Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, October 23, 1812, Image 3

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nothing hsd be<;n heard of the bat- : ‘ iC a: tiui place on Che ?.2d of laft month. Ibxtrad if a lei tty from Mrj David Campbell, rf the i-ltb Rrgt U. S, Infantry, commanded by col. Park er .dated Camp at Bath, New 2erk, lid September, to bis friend in Richmond. ii Our troops have juft arrived zt this pia : e in excellent health and fpnti. It is dated here there are snr 6co regular troops at Niagara and 12 or i coo mii'ria. * f Since ieavir.g Winchffter v.t have had to leave behind us bic one mar., and there A notn*>w more fha ’ 7 or 4 in the detachment who are (i> k. The weftern V:rg::*;ar.s r-dl rr.she mr:ft excellent fnidiers. *i ■' cv appear to great acvaivagf, find undergo fat’gue without a uiui ftiur. We move on to-morrow to Negara,” AMERICANS IN CANADA. ExtraSl cf £ letter from Middle bury, dated September 24. <f I have this rfiomcnt fee n s*. Proclamation of Gen. Provoft, of Sr pi. 19 th, by which all citizens of the U. Stares are ordered to quit Canada by the 15m of October— till which time they may depart v.i b their moveable property, by per miff] on of three of the Council. A’ n that time every citizen cf the Tj S found in Canada will be con fide red as a prifoner of war, unlefs he has taken the oath of allegiance. Cbitlicothe, Sept. 13. Good News !-*-An cxprTi has ji H arrived ir town from General Harrifon. About 40CC mtn arc encamped near fort Wayne. Tne ludh s, rvh : rh were about it, would r* t flay f. fight. The head quar ters af the north wefiern a; my, arc a< St. Mary's between P qua and Fort Wayne. A detachment of the army, u tier col. Welts, has rte ilrcyed five f d?an towns j burnt all the cora, &c. One of the towns which has been dtftroyed, was ©c cup.ed by the Potowatarmes, and two by the Miamies. We have Hot been able to aicirtain, to what tribes ’he other two Indian Villages belonged. €ts Sam. Findley, of this pace, ’pur; the counted riflemen under his were at Sc. Mary’s on M'>Fsday LfL A exprefs left town this day, f ? Sc Mary's, hearing difpatchcs free? the War Drpar menu ad dr eC; 10 * Gc.. W. H. Harnfe*, commanding the north-w, item ar my A j Gen. F.rdlev’ has been elected Colonel ct ar.gimentof mounted rft men Gen. Joftph Kerr has be.-n eh Ato Major. Tne 7 will both nuke t xcc lent - Ifi trs. Un der fuel) fit if in arid b-ave leaders, the march of our patriotic volun teer*. to battle, will be a march to the fir id of v <st ry. Dew- Orleans, Sept. 28. Lafc Friday nine companies vol tamccred cm parade—3oo of them were afk and for by Wdklnfon for fix men. hi. j but they wcuid not ferve under him, they will lerve under Claiborne but nut under Wiikin fcn. The report of the Britifh frigate Southampton being in tht river is ineorredf—no cruize t has been feea firvee c ,e ga it. The gun boats and Syren, at Bay St. Lotos, have weathered the gale pretty well ’ Twenty nine whites and fixteen blacks were drowned at Placque mint, ’nd within 4 leagues large trees ftuaud over the parspft of the fbi%; no 13 itifii troops had lan ded there. War Movement* — G*i Friday & Set* nr day the crew cf the U S. fri gate John Adams , confining of about 4X) men, arrived hire from New -2’ rk, and proceeded on for the lakes. Give theft brave fellows goo a /kips, and (hey will fetk a fete a r:e with the royal family of the fakes (vide the names of (be Britifh vejfels) and triumphantly Qtfnute ibe dominion of the. in!.v*d feat with Miflrefs Join Bull ar.d her children Albany Reg yib Sept. Report flares, that Capr. Hull, who has left town for the fou f hward, hi;t been made a Commodore, and vvdi command the Confteilttmn of 36 guns, and have his old crew of the ConfhrOtion turned over to him. The EflVx frigate Captair Porter, Is in the D iawa-r, ready for fea.— [The EfT x has gone co lea ] Sailed ♦ n ThurlcLy, 10 -he lower harbor and c?me to f©r a fair wind, the cartel fh p Fain, Harris, for Halifax, with rapt. Dacrrs a< and 300 prilcners—-and proceeded yeftercay morning on her vov.g*. N. >. Ev. Pojt. From Ha!fax, v?e learn that the (loop of war Coquette had aidvr.a tiicre from with difpatc h?{; and had failed again for L gan 1 with G?n. B tkk’i aid, who w*a tlit bearer of the col is or the 4 h regiment, -aken at DetroF, Gtn. Brock's ddpatches relative to tne lunender of Gen. Hull. News of tne cap ure or the Gucrriere had reached there —7 he War. Savannah, Oct. 15. Private let ei* from Nr v. Y <;rk per the (loop Concha, date, t::ae Aim. Sr Jebn E. War re ft had ar rived m Bo flu >r rn Halifax, on fas way to Walh’.ng n. Cf A r itfteiday [ a,* 5 London pa per ot Auguii 12 ] ole Board of Trade fig.- fled itu r adiuefs .ogant Licences, which are to tontinke tit force dufing eight months, to permit American veffen laden with proviftons to proceed from the U states either to Ladiz or hi(b*n. One of toe two ports im ft oe nacned in the L.cenct:, which is not to admit of an option as Cos the other port.” New Turk, Oft. 6 > eve, i„g am eu at uds port thr P r uguele b gG. nera! SiU’ie ra, z, n> 46 *.ayi from L fb m. By this arrival learn, veroally, cnat the city <d Madrid, the capi ai of Spam, has beto taken from the French, by Lord Weilmgcon. London, Aug 21. Defeat of the French by the Ruffians. We can r account lor the de lay of the cranfm.ffi rn of the French bulletins to this country. Tne lait received waa dared on the 25 aof laft month. The F each ha/c nad no favorable intrdgence to an nounce. Since the bate of the laft bulletin, they have been wrrrfted id every encounter with the Ruffians. On the 25th they a racked Bagra tion’s vanguard, hut were repuifcd with the lols ef 8000 mtn. On the fame day they aua ked the main Ruffian army, but were defeated with the lots of 6000 men. Oa the 30th and 31ft, Od.not attacked the Ruffians, &u: was beaten wita great fl.i ‘griter, having 5000 Rilled a*,d w .uoded, 3000 ukrn priloners, be fidei and axTimuiiition.— This i a ment favorable outlet.” ct An article fn.m K -ninfirtrg talks ‘ f fom< fjerefs gainrd by tne Ruffians ar Eihandcar Mitteau, on the 21 (l uir. H vv g eat it mufl hive been, we mav .nferlrom'he f otal fiience of the F/ench Bulletins relpeAir.g it.” (AP Fer the Vacancy in Ccngrefs, Mr. Ba nett is 89 ahead of Mr Forfytb M*lntejh and Glynn are the only counties no: beard from Geo. Journal. fffj 3 SUBSCRIBERS to the Ex prefs, xohefe Papers are left at H at kinfvtile, will tlerfe. pay the aincunt cine Mr Gaines. ( Two Dollars.) to Mr. Mcfs , cr to Dr. Wright, ai (be Pofl Office. NO t ICh. WILL BE SOLD Gn Tburfday the .1 6th day of Novem ber next’ at D NIELS FILLS, the Jite of (be Public Buildings in the County of Madifen, to the birb ejl bidder The LO FS in laid town which remains unsold, bei g fix Front Lots and ieveral s'dicr Lots adja cent thereto—t u e purchaier giving bird and approved fecunry— half of the purchafe itioncy to be pud by the 25 J 1 December, 1813, and tne other twelve m&mus afterwards. ALSO At the israe time and (-lace, will be let is the L veft b)ddf?, the buiidmg tiie COUR T IIOUdE tor laui County. William Feugus, James >anders, Edward War£, Charles Sorrell, Isaac Stkicrland, CcM'MiJ/i ners. Off oner 23, 1812 DriLRiFFTS i>A LL. WILL BE SOLD, Ort the fir ft in f day in November next, at lae court bou/t in Clark coun ty, between the ujual bears, theJeU lowing preferty: One zcg.u wwinan by the name of Cei.A; jcvied on as the propeity ot tne rltflie of Gabriel Hubbcrt, dire, to Uifsty two executions in u vor ef Wrn. Shaw and John Cou nt i; levied un by John Rainicy, jun. couitabk, and returned to me. ALSO, 150 acres of land, in Clark coun ty, j n die Appaiatchit, mure or lei , j mg Smun and ethersj levied on cue property of Geo. Twitty, fea. it being the place whereon the defendant G. 1 wuty, fen. nowfivckj levied on to iatisty two executions in favor of John M. D >oly, vs. laid Twitty, Davenport Taylor & John M c Dowelli pointed out by George D. ray lor. ALSO One negro man by the name of 80f0n—263 acres of land, more or lels, in laiu county, well improved, ors the wafers of Cali’s crctki gran ted to Lafii;, joining Brown and o thert; ievu-d on as ~nc property of Roderick EufLy ana Wrn. Gcurg :, co lanafy au execution in lavor of George Harper, agai. fi laid EafLy aid G erge, po.ntcd out by the plaint;^. ALSO, 79 aerrs in lad county, more or le’ii, on IW‘NutPs creek, granted 10 Marbury, jo.ns D. Mennethcr—- 335 acres in laiu county, mure or icu, on Shoal crcex, g, anted to Stewart, joins Ewirg ana others, u beirg ne iradt whereon D. Hoimrs, new Irvesi levud oa as the pro perty of Ciud-s Stewarf, dec. rb fatisfy three executions, one (a vor of the adui’niffratvor of Brcj. K.isix, dec. one in fav:'r of Femple Leu, indorfee of Jas.W. Araiftr >rg and the other in # avrr of S. L. Rai mcy. Conditions Ccfh. JOHN S ELM AN, Sitf. September 30, ISI2. Ai.) MINIS TR A T \ S ALE. On tbs tenth day #7 Novembtr next, at the plantation of James SpuN lock, dec. in Clark counr, WILL BE SOLD, tHE perlowal prup‘-it, r.f Dru rv Spuliock, dec. rocififtmg c.f tat tle, hogs and hot ies, huuiehoid a id kitchen furniture, a waggon 6c gear, and farming utenfiis, together wui| a variety ot articirs, not mentioned a credit will be given, and notes, w:th approved fccmlty required.—- The lale to continue from bay t-J day, until all is fold. PETER WILLIAMSON, ddminijtr at or . September \S, 1812. ADMINISTRAT; )\V* ; ALK. On ‘ barf day the 19 tb day of Novem ber next > at t,be late rejidcr.ce of John Elder deuafed. in (dark county, near John Pi dips’ old i if van, to tne higheji bidder, will be fold, all its: per fond property of j*<d Acted fed: CON ul i 1 ING of one r ad waggon and geer, a quantity of c-rn and fodder, horles, cattle, hogs, Ihcefc fin mirg implements, h >ufe huld and kitchen furniture, and a number of other articles too tedi ous t© lien lon. The plantation to be ranted for the term of one year AI.SO, Eleven negroes viz. or.h likely fellow, two likely plough boys, two g'ds, two wenches and childiui will he f:ld oh the fame day by an order of the Honorable the enurt of Ordinary., for ihv benefit ef chc heirs sad creditors of fa id dec. in ter*ns of the adl in luch cafes made and provided. The Tile t* continue from day to day until *il s fold. I cans of Idle well be made kuown on the dav. STEALING FLDER, Adm “r. N. B L qoHated demands a gainll the !*<u efiare, will be recoiv d in payment for the purchafe of property. All perfons having demands %- gau ft the laic! cftaie, aic icqu ft. and to render them in to mr, agiteabic to law, that / may make provifims for pav ment. S. E. Qfteber 6, 1812. NOTICE. I hereby caution all perfoos from trading with my wife Ally Tamer, oh my account, as fhe has left my bed and beard without any provo cation. MATTHEW TANNER. 9 r h October, 1812. NINE montnß alvcr date i (hall maAe application to the hon orable the inferior court of Clark county, for 1-rave to fell iut No. 59, containing 202 i-2*cref of land lying in the 2d and ftrift of Baldwin county, when furveyed, bounded bv io-:*, N 1. 73, 60, 46, and bydift-icf No. 1, ?n che la.J county, on the waters of Fak ing whic land was granted to the heiraof Richard W >.3, de :. and co be fold for the benefu of iad ncirs. T ABIT HA WOOD, stdxiHijirait ix., March 6, 18 i2^