Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, October 09, 1812, Image 3

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3 fiTss the facts fo dearD and t.j:,, ;;/ ‘used in Col. Cab's report, jhcr~ sr-- other ms;#*rial and impor tant fa-ts tha: ought to be m dt public winch 17 c ',lid not perhap3 properly enter in a M 1> arv Report. If -one ftjffi ;? for the pre U nr. A( er h furrender 0; Detroit, the Bnxuh and Americaaofficers cf creeftity mEgied together and en t£rid into coaecrfavwn. In con ve fatt-n wth Col. Csfs, on the /■ bjedt of iie prdent war, its pro- du atiun, fcc. ar offi ,cr of the T ftl army, r -fss hign a g.a jr 4s cap v u, f;d ? in inch 3 manner a* his own belief in TANARUS, that the Nsv? England States would re- M'-iiNr neutral in this war ■ that 1 a-tack would therefor- or. mad* n ‘Vm ; ‘hat a conviction was tj meet in Maftachufetts, tie object < r cft.ct of w i.ii would be toenfure j - ncarraht* ! C •*. Cais told the -Lffi rhe had'fciu Taken the chaaO- r cf nis (Cos!, Cab’ ) ountry m: W ti %ifk m H :£ve.q he had 5 our the doitrine ia el- laid down as or thodox in Far:cnil Hall, with the c .eous language of the F dcrai pr n s, had a mod “awful fqjuv/ing” w rds fuch a ftatc.— ;Wc pablifh th 3 at the pre Tent n: tmt’ii w: n >,O o:ner view than to ih w to he opp >fi ion how ai enc rn” > .1 ,J g n g fj ooi rne 1 r co nd u&, has iar-d o calculate on their difaf fect to the goner-a! caufr. Nat, Let. GEORvitA EXPRESS. A F HEN , OCTO BER 9. /H/i exduftve management of the Gc rgh Express has once more deceived on its former Editor—He pledges himfelf to his patrons and the community 10 he unremitting in the dijcb&rg, of the varient duties inci dental to ihs Ef ablifhwtni: And flat - tc s himfify that wh a thus afting, h vill he amply encouraged and his labors fully remunerated Withplea- Jure be dates the Officers of the Uni verjity have politely tendered him their cfturances, that they will occasionally aid his Paper with literary produc tion &c, which will render the Exprefs inter fling inftrufitve and aiuujing It is deemed unntcejfary to mention the political tenets cf this bring already well known Pure, unadulterated Republic ant,fm (kali he rtg'dly and conjcientieusly adhered to filiated by tbefe prill ciples, be does, with feme degree cf co faience, commit bis Gazette 10 the fc, utilizing eye of a dijeerzing Public. In the preceding page will fc found the Utter cf Col Ctifs —ihe importance of that document will be ample apolo gy for its ‘length and we prefume will be read wish avidity Col. Esfs f aces Gen Hull in the moft infamous peint of view i and in feifi, ad the ftatements we have fieri rotative tt> this mod Ungraceful ttarfufiion, (except ijca: given by himfelf, particulars in §un.ext) xre pretty corroborative of his perfidy Wetruft, that tice ftain cab on cur national dignity by the pu- Julii’ imou.s and treacherous cendued cf JAuil will fom be wiped away by the intrepidity of cur citizens* den com'cmies of she Militia of the quote of ’his State have been ordered to march in:tst&-‘iauly —-seven comp* fiies fr. in gen Brown's brigade, two from gen Walker's and one from that V gen. fine They are te be placed render the command cf Col Chambers cf Brown's brigade—te repair to hern dcrfville as their place cf rendezvous, Hvbere baggage, waggons ana prsvt dons will be prepared for them [from thence to proceed to Pemt: are on St Mary's river, there to be put u idcr tee command of Col tmtt/o 1° be /applied iviib munitions of war, l!fc. at their ultimate rendezvous, (he proclamation uj the Prefident, declaring *p-r a gam ft G. 8> it am, ud reached England by she Julia from Haiijax A cabinet council was im - mediately convened ; ami orders were dejpatched in all directions, for the indtjcrimmaie capture cf American vejfeis. On ihs goth July the parli went was prorogued ts meet again on the 2d of Jllober Aft rung Fleet was ordered immediately te /ailfor Halifax to cruife along the American ccajt ■ An or drr was a!ft tjfuedfo* thsfpcedy embarkation of troops for Canada he Duke of Huff/tm}, the trench Minder cf Fore-gn .ft sirs, has ad drejfcd a letter to Lo> and Caftlsreagh, in which he an arrangement as the b.ijis cf a peace between Eng land and France Lord Caftlereagb acre's to Ihe arrangemint pro vided a t article which rejpsfis the future go vernment ef Spam jhall are explained to his jalift fiion. jlo'd C&fticreagh had given public notice that treaties of peace bud been ctnau.ded between G. Britain end iduftia, a id s o'diH. A drsrdful battle has been fought in the neigfbhvurbocd of Riga, between the french and Ruffian armies. lbs French are /'aid to baoe left 15,000 in killed, wounded and pr ije tiers, Lard LVtilingion has gained a fig nrd vtfiory ove* ren. Marment near Salamanca m ‘'pain. Ihe lojs of the French is fated eJ about 1 2,000 This oat tic was fought on tbs 21 dof j*-y- How ftmds the of the ITar ? Every well informed merchant is aftonifhed a. mcam untof proper ty tnai ids arrived ;si(‘ir ports firs c cr.e declaration of war—and the (mail comparative amou r wnich has been cap ured in cnc American ftaS. The alarm that was of ruin and dtfioiauon nac bi ,wn over with ve ry little damage, ani the public now beg.a to realize thet it is not fo certain dftrutt*>fi to be at war with England as her fnends in thu country nad predicted. On the o ther hand, our privateers have been eminently fucccfslul. The mar fh;ds advertifemtnts, which fib tnree or four columns of a r.rvnpaper, fhww an amount of property lent into the cidtridt of which 14 nearly equal t > the whole that has been earned into Halifax, vvhiie a fimiiar amount has oeen brought into meft u tne otner dil tndti? of the uni >n. In Halifax cney hac £n >r. of 1000 priioneis—wade the priEncrs ch tight i <u t<e port of E ft ja tidYt n- url • quoded rhat nusuer, anu tiC wuoi . umber uk nin asl pa:t3 of our fca-LO aff is tiircr tnar Lumber, b much for men and money. Now tor the glory —tne brilliant ridory a-hiev to b> tht Coi ft tutton, under com mand ol Capt. Hull, is a tuil mea fure heaped up and running over. It has added to our arms and an im ptr.fhable honor—and it will make an imp efTion *>n the enemy whicn time will not eft ice. It is the bafi . of our national character, anu wd: generate an active pamonlm chat muft inev.tabiy elevate the United Scares to a ccmmandirg a ti.ude a mong the nations oi the earth. Soft on Patriot, Monday laft aetng the day appoint ed by ie Lonftitutionfor ,be Eiefiton 0; vf mbers to Congrejs and our State L'.gijhtuic — tne J quo wing is the re fuit cf the polls as far as ws hive heard — Clark County, L^gjh.ure. Senate —Co, it. Houfe —Mitchell, Clayton and M igs. For Congrifs Bbb 466 — 11 up 45 i—Hall 431 —For ‘ih 43 r—Teua-i 429 Baraett 408 —Dci.i 28—Carr ‘is fill the Vacancy . F > fv th 236 —Barnett 84 —Tel- fau 66. Wilks. Legislature. S''*fxts —Nl 1 aibot. Houfe —Wellborn, Thos. Talbot and Henderfon. Congrfs. Bibb 929 —t 1 .up 864 —Barnett 80S—Ttlfa r 765 —Foririh 763 — Dent 425 —Hai 417 —Can 219. Vacancy. Barnet r 388 — i'diair 386 —For- fytii 136 —C* ra r. Jackftn. Legiflaiure. Senate M .ntg m rv. \Umje —Mathews, Cochran and AD MINIS I i<Al>k\ ALE. On ihu/fday the 19 th day of Novem ber next at the late rejidence ef John Rider, in Clark county, near Jshn Billups’ old itf vern to ihe huheji binder, xoiil be fold, all < he per jsuml property cf j Aid dscea/ed : CONSISTING of one road waggon and getr, a quamity of corn and fodder, horler, cattle, ftit ep, fai ruing implemeatE, h ule hold and kituheri uroiture, and a number of other aiuckt, too tedi ous t mention. The plantation to be rented for the term cf enj year ALSO, Erven negroes viz. one likely fell w, twu likely plough-buys, two gtris, two wenches and children will be fold oa the fain?? day by an order of the Honorable the court of ordintrv, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Aid dec. in terms of the adt in fuJi cafes made and provided. The fale t continue from day to day until all s lulu. Terms of fale well be made known on the day STEALING ELDER, Adm'r. N. B. L quid a ted demands a gaivftihe ia.atita e, vy,ll be receiv ed in payment for tne purchafe cf property. All perfons having dsmanda a gai.ift the laid cfli'tj are requ ft and to <t nder them in to me, agreeable to law, tha: 1 may make pr- vlfi ms h r b. E. Oficbe r 6, 18:2. SETIX MBER TERM, Hl2. suprrdr court, : WE the Grand Jury for Clark county, for September term, 1812, prefent as a grievance that Col Ro derick hafley bas not giant in his lift of taxable property, nor paid bis taxes in the county ft nee the year liuS j aid whereas the confutation forbids per fons to vzte who have not paid their taxes, we recomnend to the fuperat tendants at the onfuing , and at future elections, to confult the confutation and to prevent him from voting — n<d we recommend to tbs Members wbi may be elefiedfront this county, to ufe tteir influence to make Jorne provfton for this etndftmUetr cafes which may oc cur. We prefent as a grievance the bad ft ate 0f the Road leading from Wat kinsvilie to cot. H Runnels eld piece ; and we prejsnt George W. Moore for regie Ping fo execute Ibe auites ft o‘.tr uer cf Jatd Road, to which be whs regularly appointed by the ccmmijfton ers. We have, with much plea ire, no ticed the afiivjty and integrity *f bis honor Judge Grejbam during the pu- Jent term , and we cordially approbate his cendufi. We recommend that the forgoing be publijbedtn the Georgia Expt efs. Jofiih M foreman, Davis Grtfh -m, Garland Runnels, lli'jim Havt, Daniti Runty, Stephen Crew, I mgh Nt ;flrr, Robert Marne, Ziuock Cock, Milner Echols, Taac Humphries, l.Ln.el Trammell, Jeremiah Barnett, David Meriwether, J .m:s Hendr n, Benjamin Hay good, S crlir.g C ‘mr.r.. ‘true Extrafi from the Minutes. STERLING ELDER, c. s. c c. NOIICfc. WILL BE SOLD At the lata feat ef Charles O'Kelly, deceajed, on a credit of twelve months, to tht htgheft bidder, on the 19 ’h of NevetK her next, ONE v- s>jp?n au g ar.*, Horfes, C w*, H gvj Sheep, G rats, Gee !c, orse xia t and th ee yoke uf oxe r , p.aiuation tool*, -farming u idilsj a. and all kinds cff ■; ufeh id ai.d kit chen fu nitu • . O aer paru u ars made known n the c.a of fair bv Mart o*KF.f ley, AdnuhifU dtrix. Oglethorpe, o fisher 9 ILI2. None Ei NINE months after date Mpp!na tion w:ii be mcG* to the henorable the Inferior Court cf Oglethorpe caumy, for leave to jell a tract of land in ft id aunty, centaming one hundred a.:d cfghty feur acres (the widow's dew’y e.* copied) on the waters of Cloud s as. h joining Wut Embry and it vers, hang part tj the real eft ate of Charles O'Ketly, deceajed—to be fold f<rr the benefit of the heirs and creditors of jaiet deceajed MART O'KELLEY, Admin tftratrix. Oglethorpe, Oficber 9, ISI2. GEORGIA, > By Jehn Smi lb Clark county. y clerk of the c.urt, of Ordi iaey forJaid county WHEREAS Charles Lane ap plies or letleri uf adsninft uon of the eftatc of J fie Lane, fen. deceived. ThrJr are therefore to cite and adm Uiifii ail and ft guJac the k u dr; and and creditors uf lad dt e’d. tc or avd appear at w /, w b in the lime allowed by ia, to (hi \V Caule (if an;. ) why fu.G letters fti uld not be gran-i and. Given under mv hand ths sth day of Oftobc r, 1812 JOHN SMITH, C.C. O. ■ ■ ■■ - I II —■ NO fICE. On the lift day cf November text, WILL BE SOLD, at the plantation of Samuel Ha*- Ay garb, deceajed, in Jackfuu county, ik ART of the perfonal property of laid dectafe 1, of one ma f e and co!t, tc fome orr.erftock. Twelve months credit will be given the purchafer giving uond with approved fecurity. JESSE SENNET, THOMAS TERRY, Ofiotsr 9, 1812. Executors.