Newspaper Page Text
Athens', sr: p femser 11
THE Citizens of this county, who
are, by law, exempt from Militia
Duty, have firmed themfelves inti a
COMPANY, which they have ap
p tpyntefa Jtyled <{ THE COM
There are upwards of Seventy now
belonging to (bis Corps , (as ice are
‘informed) of bit ary Headed Veterans,
They are seminar.did by Col, Kedfnd
Brown, as Captain, and Gen
Meet aether r.s Lieutenant. Such ex
amples ns this, ought to animat; our
Youth—ought to ft mutate them to
perform deeds of Glory , in the caufe
of their injured country,
left **• * *o
Col, JONE % of Jones aunty,
whom we mentioned a few weeks track,
ns being under Arreft, for Trial, we
arc happy to fate, has been honorably
acquitted, of all tier charges preferred
a7 tin t him fVe rejoice in his ac
quittal—not only for the honor of the
State — but, in cn much, ss it affords
Ud ai opportunity of jttfifying our
jelves for the fever tty of our remarks
c\ that occafion. The remarks which
we then made, were predicated on the
in far mat ion cf a young Gentleman cf
funding, and reputable character in
Society. fVe took the cir umftaiiCts,
as related by him, to be b a£s. Hfa
•were mtfin formed. IVe are Had that
we wtre fo. But, be it kr.svsn, we
do rot retract the declaration *f cur
belief, that there at e men in cur fate,
ksiding offices, both Civil Cf Milita
ry, who, if they dared, would net
fickle ai endeavoring to corrupt the
minds of our citizens —and would,
were they to find encouragement, ufe
their exertions to fubvert our happy
fo> i of Governmmt
The fallowing is the concluding para
graph of an able elucidation of the
Gricranees, In falls and Injuries
we have received from the bands
of our relentlefs enemy, ** Kiothfr
Britain” —it ts from she ten of a
writer in the Democratic P efs un
der the fig~ attire of jur. s c la.
In this paragraph is fummed up
clear ly and emphatically, what we
are ts war for. The American
that will not fubferibs to it, ougtot
to be denounced as a traitor to, end
dyerves the execrations of k\s
“ IVbat ever view (hall be taken
ef this W tfr, it will be ultimately
found, that it is a war undertaken
for out public and individual rights ;
for liberty to our mariners, far ou
rncrce to our merchants and feamtn,
for the free f*lc of cur produce and
purchafe of their fupplits to our men
of landed property, and far tb- iur>-
Jic h>nor of tur maritime fag
Merchants. men of property, /Ship
bui.ders, feamen , and all other friends
of Liberty and Independence, have
therefore a real inter ef in Us firm
Ldtejb from our North IVfiern
Chilicothi, Augutt 19.
Tht battle of Browi.ft >wr
feughe on the Sth of Auguft, be
tween a detachment of tht 4 b Re
giment and Ohio Volunteers, under
iieut. col. Miller, amounting 10 650
men, and the B lufh and Indians,
amounting to upwards of 600 —■
Tht BrVufh and (av 1 g'S were diiv
en upwards of two miles at the
point of the bavonct. Our lofs
was 17 killed and <;o wounded —■
apt. U!r%, of the Kirucklnick vo
lunteers (from this count)) was ci
ther killed or taken prisoner. Caot.
Bottler and capt. Gilcrcaft of the
OMo Volunteers vme kite 1. Capt.
M'Cullock of th‘ Ghio Volunteers
was killed in the fiift engagement at
Browrftown, when maj. Van Horn
w-is e-mptlled to retrtat.
V/eunderftanh that every prepa
ration was nude t; attack Malden,
when, unexpectedly to all, Gen.
Hull ordered the army to Deudiz.
The morning after the battle of
Brownftowo; lieu-, col. M Her was
about to proceed an his march to
join the ChiFcothc volunteers, when
he was wrdered back to Detroit by
Copy of a letter from Gen. Hull to
Col.faVtlls, dated Detroit, nth
Augufl, 1812.
“By letters received from the
Department of Y/a*, 1 am inform
ed you are ordered to taarch to this
place with fifteen hundred rccriirs,
or a part volunteers, if fo many re
cruits were not enhft and, The fail
of Michilimacklnac, the ta-dv opc
rations of thearrr.v at Negara, sod
almoft all the Indians having become
boftite, have totall; changed the
pr Ypcfts of tbi 5 * array. My com
munication is entirely cut
off, there art but tnrall quant’tics A
psyvifwns, and the moll fatal con
ic q jcrccc niud cafuc, unit's the
communication is loon opened and
very ftrortg reinforcemeats arrive.
I hope you will loofe no tima in co
ming forward with a very refp£U
ble force,”
Lex Reporter.
Extract of a letter from 7am *s F-fi
ler, a volunteer from i&wn,
to his friend here, dated Detroit,
Auguf 3, 1812.
tc l3car Sir*—The shrining prof
pcdl before us, you can have no i
of—horror and difmay hai given to
every countenance the ovtt gi n.-my
appearance—but a few da. 3 ago we
lauded tnumpantiy on the lhor s of
our mean, and row we have pic
cipflately fled, under cover of tit
nigrif, to Detroit.*’
Lulu ft 10, [ Battle Ground ]
Y iferdav Col. Mider*. R gi-
of Regulars, and about 300
V du item and ArtiHenfts, who aad
been ordered to efcort the Cmlico
theans fr>m the river Ra fin to De
troit, were attacked In ab*ut 400
Indians and 150 BHidh regulars,
who had crc&eda bread w *rk w-th
in two rndes of Brownfto*nj after
a fhort, but fevers and ooft natc en
gagement, the allied enc n? were
rcpulfcd with ccrnfidcrabie lofs—
four Briti fh prifoners wera taken
our lofs is about 12 killed and jy
Savannah, Sept. j.
A letter from Camden county,
dared 23d of A guA, mentions that
the Indians of Flcrula were at work
again with the fcalpirg kiifej that
’ncy had murdjrrd 14 nr 15 Ame
ricans} and that Woodruff is
flipp'd?j to br among the killed.
Arrived priyatttr iarah Ann, of
Bah m irr, R. M lore commander,
en? Long fom 42 tnsii, with
thr Britifh lhp Elizaoith, George
Hannah, late maftcr, from Jamai
ca, bound to BclUft, a prize, with
a cargo of fugar, rum, ginger, cof
fee and leg wood.
The following is the nvjfl recent
account of the commodore, wc per
ceive in la ft mail’s papers :
“ A letter from a rtfpsftablc
gentleman in Norfolk, rcceivca by
Tuclday night’s mail, fays, that by
an arrival at that place in a few
hours from cfcs Cipcs of Delaware,
intelligence is brought, that cous
m<*doit Rodgers* lquadron was fen
with a number of prizes (the letter
fays 30 or 40) going into the De
laware. We much fear that rtus
news is too good to be tru t."Argus,
New-York, /ugufi 13.
The prize matter of the Britifh
brig Harmony, [f#*nt into this port
by the Privateer Yankrc] inform
uj, that previous to h;s leaving the
Yankee, they (poke and boa ded
an American vcflVl, the captain of
which informed them that he was
boarded on the thirteenth day of
Jul v bv an officer from one of com •
mociore Rocgera’ lquadron.’ The
boarding officer ftated they had
capiurfd and deftroyed thirty cite
fail of Enghjh vejfels during their
Newport, (R. 1 ) Aug 13
A iettrr iscrived in this tvwn
fom an < fiicer 00 board the United
S at-s frigate Frtfident, dared rhe
19 h Ju! , rocmions that the Ame
rican fqundrsn had tsker., hu* n* and
ciitt. vd upwards of 169 fail of
Engit/h vejfels *—and further,
that the fl iop of war Hornet had
ha v 1 a kiufh with a Brr.Yh frigate
(uppofied to be the Belvior c, a few
davs alter jcar;*g New-York.—
Fh-” irtter further Kieaiioni, that
the officers and men of the Ameri
ca.) lquadron, are in excellent health
end blict%n.
[ \ letter received this day from
N. w- York, mentions the arrival n
Haldax, of the Britdli frigate which
was convoying the Jamaica fleet ]
A court martial of which Col.
Swift is Pftfident, is organized for
the trial of Cltvk, Brink and Ler,
arrefted at BufTilar, as Bntifli fpiss.
For Governor —The returns of 11
ccumiri give Col. Shelby 15,297,
and col. Slaughter 5,996 voces.
For Lieutenant Governor —^Tht
rttur<>& of 14 counties g ve to Mr.
H*ckman, 10,607, Mr* Bradford,
1839, Mr. Ew ng, twelve hundred
and five, and Mr. Crutcher 463
Members to Congrefs •—Me firs. H.
Clay, R. M. johnflon, jofeph
DHha, Sarnutl M Krr, Jas. Clark,
W. P. Duval, Thomas Montgo
mery, John Simpfcn, and General
Samuei Hopkins, arr elected, the
fix fi; fi without oppc-fui&n. One
difu6b net heard frm.
Female Patriotfin end Liberality.
Pittsfield, A’*guil 5.
On Thurfday iaft, the Ladies of
ChfiAre (fituattd ten miles from
this town) as a tdhmony of their
refpett and approbation nf the vi
gorous rhtaiures now purified by
om government for a redrefs of the
injuries and infuks heaped upon our
country for a long time pa(t by the
eternal enemies of Liberty, gave
the Soldiers of the United States,
flationed in this place, about 200
number, an elegant and fumptuous
DINNER, ferved up in the deft
manner, by their fair hands, con
fitting of every variety of the Ra
fon, viz. Beef, Hams, Lsmbs, Pig*
Turkics, Fowls, Green Peas, String
Beanr, New Potatoes, Puddings,
Pyes, and indeed every thing re
qu fuc for an entertainment cf the
firit order, which in truth it was.
Many of the officers of the 9th
Regiment were prefent, Lieutenant
W'hei lock of L’ght Dragoons,
prefided at the table, wnicr. was
fpread at the encampment, under a
hand feme bower, erected for the ®c
The Officers, ia behslf of thel
Ssldier3. tendered to
ic Fair ones, their hearty flneere 1
acknowlaogemer.ts, for the bounti-1
ful donatic'?, with a pledge of their I
ardent dtvetion to the iervice ef
their ccimtry, and an afifirsnee of
the inviolate protedion af the
American Fair.
From the Portland Argus. 4
Members cf Corgrefs in],uited.—
We le*ti with aftomfhmcnt, that two
of the Members of Congrtfs fro:ja
the DiOridi: of Maine, the Hoc,
Mr. fVidgery and the Hon. Mr.
Barr, were, on their return, nintt
grofsly infuked by (am* Tories ef
Button at Newburyport.
Mr. Widgery on his arrival at
Portland, was welcomed to his!
home by the congratulations of his
fellow-citizens. They will protect
him in the difeharge of folsma difa
ties—asd if any fcoundrei Tory oil
Botton dares to hurt a hair of his
head, luch mifereent may rtftairur
ed that the infult will not t*e unre
, 7he ThtuJ&nds of Maine. \
Jin addition to the above, we vn- j
derttand that the hon, Mr. Seaver, 1
in through King-ttreet (rov/ J
called State-ttree ) was alfo infultcd’
by 0 gang of s. But neither
the biffing of gefie, ner the bray inf !
af Afies, wji errr ceter ar hone Ft
Batn fn-m the dU'charge of ih-.-fe
duties which he owes h s
country.] Cbrcn. 1
[ln additisn to the ahorr, th
hon. Mr. Turner, alfo a Member
of Congrefs from Maffachufctce,;
has been oiofl grofsly infulted, and
beaten, by a mob of Tories in that
flstc, Thefe are the ger.try who’
complain of mobs—and fay diat
tht have no ri,qhr
inveftigate the condud, or to pun-,
sfh the e Eli run of the friends of
“ mother Britain.”] Ed. Exprefs.
tif a letter fren
d-iicd Augud ti the Editor
of the Carolina Gazette.
t( A moil barbarous and horrid
reorder was lately committed on rise
bodies ci two Indies of thi* vicinity ’
of the names of Kirjh and Kerjlsy ,
by a negro fellow befooling to a
Mr. Carnes. He had quarrclled 1
with 8 wench belonging to one of 1
the-unfortunate tesnaie?, and having |
beaten her, left her for dead. Fear- \
ing that he had not completed his
diabolical intention, he returned and
difeovered the victim st his malice,
in the prefance of her raiftrefs.—•
The iac!y unfortunately threatened
the rvffian with punilhment, whan,
declaring that he would commie
fomcthUg worthy of it, he feizrd a
losded gu, and after fome ftrug
gling on her part, lodged the whole*
of it* contents in her body !—-She
fell and expired. Her filler, who
faw the horrid transaction, (bricked
with sfirght, and was immediately
attacked & actually beaten to death
with the bu*.t of th gun! It Is
with fomcthing lkc a melancholy
fatisfadion i add, that J tiftice has
had her due, and the blood third/
monfter has expiated his crime in
the flames.”
A folitary philofcpher would im
agine ladies bom with ar* exempti
on from rare and farrow, lulled in
perpetual quiet, and feafted with ua**
mingled pteaiure; for wha: can in
terrupt the contentment of thofe,
upon whom one age has labored
afeer another to confor honors and
accumulate immunities; thofe to