Newspaper Page Text
I GKOR ?i \EX v ALo .
I *1 THt ns7 OKOKM tsi. R’T"**
ij - - ‘"--Tsaaaa,
IB Presidential Flecti n.
The ftate of New-Y ?rk, u is row
framed, will give an unaiimous
H v ot* for Clinton. The Federslifts
l{, rifi .cd corfifteacy, Si one bird of
I gave tkeir votes to a ma-’ w o
| {cur avers fine ricnou-ccd them en
I paflV, as fiends “ who would rather
I j jfC to Hell that- fer/e in Heaver.’*
I Tje fame widerroking policy will
I r r doubt govern the whole of them,
I jr.J we tn&y exi. v '6t ‘fi stl that N w
11’tmpftnre, Muff* hoicite, Rhcd-?.-
I JIB id, C nnecnctr, N- w lerfsy,
jxlawarc and part of Maryland will
1 1 vote* the i?m way. Hu sd ths
BwjJl sot h.ce?-d ; shin wdl ft ill
fcsvt a handlimajority.
The Frea- h arc augmenting rher
rm-es in Spain, o which M if na
M agawi the command. L and
W lliogton, who fo lately was driv
ing ah opp fition before Ivin, is n- w
it as m uli; vt eat for P r
tusa) and to ht He had a a
(i strived*; V acNed, a confide r
io*e cvy *Q Gift'!’ inSpai , and
t~ K 95 01ibiS N. vV. of Ms {id.
H s army worn d* wn by fatigue and
In F, gland the crops, contrary
to exprdari’on, hadgener?lly failed,
Iht g a‘?ft exertions, however,
were sk ng to conceal this fifctn
in Raffia, victory ftiil attended
Our private r s continue to be
‘Till vo Uice oub T'v- wh le
du noer f prises on th” 14 . N *v.
* .s :w ) Hm he I and fif , m
C :inr and re Bar rr, >n tae R ifit,
has reared tr* Btlnntore, airi the
result ? f h r cruize is the capture of
three chaufand (even hundred tons
of (hipping, ard two hundred and
Fvn cm pr Toners. The property
v lued a. upwards A a million and
a half of dollars.
Succefsful policy of Great Sri tain.
Great B itam stamped us into
h -*f <dam fta ; es —> e v, cous
cj led us in f : a ma u 1 / ■ g
j iC, : fh ‘* .OW FIGHTING
Us into a maritime power,
hat. Int.
The B.iFfh U, in the Ure en-
erdlown, is ve ui
known i th * ochfeed to be mtc-h
g:* arer then > u Tney ia 900
fif nets, o e fix plunder, a 3
fttud o ( col urs i . ken, but the (fi
cul acc u lavs of their
1 dr, ex p he a ■. fG- 1 Br *tk.
They hav' 1 flv f"1 << iVi j r irj ex
chspge fc.r ;h* India* Chief *akttf by
otH truo\n 1 ncv appear ro treat
tljtjr pritoi . a in Canada m a hberal
and honoranic manner.—lS iles.
About 10,000 troops (regular?,
voiunv r-rs anu m t li t) are now at
PUttfbiirg. Near which, and on
tL, e iroiicsers genneraily, are alfo col
lected invnenie q jantittes of milita
ry ftorcs of ail kinds. Harrifon’s
a: ‘niy is at this date furn with
d* the rcq’iifi es fo r the m #ft daring
‘*.— [ PUttsburi is [Ad to be
172 miles tram Albany , and 66 /rent
Montreal, ]— ; b 1 and
The naval fo*ct -o voi the Hal-
flatiori, coj.fitts of two 74 •, c
on* 40 g.m frsga r, fe e 33 *>
l *v 3 5’s, o-c 31, w. 20*s, e* - e ’ £
s, two 16 ’3 • j five 01 fia iiaail
** VtUcis.—ißl D,
of fh** Khfs mount*!*’
m(n > ‘■‘ttimus for ’■ exact vuf>rv
ifi of the orders their c*?m
tnander, n davs I ng paT—^hich
w - re > “never fire until you fee an /e
---and neve r fee an cm my without
hiving him down” >ave volunteer
ed tutir f ! *rvi s members of the
70 h regiment V-nnia militia.—
W hat an ed T muff (rh a pro ‘ced
ing hiv* on h- youth ef the neigh
borhood !— lb.
Cap an Lv n, ed tor of the
“Northern Hudget punlifiird at
Troy, N. Y. aod afihe miliua of
that flane now on dutv on the fion
uVr, under the orde'-s
major Lyon, ccmromdirg ar French
mills, cr. fttd the linero tne village
f ‘t <st. Regis on the 23d ult. with n s
company 5 and af<cr a (man brufia,
fucccedcd in defeating the rnemv,
killing form , and bar k 40
printers, w;h their arm*, colours,
&e. without - he lofs of a ma-\ — Ik,
f 1 Vv£ TeiiN Armv.
Our { ft acc-wnta ar* to id
l fttn , 2 *hich timecvnr? ‘hi g
indma * t nn eftterpfi2 it hand,—
The t ltd ank C the t n\\ ** h:d
had tivir garni n? Ti-- hr middie
bind, fip as to be fl .ng on the back,
and were (implied with jPTw ten
feet 1c :3. 8000 Snow foocs had
been com ratted for, for the life of
thr ;5 h,
An arfiGe from Vr.
of the s:ftstes thar the Q M.
Genera* had g*vcn orders *r open
ing the r ad from PiatifD irg into
L wer Canada.
The full v? g paragraph is from
Manlius, N. Y Nov, 3.
From the Weft —At the date of
ou” it advi ts f- sm N ag)ra, the
p rnupal par: c*t our fvrees 01 thst
f miier b**- n concentrated at
B.aT H and BU k Rock, Sc a lpeedy kon the -pnofitf fide was ex
peCted. Col. SRranah? *, vcho is
rertrnirg home oh parole, and who
paff and thro* this village tti-dav, fta r
that the riucnbcr of troops >n that
ftaci* ?i is 6.500, and tha of
the ? n art of the regular a^tny.”
True American.
Philadelphia) N§v. 16.
The followi g are all the parti
culars we nave been able to cHlecl:
re -ifive 10 the very important news
brought in the New-York Pilot of
la ft venmg:
O i Saturday evening capt. G een,
commanding one of the St<ain b a s
arr Vvd in her a r New-Y'oik, ab.ei
a cry q k from Albany.
Capt. who it ‘flpeCtcd as a
man of veracity and judgaie it ftates,
that juft befure ht left Albany, an
expreu hai arrived there dirtft
from Gea. Airxandr Smith, ftatrng,
that the general, wi h a coiifid. ra
bic force, nadir IF-I th* nvtr Ni
ggirz i> and <bta nu , ft. ffi m *f tne
whole extent or thr L* *aa fT3e of
tre river, in. iudi g tn-> In rtadrr of
enftown, F rt E.ic and Fort
Ut -rge.
The privateer Saucy Jack , hat
returned to Cna* left, n, alter a crude
of 50 days, uunng wm. h the took
fie-en pi z> s. Am ng o her ruly
impudent things cne Saucy Jack did,
was to emery the haraor or Dema
rara, and, by good management,
make a eafy p ze of the very val.
esnie Br c.fti bs g, W liiam Rath
bone, of Ltverpor j, r om London,
laden with drv goods, worth 40,-
ooCj£ ftcrdPg, ( j oft arrives) Riuunt*
j ;u - fvru'eei. 18 poundrrs and two
6’~. S.e wa:. bta ned and ordered
tor C hark lion. Some of the other
prizes are valuable—we lor
their lafe arrival.
The following it an extract from
thr* Quebec \fercury :—ln our col
umn* 11 captain Hull’s ofn ialac
c unt of his action Gur ier.
What can we fay of this unfortuoa.e
rencountre, further than thst we had
to contend on this occafi n, vmh
m n who are bone of our bone, and
fiefh of our fLfh —F<om it the m
fc-encr may bed awn, that a con
ttri with the A nerjcans is m*re
worthy our arms than was at firft
imagined. How have v?c
heard our rr.i!i;arv effi'ers deplore
th?:r beirg obliged t<.> vs. lh men
whuff ccr.quf ft w. uid o j .h#m no
credit. The behavr ur vf tl'.e r.ip
tam and crew of the C nftituii.-H,
may ferve roconvinc*’ them ofthfr
error. Of captain Hull, we may
fay, with Zaue.a —
41 Great let me call him % for be con
quered me.”
He will, tfurc ore, vve truft, an a
future ac efi n, be worthy of
be<i‘g cor.qu red.
NrlV York, Nov 7.
Tate from Saikets Harbor We
learn lays ifte i*. ii, lua* an filler
wh arrived yeftca and in the S tam-
B ‘at diredt from sacki ’* H.rrb ;r,
that si navel iorcr, cm ft t- gof 11
fchoen*'rs and a brg was 10 have
failed from that plat e tail Menda ,
under tne comma -u o C mmodt-re
C -au cv, who had bodied hi*
btoad pe danr on board he
Oiieu a, of 1# gum, Capt. W olio .
7 his force k b i *ie *h fti-
Cicnf tw f •■•u** thr LA s, and hi a
few dst 3 rosy hr •n u cr.o evys
fume br. ! ant stt -.r. Tne v* if >s
were* ma ned b- upwardi t> 4 430
fsilori, k-files 3U:ab e ‘-u?ho f
marines. The Um—d Sat Fn
g*lr whvfekvel Icdr ‘ ack *
bsr a lew ua -a fire 1, was in
a ftatr of great forwarder :s, and ex
pected to be fi.iiiilhed in about two
Private Cos refpendence.
Baltimore, A ov. 11.
We were txuch gra died I aft fi
ver: s g bv the. arrival of tne packet
bog vwallow, from Jamaira, bou.-.d
to KrgLnd, captured by Commii
do e R dgtrs* lqu4dron. Mr.
Ri hard Lemmon, lupercargo of
Mr. Dennelb, fehr Fleanor, bound
to F;a;,ce, ir.ffrrrs mt, fiat he was
on b >ard the P fi irnt, ad that he
faw dollars in fiiver and
gold, wniih had betn taken cut of
the Swallow ; the fiura 00
br ard the Swallow, and for which
the captain fa * he figned b.lis of
lading, was 261,000 a- ilar*, and
which no and übt was aM fom and ar.d
taken on board P.efi ;ent pre i
ous to thr br;g*s departure 5 bu. a*
part of it wa* mgo and, n c*;U;<J m be
ev.a<sliy ce unt^d; however*, Mr.
Lemmon favs, that Cofntni ciare
Rodgers had made out, while he was
on board, 2<K5,000 dollar*, or up
wards, and he law the money.—
There is a pr ze brig n the Bay
loaded wuh rum and m ufl *, ta
ken b rhe H>g'i Flyer, ng
to T. Tenant ad Robeiri Pauer
The P • fid.-rti*-, fvl ifi ge has met
wi'h almofl un!vrric.t and urqoali
fi-r, appiaule. It b"*a:he3 the pure
inirit of Patriotism—it Ipcaks <tie
firm language of Indcpendcrt ? —it
aiapifefts an a r dct love of Peace—
it evinces an 1. fi* xible dctrrminatioii
to maintain the National Righu.—
It will endear hun ftiil tuore to his
friends —1? w !l ?gh.rn
yet woric — Amur.
of tui< ;> hs corml fi and, by Gviicisl
Twigs, rfat there is in this State, a
Urge quantity of Flint Reck ,
of an excellent quality for G;n
Flints; it lies ab',ut 35 milles be
low Augufta, near a place caH and
Mobley's Pcvd , w Burke couat\, &
not morn than fom m Ps frrym the
river Savannah. The Quarry con
tains bo S rn* Opake black and
the Tranjparent or Gil Flint, sr.i
the Geneia! firii fuppiied iiiml* If
from it during the revolutionary
war, Z.
Aug “fia Chronic e.
—A ver u.-rmeg and de
ft f. ri c; ii ff b ‘k v cut in th ! s city
y fterday morrrr.g a ! >cm on*’ o*-
cl,( k, whir h confumed ab- m a d-:-
zen buildings. If to, k p act >*
Meeting near the of idazell
Sfirtr, and extended up
ftiect nearly to the Roman Chapel.
Char left on paper.
Zera Colburn, the famous Ame
rican mathematical prodigy, agud
8 yrnrs, h: nowexhibirii g his raltnU
in London, v.<>d is faid greadv to
have A T-'NtSHED his royal highnefs
Frederick duke of York end Albany,
find marfhal and commander in chief,
&c —Wt a e a thoufand l
year* * Id, th*. m*gh feboolthep’ime
Icflfl it they old rot write 1 *‘-
tr- le-rters fh = his , to Mrs. Clark ,
they would bi ft gg 4 :d.
Noi them P ape*'.
of i.- ft rand, wher- tv* a r
g 1 e h idr, fk and ar I fh
lab 11 r “ when 1 r h jo. gnf t \ “)
would b* fivti ?” Trod; fi ,**
in s Pat, “ I m afraid w- have pot
i’vi r httomlf r pit ”—** H vv c ?*’
t 4 Becaufe ii:e fid's fall in fo ‘eft, hat
1 be hr ■? we fball never ret at the
bet turn /’*
London paper.
VP id be fold on the %th of January,
ISI3, at the houfe of Marjary
Williams a confiderablt quantity
of property ,
CONSISTING of household fur.
niturv, hurles, h*gs, caiclr,
&c. v.iih various articles too tedi
ous to menrifin—it b*drg the pro
perty of Wm Williams, deed.—
1 he conditions made known on the
day of fale.
J NO. SMITH, ). ,
W. C. DOBBINS, \ /, r mrt -
November 30, 1812
NiNEmori'bs afterdate, anpfira
ti n ml h ’ made to thr hon irable
I *crinr courtv of Rard *lph county*
I >r leave to fell one tract of Sane!,
conra rung two hi;n Irrd two an Ia
half a res, lying a.-.d bn*g in laid
ct unry, fi ua*e m the fifteenth d?f
tnct, fo r me ly Baldwin, N >. 67 ;
drawn bv James F > ‘nfon of Ogi--
thorpe, J Up,* I. Moor’s diftr £t—
the laid Pinfon now deed, and one
of hi* lawful heirs at chi* time claims
a fals in the above land for the pur.
pofc ol a divjfHn. lA. C. A*kin
fen, being Adminiftraic r of t ’e Lid
decealrd, do *fk leave to toil the x
bve g; anted la u a and po-miles, for
the brntfi of the fuirs and creditors
of the la’d deed.
Aduiinijlr at or.
Nov 2S ; 1812.