Newspaper Page Text
tk< Bhifh thatV7!*ck
might bed# ft r o •g-r.ilal t< us feel
ings l*he prop ft i*ns prrfcntcd
br me, however on the 14 h of
Angjft and 12th xnft. arc aiftin
gu ;h*b!e by a diverfit* in fob
lfo*ce as well as in the m~*de of the
objrft which they cm'ua r i j as by
the former, the and fcon imiance of
p r *£tice of impr*fFnrnt wa3 to be
im mediate, and topic cede ‘he pro
hVhirory law of the United S a cs
relative to the employment of Bn
tifh foamert 5 whj-n by the la;err
bn*h the f- meafures are deferred to
take effect fi nulcaneoufl hereafter.
Having rude a prec fe tender of
fw~h law, and exh'bited the iriftruc
tims which warranted it to your
Lordfhip, I have learnt with fur
prife that it does not appear to
your Lour flu p that I am authorized
to propoff any foer fie plan on the
fuhjeft of impr (Tn w. ifh di
hp? that the ovet'J~es made by
me may again be tak"n inc* c o fi
de ra: ion by his Britannic M j If *8
government j and as 1 foav* town
this afternoon for the United States
that it will authorife foroc agent to
proceed thither and ad >p: them as a
feafis for reconciliation between the
two nintries, an event fo devoutly
to be w* fhed.
I have the honor to be, my L*rd,
your m fl obedient humble fe: v’c.
('S e -’)
IJn*i Lord Cafllereagb i£c
Mr. Ru sell to Mr. Monroe.
[!’■ ‘' j
On board the Lark, 7 tk Nov. 1812.
S ; r,
I have the honor to inform you
tha I am now p>.fnig the Na r'ws,
and expreb to land :n New Y >rk
this day. I con cive it my duty 10
repair ro the feat of government,
and (hall fet off as foon as I can ob
tain my bgg*ge. In the mean
tiov- I am ferry to inform you, that
the fecond proportion for an arm f
ti<'* was rrj <*Aed Ike rh fi ft, and a
vigorous prolecuif >n of the war ap
pears to be the only hosoi&bl; al
ternative left us.
I have the honor to be, with great
confideration and refpcift fi., your
very obedient fervanr,
Hen. James Monroe , c. {? c.
The following Remofftrance,
repnrted by Mr. Charlton , and una
n y\ a fly concurred in by both
B a--ches of our Leg figure, is con
vincing proof of the pairiotifin of
that b >dv, and th#ir JlGlicirude for
thr general wea! — Georgia Argus
To the Senators and Peprefenta'tves
of the State of Georgia in the Con
grejs of the United States,
The General A/Tembly of the
State of Georgia, beg leave through
you gentlemen, to remonftrate a
gaivift the trade now carried on with
Spain and Portugal u&der the fanc
tion and authority of law, ad for
thefe obvious rrafotu j that Spain
and P .tugal arc aliks of Great
s'Lain, occupied bv her troops, &
as much dependent upon the pow
er and i.fl icnce of Great Bn am, as
if they were component (edtions of
he’ Empire or colonies thereof. In
feedmg therefore the armies of En
gland in Spam and P .rtugal, *. r
\ a>'i other pretended neutral power,
Fin alliance with, or, dependent up
© the energies of Britain, ‘is
indiredlv lupporrn g that govern
in’ n*-, ->r (applying i with th- means
[. ■ th"rwde to be obtai *•] of
pretra&ieg ? hr j*/fl and n ? iLry
war in which cu- r public s now
engaged to a . iod fi -ixt,;; a.d
at the /acne tune, txhibm. g to the
world, the curious foeer&cle of oqc
b r li gernt fir aiding the
eft rts of the opp fi g belligerent,
inc trade to thtle adies cf Great
Britain, is not, and tannut be coun
tenan-'fd, or tolerated, by that por
tiop, and it mav be added that n
verwhelming m j rity of the cifi
7. -ns of thefe Un t-d Stater, who
iiave lupp r ed ana will coatirsue co
fupport our national gnveraflrent in
this ficond ‘in'cft with the Laugh
rv and oppi ASm-mar h) of En
i tie propk f rh s (late, are
k iown to be Z’ dr ufl devoted to
the republican 1 fti uttons of rheir
country, as w* 11 as to them prrfcnt
rulers and admiadlran- n ; and are
prepared at all hazard* co faerfice
their lives and their fortunes ; n the
prefent conrtft with the cnerav.—
Bur, the Ltg iU ore of Georgia
w nild again b g Lave to elk thro*
yon, gervlrmen, of w*>.a: thefe
eff.rts wdl be oppoicd by avarici
ous fpecuiatnrs fuppl-i g fheftarv
ing armies of E- giand, in the Sp?.n
ifli Pf ‘itifula. Would not the Bri
tdh government la-rifi e her pof
fcfT; >ns on this continent, if per
mitted to manna n its ground in
Spam and P rtugal, thr -ugh the
fat ilinei* of a commercial mtercourfe
bctAfen thr ft countries, 23d Uni
ted Anvr ca.
Thr Gcnr ral AfTembly of Geor
gia cannei'her ompo-hend or ac
cede to the policy which fufftrs
that intercourfe. In its efiGits it
operates ex; luf: r!y t the ruin rif
the inteiior ag culruralifls, 2nd of
all the pttrio-L ,a mro and plant
ers of toe Umtcd Sta'es, who will
not, or, are no and Tpofrd >0 confent
to the txp’ r .s'icn of rice, fl jur,
gra ; r>, or oht r h cad fluffs and pra
v.fii.ts, to the countries occu
pe l b< B 1 fa aimirs j and can
only be promoter of the views and
i tnrefts of a clafs ->f ("peculators,
with whom al! formi of gvcrn
raem are the and who arc ever
r ady to rrt fl their fortunes upon
rh~: u'-ns of jufticc, and the nation.
Wth h*fc before you,
g ntbmen, emanating from this
luurce, yru are hereby rcqiuftrcj,
for, and in bthalf of thu Stare, (if
Georgia, to remo* fl* ate aga nft any
winch has, or ma ; be ta
k’ a to legalize the intrreourfe re
ferred co j and alfo to ufe your beft
exerti'-ns to inhib t ir, by an ad of
Csjcgrefs of th’ Uaurd itcaces.
The following extraff of a letter to
the editor , from an cjficer of ref
fetlabiliy, at Point Petre dated
lid Nsv contains important in
formation which may be relied on.
Georgia Argus.
“ Col. Smith Laves us this mim
ing for h s camp to make arrange
ments for the comu g florm, he tells
me, in three weeks at farthtft, we
may expedt to br ordered on to the
walls of St. Auguftme, if not in a
fonnigh : this infurma'vion he de
rives and receives by * Saturday’s
mail from fources not but to be re
lied on j hr appears not to doubt
but that we (hall receive fuch or
dns, and the period above
menrioned j he drew a plan of St.
AugufLnr, (h wfd us the plan of
attack, if he commenced, that would
be adopted, winch he drew and ex
plained to us, and which I (hall at
tempt to delineate to you in my
“ C >l. Smith pointed oat the
m ft vulnerable pods, (hewed us
vvcitie we fh.uld have to aft, which
I will point to you alfo in my next,
bv ref< ren r—f u ffi e it for the pre
i’ r ‘, \r (ha. have to aiff, the offi
ccis aiid men will be picked and
fp’e&ed for the different pnih.—
C i. Ch-ambers informed me this
mi**ping that he txpefled Col.
Pinckney on in e : ghr isr ten days at
who, he exprded will
bnr.g a’ leaft a regicnent of regu
Tars. We had the plcafure of fee
ing a fl op of war fF the bar the
orher day, the fame rha v fi cd Sa
vaanah j Ihc a b'at out found
l'ng the bar. which as foon ay a gun
boat fthonner cummanded by capr.
Hulbrrt, went our c* prevent the
(hip’s comin g over the bar, retreat
ed to the fh p, who carried Ameri
cta colors and a fignal for a pilot.
The guo-boat proceeded out to the
bar and gave the B;ic;fh an oppor
tunity of attack, had (he been (0 in
clined ; but (lie made to fea imme
diately, rhough not without an at
tempt on the part of capr. Hulberr,
to impede her prog re is j hr fi ed
2 32 pour.dfrs at her, which was
plainly fern from the point, though
without efFe&, I was on board
capt. Huiben’a bat the next day ;
hi* m f ormed me that had it r.ot bee.s
for the chop of the fea, he chinks
one of hi* fin s would have reach
ed heti ihe has not been heard
From Lake Ontario.
On Sunday the ILh of Nov. thq
fqu.dron under Can. Chauncy,
confififtsng cf the brlj Onecia and
fevco fchooners, mounting in a!) 44
guns, failed, and chafed into King
lion Bay the Royal George a. and
feheouer Sincoei 2nd after a fevers
cannonade from the Fort, thr fi-et
returned with the lofsofne Raman
killed the enemy, and fweral
wounded on board one e-f Ame
rican fehooners, by the buft r*g (and
a gun. The fLe r brought inti*
sa:kct’s Harbor two pr zrs, mer
chant vc/Lis, on board of one of
which was capt. B o k, nephew if
tnc late gen B'oik Tne fi ec
faded aga:n on Friday eight iaft, la
purfuTc of ihe Duke of Giouccfter
and Prince Regent, Briufh aimed
vefleis.— ’L'ht War.
Northern Army.
Thclar ft intelligence from Platf-
is, that an immediate aua k is
intended upon Lower Ca ada. A
letter fn*cn an offi er, dated at
Plaiifburgh, the 12th Nov. which
we have feen, fa*s, “ We are r®
march immediately, without bag
g*g or tents, and every tuiag we
carry will be on cur backs, sad the
Heavens and a blanket our only
covering, till we take winter quar
ters by foue of arms. Our force is
6 or 7006, all in high fpirits.—
Montreal, *s s expr<?ted ; will be our
fift place of attack. "-r-lhid.
Batavia , Nov 3.
From Bla k Rmk we learn, that
an expedition was fitting our lift
week, by t>ur brave fadors, to take
his majefty’s armed (hip Charlotte,
while Ihe lay at Fort Erie > but
that, €t one of the Brinish partv in
America” went aerofs the lake and
informed the enemy of the failcrs”
plan, when file immediately cleared
out. We underftand that the gen
tleman has finer been apprehend
ed arid is now m fate keeping.
Rtp Adv.
New-Lijbou , (O JOB 30.
Laft 1” hum ja y w e*k acb fin of
the United Stares anlkry of abnui
36 pieces, fonit h , 9*, and iß>,
pafled thrt ugh this town, on their
way co Woofter, to join the army
under Gen. Harrif©n, efcorted bv
two companies of Peuufylvavia Fo
luKteers j on Friday follow u.g tn-'et
regimeftf* of iafactry 11 feur trop
•f korfe, with fixty baggage wa^.
gCSL* ( y g . K t. < -k’ (<: J
gaiie fir ni PyinhUa a)
near this town, and ©r> Eft
they ft u- k their tenta ara m* rh
ed throi gh here to join the a* my
under g' Harrilcw. The rc
tnaindtr is dadv *'xp<-iftyd on with
feme morv art‘llvr. 1 hey w*re
all in hcaith, armed, 3 and
made a handfotr.e and w&rl’ke ap
peal in c, aod above ail, they ap
peared, witht.ut exception, to a
rr mated wirh a high degree of par
ilotifm, indignant at their coun.ij’s
Vermont Non-Intercourfs Lam.
The houfc of representatives of
Vermont have paffed a bill f r a
ncm-inre rcourfe between that ft ate
and Canada. Is er.afts, that frc,m
and after the of the bill, i.o
perfon fhall be allowed to pafs thro s
or from this fate into Canada, under
any pretence whatever j n9r pafs thro
or come into iknt fiate frem Canada
without a permit from the styer
nor, or fome perfon by him ap
pointed. Any violation of this law
fubjf As the violator to a fine, not
exceeding one thoufand dollars, or
confirtement to hard labor in tke
fiiatf prikrs, sot exceeding (even
years, either 01 botfe, as the court
1 ra’ think preper. The bill add
enatfts, that if any perfon fosil be
driving horfes, cattle, or cenveving
any property towards Canada, fo as
to create a reaforable fufpkion that
the fome is intended for Canada, he
(hall be liable to be apprehended
without a warrant, and detained ©
reaienabic time t© procure a war
rant. Perfons coming frem Cana
da a*-e allowed tog. diredt to r he
Rea ! ?ft perfon autbcrTfed to give 2 j
pcrmiftioi i.—fVar paper.
Louisville , Ken. Off. 22.
Arrived at this place, ycfLdiy ij
morai: g, ca their return home from
the city of gca. Wm.
Clarke, and the difti-re nr L than
4 hiefs who accompanied him to vi
lit the Prt fident.
Wc are infermed, the Irdians are
anuch plcafed with their treatmenr*
and generally dilpoied 50 embark in
tlif \fii wither without perm (lion
of the gerera'gv vtri ment j rh* Q-
fug3 parncularly, ard fbe Seux are
hvghlv exaffetaied ‘ft the Ii ft
ans who dcftrr?yed M f . Bu* Li. ’t 4
property or rhr P arle de Chu^..—w
Tie Sacks, F- x*s and I wa’s are
allv much cfoplealcd. W* have
redfoa to believe, gen. Clarke wftl
[n®t eppofe their w lhfrs-—indrctf
ound p®iicy m the prelent critiraf
pofture rrqmrcs it. Their
men caoa; t he
oppofinon be pei fiftd m, they will
join the catmy.
A r fw York, Nov. 19.
By the Steam Boat—-In for mar® if f
is juft received, from commodore !
Ciiauacey, on Lake On?ar;o, that
the fl cilia ueTer his command hav® %
captured a nuiaber of Britifh mer
chafit vtfi fo, lent them into
our parts. We have full hope -hat|
every pubfic vcftVl on rhe lake will
icon be in e&r p ft’ fli >n.
From Sc. D'-ming^.—Gaptainr
Lyan who arrived at this port *h:s
rooming, in ti days f xcm St. Do
m'ngo,-infoross rhat there had breo
a hard fought battle between ?he #
armies of Petren and C riftephe*©
fewdavs before he failed, in which
the latter was defeated with cor fide-#
ralde lo!s. After the battle C;<r:f
tophe was killed by one of Gs aid
dc camps, at a meeting of hit * ffi