Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, December 04, 1812, Image 4

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Refolvtd, 1 nat the monies which
we may receive arfi, g from
fcription to the Library, fee plsced
in rhr u ands cf the Faculty of the
St fret ary.
£3* Editor* r f papcn in this Rate
will confer a fav©r by giving the
ah; ive an lafrrtion.
GEORGIA. } At an Inferior
Madifon county j C urt began and
held on ‘.n ft ft Monday in No
vember, sßii, fimr.g for ordinary
F lent Honor*
Edward Wart, Charles Sorrels,
■and James Sanders, Efyuttes.
Tj ‘'ON the petition ef W ll ent
F <.d fta dug rhat John Wood, in
his He iimt, made and executed a
ernain bond cordiiioned to make
and execute to your petitioner titles
tu a certain traft of land, ftwtte,
Jyngarui being in faid county, g
apy of which bovd i* to this pe
tition annexed, contains g one hun
dred and fifty acresj and your pe
titioner farther ftac* that the fa and
Y/nod died without havirg
made ntlcs to your petitioner to the
frd land, or mk j rg; prov fion
therefor by will* your petitfuner
then fare p'lvs an order of this ho
rn rahlc court, d.rtftieg Jamr*
W *id, adminiflrator of the eflatc
•f the faid John W j >d, deceafed,
to make and execute titles to your
petitioner to and for the fatd laud.
It is ordered that jamc* Wood,
ad-win ftrator as aforefaid, be di
r-fteJ to make titles to William
Ford to the (aid trait of land at the
Court of Ordinary to be held in a id
for fa and county on the hi ft M nday
in March next, uniris caufc be
fhewn to the cwn-iarv; and that
ths rule be puoiifk <1 in one of the’
grsette* of th*s S<ate once a month
for rhe fpace of three m >nths.
A tiue copy from rhr nrnuici.
C. C. O.
A Lift of Defaulters of MaJUon
C unrv for i Sll
Archibald 8 a kufh p, Emanuel
Ja nes, T oman H il. wav, James
W* k oi. Jeirm ah Parks, Tr ©mas
Mo. rr, San. Reuben Allen, J*nn
Baugh, J sHo Ha s, John Mr'r,
Job W;idr, j hn Hendrick, Way.
J hv, Ji hn 3i-kc, Mrs, Moon,
F flwV C iriftian, Win. P-tard,
Ihi mas Connelly, John Hunter,
Sea.and Mrs. Trantham.
a. t. x. m. c.
Nnv 2^.
<AILL perfans indebted to the
ElUce of Miller Fleming, late of
Oglethorpe county, Geoigia, arc
reqjeftrd to make immed ate pay
ment. £ git cents per pound will
be allow* and f r p .ir clean cott< n,
delivered at M'K-nNc’s Wttrh’ uie
Augufta, tr ac dollar and fi y
crrj for merchantable feed cotton,
drl>vered at M r . J. G r trees', or
Mr. Robert Btedfoc’a Gin Houles,
Oglnhorpe county. Settlements
r*a’ be madt with Stephen Upfon,
X. q. of L~x m while nandi
the Books ana Paper* are depilu
t .
Fer M axy F liming, 4dm' tx, and
j.;hn Fl e ins, /Idm imfi rater,
Z fxingtt * } 07, i P 11 ,
4(* Meed ay the nit December utxl,
To the btfktft didder, the Plantation
whereon the Sstsfcnber note lives ,
L'ONTAINING two hurdred
nine and a half acres, on a credit of
one and two years. Aifo core,
fodder, hogs, cattle, &c. o:i a cre
dit of twelve mtnths—boed with
appraved fecuritr will be required.
Nov. so, iSia.
if, Oft. 19.
Te the Public. —The editor wilh
irg loembaik in foroe bi fintfs that
wilhtquire Ida of h s perfcnal at
tention, atid enable him to sefi iC
ut of ihe dty, with his fanvb, in
the fa 1 rwontha. acd alf> to h**e
•n opportu-nty of collefting h.s cu
merc uii vrhich have accumu
lated t fuch a degree as to require
his immediate attention, <'T rs fir
fait the eftabl fii Dent f the City
Nocircuinftanccs eut i hefe above
Raced could have induced him to
take this fte p, aid to qu 1 a bufinefi
‘ia which he ha* received f© liberal
a fuppurt, in an encreafe of patro
nagr beforr -unprecedented in Char
bft jn, and rn:ch ft.ii contiru< * 5
having received, fixty new fukicri
bers to the cf City” and upwards of
one hundred to the f< C/rolma Gx
svttc “ ftiue the fi ft of julv lalt,
aid at ne time hiv* theic pspt'J
flood h’gner in the public eft*aja
tion than at the prefent..
Tkr eftabi.flsment will he fold on
a credit of one, two, three ard f w
yeirs, aid peff i5 given 00 eke
fi.ft of January next. Undcubred
iccuriry and intend wdl be rc'qu r
ed. For further particulars
by letter, dirrfted to cht fubfcribcr,
ac this effi.e.
OJfi. e of the Cuy & Carotin* Gx
zettes , Ott 19 1S ii
P. S. I tie d.tOi refpeftfully re
q’lrfl* h s refxdiuen brethten of the
t througii* ui 1. c Uc.ior, to give
the ab v article a place in ir.eir
rcfpcltiye paper*.
/yrteame te xn er der *>f the hftrior
Court ef Clxrk coi.ny, at tbuonrt
beuj'e of fsid cvu*iy,
Wii.L bh >G,D
at the firjl t ac.iday in Jtnttery next
A r*Ct of U u where n Hn.ry
M‘Coy nfided at thr time at hi*
deccafe, contatmrg 441 1. rrs, (;ae
widcw’s dowry tx.ep ecl) j iurg
Harvc? near the Appalachee river,
being rhe whole oi the of
fan* deccaftd. Ihe place * wdi
improved, an excellent dwelling
houfe and other out h uirs, a large
peach orchard. COl fi ierable cre
dit will be given, the purr hater giv
ing bond with approved iemnty.—
To be fld for the benefit of rhe
hews and creditors of fa and decra rd.
Seft ember 15. ilia.
Te the bibbed bidder on the 1 %tb ef
Nevemeer n xt, at the Court Htxfe
ef Clark county, the follow pro
Oi\E grey horfe, levied on as
the proper 1 y ©f J sines Right to fa
tisfv h*s .ax for ills—tax due fix
dodars 47 cents.
T. C. C. C.
Oftooer tj, i?!2.
©F Oglethorpe ©n the 13 h inft.
tfi African Nrgro Man about
or 23 rears of age, has on a cotton
fh rt and ©verails and a ftriped ytft ;
fay* he belonged tc Wm. -
mery, deceafed, whn i-vtd in the
Cherckee Nation j he calls himfelf
Nov. 18, :3i2.
GEORGIA, > By John Smith
Clark county, } clerk ef the court, ■
*f Ordinary for faid ceu::ty.
ay plies fer letters of and irr> (Tun as
the executor of the laft will and
te flame nt of Wuhan# F.nch, de
I his is to cite and admonifh ?!1
fi gulai the kindred a*d credi
tors ct (f e laid decexfed, ro file
their ohj'ftfop* in mv r within
thirtv and.’ 1 ’ from this cate, or lettess
of difm Ti will be granted at Ja
tua y * ouri next.
G<*en under my hand this fj h
day of Nf vtmber, 1812.
aiiTiiw Imm ■ —hi 11 .....wiwir.wiHuahiiwunaiM ‘i m
NINE month* after date ! ftull
tnakc application tn the h:in
cubic the inferior court of Clark
countv, for leave to fell Ist
N . 59, containing 20a 1 nacres
of lad fvirg in the td dsfti ft **(
Baldwin -c. o?tv, when furveyrd,
bounded bv lots N s. 73, €O, and
46, aiKl bv diH'ift Na. x, *a rhe
lad county, on the waters of F fia
irgerrek, whic hod w-* g ained
to the heirs of R .chard “VV • vd, dee.
and to be fold for the bens fit of find
March 6, itii.
■■■■ Mii>w#iimwiiirx! <1 nnm mu mKSßmaeam
NINE months after date appti
caron will be made to rhe hosicra
ble the inferior court, when futirg
for ordinary purpofes, in the coun
ty of Jacklon, for leave to fell the
\?hok of the real eflaie of John
Hunion, efq deceafed, to wit 3 One
traft or land on yvhich the deceafed
containing two hundred two
and one half a< rrs, tn the couary nf
Jackfoe,. joining Walron Harris’
la d—one other traft adjoining tht
abwve, whereon SamtH Cioiket
lived, containing 16S acres—unt
other traft of land adjoining the
laft menti ned traft, beivg the traft
whereon Cary Evans fsrmerly lived
—one other of 472 acres—the
whole lying in Jackfon c©unt, oa
the waters of Applin's creek— f .h
fa and land when leave is obtained, fold
for the benefit of the heirs and cre
ditors of faid deceafed.
Adminijl rotors*
March l, 18 ix.
NINE meriths after date applica
tion will be made to the honorable the ■
Inferior Court of Gylttborpe county ,
for leave to fell a tr&X of land in faid
county , containing one hundred and
v&bty four acres (the widow's dowry
e.M'pfedJ on the waters of Cloud's
creek , joining ffm Era try and others ,
being part cf the real e/iate of Charles
Kelly, deceafed —to le /old for the
benefit cf the , heirs and creditors of
Jatd deceafed.
Oglethorpe, Gdtoher 9, lbn.
ALL per lorn having dim an An
the rftate of James Garratr, drrjj:
cd, are hereby not fird to rerdbr
their accounts duly attciled wiJhn
one year from this date, that |m.
v fi-?n raav be msde fer pavnieii--.
and all rhofe that arc indcbtrillwe
alfo notified to mak in;ntjsifcr
Nov. i 8 I 2.
GEORGIA, Jackfon county.
T TPON the petition of I'ToobL
U Hyde U jarnes M. C. ilviA.
gomery, Guardian* of
derfon Rogers, Mary R smt
David Rogers, infant child xt* af
Thomas Rogers, deceafed, fcaiyiife
that a given by Denied Jhbß
fan, Thomas Johnfon and JbK
Hampton, to thr court of
cf j <ck fan rcunty, dated cr tS
Bth day of Mav, I. the year i'B'ofl
with a penalty of fi e th< farii and K
lar.*, cunditiof ed for the rbidtfß
performance of dutv on
Daniel Johnfcn and Martha Jfcß
lon, as Guardians of the chiUbstroH
Thomas R ger*, deceafed, eeafbrJH
faid, may be rfbb! fh-d in if mi m
iheurigu *l, which h loft, SRff usß
by the affidxvic cf Edward
Efq lire. 1
It is ordered, That the fHB
be eftabldhed in lu u nf tiw oj gjß
Rai, udrla css lie b** fn?*wiito ihH
contrary j rhe aoplicanri pobH
lift y toth a order ar kaft E hi
a -d on> e in fi h vn
to the rftabl fh near l :i'm§ cop-B
in nnr of the pusiic G ‘.ztitmat thS
True copy from the minifas,.
Wm, PENTiam'* I
C!k 1. f. c
i , i 11 \mam i■■ iwhwJ|
On or before the t j h
sSii, I promife to pwr W
S.a ‘.ts, or bearer j, fev©, tv five del J
lara, ik gfif da, v v afVi priiot,;
vered in Warkinfvifle., far vaiu
rtocited, 15 h Oft her, *s!i.
On or before
1811, ! promife to pay Wrlhaai
Scarnas trraive dollars,
and a half cents, for value;
nth Stp ember, 1% 1 r.
Oner before the 25 h Decembp|
1808, I promife to pay Judith Ra
mey futy dollars, for vakr
ed. (Date pot rect'lW ft©vLJ
Cred't on the !aA Noar* March
li iQ, for fifteen
Georgia, Clark county*
W ILLIAM sTAr,Ni*bipg du
ly fworn, ia open mak?th
oath, that h hsd rhf &rg- >rg
Notes in his p&ftT: flimi, which
the above, as well a* cam. be rccl-
Ufted, are true copies, —dchat he
l©ft hi* pocket bonk, in they
were contained, and thn re ha* ROC
fince found them, nor ha ht been
able to get any informatics* of the
faid pocket bock or po-frs.
Sworn to and fubfcr.bfd hi feet
me, this 25th May, 1 2 is-
On motion of Counfcl* —
It is ordered Thar all perfiin*
concerned in the Nte* are
hereby r*qi red to be and appear ac
the Superior Court to b* held H
and for this county, on iht third
Monday in March next, to (Lew
caule, if ary they have, why faid
Notes fhculd nut be eftabifiied in
lieu cf the originals.—and fthis rule
be pubMhed in thr Georgia Exprtfs,
once am mh far iix m nsyfe*.
Air a: copy f sm the Mfwvfies,
CtCT t.