Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, November 27, 1812, Image 1

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Vql. y.) ATHENS, csoßojA: pauLssHia *y ALEXANDER M'DONNELL. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. ( Concluded’,) Our aff* ♦rs with Franc** retain the prfoore which they held ar mv laft cnnimunrcationi to you. N©t.with (Undirg the aurhorifecl exp Nation ff an early as well as favorable ifiuc to the on foot, theft have been procrsftmred to the h'fift date. The only intervening occurrence meriting atcration, is the prcmul ion cfaFrcnch decree, purport* t g to be a definite reped of the B-. Tin and Milan decree*.—Tins proceeding, alfho* ma ?c the ground cf the repeal of the B’ u fh orders ia council, is rendered, by he time and Runner of it, liable to maay ob j ftiVns. - The final rommunicatitßs firm cor fpecial M-nifTr at Denmark, afford further pr©of* of the god c‘F &s of his rnffian, and of rh* amicable difpnficton of r.hf Dauifh government. From Rufftn we have the fans fashion to receive ,*ftu an res of continued fn*ndftvp, and that it will not be aff. died bv he rupfure between the United States a<d G. Britain. Sweden alfa prof IT fen tirnents favorable to the fulfitiig h?rm?ny. With the Barbarv powers ex cepting that ef Atgim, our affa rs remain on the fame rooting. Tse C <nfui Genera?, refiding with that Regency, has fuddrolv, a -d without caule been bamfhrd, tcg>"hrr wirH all the American tr iz hs found there Whether this was the tran fitury * ft ft of capricious dt fpot ifm, cr the fi‘fl aft of predetermined hoftiiivy, is not akes tamed. Prr caiuioos were taken by trie Cordul on the latter iuppt fi ion. The I disn tnbes, nor under fo reign infi’gatio*;*, remain at peace, a <1 receive the civiliffag attenffans which have proved i’o beneficial to them. With a view to that vigorous profttmmn or the war, to which *u r national faculties are adequate, the attention of Congrefs will be particularly drawn to the ißfuffieijen f; of the exiftih g prov'fi’s.s for fii ling up the mhtarv eftablilhcnenr. Su h ts the happy condition of our country, &r:fi ;g from the facility of fubfiftedce and the high wages for evrv fpecies of occupation, that nntwitt-(landing the sugmsn efi m d’u emrTHS provided at the laftfef fi % & paruai face* fs nax oply acten c ; he recruiting fens ice.—The c? ficiency has been nrctflVUy lup pltcd, during the campaign, by o* her than re gular creeps, with all the inconveniences and expencca incident to them. The remedy lies in eftabi Thing, more favorably for the private loldier, the proportion between his re corn pence and tne term of his cnliftment, And it is a fuhj’ t which cannot too foon or too frn; ,fly be taken mto ebufi deration. r-ie fam? imuffi icncy nas been fXtienenced in the provifi>ns for Vr 'in teers made by an aft of the laft *• Iji n . The recommence for the device required in tnis rate, is ftdi f? atrraftsve than an the other.— fi -id altho* patriotism alone has fent the field fame valuable corps of GEORGIA EXPRESS. “* Awr sis all iva to asm fa©, amb Liimsoos small as ihcjikasim.” that deferiptior, thofe alone who t: *’ afford the facrifice can rcafoma bly b expefted to yield to that im pulfe. It will merit confidcratmn alfo, whet her, as auxiliary to the lecurity of our frontier, corps may not He ao’vantagecufi” ergantfed, with a rs flr:6ln of tt eir t rviees to particu lar and drifts convenient t® them.—- And whether the lo &i and orcafion al fervices of ttiarinea and in tee fea port towns, under a iimilar organization; would not be a provi dent audition to the means ot their defence. I recommeiid a prr>vjfion for an increafe of tkr gr serai ffi ers of the army, the deficiency of which has been illuftraicc) by the number acd diftincc of fepara.? csmtrsandJ, whit h the courfe of thewty and the advao sgc of the fervice huve requi red. And I cannot prefs toe ftrorgly on the carbeft artemjon of the Lrgd lature, rhe imporrarvr of he re or gamsarion of the duff rftahlifii m nr i with a v ew o render d’.fhnft and definitive the relations and refpor.Abilities f its fe.verai de par mf nts. That there % room for improvements which will raa erinl h prom te both economy luccelt in wha’ a, per ams to f Te army sod the wi’i’s tqcaliy incuka r c?i by the examples o’ oi her ceoittrics and k>r the exjerkrKf of our ?>n. A rvv.n m of the niditia lews for the piirpole of rendsfirg them m<*re f ftemati , and better adapting them to ?;m--rgcneifs of ri*’ war, is at thi* time particularly drfi *bc. Of the additional lb?pi authorued to 6t fi cd for fervite, w* will be ibertly r<iady to fail; a third si dcr repair j aa.i delay will be avoid ed in the repair of the rrfiiua. O: the apprcpnatiOKS far thr purchalt of mater ais hr bidding, the greater part ha# been ?pp|;eo to that objeft, and the buddi gs will ee commist and with the balance. The Tnteipr %ng fprit which has characterized our naval force, & of iti iucctis both in rcframing of fuch depredanons cn our chaffs, arid in reprifais on the enemy, wdi not fail to recommend an cniarg mtnt cf it. There tjeing re a fen to believe that rhe aft prohibiting f he accept ance of licences, is not a fuf fi sent guard the ufc of them for purpofes favorable to the inter efts and views of the eoemv ; fur ther provifioas on that fubjeft are highly imponant. Nor is it iefs fo that penal ena&ments uld be provided for calrs of corrupt and perfiaieus Intercourfc w’ththe ene my, nou, amounting to trrafon r.dr yet embraced by any ftat'-onary pr v fivn*. A corfiderable number of Ame rican vdTc s which were in E f gland when the revocation ot the orders in council took place, were laden with B r ‘t fh manutafturrs under an errdacous imprefli * that the non icnpurtauoß aft wtsuld ceafe to ope rate, and have arrived in the United Staus. T did not appear proper toe on uaforefeen caks of lucii fliagnitude, the ordinary pow- era vefted in the treafury depart ment ro mi- gate forfeitures, with eur previevfiy fff rd ng to C:n- an opportuVicy of making >n the fubjeft fuch as tiiey may think proper. Is their Ceci fioa they will doubrlcis cqudlv con fuft what is due to the tqmra&te ccrfiderattoAS and to the puoiic m* tercft. The recc ; pts into the treakry, during the year ending on the 30 h of iaft, have rxi e. Utd fixteen millions and a naif >f dol lars ; which have been liffi icnt to defray ill the demands on me rra futv to that dav including a nec: fi* ry reimburfemrac of near three millions f the prin-ipa! of the public debt. In chrk receipt is included a fum near 5,850,000 dol lars received on accou t >j( vhc iuaus authorized bv the afts nf the aft kfn j.\ : the wlwle Kim actually tailed on loan am.'uats to eleven millions cf dollars,’ the r fidoe of which firing receivcabie fubiequeat to the 30',h of September lift will, with the < urrent revenue enable us to defray all the cxpenccs cf this rear. The duties on late unexpeft ed importations of B* t fk iuanu ac i.ures, will render the revraur of rhe ecfukg year more productive than coul i have anticipated. The fi uarma of our country, fell -w-ciuzena, is not without us difficulties, chough it *n animating confiderations, ot which the vVw here prr'kftted of our pe cuniary rtfour* es it an * xample.— With more than one nation, m<- as ffnous snd unfirttlrd coatroveific^; aad with one, powerful in the means and habits of war, we arc at war.— The fpirit and ftreng h of this na tion sre r.ercrtheU fs eq .il to the luppert of all itarigh a* and to car r> through all its trials. They can be met in that confidence. Ary ve all we have the incftisiable cenfoia tion of knowing, that the war in which we are aftuatlv engaged is a war ncitheir f ambi ion nor of vain glory ; that it * waged, not in vio lation of the rights of others, bu: in the* maintenance of our own; that i: was preceded bv a patience with out example, under wrongs accu mulating without em : and that it was finally not declared until every hope of averting it was exnrgraft ed, by the tramfer of the Briiifti feeptre into new hands clirg-ng to former councils; ar.d until diclaia tions were reiterated to tne laft hour, through the Bntifh envoy here, that the hnftde edifts ag*ir.ft cur cciriCßcrf ? ia) rights and cur ma ritime inde*peruicsct would hot be revoked; nay, that they could not be revoked, without violating the obi gitions of G, and. to other pow ers, as well ax to her own i rut reft. To have drunk, under fni \ cir cumftances, manly r fiftance, would have been adt gradation b aft ir.g ciir beft & preuc cft hcpcf : it would have (Truck us from the high rank, where the virtuous ftruggles of our fathers had placed us, and have betrayed the mag-vfi ent kga cy which we hold la truft far future generations. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 18it. It. would have acknowledged, that on the e'rmcnf, which fornu ihree fourths of me gl ibe we inhabit, md where ad independent na iart e equal and common rights, the A niencari people were not md p • - deer people, but r dor.ifts and aT fals. [t a this mom* nt, and with iu h an akcrria ive, that ■sar wa ‘hofeq. Tne nation felt tne oe efiity of it and called for i f .~— Tne appeal was according]v mao ‘, in a joft cauf'r, to rhr j*til a. ct *<l pow-rfui being who h Ids in h s ha cf the chun of events a rfie dftmv of nations. I: icanaioa or. Iv tha , fauhful r > and in no connections *s*h the vj- * ot other powers, eytr tr > AC rpt pea- e frvnri th hand of juftice, we profe cute the war w rh in a ted coun cils snd with the amplr fa 1 of the nation, until peace b? I . 00- rained, and ax rhe only means urver thr divine bluffing, of fpecduy ob tainirg it. JAMES MADISON. Nov. 5. QUEENS 1 OWN. Isa handfome immediately bd w ihr faiis of N and at the h*H of the ravg*fc>k wate-s of that ft :t; it is the place of dcoot fur alt the mer hand z** and public (lores, wbi h a r ? breug it f” fhac place from K. gft m. Public ft s for farts Erie and Malden, r..d merchandize far all tfa country 4- bove, as well as the returns by .hat rcure downwaid, pafs through Qjcenftown. They ar*’ tranfported ov waggons along *he ponage ten rullrs •. . Chippawa-, now call and ort Wflla and ab ve tne fails, f ha*- a fi >e harb <r, deep *a er, and g and anchorage the banks on b *ti> fide* are elevated, ad the landkape a moi g tee moft Iplend'.d ard l ;o !mi(* in the uruvcrtc. Several ft coaches conftantly play be * n thefe towns and N<“wa<k N wa*k is oa the fame fide of <h** ftrait, ir the entrance of L. ke On ario. Uo on the ion of rh wit n porta by the Britifh, Fort Ni.-u. ra was lurrendercd to th>*- U 5 u* s. The kite was ftlcfted 10 1751, by the Fren h, and was s the key tp the inland roumrv. Ii its beft Hate, it was However, or y a rampart of earth, f arptd wrh 4 ftockade, and a fpaeious h i r k wlthm the The er.crDacft ment of the waters threaten fo un dermine t; but the ereftion of a work oil and F >rt Georgr on tee Canada ft it of the ftrai”, on a p* fi tton which by beirg more He a>*d commands the pr-fi ion of our fi W, the work #t Niagara has boy*n luff *r ed to decay, as indefenfibU. ‘L'ac point diflance of the two works is lefs than a mde, z plum >f ab-iut a mile over fcparsres fore G oig- fee m Newark. F :tG *--ge is a work conftrufted of fim Urrna. teii'ais, ane* hi* ocen rccta:ly. im proved, and i : ;s dcfynces ftrerg 1- ened by double paUftades and fa/e ---r*i works. Our p-finon ippo- Q-iecaftcwr* m Biack Rock. Aurora, (>•■ 117.