Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, November 27, 1812, Image 3

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► *fth a promptitude which confers m* *? V*nor n them Sin his the cr - dmSfc of fildGr citizens. May thole vvht> attempt to damp their ardor, be made t bi-e the dud. Release of Vrisoners PRO POSED IVe under ft and, that the Governcr- Ge* °ral ot the Canadas, has made a f? rpefal 19 Gen . Dearborn, to releaf: . all the American prifoners in bis poj fjftsn, en receiving an offur cnee from cur government, that they fhall not Ji- ve in the prefent war, unlejs previ *ufly exchanged lbe exprefs which brought General Dearborn the above prcf eft!ion, for a rdeafe cf the American prifoverj in Canada we are told, /lutes, that the E titjh account cf the aft ion at ffyecnj , to on, bad been received at the head quarters ot Gen Bloomfield ■ that they acknowledged the buttle t§ have been bard fought and their vt£io>y tv hw-e been dearly won as their hfs in fjfice>s and men have been very fever e They adw*t the death of general Brock but mak , no mention of that of his aid de camp , Col M Donald They claim to have taken 900/>r if oners, \ Aibany paper. Capture of the Wasp !—The following tetter informs us of the cap ture of the flo*p of war V/afp, by a hrttifh 74 gurtfhip. after having her fel/ taken a Brilifb vejfel of war of fuperii-r force, which was re captured at the fame time the A'afp was taken . ‘ibu letter a§cr dsfillfurther evidence of tte fupertority of America nautical fkilt and bravery , and almoft proves, that an American armed vejfel is fu pel tor to a Brtiijb vejf l of equal force. Though the honor won by our gallant ft amen more than compen/am f* r l^e Ujs ndarned we cannot but regret that the brave Jones had not an op fort unity of reaping the reward of bis Jk U ad conduit, by bringing his prize into port. SS*i. i u H B M Ship POICTIERS At - i,ua, 03, 1812 —Untod 33 My dear father— The fortune of war has p 10.eed us in the hands of the fn-H/y n e were captured by this ft p on Sunday evening left, after hav ihg (‘Urfelves captured H B. M brig freltc ‘the Frolic was ofJuperior force to tts. She mounted 18 ihnty two carronades and two long nines The Waff you know, had only 16 carronades lhe aSI ion lajted 43 nvnutes. fVe had Jive killed —7 he flu ugh ter on board the Frolic was and ad'ul to e are bound into Ber muda lam quite unhurt. In great barie, your's, (Ac. J . BIDDLE . P. S. Although our cruifc was Jherty Iconfider ourjelveas very fortu nate. Another Messenger —The Cartel fhip Pennfylvanta, bound to England, has received orders to flop fir 3 or 4 dnys Uptake out a mejfen g “ with di[patches. !he fail is flat td tn feveral letters, both from JVafh ’ ingten end Philadelphia—and fucb was the imprcffi M at Philadelphia, that a very confider able reduction in the price of Brittjb goods has taken place lb B’ iiifh flzg frigate Junon, capt Saw ders, fill waits in ou hir bor, for dijpatches from A ajhingt. on. N. Y. paper. married, , f On Thurfdav the I9*h irft bv the Rev. D Brown, Stephen Upfon , E)q of Oglethorpe, Mifs Han nah C. Cuntraba /laugh - f ‘^ c Rrv. Francis ot Greene. UkisEß%llPy dF Ge rcia. Dtmojtihcnean Society. Refolded, l nai tic m >n\e* which we raav receive arfi g from Sub scription to the Libra* , be plated in the Hands of the Faculty of the LLiiveifny. N. ASHLEY, Prefident. JOSEPH W. JACKxUN, Secretary fffj* Editors of papeii in this date will . onier a favr bv giving the ab ve an infcruoa. GEORGIA \ Ai an I.ierior Madfon county yC urt began and hl<£ in . it t Mono a, in No vember, 1812, fi .u*g for ordinary pur* ©lts. P ient rhe r Honors Edward A'are Charles Sorrtls, and James zanders, Efquves. UPON the petition of William P iu fta mg tnat John Wood, in hi/ lire time, made and executed a c r am b <nd ctn.d tioned to make ad execute to your pent inner ii'its to a certain tract ot land, h uatc, \ ing and being in aid count , a cpy of wfiicn o<*nd is to th’.s pe tition annexed, containing une nun tired and fiicy acres; anti voui pe titioner farther fta.ts that the laid John Wooand dttd made cities to ywur petitioaer to the fk:d lad, or mk. g prov fion therefor by will; your pc iti n>er therefore prays an oider ot to-s ho norable c u , and rcdiircg James W ,od, acJm. and a r of tnc eftare ® the tad J <*.n Wood, de..eaßd, make and ext utc titles to youi petitioner t-* and tor th< lad land. jr ts that J^mWood, admin dtat r a atonia and, O 1 ui r ded to rnaße tui -s to Wdiiam Fold to the ia>dt>a&of lano at tnc Cvi#rc of Did* ary be held in and for *a and o u nr on the fi and M noay in March next, unit is cauie be fh- 1, in to tnc con 1 art • and tnat th s rule be pu odi and in one of loc tri of th*s S ate oace a month f r t t fpact of hree mom s. Abu- copy ft -m tfi-. m ur. WILLIAM SANDERS, C. L. G. A Lift -f D auuers Mauiion C one* for 1812 Archibalo Biank rifh p, Emanuel James, Tnomaa H ii >wav, James Wa r kins, Jere.mian Parks, Tnomas Mo rc, Sen. R üben Alien, J hn Bi gh, John Ha>-s, J">hß Made, John Wade, J hn Hendrick, W*. Jnhr, I*• hr Buk , Mrs. M . n, P fl v Cu Ran, Wm. P.ttard, Thu mas Confrtliv, John Hunter, Se&. and M s. Tia tham. BRITAIN SANDERS, X T. R M C No** 25 NO i iCE. pfffirs debted to the Edate of M lkr F m ng, late of Oglethorpe county, Geo ga, are requefted to make 1 mined ate pay ment. E git cents per pound will be allowed fi r p .me clean cotton, delivered a M‘Kcnne*s Warehoule Augoda, crone dollar and fiity ceuts tor merchantable feed cotton, delivered at Mr. J. Grieves*, or Mr. Robert B tdloe’a Gm Houfcs, Og cthorpe c unty. Settlements gna ■ be made with Stephen Uplon, E q. of Lrx ngton, in whofe hands tnc Books and Papers are dep. fit eJ. For Mary Fleming, Adm'tx, and j hn Fleviing, Adminiftrator , JOHN M C AJLLUM. Lexington, V&* PUBLIC S ILE. Monday the 2 iyf December neat, WILL BE hOLD To the bighefi bidder , the Plantation whereon the dutfcriber now lives , (•CONTAINING two huedred nine and a hait acres, on a credit of one and two vears. Alio cor, fodder, hogs, cattle, 8c /. on a cre dit cf twelve months —bond with approved fecuritv will be iequi-ed. DAVID ALLAN. Nov. 16, 1812 Charlst n, Odt. 19. To the Public. — i heecJ .u ing f o cmbaik u> fome b. fi cis that will cquire iels of his pcrlonal a:- teriiK-i), and enable him to ttfiJe out of thr titv, with his family, in the iali months, and alfo t<> have an oppoi Uii.ty of coilc&i.'g h:s nu merous atb s, winch have accumu lated to luch a degree as t > r> quuc hi.% mmrdiate attention, . fF is for faie eftab fh rcnt of tnc City & Car lina Gazlttis. N uuiftan cs nut thole above dated could have moped h m to take rhiS dep, and to qy<t a bufiiKis in which ht has received k* nbcial a fuppert, in an cncreale of patre nagt before unprecedented in Cnar i. ft r., and wmin (till conciuu. s, hav s.g received fixey new lublcri bers to the “ City** and upwarus of one hunched to the “ Carolina Gi zette’* fiate the fi ft of July iad, and at no time nave thcic papers Rood h g’ser in the public cfLma non tha. a: the prrleut. The cftabi flfimerit will be fold on a ciedit ot Qt>, 1 wo, three and foui years, and poll given ou the firit -ot January next. Undoubted lccuru’ and inter It will &t rcquir ed. F.<r further particulars tiy le.vo. dir £ted to tne lubkubcr, at this fficc E. S. THOMAS. Office of the City <& Carolina Ga zettes, act 19 1812. P. o. ihe ti or icipecUuily re queds h s republican biethicn ot tne t ; pc througu.ut me uun, to give tne ao. vc article a place m incur lelpedive papers. EXECU i oALE. Agree ante to an order of the Inferior Court of Clark county , at the court houj'e of fata county , WILL bE SOLD on the fir fl Tutfday tn January next A u£t or land wiureon Henry M‘Coy refined a: the time ot hit deceafe, con taint.,g 242 a< res, (the wid-w*s dowry joining Ha.vev near the Appal a, net nvtr, bci: g he whole 01 the real eftace of ia.u dccealed. ihe plate it wt!l improved, an excellent dwell !g house and otner out h ulcs, alaigc peacn orenard. C fi ierable cre dit wdi bt given, the purchafer g.v ing bond approved lecuriiy.— To bt Lid for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of laid de<'a>ed. NEELEY M'CUY, JOHN MCuY, Executors. September 25, ISI2 TAX COiLECiOR’ :>AI.E. WILL BE SijLD, To the bighejl bidder on tc 28 th cf November next, ai Houft of Clark county, the fcUowing pro perty— ONE grey horfc, levied on as the property of James. Rignt to la tisfy his tax for 1811— — cax due fix dollars 4.7 cents. W. C. DOBBINS, T. C, C. C. Q&ober 13, sßi2. AL\MIN!.> r:-:A : OXI Agreeable to an order of the honora ble Court of Ordinary of .la b county , WILL BE SOLD, on ho fir ft I'uefday in December nexi, at fVxtkinfvtlle, within the ujual hours, 262 a-res of land, more or lefs, on the middle fwk of the river, joVnt g Humphries* it bc irg thr cal clfate of Lunsford T a wh h, dec. and fold fi>r fhe b*-d fit of the hr- sand creditors of fa and e cralcd. A credit of twflve m r.the wl! he g ver, and and go>>d lecuriiy 1 q 1 r rd. ROBERT TR A WICK, Admimftrater. September 9, 1812. BROUGHT to the J >IL OP’Oglethorpe *n an A ‘.can N<gro Man abnu 22 or 23 ears of -gc, has *>n a cotton (h rt and overalls and a ftripen vfftj lavs he belonged to Wm. M‘ , r*g->- mi'r*, deceaird, whe 1 ved in :he Cherokee Nation j he calls himklf JOHN. WM. SfROKG> Jailor. Nov. 18, 1 tn. GE .)’<GIA l By John Cla* k county J clerk of the c urt , of Ordinary for Jaid county. WhEkEAs Ja .> D C e for letters cf and fn ffi .v as the executor of the laft and tedamrnt of Wdliam F nch, dc ceafed. This is to cite and admot fh ill and fiogular rhe kindred a and rrrdi tor* o- tne laid ro file <: tfir obj-ftions in m < ffi e w na thirty dv from this dam, or l- ttfra of dhm Hi ot w 11 be granted at ja m* y ouri nr xt. Given under my hand this 13 h day of N vember, 18 12. JOHN SMI 1 H, C.C. O. NINE months after 1 fhaU make application to the hon orable the inferior court of Clark county, for leave to fell loc No. 59, containing 202 1 2 arrea of ia and lying in the a- and fts ft fA Baldwin c untv, when lur • bounded by lots N *. 73, f>Q t 46, and by dift ift Nn. 1, n He laid county, on the waters of F fil ing ertek, whic land was g•acted to the heirs of Ricnar < W hd, dec. and to be loid for the bereft .r iai4 heirs. TABITHA WO )D, jidminifir dni*. March 6, 1112. NINE rnonUis after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble tne inferior cours, when fi for ordinary purpoles, in the coun ty of Ja. klon, for leave to fell r nc whole ot the rjal eftate of J h Hanlon, e!q dcceafed, to wt ; One traft of land on which the ea :ed lived, containing two huncjrrri tvet> ard one haif acres, in the couritv of Jacklon, joining Walr.on Ha'-fiv* ia; d-—cne other traft: adjofrikig ir,e abete, whereon Samuel C o kes lived, -obtaining 168 a rrs— ne otner traet of land adjf io ng .he laft ifoentioned tract, be rhe traTt whereon Cary Eva * formrrlv I vrd —•one other of 472 a< rrs— r hc whole lying in Jackiou cour/t, on the waters of Apphn** credit—:ha laid land when leave is obtained,fold for the be.icfi of the heirs a<d tie* ditoisof lad defeated. WALTON JIARRIS, H. MON 1C JMERT, Achantjirato/St March S, 1812.