Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, December 11, 1812, Image 1
V ©l.. V.) ATHENS, ceoroia: published ay ALEXANDER M*DONNELL, C O N T G R S S. *■ IS House of Representatives. £ Friday, Ngv, 13. ■T he fo 11 0 w D-g M fT•g* v ?* - 9 ( ,!v^d fr om ■ t.t Prfiti •■>.*■ 0 ‘ t ! • * Ml. States, by Mr. Cales his Sucre ■<- 9 a the Senate and Uoufe of Reprefsntwives oj the U S. B For the further informal. 1 0 f Kx'g'cfs, relaivs to the pac;fi ad ■vtoces made on the part of rhe gi- Bfffnirjt nt to that of Great Br ain, i:d the manner in fchieh they have fcrn met bv the la ter, I trarfmis ■;h? ftq r:l rf the communications lon that fu j A, received from the ■kf Chefg- TAfTiif es I end -n. JAS. MADISON. Nov. 12, 1812, Air. Rm/PU to Air. Monroe. I i>&2on, i 9 lb September, i § 12. Sir, - On the 12tn mft I rccLift ed your letter of the 27b? of July hi!, and the copies of my no r e to jL'ird CaHSercaghj, snd of his Lord ft-pi reply enclolcd herein, will \vJ. m yon that the propofi ions, rode in cocfcquence of it, have been relented. As I have but this moment heard of the immediate departure of the Friends, I have nmt only to add, that I have received iire co>nrm*ri jeptions of M r . G abam of thv’ 9:0 ir. iof.h of Aoguft, by rhe Glean er, and that I leave London t 1 is evening, to emha kon b?a 1 the Link, at Plymouth, for N 1 i- Y */k f am, with great reTpefft ir.d con fi-Jeratton, fir, your faithful .and o* b? ft-n* i&iv&r'.z. (■Signed) JON A. RU j‘>ELL. P. S. Aa interefti g interval w took place between L .*rd CadV ** r gh and rwylVif on t/,c 16 h in and. tnc amount of which I nreft, (or went cf tme, refer ve u>til Iha ve the tv to foe ■* on. A/r. Ruffell to Lord Caikrr*%h ißj Bent inch St. 12 tb Sept, li 12. Private. Mr Lord —In confequeruie of additional 1 .ftiivsh<ns which .[ re ceived from my gyvernment; this morning, I called ah t ut noon a.j t e F >.rc*gn Offi c, at.d f and w ; r h re gret that your lore Ihsp was cut of town. My object ‘tas ?o reente to your ‘ore Pn’p tlk powers under which I 26V, that vou nvght perceive their val chty and cx’fnt. I have however for p it co dare them ftibftantlally in the rfli al letter which \ have heretth rhe honor to tranfmit to your lord (hip, but fhculd you find any thiNgtha fhnds 3■- need of exp’anat ‘< n, previous to bring fubmiterd to Ls Roval High r*Hs, I fhall remain t: i3, B-. :jck Street, to receive tl 1 commands of your Lord (hip. If your lercfli p con].], in courtesy, find any motive in rny perfcnsl convenience to haft en a dec’fion upon the propofi ions which I have f'ubnviued ; the it a fon o r t‘i? year, my anxl 1 tv to depart (ail my arrangements bo: g made and all my baggage hcvtrg left town) and the detention rf the Lark at much exjwmfe, will plead power fully in rnr favor. I have the honor to be, with great GEORGIA EIXPRESS. “VUhY SHALL rtfM TO Aff FRO, AK KXGWLIDQI SMALL IB IMCRtAll®.** cbnfiierariou, yatar Lordfbip’s very oftedte t and ver* humble brvsn?. ({%>-'*) JON A. RUSSELL, L.ord Vtjcennt CalVereagb, &c. (j?c. Mr RufffU to Lord Cadkrefigb Is, Bnfitick it 1?, Sept 1812. My Lord—i baft’ , authorized bv *; tt; u£L bs ruceadv received Tram the government of the United b'SAf, ans urged by an u.feigned Jinxiety to ar-*eft he calamilus of /a*, tv pro pole to your L dfh*p a C 0 v-n"ion for the (pipe /fin of ft ILi lifts, to take ‘ fi\d at luch ?! me as rra be mutually eg*eat up O! % and ftipula i g that eich parry il u!l forthwith a- p int comm fii. n -1 $, with full powers to for.Jo a trea t v, w hich fhftl provide, by neoipro c al arrangements, fer the fhrurky of t heir learner., from be:r;g taker or c toplo) rd i t the. fei vice oi toe other f ewer; for the rt guia ftus of thetr c ommerer, and all - ther irtt* rrfti: g e a:; fti >r.s ncnr depending between t htm, and that thea-oi fto i fliall f ipt eeafe wiihout inch previosts no t ice by one to the other pnm, as t nay be agreed upon, and fh-li nor \ e underflo’ dskha 1, g anv o her t Ifutf, than tnrt'lv to fuip-nd mil.- t arv operations by laod & , r l by fa. In prop fig to vnur Lordlhip I ‘htfe terms tor a fu'pe fin of Oof • übnes, I am ro'come to a cWr and and ftirvT underftanriing wi h his B iranic M j ft-’*, g .vera intnt, w?thrut r<.quiri g i.. ip be k rmal, coneerr:h.g io l lrt ffrr t m, compr fieg in ti the difehavge of the anzr r>’- r f the TJ ted ‘ tap s already imprVff-d j and concerning future bio. kades ; the rp'f>-:-ation of the erd<“s ‘in council bvirg cor firmed. Y yr Lojdfhsp s aware the: the power of ihe government of the U. States to pr h bit the employ mcr-t of B.uifh Iram*’ 1 moft br < xereikd in ihe ler fe and (pint of the coufti tHiion j bur there is no rtafon to cb u! t but that it will bt fo exceeded efT* dually and with g >cd faith. St h a measure, as it night by durable regulation! and penalties be made completely rflf dual and fauf faclorv, w; uld operate aimed rx dtlively in favor of Great Britain; for as lew Americas It amen ever enter voluntarily into the Bruifli fervicr, the reciprocity would be nominal, and ;r u. fi ce-elv beueved that it he m. rc :han an equi valent for any a vantage (he may derive fr m in>p r * (Tnent. 13 v the propvfidon which I have now’ the honor to make in behalf of my government, your Lordfh pwill perceive the earned drflre of the Piffl ient to remove every obftacle to an accomm .'adon, which c*n fifts merely of form ; and to fee ure the r : g -cs and interefts of the Uni ted in a manner the mod fat isfactory and honorable co Great Britain as well as to America, The importance of the overture now made, will, I cruft, ©b an for it the early confident on of hs Royal H ; gnrefs, dvr Prince Resent, and I fha*l d?cain thf° vrffrj in which I have rsken mv p*fijg to the U. States, until I have the honor co learn, fus ifion. I have the honor to be, rrfiy Lord, with high ieracion, yet*r Lord- ft) *)'s m ft obedient fervant. (Signed) JONA. RUSSELL. Lord Viccuvt Caftlereagb , CJc. 0?c. It’ d (.aftltreagb tc Mr Rujfell. L ‘rd Caftlcreagh prrfcnts h.s cern plimems to Mr. fL fftll, and re quefts to have the honor of kci g fvrn n s houfe in St. Jamesd Square af 9 o’J • k this evening. Foreign office, Sept 16, 1812. N. B ftrceiveti a truer before 5 ob l :*ck. Mr. Uamilt n to Mr. Russell. D: ar Sir, I have not fren Lo-d Criftle reag 1 ’ fince his receipt of ycur two lifters nf the - —but ha>c re cciv<d his dir*dlio.-s to fay to you that iie is concerned that he caniiot have it in ius power to r*pl'. co tht mf r a few da s; or would ha e had mu h pleafurc in a trr.dirg rn rrv dVa-'Jv fo vour rcauHt u; that J / L re'p-<ft. You ttiav he fiVed that no delay wII axe pLc^, which cannot hr avoided. I am ft ft.thfirb Y'>urs, W HAMILTON. Foreign OJjire Sept 6 1812. Jenatbtn Kufjell Rfq. i*?c Mr. b u-iiLLL v Mr. Hami; t h. D a Sr, I have learnt with much >c-* aid and fapp urr mmr thne L rd Caftiereagh has von to in form mr that it is not in h s power t g've an in r.ed ?. e anfw -r to ti> lift iercers whi h I nave ihe hoo'W ro to him. Tn? ob jetft of cbofe letters wa& of a nature tw require an early decifi >. Ke li?ft:>', however, by any p'-iiopf tancy on m p-rr, to prutract the prefent unhappv rr a >ona brcw.en the two court'r-es, I beg vfui .0 ac quaint his lorvifiiip J ; *t I ih*il te- Mr.-’ a in town ancii Sunday ujft.) when ur.iefs fame fpi-cui a .ti fausfcft .ry reai’on ba uftigned for a lo g r deby, I fhali coo filer it to bi mydu'y ro proceed to Rlytnouih to erTmurk for che United Srarea. I a?n dear fi', with great truth & reipejft, your obedient iervint, (Sfg'ied) JONA. RUSSELL. 18 Hentinck St Sept . 16, 1812. N B Sent at three o'clock. Lrd Castlersagn toMa.Rus- SELL Foreign Office, Sept. 18, 1812. SIR, Under the cstolanations you have afforded me ot the parure of the inftruftiona which you have re ceived from your government, I have, as on the preceding ocealion, induced to lay your letter of I2rh inft. bffore His Ruyai Higi nefs the. Pr'mce Regent. H'S Rsyal H.ghnefs commands me t'l exprefs t you h’s ntgret that he cannot perceive any !u -ft-in ial tiifHrene* between the prupofi tou for a fufpecfi.n cf hoit.ii:ies tvnich you are now directed to mak. , and that which was confuted r* y ur letter eTthe 24 hof Aug at U.t.- The form of the prepMeu an >ge mrnt it is true, ii different ; bu. it only appears to aim ar rxru hs lame purjvift in an re c.vcrt, and therefore m a more oujc&w'xjdtfte manner'. You arc now dir:£tcd 0 require, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, iSia. as preliminary to a fufpfnfi''n of hoftifutes, a clr*r ard drftii.d un reiftaudirg, without however, re quiring it to be formal co all the points referred to in your former propefivion. It is oh.ions thar, were this propcfal acceded to, the dilct.nUn on the f veral p lots mnft fubftau.uirv precede the ur.der ftanding required This c cur ft of proceeding, as bea mg jn the face of i: a ri of d• ‘guhe, is now onlv felt tc be in principle ir*ad n lfiblc, bur as un likciv co lead in practice to any a<l va ,tagv‘aus rciult: as it does t->t appear on th ;mpostint & of imp flfneac that you arc eitrii • au thortkd r o p opuie any ipe fr: plan, with reference to which * e. fufpe? fi >n of that pracri. e couid oe m<*de a lubj dt of dehbera inr, or t/sat y u r.i <sivcd anv inftrudV : s for rhe guidance of:onr f puduYt c-n fome cf thv Fading principles w h fuch ad Irufi: :r* niuft in the li ft inftanoe involve. Under thefe circumftances the Prince Rrg-;it lint t rely Lrnerts that he and h.s net feel h mftlf ena bled to depart from the dec fi on, whir h I dire&cd co convey to yt u in my letter of the 2d 1? ft. I havr the honor to be fir, your mole obedient ftrvant. (S g tc?) CASTLEREAGH. Jonathan Rnffiell, hfq 1 Mr. ;*u ell Mr. M nroe. London , Sept. 19, 1812. Sir, Since wri‘?rg you this m rn- . irg„ ftari g dia- 11 : ° g ver ipncnt fh ■ 1 jifJ iuler fr m rn- fiience an ac qUHih cri e in the ft aege and ii‘l warran v>ew whi.- h L rd Csf tlcieag.u in his I-ft upt< thoegh? fr z., i&K*- . f ran oveoij- es . h I nave u )mi tied, and of th* n vv ers unvTr which 1 acted, I have cor fi k'ffd it my duty to rritirn an anfwer, of which the en..ioitd is a CQpV. With grear rci fi ’erat : on and rrf pftfl, I zn fir, your afifared and Ouhtdient lervant, (Sgaed) JONA. RUSSELL. Hon James Monroe, cTr. Mr. huoELL to Lord Castle- R HAG H. London, 1 gib Sept. ißi2r Mr Lvrd, I had the honor t > receive, laft evening, your lordfii r ’s n -re ( i ytib:rda/ •, and have lenrat with great reg et and clifappoin in nt char his roval highuels the Prince R gent has again rejeft-d -h’ j ft avd mode rare pr->tv fib -.5 f.,r a fuipenfi ;a of hoft h:i s, which I have i.fl ucfc and to prei'ea: on the pare 01 rn > g >vrrnrnent. A’-er the verb’.! expi.viadins which I hl l ri;c h>n r • rf and your L irdfhi?) r.n the 16 ! inft. both as to the ,hj Yc and fuffi .cn cy of my niiruft • 7, {did “x ---peeft to near repeate 1 my o j Yt: jp.s on thde pTin*s. F r iti-If, tue Amcncaa g •/►romeat has n itV”g to diftju dr j and by varying the prop (ii ;i as to tie mar, ter of cycling to a .'reium’nary tin lerfta id iag, u merely intended w iu.e u (No. BJ9*