: publiskib st MCDONNELL (A GAINES. SHERIFF’S SALE. the jirfi Tstefday in QRohtr next, at Madifen court-beufe, between i the bou?s sf ten and three o'deck) WILL BE SOLD , k Tvt tracts c’ had in Med;Ton Icotmfj oa rhe fsuth fork of B-oad Privet, ®sc containing ro hundred acre?, rdl improved, being the place wherein Abfalom Hendrick, .non- fives, granted re Samuel N-I ---iB, the other trad: containing fc vtnty-one acres, adjoining the afore l*id 200 sere tract, and laid robe grantee to Simuri Nclfou, adjoin ing John H. Marks aid others; k-'ird on as the property or the fad Ablaiom Hendrick, t© iati&fy fix executions, (to wit) ans in favor of James Ewingagatnll Abfalom Hen drick and Daniel Orr, one in favor cf fohn Billups & Cos. vs. Abfalom Hendrick; one in favor of John -roith, endorfee, vs. Abfalom Hen drick, one m favor #f Robert Bied fce. i'urviving copartner et Bledfoe I St Fleming, vs. Abfalom Hendrick, one in favor of Henry Strickland & Cos. vs. Abfalom Hendrick, anct one ther in favor of i bomas W. Cobb vs. Abfalom Hendrick—the above property poiated tiM by James fenrij.-g. Conditions ca<b. NAT HAN WILIJFORD, Sheriff, An git ft 25, 1812. SHERIFF*! SALE. £E the fir ft Tveftiay in November next, ui the Lean Hcuje in Madifan count between the ufual hours , WILL HE SOLD Negro Boy by ch name cf J h*, levied on as the property of Mi.Cajfth H. Frettwell to linafy an execution in favor sf Wiilism By rum, fca. vs. Mtojah H. Frvtrwcll ca the foreckdure of a mortgage — the property poiated cut by Hardy Strickland. Conditions r*(h. NAT HAN WILLIFORD, Sheriff. Juguft 25, 18is. IO THE PUBLIC. JL. HE Subfc ri ber returns his fin er re thanks to ms friends arid the public in general, for the favor* he Fas heretofore received in the TATLQRING BUS]LESS ; and rcloc&fuily informs them that be has refumed the above biti.efs sn all its various branches ar h- : old fund, next door to Col, Carat’s hw office. As he is determined r give unremitting attention f$ his avocation, he hopes to meet with a liberal fupport from a generous public, therefore earocßly folicits xbs patronrgc of the community.— Cutting done with neatsefs and dif patch, tad all favors conferred on him as 2bove, (hall. be executed with punctuality, and thankfully receiv ed by their humble fervent WM. H. HUNT. Athens, Aug 27. BLANKS Can be had at this Office. GEORGIA EXPRESS. u MJkttr SMALL SVN TO 41V FBO, SHV tMOnFUSCe SMALL 3X IHeXSASIO.** Mr. HOLTs QRATION concluded. If io the whole, wide, black Pic ture of Britifh Wrongs, we were to point to a trait of deeper black than any other, it mud be the infamous attempt of that government, thro’ iis Agent Henry, tc diisnember the Union. But wills difimembertnent of the Union be efiv&ed ? Thu is a qu*f ticn of thr ft ft conTquence; and merits a lew moments of attention, I twill be admitted thata dVfmeir.ber teenr would be faen followed by a fta-.e of things aimoft too painful to be contemplated. Our fine coun try w u!d became a theatre of bloo dy civil w*.rs—it would be an arena for the exhibition of the bloody con • felts of European and American Gladiators. Btr, that this difmcm bermenc will not take place, is si rs capable of demonftration.— We are united by our Rdigi n— --by our language—by our manners— by cur laws—and by our intereft*, in everv fenfr i the term RcFgido *s one of thr ftrengeft b inds of Society* The Pr-jteilant Religion Vs -he Religion of al.coft the whole People of the TJ States. ScsViriH are indeed ninm. rou>, but as the- are equally free; aid *s the law has guaiantced that freedom, no one feet can .pprci’a anaitier. Per** ft tncsti has nor, and cannot rear he-- horrid head —no -Id bon fires have beta Acre lighted to cor.fuaic Heretics—-no f aff *!ds have here ftreamed with blood— with innocent blood, poured out in thx name a id for the pretended ho nor cf th; Savior of Mankiad—.he God cf L ivc *nd M ray. There h prubabl> more V cal Re- Fgioa in the States in pro portion to stir population, tha j in a si ? other parr of Chnftendom Tit djfliinss of all the dft ent fc <st >, aid •nc principles of the Ec deftiJLcal Government of mucti tnc greateft number of them, are high ly favorable to Liberty, bath Reli gious and civil. OurCi ixens well know that the true ip r*t uf Chnfli anity ’sQ-rcdtly eppoled to the p;- iit i i Mvrarchy cad arbitrary pow er in die (late, and to Hierarchies is the Curch. We Iptak one dhd fhe fm lan guage—this csrcun flancc alcne is of giear force and < ffit ency towards the | -Herva icm ano prcfpcncy cf the L .tor . Ihe natural tendency of Languages %t© an affimilatioh —and t.s afTnriiUuon operates fa vorably on the peace and union of focicnes I venture to afFert that there will be a tinsr, tho* perhaps, a thoufand hence, when one language will extend overall Coun tries and ail dunes. This Unity of iarguage will be tht refult of a free Commerce of Nations ail round the Globe. Our manners and habits ere the faisic thr* ughuut all tht fiates—a citizen is at home in whatever part of our extended territory he may chance to be pla. cd. The emigra tions from the Northern and Mid dle States to North-Weft, the Weft and the South, ars perpetually drawing more clolciy the bonds of union. The Northern States m3y be properly denominated the Offci nee Gentium , the true Hives of Na tior s :—-And will the dsfeendants of the citizens of Ncw-Himpfiure or Mftfiafihuletts, who fettle on the banks of the or the Adijfintri, the Arkanfas or the Mffjftp+i, take arms ag&mft their fathers and bro thers wh* arc on the Merrimec or Kennebec ? —W hat Daemon hi*pow er ftifil.-lent to kindle the ftamca of war between Georgia and MafTachu fstt3—Wctwrrn New-H*mp(liire 3c Tenaeflce—between New-York ft Louifiana ? W and the Parent b sirs, who have funufhed the h- fts of b . • migrants, opprels their children and defeendants ? What era produce fu< h a Bate or (Macs ? No, thank Heaven, a difmembvm' l f nt of the union is imp- Sabic. Eat is year, and mernth, and day, and even each p:ffi g hour unfolds to our view fome unc-bferved bkfling, the re fulc of oa firm Union. ThcG !- dea Cnain which unites us is per petually growing ftronger, ana! the prefFjic rf this prefent war will bind us tegether r*ujc firmly than many y*rars ot prace. Ambitious men arc always to be found in all coun tries, and wc have our full fhare of them. But fuch is the equality of fortune am ng our citizens, fuch tranquillity flowing from the pof itfTi n of all the real blefli .gs of life, tha: amlrfcion has no wbjtd on which to op* ta-e. ! am confirmed is the pleafing af that our Union will be of l©r’| exceeded duratios, when I vie-A the hiftoty cf Nations and sr.srk the efs of Societies.— What has been the invariable ten dency cf Societies ? 1 unfwer, ex- fuch as the facial Character of tnan requires and naturally produces. r heir tendency has been to U*un. Ciift your eye over the territory of Georgia. When Oglethorpe !and ed, this rerritury was occupied by twenty difF rent tribes of Savages, ea< !i ho it tie to tha other. This ter r t ry <t n*<.v under one equal and juft government. This tendency of So nciiesto union is net ft flaw aa to efcape obfervatien—its progrefs is eafiiy ad clearly percciycd. The Post Oman iaforms ua that in his days Ireland was occupied by number of warlike ftates, and Scot land by perhaps, an equal number. About ten Centuries the little ter ritory of England was governed by Seven Kings—'Thofe kingdoms were all united inoise under Egbert* .Scotland was united to E ig.aed bout one hundred years ag<; and in our own days Ireland has been unit ed io England. France contained, aimed in our own times, fix or feven different governments, generally at war a mm?g themftlvrr, and inviting fo reign nations to come and help them to deftroy each other—they, were all united under the Great Henry the 4’h. The different provinces cf Spain (till retain the name cf king doms, and fuch they really were till about the tune of tht difeovery of America. If fuch then has been the pragrefs and influence cf the fpirit cf facie- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, iSi. tv, that hoftile kingdoms have gra dually united and formed *> *f f cietiVs, #an if be realonab!> tho’f, that flares Ikc curs, having the Rthgion, Language, Manners., Laws and lntercfls, wiil ever feparatc— that ekey will ever be difmerri ered ? fi he idea is abfurd—the thirff is in* ■*. •© crcdtbl* :—I affirm, that it is even impijffible. Another and another Burr m?v a rife and pri&irc his arts of deluflon, but rII their effort* to efftd a dif memberment wfll be in van. Oup equality in property will always be a bar to the fuccefa of fuch ambiti ous tnrn. I apprehend that few of us rtfTci: ob the fee ui it v wc derive fn l\\ arr laws, which forbid Entailmei ts, Ik re’ gr.izr no right r privilege of Prim geniture. I'he fpirit ot fu h laws will forever fecurc us from the undue itfl jencc of men of ever grown fortunes. I am net ftlarrsrtd ner if my neighbors add field rc field, and plantation to plantation, ..11 they arc owners in fee of half i do zen counties—l know that asther* arc no Entailmcnts permitted, the defeendams of thefe weaLhy men will food find themfdveg oa a level with their fellow-citizens Indeed, a wealthy tastily cannet be formed—the individual may by induftry and art, or by accident* become rich, but the glittering heap will as certainly flunk fro a the grafp of his defeendants .ts the Ine\v3 of Winter will melt before the warm brerzts and the funlhine of Spring Tht difinemberment cf the U. Statei, would be Mi. wed foy ,’jcii awful calatniries as wifli I net io at tempt to defcribv—they vsrruld be too dreadful for any but favages to hear. Let us hear, .’hen, no more o f the dilmembernunc of the Union.— Mirk the man who fuggefis a th<rT ia favor cf it. He is not a friend to his country—he is not a friend of mankind. Is Union lovely in a Family— fl Town—a City ?—lt is ftili more lovely—more important, ia Rates and nations. Our Federal Syftem is a magnifi cent Stranger on Earth — 3iiz pro in ifea all the blcfiin f > that foclety can ever hope or wilh to cbtam— ftjf holds out thofe hidings not to MafTat hufetts—to Virginia—or to Georgia ftions—bet to aU—whe ther north or fouth f the Potomac —whether eaft or weft of the Aile gnny Mountains—and to all 7/!iic?a (hall hereafter be formed, and am willing to range them.‘elves under h r holy banners ol Peace $c Free dom. Tor the prefervacion of fucii a fyftem we chearfuliy and vviliingk/ drew the fv/ord, and expofe our live; in the high places of the field of battle. From the prefeat v-r rri*h ottref and and implacable enemy, Great fir tain, v#e have nothin:-: ro fear.**- She cannot eftcnti.'iiiy injure us - - That Frcedow, and thofe Rig--: , which two millions bravely won - feven milieus will as VsVdy drfL; . (N®. 2 i6*