Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, October 30, 1812, Image 2

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this toth of September, 1812. D AC RES. N. B. It it faid that one of the lieutenant* loft his head before h* deferted, and many of the •ihers theT leg* a and arm*, by wnift they wdi be the more eafily rect>gn zed. Onx w r d more, perhaps the left word. about toe fur render of Detroit. *Tn following ftacemeut was given by a captain of ihr 4 h regiment to a brother offi cr, oy whom we hare bren favored with £ perT'a! of it. It is find to hare been obtained from the q larter-v.saftcr of that ar my.—Nat, I'itel. Memorandum of the arms, ammuni tion, &c in Detroit, 1 (sib Ugufl, 18 \2, the day of the )urrendr of tktt flue to the Hritifb forces by btigadier general William Hull. t6oo mujkets \*nd accoutrements flacked on the efpDnt’e. 450 mufk is and accoutrements brs't in alter the fur render, by col ‘s XV- Arthur and Cajs, flacked on iheej pianade. 7 no mufketi in the hands o f the mi litia of the Michigan territory , broft in and (lacked on the efplanade. N B. *he number tn the Arfenal not known. 9 24 pounders mounted. 27 iron and brafs pieces from 1 2 to y pounders, 4 or 5 of whuto not m mated. 2 bewitzers. i moi tar 4’or. rends of fined ammunition for the a 4 pounders. 600 rounds of fixed ammunition for the 6 pounders. for the other ordnance not ajcertdined ico cartridges of grape foot for the 24 pounders. 100 cartridges of grape (hot for the 6 plunders. aoo tens of cannon ball of different fixes Ihe (hells prepared and fixed, not afeertainsd, but the number was con fixer obie 60 barrels of gun powder. . 75 000 mujiet cartridges made up. 24 rounds of cartridges ta pjjfcjjton ef each man. 150 tons of lead. 25 days’ proyifions on hand, b Aides 120 p ick kotfe Duds off ur , and 400 h<ad of cattle, at river Ratfin, under the efiort of captain B r ujh and 300 on 1 n from Cbilhcotbt The river Raifin it 36 miles from Detroit And under tbs fame efcoM 120 barrels ef flour . 2600 men under arms in Detroit, hefidts the detachment of 450 men un der M irthur and C'a/s who had been fent to meet capt. Brujh at river Rat fin, but for want of poriflons id returned on the 15.0, and encamp’d that night within hx miUs of Detroit. ‘/'be f^red r niax (printed at Chillo th e, ibio )cf the \otb ult fays, u it is a del, that upwards of 100 wag gons wetc detained at Detroit, by or der of Gen Hull, (the a*my having to ufs for them) from the sth of July **.'{/ the 1 bit? ef Auguft, when they fvert given up to the Brtiijk !** Dinner to Mr Cobbett. —Ab~ut 400 gentlemen, tr.r.cU to the Li berty of the Prtfs, alTmblrd at ih • dinner, to celebrant M . Cobbca’s re rafe from prifon—Sir F, Bordett chairman. O Mr Cobbett** health being drank, he role aid made a fpeech, in the et urfe of which he owned thac he had very much charged his p - litical opinions in the courfe of the laft ten vears—- <r I hav-e lorg fince f ( tit) acknowledg'd m 1 error, and where, i aik, is ..he man, who, at bee time or other of his life, has not been in th* wrong ?” He then gave a drferiptien of h?s irnprifon ment and a comparifon of punilh mtntr. A wretch, for a rile and URnvursl rniRC, was confined for only twelve months: while Mr. Ea ton, for publ (Eng a pamphlet, is to be imprifoned twenty-two months! S.r Franci* alfo made a Ip-ech, in which he complimented Mr. C. for his able a id lumm us publications ; and concluded, by recommending a fubfeription for the relief ef Mr. Eaton in his prefent forlorn fuaa tiun. Civil St Relig’out Lihery over all trie World,” be ng given, the Rev. Mr N gitiagale role, St faid, in hi* opinion civ.l and rel g ius li berty wt*nt had and hand; aad then adverted to Mr. Eaco.t\ calc — an humble fupportcr of chriftiinity, he fa and, as far a* his went, as a chriftia.i, he would enter hi* prottft agaudt the u ichr ft a r * like paniih nicflt to which that nun hid b en condemned. [ fhe above juft fies our opinion, tlw it waidd h;ivr been wurr to have let Ea on’s publ cauun pafs unheeded. Tne church part>, by their prufeutH>o have for ed it in to cct<-fen;>, ad made a maiTyr of the publ fti r—L ke the miiguided m /O in Balombre, who have railed certain pobl fh ‘ S latotentoid nutree and patronage. On the fubjeft of undilturbcd dtcu(Ti ui, fee Mr. Jcf fcrlon’s e leg an. inaugural Sp e t ] W(flern Star. L>uien, Augufl 4. It is much rafter to prefer* p.-ace af cr the pafii o* have 0i p cn isftamcd and war begun. H-df the compla cency which is now (hewn by inm iftcrs towards the United Staies, a few m uln ag'i would have ic< ured to u* the *8 Cto * of a m ij )ruy of the people, a id defeated a 1 me cf• for.* ot the French to excue them to war. it is not cafy to fay whai will fauaty them; nor tofote ire what they mai form. Is it a m uig other things unlu kl- aat tnty will now, by ih inft gauon of Bonapat*, uice anadtive part wrh the revoiuoonifta in M xico, and other part* of bpa, (h America, and endeavor to be btlo.t hand wt'h u* tuere in feparaur g hem from the mother country, and afififting rhem to tft.ibhlli chest* independetKe ? 1 hry think lightly indeed of A menca, who do ;>o<. fee the lament able evil* that ate i ke to fpririg from the war to unhappily began. The demand for innrc er mp* for the r<*- m'orci meat of our gamfons—he firm<4 ,u of fbips and teamen to or z-r bi ‘cxaiesa the dr um* of th*n* numerous nvrr—the ft, pp ■*'g again ot our ioasis a A manuiacto nes, in the tr menc when trade was about to revive—and nth theie the it jnry to our revenue, and me pre vention of ad of cjimin fh og tur own exicnce, a t evds of a magnitude which muft ftr.k* every cotdiderarc man—and wmch v;ould have influenced any prudent and rational government. Morn. Chronicle . London, Aug. 10. IVt receive this morning the follow ing letter. his royal higbnefs the crown phnceet Sweden is actively em f ioyed tn fu per interning the march of toe dwedijh troops to the different points of embarkation. They are by this time, we trufl , on the Germ an Jbore of the Baltic . “ W mgi Srun- 1 , July 28. u The north of Europe wears a mod favorable afpedl. fhe'Ruffians have 400,000 men tn arms , Of 1 coo pieces ef cannon ; Sweden is preparing to iand 40 000 men in Germany, and tbofe will be joined by 20.00 c wore from Finland, thus Bonaparte will have an army of 60 009 men in his rear , and if Rufim can protraff the war, it is fuppofed that the population of Germany will raife up arainfl him. The mod fpirited addrejfes have been circulated, calling on the people of the north to emulate tbs example of Spain. Meantime the fetitb begins tojfir ; is chief from the tyrole, went to the emperor Alexander t and on finding him determined ts oppofe France declared that bis countrymen, aided by the Swijs, were ready on the fir ft favora ble event to rife. His royal higbnefs the crown prince is g r eciiy liked, and Alexander is guided by his advice —— fen ‘ thaufand men embark here in a few days for the German ctajt and it fi'cms probable that Sweden will again have the bonsr of recovering the Jtok ing h*ei'ties of Europe * NO I ILE. WILL BE SOLD On Tbtt'jday the 26th day of Novem ber next at D NIELSVIhLM., the JLe of the Public Buddings m the County *f Mad.fen, to tbt&gk eft bidder l he LO rS in fil'd town vrhi r h remain* uniold, berg fix Front Los and five fa! fher L -r* adja cent thr re it —pmchafiir givwg h.oid a’.d approved hcinry—ne tuR of th’ purchafe money to be pad by the 25 h December, 18*3, and the oilier half twelve rtiviuh* *f;erwars. ALSO At the feme time and place, will H* let to the lttwtft bidder, the bulkin g of the COURT-HOUSE tor ia<u C untr. Wi 1,1,1 am Feu cus, JAMSS ‘ANDERS, Edward Va?ie, Charles cruels, Isaac . tmckland, Cemmijfi tiers. Offeber 23, 1812 AHj&IRIFF\S SALE. WILL RE SOI .D, On the fir ft Tuefdeyin November next, at the court bottfe in Clarz centi ty, between the ujual hours, the jol- Ic&trg property: Or e ucg.o vr .man by the name of Cehn; levied cm as the propeity of the eft arc of Gabriel Hubber, dec. to fa i*fy two executions in fa vor ef Wm. Shaw and John Con ner; lev ed or. by John Raimey, jun. cccftabie, and returned to me. ALSO, 150 acres cl n Clark coun ty, on the Appalatchif, more or lefs, joing Smith and others; levied or as the property of Geo. Twitty, fen. it being the place whereon the defendant G. Twitty, fen. now lives; levied on to fatisfy two executions in fsver of John M. Dooly, vs. (aid Tw tty, Deverpsrt TaylGr & John M ( Dc-wcNj pointed out by George D. Taylor. also One negro man bv the name of Bofion—263 acres of land, more or lefs, in faid county, w*]! improved, on till waters of Cali's crt k; gran ted to Esfi*y, joining Brown ar.a 0- thers; levied on as the property of Roderick EaHty and Wm. to fatisfy an execution in (aver of George Harper, againfl faid Eafley and George, po nttd out by the plaintiff. ALtO, 79 acres in faid ccuntv, more or lefs, on M‘Nutt's rrctk, granted to Marbury, joins D, Meriwether— 335 acres in faid more cr Iti*, on Shea! creek, gras red to Stewarr, joins Ewing and mhrrs, L being the tradk whereon D. Holmes, Elq. cow Ives; levied on as the pro perty of Cha:k3 Stewart, dec. to fatisfy three executions, one in fa vor of the adminiftratcr of 3fnj. Knox, dec. one in favor cf Temple Lea, indorfre cf Jas.W. Arroftrcng and the other in favor of S. L. Rai mey. Conditions Ca*h. JOHN $ ELM AN, Shf. September go, ISI2. ADMINIST RATORS SALE. On the tenth day of November next, at the plantation of James Spul leck, dec. in dark county, WILL BE SOLD, THE pcrfonal property of Dru ry SpuiHck, dec. confiding &f cat tie, hegs and hnrffs, and k tchen furniture, a vagg .n & gear, and farming utenfils, tt>gf(hcr wuk a variety ot articles, not mentioned a credit will be given, and notes, wuh approved feenrity required.— The to com in tie from day cw day, all ?s fold. ’ x PETER WILLIAMSON, Admnijlrator . September 16, 1812. —’ —— AD MINIS I RAT )RN SALE. Oh I'burfday the uytb day sf Nwtm be*- next, at the late refidtnee of John Elder deotejei. in Clark aunty, near J -bn Billups’ old i Se van, is the high eft bidder, will be fold, all the perfonal property of j Aid dreed fed: CONSISTING cf one read waggon ar.d geer, a quantity of corn and fodder, horfes, cattle, hogs, ihrep, farming impiemth s, houfe holii and kitchen ‘umicurr, and a number of other articks too tecßt cus to raendon. Tlw? plantation to be rented lot the term of one year ALSO, E’even negroes v 2. one iikrly fellow, two likely pJ ugh boys, two g r!s, two wei.che* and children will be Eld on the Dme <Tay by an order of the Huncfable the court of oniinury, for the benefit of the heir* and creditors <*f Aid dec. i'n terms of the adl in fuch calcs made and provided. The lak tn continue from day to day until #ll 3 fold. Terms of fide wtli be rr.aae known cn the d*y. STERLING ELDER, Adw'r. N. B, L qukhted demands a gainft the laid tftafe, will be receiv ed in payment for the purchafe of property. All perfons having demand* a gainft the laid eftate, arc reqatfl-d to render them ia to me, agreeable to iaw, that I may nuke providon* for pavmtnt. S. E. October 6, 1812. TAX COLLECTOR’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, To the higkeft bidder on the 2%th of November next, at the Court Heufe of Clark county, the following pro perty— ONE grey horfe, levied on as the property ol j imes Right to fa tisfy hi* tax for 1S a I—tax due fix dollars 47 cents. W. C. DOBBINS, T. C. C. C. O&ober tj, 1812. SUBSCRIBERS to the Ex press, whoje Papers are left at Wat kinjvtlle, will pleaje pay the amount due Mr. Games, (Two Dollars) to Mr. Xfofs, or to Dr, Wright, at th: P oft -Office.