Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, October 16, 1812, Image 2

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Smiths Tipton, Cap!. Porter will defer the treatment promifed by Sir l <mes. Sept. 18, iS ia. From Niles* Weekly Register. The following from a wtdern is truly cbararferijlic of the ptopic of that JcHitM of the country : <f A Card —Colonel Symmes, if the fenior div'tfion of the ftbi* militia, pr eft Hi s bis rtfpoltful compliments, to major general Brock, commanding bis Britannic majefly 1 s forces white and r.k and, in Upper Canada. Col. Symwes ebferving that by tbe ath Article ef capitulation if fort De irtit to maj gen. Beech, all public arms moving towards fort Detroit, are to be delivered up j but as no place of depofit is printed out by the capitu lation- f ortT houfand ft<4*d of a rcn, venting within the description , at the for vice of maj gen Brock, if kis excellency willconde/cend .0 tome a?,d take rh- ro.” Major General Useri[on wav re ceived with fneuis of applaufe by ihe army of volunteers (fernbled in the fate of Ohio. fi"~e hate full faith that he •will da ail that is expected of I'm. The troops are well fupplied. Jl is feted that the whole body, 6000 froag, leas mar coed towards fort Wayne. IVt are much gratified in being of- Jured of the health andfpirits of the troops, regulars, volunteers ana mili tia on the Neve-To r k frontier Ail is life and aHivtty in that quarter of the country the ertttgy ap pears i* pervade e very branch of the mill ary department. Inns and ven cannon, ammunition and (lores, a> e towards the lakes, from evny di< cl ion In tficbmmd alone, exciufive of Manchefer, 5 182 dollars were r.-tjed On iboipu* of the moment, to provide for the of juc# perjtns and their families as may leave t toe fate of Virginia in tho fervid of the U states. From the various tabts that have come to our knowledge we feel war ranted in exprefitmg a full belief that icvooo Americans will be in Upper Canada before the firf day of October. ‘The pur chafe of Detroit will turn out a dear bargain. Twenty waggons drawn by five hofes each, from-Bennfylvania piffed through New To k lad week laden with military clothing andJupp.ies, for Albany and the fritters. United States 1 R venue Wt think it h ghly p >babfa, fr m the great 1. fljx 01 B ih go- ds, and the brdha 1 Inert is of t>u onvaeers, f hat the revenur ot the United S a <*s m the prelent yea*-, to be derived from duties on inipoft and roruage, will am unt to at leaft twenty millions of dollars, in ftead of five m nions, as cit .mated by the feereury of the trralury— for the Brittfh g**ods, be their fate what it snav, muft pay the du tea upon them. To recruit the tr<a furv, r® aid the war, and make their own fortunes, the Baltimore cruder* are doing their full fh&re : and will if their good luck continues, be the means of contributing a million to fhe public purfe. B Tides, we are fi ring cut feveral other vtfiVs to help them in the good work : and in all parts of the United Stares, we obferve an increafed and corftanrlv increafi -g defire, to radc the revenue, bv bringing in as nuny caeaiy ih ps as is puffi de. New To-k, Sept. 17. The United Sca ts lb p or war Alert, commanded &> L:eut. Jas. 15.I 5 . Wilrrer, arrived at this port ycttcrsUy in 14 days hum it. Juaa’s Newfoundland, with 131 American prifatKn. She was captured iss tne 13 h of Auguft by Captain P rer, f che U need Spates* frigate Fffax, who on ck** 19 h dripped her or all her arma-aunt excepting one gun, and h-tr as a cartel to St. John’s *utn her offi trs, crew, and other Engiifh p'iioaer? of War amounting “■ 120 tfien. fty the Susannah, from St. Bar tholomews, we are informed, coat a rCpoiC had reached there that the privateer Paul jfaeics, of-his porf, ‘-•ptured ’.4 Erit fb vrfl'js rrar P irto-Rnco, and that onr A them was a very large armed fh<p, which (he engaged for four hours, and lucccedtd m capturing ncr. American Prizes.— The number ©f pi lc ; captured from thr enemy, fi *ce che declaration of war* and arrived fafelv in port, amounts co a b u 170, eigne or ten hav* g bs*cn heard A fi.ncc Ndc* s s 1 $ amovmt cd t- 16 1 ‘Columbian. Afrivrd ycflerday 10 m rhe carrtl f hooner Hero, in 6 day* frm Bermuda, with rhe ers &i crews ot American vriTVls captured fit fent into char pore b fir 4 frs rud ers. She brings in:cii!g v n. tof t,.e capture of ih p of B n 1- re >re, laden w h fi >ur, fttc. on ncr vy?ge to I. (b'. * aiio ‘he pii/a teer James Maidon of Baitlmcirt, captured n at ic cur off a ta-g Weft Indian from the lor to la fl et, under cohv*y of a fin y lour gu dt pad r.hc frigate the later of which at-a ked htrj aid in the come it a broad (idc from toe privateer kiitrd feveateen of he JalunS i rr w ! The Janies Madii on hsa been repai e;l and lent to ‘—-Statesman. mamvmmwim The frigate Cwuftcllation is un drrg v:-g a thorough repair ac Waihington, wii. oe ready for tea in a furtntg h. One hundred men recruited lor her in this city have arr.ved at Washington. W 7 e have not heard who u to comtna id uer, but c<*nceivc th*t the lervacs and ft fT rirg if iicu. 4 . Moms, of the CHnft. utioii, merit promotion to the Comma and of chai fine ihip. The C > .{tell* on has atreao f acquiied immortal tame under the ommtnd of the gaila*t Truxion. ine Chet ap> ak< is aiio nca iy ready tor iea. tdraven lend 0&. fhe may in her next cut* • -i- cne fta.fii of tne Leopard the fVar. Retaliation Ltut. G ane, and the view 01 ne iat*- U S. br g Nau.iiu , art ived a 3 !l n, r ac 11 .h inft. in a artel On his arrival he i iformed oumt>d >re Rc gers, that he had fix of his meu pur in irons, wko to be lent t> E gland to tec tried for their !ivc, jn the charge of bet g Engl fhmen : upon which the tonimocoie tt*ppd a cartel which had juft gn under wav for Halifax, and t on out twelve Engiifhmen as hoflagcs tor the fix Americans. —Ibid Patriotifm. Tne citizens of Al bany, immediately on htarmg of the furrendcr of general Hull, com* meaced a (üblcription for raifiog a regiment of voluatcers. Very li beral fubfenptions were made for the comf >rt and convenience of thole who in ght *ffer their fervi ccs. A regiment of volunteers is alio rafing in the city of Balti m re, and 15000 dollars have alrea dy bten lub crioed for the purpofc of furndh g the me* with every thing neccflury for thetr comfort.— F fc* n hu .dred men are immedi ate iy to march from Virginia to to rfemkivoui at Point Pletfant, on tb* 0 >jo The ladiis of Rich mond volunteered their lervices to make terns, knapfacks, See. far the foldieri, and in a few davs all thgs were ready When the news of the fall of Detroit, reached Lexing ton, in Kenru ky infUad cf deplo ring the h/fs, the citizens arelv fet about repairing it. An iromf nfe number of volunteers im aediaicly came forward, among whom were feveral members of Congreis, and ihouldered their muf kers n rheir country’s caufe. The greau-ft enthufiafm prevails thro*- out the whole wefeern couHtry : al every man has voluafeered his (erviers; and if we may judge from appearan ts, it will not be lung before our fetra brethren wiil w.pc assay the llsin upon the Ame rican arms, by the ignominious furreoder of Detroit, and the Ame rican army uader gener?) Hull. The citizens of Ncw-Y*rk are form- g patriotic afiociarion* far the purp it of raifing runds to sit?lt the families of the vuiunicers and drafts detached for the defence of the har b i j who mar be in want during their adlence oh duly. Large fup piir* of vrg ables, c ff e, tea, cho colate, fugar, See. have *V.$ bee& fenr to the troops ftacioned in >d about the harbor. This coodudl is worthy of imitation, !n the counrv oi Otfeg *, in this ftate, four cooipani** f exempts are oiganiztd. They have volun teered their lervices, and hold themfelves in readinefs to march at s moment** warning.— lbid. Htttsr to the brave. It is with touch pJeafurc we reewrd the nusic rous reftimoßials of hon*r paid to the gallant Captain Hull, far his brilliant vi&ory esbtair*co over the Gue*rir. In Bofion, he kas been honored with a public at whit h nearly 600 of the srmft ref peclable genrlt tneri of both pohtic ai par ties, uni ed ro pa a tribute of gratitude and refp t:t to A orrican valor and fkill. In ‘New Tork , a fund b n rat fed fur tne pu of pur ‘h*fing uprrb (words, to be prefented to capt Hull and ihe IH Cf r* uidcr hu corrtyi?nd Tne c rporation of New- Y.*rk h*vc aifo prefented him with tne freedom of the citv, in a g id box, with an *p prepnate inknpuon; and as an additional tribute of rcfptft, have rrqu*ffad the captain to favor thena teiith a fio;g f. h > portrait, to be drp-fi . and ir. the F ffurc-Gallery of the Cty Hall in Philadelphia , at a g. eral mceiirg of the citisma, it was refolved, that apie c of plate of the muft elegant woikmaafhp, with appropriate emblems, devices and Inscriptions, be preiented to captam Hull, and that a like piece of ptate be prefented to lieut. Mor ris, in the name of the cu zens of Fndadelphia, as a testimony of rd pcdl for their gallant conduct 1 and alTo, that fuck other tokens of ef tcem be prefented to the other offi cers and crew of the Conftitution, as a committee appointed for that purpofe might deem proper. Such public tokens of gratitude for brilliant frrvices cannot be too much applauded ; as no doubt they will have the effi.A of exciting in our gallant defenders a laudable fpiric of emulation, and prompt tnem to deeds of rival fame. Ac the meeting of Cmgrefs in November, it is to oe preiu ned, the brave crew of che Conft.tution will be rewarded with a few month’s additional pay for the dignity they have fa noblv conferred upoi the American character.— lbid . Ir is afesrtafaed that the uuo the cargoe* of the tr z foinl and Shadd ;; k I carried lato Ka -an ah, by the pri-1 va-ret Eagle, ( 1 gu ) fth s p .r r I will amount u> 56 243 dollars. ft I Frankfort, K. Sept. 9. B* a gei’leanaT ho arrive 1 pla* e from W ftporr, (Henry this counts) is Sundav, welearii that on rhurfday evening hft a party f Ind a s (believed co be Deia vares) micie a defccat upvo Pidgcon Ro ft fettlement, in the Lid:a a territory, ab ‘utas miles from W- ftport, and murdered a number of families. Seventeen perfons, wen, wvmcn and children, were faund horribly snangied, and wete interred. F:ve houfes w ? ere difeovered burnt, fa one of which were fausd ftven hu man fkuils. A man who was in ore wt ihe houfes when the atuck wus made, draped with two chil dren and brought the news to Weft port. Cos!. Rebertfon, of the neighborhood of Charlrftan, I. T n parlutd the Indians with io men, on Friday and wus fuppofed to be within fix hours march ot them. It is r.*t known what number of Indians there were —-aiaiy 1.7 were diicovered. Ihe utmoft o ftirnatioa and terror previTd am ng the inhabit trs—large number* had cr*. (fad the r ver for ute ty and are n w fa. Hen ry counrv, where the cinzci i nave geaeroi fi afforded them every aid and uomfort m their power. As foon as the alarm was on this fide of the river, thr g s eft kxcrttwna were ufcdto ralie an ai-i ---d force to purtue the Indians —lt is beheved that 5 or 600 Rica coSietfted who intend we untierftatd, to march to the Indian and deftroy them. From the Wefiem Herald, Sept. 9. Mr Lowry.—ln your laft paper you it 11 us tne Pi fident has ratified the arauftice for 60 days, with the Governor of Canada. I cannot credit this information 5 for ic Would jufl be giving the Brit'fii time to gather in their hsrvefh, aid to provide for and re.nfcrct their g*rrifons, which 1 think our g vcr. ment < ouli not have left fight of. B fid sit is ridiculous ta agree to a cejfaiion f h"ft 1 nes with iqw**r Ca a a before they have com menced operations 1 Fa.tii trd fowl, it weuld be for all the world, Ike g ving the word 10 halt befoie the mca had fcrg.s ■ to march ! I truft we lhaii fiad it aii 2 Humbug. cf Report fays, *nd 1 believe with truth, that General Adair, at the head of fame hundreds of cur ci i zriis, is new on his march to M .xic* —the inrcntien Vs to join the Patri ots. It is certain that an exped vioa has been preparing tome time pair. The Governor has sffued his Proc lamation, farffiding tne levying of troops to war with a nation with whom we arc at peace.” Enquirer. Unfortunate. —Laft evening the ponder mill and works in che neigh borhood of Ba’timore, belonging to M (T s. Lorman, Hollingfworth, fife, were blown up. The fire ori ginated in the fak-petre refinery.— The itls is dLmated ac 40,000 dollars. The workmen fortunately •(cap and. The times and the meric ot the owners cauic th.s accident to be much regretted.— fVhtg.