Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, October 23, 1812, Image 2

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Ftotn tbs All any Regijter. BRITISH TREATMENT. Several officers have r'turned cn their parole from Gat Hull's army. — IVbi!H tbs Britijb pr if oners am treat ed with attention and humanity t we are informed from the mo ft credible fsurces that tbi conduct of the English and their allies, after the furreudr of Gen Hull, was moft wantonly barba rous and infulting . Capt Fuller of tbs 4ib Re finer!, •while walking on the green flirting the road, to avoid the dufi, was ac coded by a Britifh Major, Sammons, Ki Take the middle cf the road or Til hew vr>u down )Ou <J< -d yan kee rafeal.” Capt. SnelTtng, who behaved jo va liantly at Tippecanoe, andfines, at the engagement near Brown down, was el fin treated in the mofl brutal manner Worn he applied for psrmififion to /peak to his Lady ( with •whom he had been connected only a few days) and render her feme attentions —be was \tauntingly refufed. was turned into the ranks, and fubjeßtd to every indigni ty. Ct-pt. Sr (Ting okfe'ved te then that he was in their power, and cx pelted not fucb cowardly infiults when di!armed ; but hoped again to meet them at the head of bis company and hare the honor of again driving them tit the point of the bayonet, as be had a few days before in the woods of Hrcwnfiown. A Britifh officer, with two ft verges, cam: up to Lieut. Goodwin of the 4 ;h regiment, and witxsjjcd the exhibition of America* fealps, with all the frantic grimaces of Which theft Jons of Moloch ate capable Api ivate of the Obis militia was ftgbtly wounded, and taken prifoner by ibe Indians. He was carried by them within a few rods of Fort Mai de and (here in ‘he prefence of the Britijh furreunded by the Indians, and tortured in the molt barbarous man ner He was finally di/patched by a fiquaw (more merciful than the refi) ho plunged a tomahawk in bis brains lThen the vrfjcls pafifed down Lake Ene with Gen Hull and his troops O', beard, a body of Indians were dif covered on the fhore dancing round their “ favage fires'* and performing their bellifh rites. The Britifh com manding officer immediately ordered a national jelute to be fired in honor of “ h s M jeft ‘s AI LIES.” The bcufes of Mcjfirs. Atwater and Flaggs and M'Donald's /tore at De troit, were plundered of every article by the Britifh. Americans ! Can yeu longer behold tbefe cruelties and indignities with in difference ? Are tbefe “ HORRIBLE HELL HOUNDS of favage war fare” to be let loofie on your wives and children without a vow on the altar, fixed as fate, andfalexin as death, to expel ibe INSTIGAIORS of tbefe enormities from the continent ?~—- Manes of Jlnugbtcr ed women and chil dren call aloud for VENGEANCE ! VENGEANCE ! T^mmrnrTAL?. WILL BE SOLD , To the high eft bidder on the 2%tb of November next, at the Court - Ihuft of Clark county, the follo wing pro perty — ONE grey horfe, levied on as the property of Jsmes Right to fa tisfy hi* tax for ISll—iax due fix dollars 47 cents. W. C. DOBBINS, T. C. C. C. Oflober 23, 1812. G L ORvii A EX. i ’ fv E y . A THENS, OC 1 OI3ER 23. We irmie ta'’ due kl©:i of our r ea ! e f s to the fubjuined cx'racts, feic&c and from an inter ftng article, produced bv the pn of tr-at able and clear headed p 1 icia? Wn. Cobber, on the fubjed! of the Wbr exlftlng between tins country and Great Britain. “ But the rcr.der not per ceive, that ;t Amcica has declared war, the is at war ? And tha *f five is at war > chere mml b f z treaty be fore there can be * peace? To make a treaty of peace will require forne months, at any rate; and does the reader fuppoff that the Ameri cans, after the ex pence of arming has barn encountered, will difarm till fhr has obtained farisfadbon up on all the points at fin ? The a£h of aggreiiion (as file confiders them) on our part are many; does the reader uppole that the mere news of the re pea! of the or d* is in coua'v! will fatisfy her - Befide, if there were no fu‘ j 6t of dikgrremem but that of the orders in council, dors not the n-ad-.o per ceive that the repeal has not btrn full, and complete, and unqualified-, . * ♦ and tnat if it were fo, America can not be expected to dilarm with ut kune fort of compcnfation ? Wna r ?is our government to com mit upon the Americans whatever afts cf aggreffi >n itpleaies; and, after thrr, when Amcricn arms and declares war, a-e we to fuppole that, to eft ft an mftant pva **, we no thing to do but to put a flop to °ur aggrt ffions ? “ She u niw armed ; fnt has g >t over her grest relu&ance to eMift foldiers and to fit out armed vcfTei* j and Hie will, m my opinion, never lay down her arms, that is to fay, fhc will never nuke peas c w-ith us, until wc agree to make her ample compenfation for her loffes and in juries under the Orders in Council* and rlfo agree to def;s from im preff: ig any perfoni on board her (hips at fca. Are we prepared for th'S ? Aie the nfT.Jciates of Perce val ready to give up thefc points ? Arc they rc.*dy to pay for whai has been captured under regulations which the Americans regard as a violation of the r rights* and are they ready to make it a crime in any EnglYfh ffi tr to fe ze feamen cn board Amencari fh'ps at fta ? If they are, wr fiiail ccrta'nly foon be at ptace witn America, if they are not, my opinion is, that we ftiali have war with her till thole points are given up. “ 1 had letters from America, uritten by perlons ©f a little more underltanding than appears to be poffcffed by thole from whom our lawyers get their information, j did not know to what extent the merchants of America might, fub mit to have their property lei2ed; but I was well allured that the A merican people wnuld no longer fuffer their lea men co be imprcff.d upon the open lea. This I was pof itively told nearly two year agw • and I am now particularly anxious to imprefs it upon the mind* of the inmifters ; for they may be affured, that the American government, if it has actually declared war, will ne ver make peace till that point is fet tled to the fatisfa&ion of the Ame rican people * nil, in fiiort, we a gree to dditt wholly from taking any perfbn wnarever out of an Ame rican (hip atfea. I am aware how flinging it will ®e to femeperfions in England te yield enc jot to Ameri ca. I am aware how much more they hate her government tlun they hate that of France. I aWaware how glad they would be to hear of the United States bring fwailowed up by an ear hquake. Not 10, however, the people of England generally, wno do not grudge any thing that is yielded to America fo mu.ii as they do what I*3 yirldrd to other powers. They do nor, be fi )e , fee verv clearly the advantages fh-y are to derive from the keeping down eftbe Americans by the means of the Engli/k navy . They do not fee the benefit toat is likely to accrue C them from any thisg, ths ten dency of which is to piefs upon a fiee people in another country. — Nothing, lam convinced, will ever m ike an American war popular in England.” Extract of a kner from a refpeßable gentleman at St. Mary's to his friend in Savannah, dated ihtb nit. “ I wifii you to make known, tha* the (loop Alpha, Jerry Welter, mailer, owned by Jonathan Meigs,* (i believe) whick cleared from your place h ely for Havannah, with a load of provifi ms, h?s gone to Au guflmr* to fupply the more favage Spaniards who have encouraged ..nd rewarded the blood-thirftv fevarres to fpread dclblarion and horror through all Eaft-Florida and on our cwn frontier, and have com bined their own ******* with t fc .c Indians who attacked part of Col. Smith's troops, killed one and wounded fix. Under thefe circum ftances, the bread of every Ame rican ought to Iwdl with indigna tion the banditti at Auguf tine. <f A fchooner was loaded here this week wstn corn, and cleared out for Havannah j but btforr fine failed, it was found out that (he ws bound for Augufiinc. On Thurf dav nighc was fcuttled, and had one of mafts cut a wav. u We have fhee formed a af fociation not to furnifh any articles to that place, and truft that the fame mcaiures will be adopted at every place. (< You make all tbefe circum flancts as public as you pkafe.” The authority for the above in formation, can b< fcad on applica tion to thfc pi inter. * According to the rcgHer at ths cufiom htufe. which we have fetn, ths vejfel appears te have been owned by Dan id Meigs and Capt Waiter, •who commanded her, at the time of failing. A Span fh 1 hooner which had left about the 29 h ulr. put mto Tybee cn the tfl inftant.— The captain of which reported, that two cay* before he failed the United States troops under the command of Col. Smith had bro ken up their eicampmcnt before Auguftine, and had fallen back to Sr. John's river. The gate cf Au guftine had been opened and the Governor's Proclamation ifiucd of fering a free pardon for all thofe inhabitants who had been compel led to join the Patriots. The Spaniards had taken about ten of the Patriots* who had been a&ive in the rebellion they had b-ten tried and condemned to be fW, and the ex ecution was to take place in a few days. They aie in da ly expecta tion of a refnfsrce:n;at of one thouland men from Havannah, and alio of firing rciti.urcemeftts from the Indians. Courier. We are much gratified to hear that his Excellency the Governor intends railing a* early as pcfiiMe, (cveral hundred rifi mtn for the pur pole of pynifh ng the late ag. grefiSons of the Semmoles Indians. Such a firp has bee m- indifpenfa bie } or we fhail foon iec cur fron tier fctriers fl/ing before the uplift ed tomahawk, and the murderous Lai ping knife reeking with the blood of our women and children. Governor Kinderland has recent ly augmented his premium far A* mcricau fealps. He now • fLrs eight dollars and a bottle of rum for each. We have not words to exprefs our abhorrence of fuch infamous con aufl—condu6l, equally repugnant to humanity and every principle of honorable warfare.— Geo. Jour. New-Hampfhire a wake, — ■ --Thc fpmt and numbers of the conven tion at Kingston on Thurfday, and of the convention to be at Ware this day, are in earns!! of what ths republicans v/ili do on the fi ft Monday in November next. We allure cur friends throughout the union, that New Haiapihire will on tiisc cay emulate the glorious example frt them by the Green Mountain Boys—znd that they may calculate with a good degree of confidence on her giving EIGHT Electoral Votes for JAMES MAD ISON and! ELD RIDGE GERRY. Dc Witt Clinton here has not a fuli tary partilan except among the fe derafi(ls.-‘-iV H. Patriot. Volunteering —ln Connefticut, the republicans have commenced volunteering in the defence of our common country. In Tolland, a volunteer company commanded by capt. Gkai\ncy Ives , have received tncir com tiiffi in* anti marched to fort Trumbull, at New-London, wnere they enter into actual fervice- This is the dawning of the fpmt of patrioulrn— -may it encrcafc, to ttie full light of meridian day. By cthe 1 a t Matl. BOSTON, OBt. 2. Import an t —if true lvl r Bm TANARUS, who came pali-xger In the Mark and Ab gaT l, capt. F tier, from Al geziras, arr ived at Porrsmou f h (N. H.) 1 Tar the AI .GERINES are at W/ill with AMERICA.- That he 1 faw Mr. Coniul Lrar in the Bay pj f Gibraltar, on beard ef the ftorc Lip which w;is fent to Algeziras, & which the D-y would not receive :, but ordered Mr. Lear and his fan 1 ly immediately away. Ph iladelphia, G<sl. 1. Alarming 1 ttelligence from Niagara. It is th is morning reported that an Albany fiaop, which arrived vef tercav at c ae o'clot k at New Y :rk brought tf ie diftrefii g information that Gtn. : Stephen Van RanffiUrr, who come nanded at Fort Niagara, had been c umpelled after forr.e k vere fightin. | to capitulate, with the refidue of h s troops, about 800, to a Britifh for ce of about 2500 —The Steam Boai ; which reached New- York after 1 he Hoop, is faicl to have brought a confirmation of the dif aftrous intcli igence. RlCl IMONB, (V.) 0(51. 5, Various ri unors founded on let ters receive i from ‘New-York by Sunday's rna 1, of tho defeat of a part of the .* American army at Ni agua, rant confirmation, and we muft fincsrel y hope will prove urs foueded : our tNew-Y-srk letters & payers are t ncirely filent on the lowmg letter r cceived by laft night's mail from Ba th, in New-York, > o:i ---ly 129 miics from Niagara, that