Newspaper Page Text
JVill be old, to the t> ulcer,
oi lie Jit ft IVchneJday :n Novem
b > next, between the hours of ten
c y i th> ee o'clock , (it the court hmfe
i* IVatkinjvilU . the following prc
ft- ty , or as reach thereof as will
yatisy the fax due thereon fsr tit:
yteir it'!, and cfs :
202 i 2 acres of land, levied en
*8 the property of Mof:s Biediatv,
the shave bnd half 2d half 3 t qua
-1 (r^ 3 not granted, No. 136, 27th
cliff 1 61 Wdk'nfcn n.uutv, former
ly Clear creek; D. 2 50.
202 1 2 acres 3 1 quality, granted
to Duke, No. a, 23d du'lr tl WTi
kinfon, Rvied on a* he property of
Jonn Dukes; u> D. 6 75.
One mgro boy named Field, fif
teen cr fiy.teen years of £gr, levied
on a ri.<c property of Wm. Strong,
d-r colatisfv the amount of the ef
f*i “’s tax, pointed out hy Jack F.
C / Ue, execute ; tax 0 2$ 21 3 4.
202 ! 2 act***, not granted, No.
15, 7 h ti ft r6l old W 1 kin ion, 3d
q ty, levied nas the property
or Wrn. kaimevp'nx D 1 121 2.
250 acres, granted to Head, joins
K ; i >iph, Clark county, O once
river, levied 0.0 as the property ®f
Wen Cabimefs; tart D 3 75.
175 ceres. 3 qnaiiry, granted to
B ~ j ns H imes, C‘<*'k coun
ty, Gi r ,g*s r- k, lev cd on at the
piopmy of George Caritr; ;ax
b 1 75.
102 1 2 a~regaanred to D.
Grud-, N-. 88. 17. n d.ftniS u.d
W ikrio’H 3.1 quality, levied on
a* the proper \ of David G?ddy 3
tax D 2 603 4
130 acres of land, 3d quality,
gra- cd t” Aplm, joins Kay, Ciark
cou ty, Oconee, on as the
property of Alfred Stewart; tax
D 2 12 s 2.
80 acres, 3 quality, granted to
F cilev, jok s Eafl } , Clarke
county, fad creek, Jevi?d n as
the pr o Tty of In*/mas Findley ;
tax D 1 9.
202 1 2 arret, .. t granted, No.
?5 9 19 1 d;il. id W K.lon coun
t , uuKi Swamp, 3 q uhty, Un
co sr. ai the .cpt t : of Gabiid
3 e v s; tax 87 i-2 cents.
20 0 acres, 30 qul ty, g-anted to
F 1 , j ms H>uic, Jaukioi. .uunts,
k on at the pr of jHsph
L u entt; tax D : 62 1 2.
350 acres of teno, ft ft & fccond
qu , g an:>?G M gan, j ins the
A aJe tu), j a kion count), 0< o
r. r, levied ot as the property oi N.
D anc; tax D 9 68 3 4.
75 acres, 3 1 quality, grunted to
G* i cr, j ma Dea.te, ja kWn
c. OBii, Oxunec, itvuU on o the
j r r \ of Maddux; txx
1) 1 614.
45 acres, 3.1 q ul. y, granted to
F f{ .i, jms i i chc, Ciat k ceucry,
O ac*, ori *$ ihr property
Of RwocrtMo. ns; tax 93 3 4
300 a-"re?, gia.ued to Mai bury,
jomk Hopkins, 31, Clark
cvHint;, M‘Nau’ ur k, levied 00
as the property of Ricna.a Faulctr;
tax D 6 25.
116 acres, 3 q uhty, graated
to iviaioury, jv.ns Ciow, CiarK
county, Bardci * creek, levied on
as the property o James Strouds
tax D 1 62 1 2.
312 acres, 3 quality, granted to
Mrrbury, joir.s Crotv, Barber's cr.
levtvd on as rnr property of Geo.
Harper; rax D 5 32.
Twi hundred a< rss, 3d quality,
granted to Wagnon, joins f laves,
[Vl'Nutt , i r.;eek, levied on as the
pr perry of W lliam Dickens 3 tax
07 i 2 cents.
ds 3,
170 acre?, fee nd and third qua
lity, granted to Maroury, joins Di
fon, Clark county, Birber’s creek,
levied cm as the property ef Ablh
lem Echo!?; tax D 2 75.
133 t-j seres of land, 3d qualify,
grra* c-i t Marburv, join Paulett,
fvl c ;>lt: t*s iened as tli’
p ofrty of Edward Dickcrfon; tax
75 Cißr3.
Ferty-ninr and an half acres, 3d
qiiai< v, g intcd to Wafhmgt ,
j /ms C■> *K, Clark county, Karovr’s
creek, levird on as the pr* > r ty
Alexander M £ Cullach; rax 56 j 4c.
124 acres, 3d quaiit*, grv -dro
MUiDury, j Ins Ha*good, Oak
equity, Ba.ber'a creek, lc? • 2
as the property of Whikam B u>k
fton; lax D 2 56 : 4.
On* hundred a ni 3 ’ quality,
gtantad to Wdhanaion, jo* s v.t< e 5
Clark c sunty, Green brer creek, le
vied via as the property of J jieph
Corban; tax D 1 20.
Two hundred acres, 3 * qualify
granted to W iianiV:f!, j 0 *j ,
Green bner crcck, Clark r ui?,
kvied o as rhe property of B. Cor
b tax 37 1 2 ecu. I>e above
trait given m to the Rcce vcr ol
Tax Returns, by JoFpU Cardan,
for S. Corban.
Two hundred and twenty-fix a
cres, fccond & third quaUt , plan
ted to W. fhu g f on, jns BiuW'.t q
Csarkcju ty, ilwrutr’s creek, le
vied on a> hr property of Daiad
Crfts car* D 1 31 1 4.
Three and a ruif acres, fecorid
quality, g anted to Mat but), joins
Hancock, CiaTc county, Lane**
cm k, vied o2b the property oi
Duifiacii Kcliy; ax 24 ents.
0 ,
202 i 2 are*, g-ai ted toSmi h,
j*i c a , iv* ci ipn count;, W st
crcsK, k o as ihe preptrt; cf
Daviu I\v.vty; ux D 1 25.
Two hundred two and a half acres,
3 q uhty, granted to M iir, 7ch
ull ti, f rmcrly Ba.dirui couu.y,
ler Td on as ‘he pr prrrv oi W uce
Ruflltcrj tax D 1 31 14,
150 acre*, 3 quality, granted
t© Bi vni, joojS ,Spir*ks, C*ark
county, AppaUtchiv, levied uu as
the ot Tn .mas Williams;
tax 75 cents.
Two hundred & a half acres,
ft Owd and iimdqua.iey, granted to
Goodwin, 5 * ti.itisdl WukwUon,
levied on A: ne property of J#ha
lax D 2 55.
Two hundred tw * & a half acres,
fecond quail y,g anteu to J. Filh; ,
N *. 79, itvuiid dittnft Wiixinio..,
lcvifcu .. as .he property of Sami.
Dumga.i; ux D 1 62 i-2.
Ouc hundred acres, 3 i quality,
granted c Mar Doty, joyn* Cagle,
Clark ecunty, Robia.onG credit,
h vied on as the roperty of John
Middietor; tax 65 cents.
Ah 0,
250 arrrs, 3d quality, granted
to G Gr g*, joi.i> Dickcrfon, Cla k
county, kftbmfoft’s creek, Ryied
on a3 rhe property of Jhn Chifi *rr;
csx D 1 62 i-i.
soft i t acres, fccond and third
quality, g an ed to Gu e, Ran
dolph ccunty, Wile’s creek, levi
ed on as thr property or Margarei
Shaw; tax D 3 75
a iso,
529 acres, feconc quality, grat
ed . Wo ids and Edl v, j ?ns
G': g , Clark county, >eek,
ievifd o;. as ‘he property of David
tax D 6 39.
202 1 2 acres, teccnd quality, ro J. Hoimrl, N93 3d
d?fi. and Baldwin count), L* -.l* ri
vri, —, One lot in hr town of
Wa k afviilc, raced ar 450 dollars,
ad lev ed on a* r property of John
Sitr.s; iax D 6 50.
O t forrei rnao, levied en as
the pr *peri y of Reuben B aio k,
tax L) 1 12 12.
ifff 3 i ne above property lcvtd
on o J *hnfr;f cossita
b'p\ and rerurned io iar, and then
tevivd on by mv feif.
Terms * alh.
T. C. C. C.
September t, 1812
C JLi.H IviK’i “AlB.
On toe hirji dVtdnefday i* November
next, at *¥xtbnjvtUc in the county
tj Clark,
F vc tnvuianc! a. 1 s 1 *. and, gran
ted to the Counr D £ Eita g, ivit.g
and being in til* c .-u .i) oi Claik,
on the wains of Trail reck, con
taining among other plantations die
one wuerr-T. Me Jiaei A. Gauvam
i 1 fide , a >d now ©ccupird
bv h.s wiR, a sen co lausfy the tax
of thr Uid Mivhad A Gauvam rr
the ynr e g .itca hu >ney and ele
ven—-a uounc of tail 30 dollars 87
1-2 ICIW.
ieiras cafh.
I . L. C.
September ?, 1812
itt&tii? r‘ s XAL&*
On the ftrji Lucjday in Oflatter next,
at tve court hsuje in cmnty,
Whain the ujual tsetin, toe /*■#-
in l property, VIL
One iH'UI-’ and iw t f aDout thirty
acic ot land, a joining the town of
Atncns, :t Dcu.g the ii.'ule at pre
irnc ociupied by Mrs. Gauvain,
a;ul ore otucr heufe in tise tc?wn or
Athens, it bemg the llore houfe
fc mtrly occupied by Wor ham
the above property levied
on a* uc property ol Michael A.
Gauv&m, to latisly live excctuiona,
vs. laid Gauvam, one in favor of
J.-fian Fo vci, one in favor of Ste
vens 1 nomas, one in favor o* James
Camron, end Tlee, one in favor nf
A. Id, tne other in fa
vor of Caley.-—The abave
houle and lot cf thirty acres of land
w ii be loid under the in< umbrance
of a mortgage given by laiu Gau
vam to F. P iiuizy.— I he property
pointed out by Stevens Tonias.
90 acres of hou, joiaing Middle
Robert Martin and oinera,
oa ine aurs of Bgg crcck, gran
tee not knows, levied on as the
property of James Onssnd to it
tisfv tvo execu ions, a&c in fivut
of Mathew Finaly vs. James a.4
John Ormond, the other in faror
of Benjimi Blanton for Robert
Freeman vs. James Ormond— -the
!sni pointed uc by Cariflopher
One gray horfe foxed and nickt,
8 or 9 years old, one blind biy
mare with a young c©!t, one bay
horfe colt, and one yoke of blcck
oxen 3 levied on as the propert) of
Robert J. Cabell to satisfy an exe
cudeu in favor of the Trufteci oi
the Univerfny.
Conditions Cifh.
September 4, 1812.
Fy--. gp.-B. ■*— -atirnr. l^3nun^■r■^^ m MUfTOidnwanga^j
Ok the fief, iuejdsty in Oblober next,
at the issirt bsnje in Clark coun
ty, between the ujzal bouts, the fol
lowing property ;
One negro >£n by by the name
of Bob; levied on as the cne pro
perty ci Richard Paulett, to L is
an execution in fsvr >. f Sami. Cule,
220 acres or land in Clark coun
ty, more or hLs, on Rofe creek,
granted to Melton, j doing Tsgner
and other, wdl unproved; ivkd
cn ?.3 the properly of Lcy Clark,
to isiir4y two executions, one in fa
voi of Robert Freeman, and rhe *-
thrria favor of Rebecca Dougner
ty, a mm ftratr x.
A L3O,
19 acres of land, more kfs, in
the la*d county, n the waters of
VvTld Cat creek, granted io
mar*, joining Csruin and ethtii; en
vied on as the property of T ho.njs
Wood, ca lausfy an exfffuuon uu is
vor of Ciiallophei Bowen.
420 acres, in raid county, more
©r on Grtee Brifr crk, j.te
ing, Wiikinicii, and land wucie
on Col. it. Runnels formerly liv
ed; v/tli impiuved, it beifcg he iracL
or land, whtreon Waiter Camobcil
J a
now 11 vc; levied on as ills proptr
ty, to iStuiv sn execution in favor
of James C. ivtccfc.
Conditions Cafh.
September 3, ISI2.
Qnth; \fi iuejday in Oils Per next a i
the court hcuje in Clark canny,
between the u.xetl hours,
NINE Negroes, to wit: War
itn, bsm, Aggy, E>\zo, Mary,
Nora, iaac, ju!ia and Llanii ——
Alio, one ftill, fuppolcd to bs ,co
galioiiu—Alio, 380 acres of lane',
more or Ids, bcn,g tne trad ofkrd
on which the derer.aant now lives,
on Cedar creek, granted to Go:-
ha2i, joining Dougnertv—Aito,
acres, more ur Iris, on Cedar cree
granted tc Gorham, joining Raimv
—Alfo, 50 acres, more or Ids, ou
the, joining Strong and c
fners—Alio, iro acres, store or
icis, on tne Oconee, granted to Acs
isn, joining Ray—the wtolc of tkc
above property levied on ts the pro
perty of JackF. Cckc, to latisfy
an execution the State of Georgia
vt. laM Cocke, rndotheis.
September \f, iSi2.
x n-nr -n ■ ■■■'■■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ‘WC—I
(fd/ 3 vV E arc autnorrzed tt> aa*
bou.kc Mr. Josiam Mlics, as c
Candidate fsr the Houteo Rtprc
ientauves, for the county of Clerk,
in tns A*aie Legiflature, a: ;kc en
luing ekdtion.