Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, October 16, 1812, Image 3

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ui'.uiiM, i fc.XHRE-sy ” ATHEKS, OCTOBER i4. promifed in our lajt te ley the particulars of Gen. Hull's letter be fore our readers in aur reset, but tak ing the limits §f our paper into confix deration, and other inter efling matter , we have deemed flee following Jketch ftijficient at this time— Gen. Hull has wncen to the Se cretary at War a lengthy de ail of th nreumftancts which indu ed him to furrendrr at Detroit—ftsre-i that his number w?s fmall, not z bf eight hundred ffeuve nun—- that the enemy was double his num ber, beftnr* a vaft multitude r.f I®- and aoi—that by {argue, fi.kntfs r*>u d?‘ r -h, his men w> re H a ftruation u r >fi lor battle-—that the farr wa* in want of mill ary {lores and p’uviii or- 4 —that Col. Cafs and Miller were out n command—'hat he could not hc2r frum there—that thru filiation would have been ren dered *rkk ally digger#-!!*, had he purfued another line of conduct, an 1 much more in the feme Puam. The ftatements g-ven by Gen. B ock, are ia perfed correfpon dc-.ce with ?h’?fc given b* Col. Cais refpeding tsUr advantages s* to number, fituatusn, he. A prrfent, the conduct of Gen. Hull appears in a very feuded! point of view.—- H w he will ‘dear himiclf of 4 ow ardice or ireacherv, we are unable to fay. He is now *ut on parole, ar and laid to be a AGany. On Satur* a un, agreeable ta noi* e previoi fl g ‘•tv, aco flde rable number of the M lina Mx craprs ©f Msj s Mi cheißs Rstta lir- n convened (he houfc of Sarn eu I Brown, E-q. and patriotticaliy formed themb ives into a company. After a psrrioth., fpirifed and ani mated difcufli n relative to ibe ob of their convention, and rfec lifml reortne gone thr>ugu, they mace r.f Abu 1 ’ m Ratficy, Elq. Captain, Cnl V. P. Carnes, Lieutenaand Mr. Wna. Mit chell, Ef.fign. As it is imp Itioie for ui to give a complete lilt of the votes given in for Members of Coagrefs, with ’ out an alracft entirt exc!ufi>n cf other matter equally as intereftt. g, we have thought proper, m rrh i notice the Representation in our S *,t Legifh'ure —and on ab er tan ig the reiultof the Ei &ion, f* 1 Member* t C<n grefs, we ihail L* m ottcrc of r-sder*. )Fu ‘her reti*i #-• . nt the EieStuns held on the sib in ft. Kicbmcnd. Sen. —Lag. Rep —GlaiT ock? and Allen. Lincoln. Sen —Parks. Rep —Lamar and Ware. Oglethorpe. Sen.*— Hurpeth. Rep —Lnmpm, F.fpy & Luckie, Green. Sen —N ibu, t Rcp —Browning, Ray 3c Aatts. JejfcrJcn. Sen -W- u. Rrs. —Wninker and Low. Warren. Hurt. Rep Baker, Pruit and Grey. Hancock. Sen —Rabun. 1 Rep —Terrell, Birdl6ng Her.- , derfon. Baldwin. Sen —Owen*. •Rep.— Childers and Mathews. Putnam. Sen.— -Lane. Rep tEanham Varner k Mil ton. Mad fen. 3V;; —Daniell. Rep —Groves. Wejhingtcn, Sen. —lrwu:. Rep —Moure, Hpibn& Whit alter. Randolph. Sen —Crane. Hep —Adam** M Ciffldoa end KoDiniun. Wilbnjcn. Sen Hatcuer. Rep —bain bflds. Chatham. Sen. —Pi'udtof. Rep. —LutiiOtri, Charlton and i J cybone. By thl La t Mail. The Bm fb nave ap r hi cd a goveraot fur tny M fc gau t rk i), and have blni B dm# fFi tri of the land fii , puft vfii . ai U Indian drpa< m- m G • rk-trtil on w*h 40c® men, has x a nv>o*i Fort W*) i.c, ai fi the Indians *vc reured. COl. Weil* of <$ U. S. aimy ha* made an indiilio- uuu ttieir country and has tlcitioycu a number of the towns ot tac l*ota warami'cs and Miamies■—*Gcnfal is preparing nca. Jaur i .0 rois Lake Ciuioptnin, auti i.envcj hi* *?my in 0 C-t iad2. Lord Wcliu- g> ( > -j iti* fta w, ueieatic.g Ma.mum, nss us. r. pol ifdi aui fviatjriu, ad uiauhy ft ot Laa x had been railed; ,ug f .be ticle. Savannah, Othher C The fi.iK ‘■ ..g is • x •.. -om: u r m s lettet foia . gctaiuniAo of itl pc (Stability in St K*w y sto another in ems at- 3 da e 3; <c 1 ha* e .tu; cement received a leaf* --.api Woodruff, *f ta U j. aifliy. o! wftitn the following 11 an i— Onohsr I, ill*. ** I have k u im to >morm ’Vco, Cvil. jvuh adeuch mt ut uf Ge . gia yt ;o:(.etrs o the m aider im xl7 men, nae an with (tit 1 dtaftS laft iuuuay, v **;ina s |>w rc.iira ot ti <r 1j . nawa town. Their suiTb<r* a. irait equal to wh en ccicsflßcnc*u ai iti . 1 lock At latWd ur tl j uViock m the even. g. Newnan pea ediy cfcug and hta , and they a* ufxa reiref .o. Aii tic t Ptf luwlet, anothti 4t-a <.il wai tnad* ; but ft e pia ns i**ou pm an tto to .ha*'. H ft uatiow u truly a vr ti or? : n w u ded w.ii neither pcrmt him to aovantc or retrea . ** He ** fent to C:l. Sm ih tor affiftance, which, I rear cannot be gi ai in time Cap*.. J hn Wtl hams rxpired yeitffc,a‘ Dlrfs hm ) —he was a brave and hour ft ma .” Other letters art in town whit h ftaic, that thi Inoiaot were fuuno dead on the field of baaie, and amoßgft them Pair, heir k*cg. Nrwnan is aid ro have one kil led and ten w ur.&ed. ■ # Kiw-YokJt, Sept. 26. Tejterday arrived at this port the fafi Jailing Jhip Independence, capt. Briley, in jb aaysjrom London, with a valuable cargo, dhe onngs Lon don papers to Hot evening of the 15 ih two days later than any pre vious advices from Ltigtand. Sir John B Warren, with the fle.t under his command [conjif.trg of 2 vtpisoj S 9 ’ 74 1 *J ; 6 4 6 frigates , and iJLvps ot warjjor ike /itnertcan jtauen arepp.a aewn to 0/. Helen's on the i+t* of siugnjt. and would fall the fir ft fab” wind. Mr. teller bad net arrived in En gland on the 1 stb. A# general battle had been fought between France and RuJ/ta, but the Ruffians lad been defeated with cor.ji dft a*ig left in a pa’ tia. engagement. It was expefted in England that the Repeal of the obnoxious truers m Council weuldproduce Peace with the United States. s3* ct Roma * s received and prun uncc* ndm ftiblr ; not br ckulc it is and fti ure of meiitj bur, from the opinion, that religious cctrrwciTi c 6 ate but illy adapted for s Newn-ptper, Dir D, At the feat of mother, na Saturday icghr ) ft, Mis Nancy Moore, ckieil daughter of M;*. Sa ra.i Moqrr ot Oglethorpe county. Hrr univeifa! bnevolence and ur baaicv of mar-aei?, gained her the tfleem of <ll he. u quaintances— and while her frienus ami rcla iveg are briapaning her l; s, fh-, we hope, is c juymg in the p elm e of h:r rvLker, the full reward of an inr.oct n a* and wcil l>fc. JUH'C t A ,11# DISSOLUTION THE c ’.aru. t ilr.p M Donnell (j? Gaines, is this day a flowed or caoient. AS) thole indebt ed for fubtcription ro the Georgia Lxprtfs, from the 17 h at feauury laft. to rh-r 17 h inft. will a the fame t© Mr. G noes. A M f DONNELL, X J. GAiNLh. oShier £. ipp niE Sabicr\b:r to the Gtorg'a EApsvis j- a n ’Cijicd to the undcrfigritd TW J D JLI ARS, c , : ch—wittch ium, ne earneitty rc qurrt d'ftant fublcr i r* to forwa and with the icafl; p fTible dtliy. His ft.y in this place wit! be but fhort —and ms circumfiances are fuch, u will warrant 1* * ia ufgifl|i an i&i- Hi'diaie of the frfpcftive f wnan art doc bun. A Twt Dollar Bdl caseafuy Ut enclufed ia a icucr—in dm g which, I hope jy fr ersds wi i the guodnels to femember to pay tutpcjfetge. Oa the rccript of ih at>uv lum, CM.ey wiii receive an acquittal from ail eh ges for fubicn'ption ouc this of fke, .rum the 17 th of January Lft, to tru *7ih ioft. ipr riirffe Subfcriberi whofe pa per* arc fent to Monucelio, will pirafe to pay the aiajvc fum* to Mr. Snouel Butts. Tnofe in Madilon, to Mr. |oton Cunn r gham. Ih Ic in MiiledgeviUf, to tur F ft-Mat ter. Thofe in Wafhington, to Mr, James Hayes. Thufe in ng~ tr, i Mr. J ‘hn Wa<t *n. I hole ia j ft ion, Jackfon county, r© Wdiianri P uts, ft q. whale receipts (hall be geiud. ims arra<ig’-mi ot is cnaoe, brcaotc it will i**e mt the trouoie anJ exptnle of trip to thole place*—and it my fr.ends will take tny very needy fituanun lato conft .eraiion, I have no douot but they wll pay prompt atteuuon to my requeft. i h*. Ge-ir.icrnca nam tel above will c Pilfer a t>b ltganon on tnc uodeifigned, by re ceiving theft fcveiai lums, and rc mitcii g the fame to me at tbL place as ipetdiiy as p-ffiblc. X. J. GAINES. Athens, ocither 16. NU i iC.tL. I hereby caution ail perfons from trading with my wit Ally I anner, on my account, as Qie rsa leu my bed and board without any provi cation. MATTHEW TANNER, fth October, ik&i. ADMINHTR ATOR'a SaLE. On the tenth day of November next , at ike piantatten of James Spul lock, dec. in Clark county, W LL BE SOLD, THE perfonai property of Dru rv Spullock, dec. confiiLng f cat tle, h gs and h uletiold and kitenr furniture, a and fti'nitng utenftls, t<jgnhcr w: k a variety of artirlcs. not mentioned a credit will be given, and notes, with approved lecurity req ured Tne file ro continue from nay to day, unnl all is fold. PETER W ILLIAM ON, ddmwJtrdt'Or. September 16, ISI2. ADMINISTRATOR’S i>ALL. On Thu’fday the Ujth day of Ntvstri ker Ht.\t at the late > efidence of Jehu Elder dtitafe* 1 n Stark county, near John Billups’ old a yern to tire big >ejt bidder, tv. be fold, all ttee per,font lproperty of j* id dec e afed: CONSISTING of one road waggon and geer, a quaniity of earn and Indierr, horU .nrtle, hogs, ih. rp, farming imploHcri,*, h julc bvisj and kitchen itirc.:ure, and number of other article* too tecii cua 19 mention. The piantarion to be rented for the term *f one r^ar /L&O, . Eleven negroc* vis. one likely fell w, two likely pi njjh-b<ys, cwo g* ! lsj two wenches childcea will be (©id 03 cht fame by an order i*f the Honorable tk court A ordinarv 3 for the benefit the heirs sr.d creditors of Aid dec, in t.-rres of the stl ii fut.h cafes made *. and provided. The lire tt rontinuS from day co day until all s fold. Terms of (lie well be mirde known 00 the <;av. STE: LING ELDER* Aeim'r. N. B Lqtiidsted draiind# a gati-ft the U.u Gla e, will be rcceiv. ed in paynr.cut for the purchafe of property. Ail perfons having demands 2- gainff the laid efta e, are equalled to endcr them in t: kc, agreeable to law, that i may make pros ifloni hr ra meat. S. E. Qftebtr 6, 121 1. A Lift of Letters remaining in the Pot Office at at hens, September .30, ill 2. A. Will. Asians. B Ccleftia B yle, Jut. Burrifs, David Burlord, Jas. Bclk, Colmao B ’wn. C Thos. Chafe, 5, Capt. J. Car,, 2, A. S. Claytoa, a, Wro, Curus, Mr* Lucv Clarke. D. Ifaa*. Dai kc die. E R< har .’ E-f Ly. F. 11ms F oaivy* Joha Fletch er. G. John Gawibold. H. J *n Ha es, Gen; Hayes, lOia’ia Hendon, Tho?, Hvche, rhos H lowed, C E. Hsrucii, li.isC Humphr ies, U * Tn Humph les, 3. J R’ ha 0 Jones. L. Mrs Pr g” Lee. M. Wm. M ( M.-:hael. N. D ft -r H Neifler. F. bamu 18. Fa lns, 4, John Pnwel. R. CJ. P. Randolph, C. let Red, Pi: bp K .r, Sen. S. V/m. M Strong, Sanpfon, Wm. sm'th, 2, . ep en Allen Peter Smith V V < kers. vV. John Wdliams, Daniel W ilkinfon. JAMt.S D. COLE, P. M