Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, November 20, 1812, Image 1

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Tol. V.) ATHENS, sequoia: publish*© it ALEX\NDER M‘DONNELL. CREEK INDIANS. General Cocke .offered the fol- O’vi ‘g refutations ia the Houfe of of the State of reh'ttflte on the 26 h uk. which fcere adapted and ordered to be ear to the Se ‘*ate far concurrence i whereas DU’ dtrf the tTI >ft horrid and inhuman, have been committed on the penp/c inhabit ing the frontiers of this fta:r, by a cation (if they can be fj denomi nated) call Creek*: atonements for murders, which the governor of this* if are has, in the moft correct and decided manner, and in ftr;ft con formity w?th the exiftirig laws, de manded j and which has been re futed, as is believed by this general AiT mbly—in confequeoce of the fade re pre fen rations, or Indian flare ipof Be j. Hawkins, agent for the U. Spates in the Creek nation. A r >d whereas it is the opinion of this genera. dT mbly, whole plea fure is web as duty it is to watch over and prefrrve the liberties of thofc who have honored them with their knee, particularly when every principle of humanity and juft ice cries aloud for revenge.— Therefore, “ Refs he and, That the Governor of tns* Stats be direftsd to order inta fervice on the frontiers 10 000 ,f ‘he militia of this ftaec, ro wu 5?oo on the frontier of the w ft, and 5000 on the frontier of ILft Tentieff e, for the purpote of pre venting a repetition of thofe horrid fee: e* of lavage barbarity j and to pun'ifh with death, the favage foe who dare rnaks ihe attempt. f< Rejolved. That the Governor be dirt-dl and to lend a mrfl nger ro the Cre k nation forthwith and de mand a prompt furrender of all the murderers of the citizens of Ten r.eflf e; and if not delivered in 20 d.t s ‘Jtcr the return of fail M ff n g .:, to order tut a fufli ient force to txt ■ nare the Creek nation. “ Rejolved , That the Governor of t is ftat he requefted to forward Without delav, to the Prrfideatof the United Su es, a copy of the foregoing p r eatable aad refutations, a> expreffive of our feelings and determination on a lo inti mately connected with tfte tranquil ity -nd happiitefs of the people of Ten flee. “Rejolved, That it is expedient that a >aw be immediately paff and, to authorite the Governor to draw •n cither of the treasurers of this ftate, for fuch fums e* m aey as may be fufficient to cfF 61 the ob je& contemplated by the foregoing Fefoludons. Rejolved ed/o, That the fenarors and rcprefentativcSi from this ftace to the Congrefs of the U. statrs, be inftru&cd and requ&fted to ufe their beft endeavors with the pro per authority to have Benj. Haw kins removed from the Creek agen cy.” [We have before fern fome in flnustinns againft the conduct of Col. Hawkins; but we hoped, as We yet hope, they are unfounded. The fubjedt being now, however, brought before a L?g fla.ivc Body, Georgia express. “MAMT SHALL Afftf Tt AH* ISO, AH© KMOWLBDOI SHALL SI INCaiASIH/’ it becomes necefTary to notice it.] Ed. Ral. Reg. STATE of ENGLAND. Ext raft of a letter from an American gentleman in England, to a friend in this city , dated London, august 11. Permit me to lay in a few words that language can give but an im perfeft idea of the horrid ftate of this Ifl-nd. Should wr at home consume our war againft old Eng land, and fupport it with firm pat riotic principles, in one twelve (he is a ruined country.— The want of provifi ns * really dreadful. Flour :s up to 110s. per bbi. The crops in the country have failed throughotr, in confe qucnce of the conftant rains and cald. This day is as cold ss a No vember day with us. There has bc&n a great confufhn here about American (hips that have had permiflion to depart for Ame rica, with manufactured goods un der Britdh licence*. Every pofil ble means have been attempted by the government to lay hold of them, in order to hold the property until they could hear how the revocation of the orders in council would be received in America j but the li cences having beengran ed prior to the receipt of the Declaration of war, the government could find no pre text to ftjp the property, without forfeipog in fom* nv'afuce, the na t tonal char after and honor. T<* day an aid 1 has, at length, b*en to perm c them t# proceed, I pre fume, from this circumftancc, that the privy council and lard of the admiralty have made a compromsfe, as the latter geu leman claimed the vefllis as a droit of admiralty.— Many veil is that had laded were brought bark, but have to day re ceived orders for departure. I hope foon to h*ar of fame daft) ng exploit of our little but btavir navy, and alio, of cur army in Canada, I we have not ftruck the blow ere this time, wt ought to be facrificed. The prevalent opinion here is, that upon the news of the revocation of the late orders in council, the U. S. government will relax in their war meafures j but I am of opinion that when the Prtfidenc fees that thofe orders were not revoked in confluence of any rcmonflraace from our government, bwt from s reprrfrnration of the horrid diftrefs occrii ned by thole orders in the manufafturing dijtrifts, and rht dif p fi ion rhrougnr ut the .flind for rebellion , he wiil pay no attention to their profefli ns. Now is the time to ftrike the blow, retrieve oor loft character as a nation, and regain our r'ghts fo unjuftly robbed from us. N<Hwithftand;ng this perfidious go vernment is holding out a difpe>fi tion to accommodate, flie ftill cap tures our veff ls and impreffcs our fcameo. This day, the fteward of the fhip Swanwick, of Philadelphia, was impreflfcd, afte r having exhibit ed his regular froteftion, which was torn before his face, and he dragged on b *a'd the Trader. Does not fuch ofpre/jfton aud villany make the blood in the veins of every man boil, and call out for redrefs ? This we have in our power to take, aad now is the moment.” Whig. South America. Tran the lurora. Trinflation of a letter from Diego Saavedra, (formerly agent of the government of the provices vt Rto de la Plata at Philadelphia) to a compatriot in this city . Suents Ayres, Augtsfl 14, 1812. Providence, ni > dear counayman, protects our caufe and rights. It has faved me from the purfuit of th* vile enemies of our happinefs and independence. 1 am, at kft, happy and returned to my country. The cargo of mulk ts, fabics, piftsis, and gunpowder, which were pur chafed 1 Europe, has been re ceded here with that enthufialm which nothing Out an ardent love of liberty infpires. The citizens have welcomed me with as much eager nefs as they could have fhown 10 a deliverer. The government, pen etrated with the lame fentiment, have voted me their thanks $ and will be equally grateful to all thofe, who, as frie*ds ot our mdepeedence, fhaii bring us fnccors from any part pL the world. Sav, my friend, to the Americans of the north, that our c*ult is their own: that our government will proteft them in ali their commercial relations with us: tn ac if they have arms tad powder to fpate, wnich they can bring, they will Ot amply psid for it in ready money : a tew Shipments of powder irum Hailand has brought 300 per cent advance. Is there any a* g H r ad. m<bict than that of aiding a people to break die chains of flivery wno wdl eredt government fo: th.mlclves ur die ia the arms of liberty ! Our armies triumphing over th ft of the king of Brazil, have jult forced him to iuc for peace aau to acknowledge our independence.-*- An ambaflador whom wc have at the court of R;o de Janeiro, and theirs at this place; are proofs of the good undcrftaading which fub fifts between us and the Fortuguefe. To fall upon and overcame our enemies is, I heleive, the way to be refpefted; for, fiace iSojcnatwc have deftroyed the bloody myrmi dons of the Bntiih kieg, there is no profefli-iin of fricndfhjp that the go vernment of Sc. James* has not proffered to us; but wc are not their dupes. It is our money they want, and we know it —to provide our enemies with arms, who wifh to mike us flaves that they may more eafiiy flaugater us. But our force and our union will always defy their cruel, bloody and Machiveiiau poli tics. Monti video, ftill bent under the remains of her old principles of fer vitude, is deaf to the voice of liber ty ! But, what do I fay ? me can non already refound 1 and the bom bardment will effeift, by force, what wifdom and reafon cannot obtain. Yes, my friend, I announce it to you as a certainty—that rebellious city, before fifteen days have elapfed, will FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, tSif. augment our power, bypreffingfrom the iron yoke which governs it, un der the mild influence of a free and benefi ent government. It rruft fail, or we will perifh in that noble undertaking. The Mexicans, as wc learn, have juft experienced Come reverfts: buc reverfes of Republicans are the ways which Providence ordains to carry them more ftirelv to victory* Thev arc as Sampfons /.ft cp, whofe roufing, terrible to their enemies, will diflipate them as a light cloud disappears before the blaft of the tempefl. You will oblige me, my friend, by having the above traofiated and inferted in the papers of the U. S. 1 fl.u’.er mirfelr that all the editors of Republica newfpapers, the Auio ra, U r. wli g've us thereby a proof of their g,.*od wiftj s, and their drfife to fee w* cerr.e out victor fr*m this honorable ftrife in which we are now engaged. Within the laft fire or fix quantities of provision*, equal, we fhould fuppofc, to the fupport of four times the number of men that will be collefted at PlattJfburg this fall, for a whole year, have been transported through this plate for the Northern Army. And during the laft we#k more than one hun dred and fifty waggon lead* of blankets and other coarfe g"soda from Montreal, have pafT.d thro* here fer Albany. Lanjinghurg Gaz. The followi g concurrent cir cumftances are tabulated to induce a brhef tha government inteodi to attempt the conqueft of Upper Ca nada at ieaft this fall: The Secretary at War, in a let ter to Governor Mags, fays —** It is the determinAfion of ihe Freftdent to regain the ground which has been loft, and to prolecute with redou bled v gor the original object of the campaign.” A letter received in this town yefterday, from SackePs Harbor, ftates, tnat Government ha* pur chaled all the private vefTds oh Lake Ontario. The keel of a32 gun frigate has been laid at Socket's Harbor j it s faid that ihe is to be launched in 60 days. We uoderftand that Gen. Dear born is to proceed to Plattfbjrgb ths week, with the reftduc of the U. S. troops now at Greenbufti. Portfmouth, (N. H.) Oft. 23. A Ha*ioweli paper mentions that ** * l* r ge drove of. cattle deftined to Canada ; were srrefted laft week ia Somerfet county, Maine.** Pro bably a gift from fome benevolent fociety, to their friends in Canada.— btrange the meanfpirited fellows of Somcriet did not take into confide ratioa that the Bulwark of Religion muft have beef to feed her foidiers with, or they could never hope to conquer thefe rebellious colonies t Wc have reafon to believe that before general Harrifon reaches Detroit, he will be in poflVfti ju of 4 (No. ia6.