Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, November 13, 1812, Image 3

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On fhe i an arrangement wrj •v/L bnwsen M.q >r G net a VLa v: flidacr and Gen. Shcafe far tSe iteration of aii iie militia prifor.trs ,n parole, not to ferve during rk *ar. Further particulars will be given 2? f on as they can be altcrtair.ed.— t appears tha our troeps behaved valiantly, and were over ome by iupeiior numbers, in ceniequence vt the indifpvfidon of a Lrg: body (A militia i© jom in he confix. Canandaigua, Oct. 10. Cr ILL INI EXPLOIT The wrfL rn ftage has juft ar rived, and bring* us lame nice reft vp ‘aHligence, which we hafter, to Ijv before the readers of tht Msf- L*rgtr. It appears that the'bra*e faii ,r$ who had out juft: arrived on the lines, with ocher v lunceers. m alt amounung to 200 a>n, went f • m B.jffaioe on the night cf the s—9 ,:i n b-.-.ats, and to k the B (K v; (T Is, the fer g Adams (bu rr rider* >5 a. Detr it) and the Cale donia, wh ch were rhea lying aider the protection of enr Brttifh Fart L ie. Icy completely tuccreded in ukii-g the vt llus aua 5c p** Ln ♦r>, saa brought them to B : ack flack, and run ag uu*d. Ihe battery opp file Bu r R<- k cofn intoced ads? dfw ft upon the VfcfT is ; aa> maj .r Win H Ci*Fr, aia to Gen Ha’l, and cn j r Mal ian*, ot the 23 1 regulai -> were rul ing down the beach, a Ih it from me bfcvie? v firuk rasj r Cuvier, and inftandy killed hull. It is with tun regret we announce this fatal termination of the icrvj es of a bia-e, active and uicfo-. v ffi r.— Arid iVc regret that log; imu an atiiit- - fnmt fhouia aa.'t proem ed fuci a misfortune. Two of the v©~ Juu rtj & party were killed, and leven wo undid. vV ie. tfte ft age leF Bffaioe yef fticLy morning, me fir g from r <s bnaih continued incciLjiij. We fh<li 1 Mt* near waai was n*eff ct. Audi rs tar; van o : Amtiicaus when properly u r-ited. WA HINGT N CITY, Oft. 22. D ip* *.%••rr-um A .mrai in j. & We • •...s to the Secretary o Sac tiAi to Mr. Barker, the late B*. ik ScJrc*i; oi JL gation, arrived m 1 New-Yu/k a few days ag >, in the frigate Junon. Agreeably to the a. ..a g refpeftuig cartels and f} Vj .s ji csuce, tne j were handed to Br.g Gu. Armftrotig, command i g t New Y rx, woo forwarded tu m to tms city, by cap:ain J.iceb Lewis, who arrived here on Mon day. Inc contents of the dilpaich ea have not cranfpired. Atcgujia, Nov 6. , We have no mail ;.u a Cita ics tsa in s da , but wc iea.n from a geutieman thredt from ina, pla t, VtAt the pavri cs of that cify had fi ted out an expedition for the par pAt of taki. g me three Br r fls VcfiVis tnat Dlockadcd thrir harbor, in wnuh they hao been completely iuccefs ui, caving captured the Athuie Iquadren. — We fondly hpe ehc Kueiiigence s true. — Chronicle The f'shewing appears to he the Id ejl offu al account relative to the Jin.stie* cf tbe North Wejtern Army . Letters have been received frv>m G.. ti. -KOii u. *s late date as the 12 n October* w hich time hit head qoarrers were a. F. a* klmcon, Gm . Oh reachog Gen. Win chtfter with the arm under him at For; D fivnte, on the evening of the 2d inft he had tae mor. fica- Uofi to learn that the cncthj uaq palle-'l that pla / *? tk"or or four <3a’ S ocf vre. G a ral W.nrhefter met. them me clay after his departure fiom Fort Wayac, but kept his force lo well prepared for aft ton that eh*y dared not atiat k h;m.— In the courle of the niiirch, in fk r mfh ng, he loft r : n enngn ana fix pnvaitrs killed, nd one wounded. Gen. Hnrrilon ?vas employing him felf with the ;:e2teft zeal in arraog ing depots of prov fions, ciothi g, &c. opening rwacs, building boats, erefting bio X &c. prepa ratory to his mirch to the borders, whither he prop fed to proceed in a civ or two. Fort Wayne had been again b-:fisg *d by the Indians, ?/:cr the ra&m bociv of the army left ir, and agaia relieved. Several of Miami and other Indians had came m t* Harnion, and thrown themitWe* on the rurrey of tht g vernrnetit, agreeing to abide by the oc; li aot ihe Prefidcnt in rei* ton t■ ever uin ght b . —Nat lutell'gtncer. The following is a lift cf the killed and wounded in the biorida expedi tion under Col Newn*n—~ KILLED, Tiior. A. Epp'S, Henry Frank lin, [ v>th of M'il~dg"v>lk ] and A t.u,’ C. Greeuc —of Copt, fort’s company. M ry C*r?r, of Lieut Cone’s company, ——‘iar.os, c <l New ni/s a opan afU, a.vJ a iJdi er wnvfe is nod run t raoei -d. WOUNDED. Captain Huai pur ir, Water J. Ncvvran, J hn F *.#, Wa R • <dei and Jam s W Rua <;l, of captain Hnniph-ies’ company, li. iig Reuoe Main, R .beft N ii, Gaucciji D* is, fn mu Lawton, C isdrs L).;*coart, Edward p; (her, Davis R iF;u a. 5 Eli Vur.o k, of cant. Coleman’s compa ny E :j4ii Be del,- of capt . Cone’s com - fdhj Col. Ncwnan, it is laid, aft*d throughout with the greareft caol- NctS and b. Avery, a-. 4.s fl waunded in the a in.— Mil. pup. G n. FEyd a.o Gol. Ncwnan, wc u .vl ritand, at the ncad of ab >u: two hundred dt, fifty men, one third regulars, the remainder mounted *iun er nldiba, marched on ruei day tnt 3i .aft. >ga ift the Fwnda Indians. Afiumocrof ch C =.eKi it is lad have g ,ne to fh ot the iaticr. —Geo Journal. Frigates P cfi iet * > B iv<dfr*. Ihe following &r't:i]b account of she execution done by me frigate Prfident Wien in purjuit of the Bdvtdere ex traced from the London Courier of \th of higuji, may t>e coujidered as correct and coming from authority next to effect l It is an nadittonal ana gratifying evidence of the well di rectedjirc of even oar bow chafers & enables us to infer what would h ve been the conferences of one hi oad Jide, Na. 1 el. ct Hu Majeft>*s Ship, I rnr, “Cork Harbor, July 3®. <c My LORD—I have the honor to acquaint your Lordfmp , I have this moment received a letter from apt am Upton of his majejiy's Jhtp it the lie, communicating the intelligence that official accounts of the Declaration of War hy America againfi Great Bri tain on the \~jth June , had been pub Itjhed at ist John’s , Newfoundland, and that his majejiy’s fh'p Belvidere had been attacked zjf Sandy He ok by tt ee American frigates c? two fi°ops> which fhe ejtapedfrent with the iofs of feventeen men killed 2nd twenty - Jeven wcuncua j among the tatter w capt. Byron. I have ibe boner to he, &c. t \. 1 tiO it N;i JtiOU G ft, V e Ada r.. The Rt. Hon. L i. F itocs, Cork.'* The clouds of wat thicken a* ound 11s All the in it pen deni allies of Bri tain on earth are upon us The //- gerine cor fair and the murderous In dian are in array ugatnfe ut lbe vengeance of the country is called tor . Let no tribute henceforth be paid to the African rover , but from the can non’s mouth, and by like Rogers , Hull, Deiatu*, Porter and Bninbriags And let the Savages on our frontier be hunted and driven into wilder nr!s like beads f the for efts, cut off from all food and father but what thar white allies afford them And if Britain do net make an honorable fence, let Upper Canada be forever feparated from her by an unxlte; able decree, and the whole phyfical firengtie oj ihe country be fit aged to efcll it. — And let Ctmgrcfs and the Id mini fra tion fscond and +ulfii the wifhes of the people—or give place to men who will . C* 1.V.1V10 111. DIKD. on Sunday, he o : gri g lilneu, Mr. Pr’iHiam Herring —an old and tefp ftabie .naty-sai of this county j Laving a widow, ch idren, and a numerous c .nmftion ana 2 quEn antes to be ft s 1 Us. No* ICE. ‘ On the lift day / November next, W LL BE SOLD, at the plantation of Samuel Hag gard, daenjid, 1* fackjou county, P art of tre perfonal property ot laid cccc’iitc'i, cor.fift ;.g of one mai c and olt, Sc lonic ou.rr ftick ‘1 weive months rrditwill b* g vea the purclialer giving uoad wth approved lei u-it . JESSE BEN NET, T HUM AS PEoRY, OSfcbtr 9. 1B i2. E xecutors ADMINISTRAT JR's o ALE. On (hur/day the xyth day of No teem her next at the late rcjtdcncc ef John Aider aeieafed, in Clark county, near John tttUups’ old ta vern to toe bighefi bidder, wilt be fold, alt the perfonal properly of Jatd deu ‘fed: CJN MATING of one read waggon ana geer, a quantity of corn and fodder, horles, ca tie, hogs, filtep, farming unpiemen.s, h mle holo and kiu hen :uraiture, and a number ot oilier articles 100 tedi ous tu at n; ion. Tftt piaa:at!on to be rented for phe term f one year E.cven negroes viz. one likely feilww, two likely plough-boys, two g rii, two wenenes and children will be fold on the fame day by an order of the Honorable the court of ordinary, id the benefit ©f the heirs and creditors of Lid dtfe. in terms cf the aft in fuch tales made and provided. The tale u continue from clay to day until iii is (old. Terms of falc wdi be made known on the day. STERLING ELDER, Adm’r. N. B. L'quidated demands a gai ft the la will be receiv ed in paymeac for the purenafe of property. All perfoas having dc minds a gao ft the laid eftaie, are ivqu’ ft and • o ender them m tt etc, agreeable to law, that I may make pr * iii ns ■or Vi mrsit* 5. E. Qfteber 6, 18 \%, SALE. Agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of Clark county , at the court houfeef Jaid cctt*y, WILL BE SOLD oh the fir Ji Luffci ay in January next A traft of ia-id whereon fleshy M‘C >y rrfided ar the time 01 h.s dreeafe, cuntauung 242 acres, ( fie widow's dowry excepted) j fn-ng Harvo near the Appal* rue river, bM ,g the whole of the iva] eft ire of laid dcccakd. I'lu* place is wl\ improved, an excellent dwrlii,-.g houfe and ether out h ulVa, ala gc peach orchard. Confiderabh* cre dit will be given, the purchaler giv ing bond woh approved T ti ity.~- To be fold for the benefit of the <tciisand cieditort of fa-d de- : NEELEY MOT, JOHN MCJY, Executors , September 25, ISI2 ADMINISTRATOR'S SaLE. Agreeable te an order of the hinv •- ble Court ef Ordinary of Aa: t county, WILT. lii OLD, o~ rtf fh ft iuffday ir. December ’ cxi, at t¥*tki>fviUc, within the ujunl hou> 4, 26a 4 irs of land, m* re or irfs, on .hr muldle fork <-t the Oconrc rive.-, j i’mng Hump?vne% it be* ir.g the ; ral rita:< of Lunsford T;a wr;h, <lec. and fold fur the b. and fic cf the ht rs and creditors of fa A ;e ---ccafed. A credit fT twelve m >s will be g ven, and bond and g-*'xl fccuricy n q # red. ROBERT TRAWICK, Adminijlratsr , September 9,. 1812. 1 COLLECTOR’S SALE fVill be fold, to the bighefi b elder, on Saturday toe iitb of November next, bet ween the hours of ten ar. i three o’aoik, at the Court Lkufsm PVafkttjznde, the following p opet ty, or j much thereof as vuttl fa* tufy the tax due thereon for ivi year ißn, and ufes: 15.3 acres, g an J to C rrip, j - Hawthorn, W.;lh gt n ct;cn -1 , K. g ‘.reek, thirG quality, r ,ed a.i -nr p- ;pe*ty of Arcaelus Pa r ne—a* 75 > cnt3. aifo, 202 i t acr 3, third quality, g'anted to Maun, W dtpilon • Ma ty, Sandy creek, lvud u* v: .ne property ol Alien Frioi—tax 87 1 a cents. also, 100 acres, third qtja!fy } gr.*attrd to Swa i, joins Corral us, F hn county, Stephens ek, as trie pr p* rrv ofPh liip Brow'— tax D 3 56 1-4 ents. aljo, 100 acres, third qualify, to Wiliumfoo, j uni M*C cr, C'aric countr, Wijd Cat creek, levied n as the property of Tapity Shor;— tax 65 cents. 112 1 2 acres, 3 ? quality, g. ant ed to Wright, Jon'.* county, C im m fiioners creek, levied on as the property of William Wright—tax 87 1-2 cents. dflb 100 acres, fec<uid quality, grant ed io Freeman, joms Selman, Cia k c unty, Appalacnee, levied j tne property of Charles. Daraeil—* tax 87 1-2 cents. aifo, 133 acres, joins Witfcher, Ran dolpn count?, Bear creek, levied n as the property of Benjamin H >d nt —inx D 4 50. Terms 4ih. v W. C. DOBBIN?, r. c. c. c. September 25 1812.