Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, December 18, 1812, Image 3

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e&tu injinvates a intention tefur ren der * IVe ere quite in aft cite offuf ptnfe and anxious to be freed from it.** How glaringly prepeft.-rous for the tppofttionifts , at this enfit , to fpeak if the magnanimity of the Britijh go vernment The edifice of Bntijb W'ignanimty reared by them could be -very eaftly demoliflsed. f?bat a de plorable trait of it is evinced in ex citing the ruthlefs favage to butcher our women and children. It is but •very feebly pourtrayed in the imp ref] ment of our citizens , preventing .hem from pu fuing their honeft avocations , d< aggiug them rrom all they hold me ft dear and plunging ‘hem into an abyfs of bondage more degrading to human nature than that prattled in Barba ry 5 e'rd compelling them to fight a gainft their country What a wife- Table /pec i men was given of it when Henry was employed to /educe our ci tizens from thetr allegiance to their government And when overtures were made by Buffett , the majl hono rable end humane to both nations that could have been dsvtfed for preventing the cjfxfibn of human gore foe exbi bi s b n a fa 3 /peblade ef her magna nimuy. From an extract of a letter pub lifhccl in the Uft Georgia Journal) ft ■; ore ef the volunteers under capt Camming dated Camp St J/hns December ijt, 1812, we bave/elebled the following: f * She army at this place is now a boat 500 ftf eng and in the courje of s few weeks we fhaii be joined by a b.u- 400 more that are encamped at Point Petre As joon as the ether troops join us , we are informed that %ve ihatt march to Col Smith's Camp , before St Auguftine ) and the Gun Beats Rationed on the river eppo/ite to tu* camp have received orders >0 ripait to Auguftine to be jointd by feme aber Naval force , for tbe pur pole of befieging the four e/s of Saint ALuguftine.” Much clamor having been ex .ited fa t- Minds cf many of ou• citizens ref vetting the conduit of the Governor of ms Stan w the late expedttm a gti’njt We Ind?ans~-we deem it proper to \ive pubticity to the following re port, as coming from a large and ref pe tfabh com mute) after a pttient and car did in vefttgation of faXs Submitted to them —Georgia Argus. I $t naic, N/v. 19. THE committee on the ftate of the Republic having bad under their con /deration fo much of his Excellency the t overnor*s communication as re lates to Indian affairs — Report &l i ii ws ; That from the contents of the docu ments which they have atltntvniy considered in every point of view, the conduit of his Excellency Governor Mtteheil 4 has seen entirely csrreß, m its tendency , and mauifeftly beneficial to the community at large Hts du des alt ho* arduous t have been dij charged with an ability and prompti tude entitling bm to the full end perjtß confluence of your committee . Washingt n City, Dec. 1. In the nouje of Reprefentstives but tittle bufinejs was done yefterday. — The dfcttffion of the Jubjefl which ap pears to excite the greateft tnttreft here , viz. re/peft’ng the di/pofttion to he made of the goods imported from G. Britain by merchants tn various fea p&r.'S) during toe lad Jammer , was on fuggeftion of Mr Chcves, popponed to tVednefaay , when it is expelled to give rife to conpderable debase, it be tng a trpic on which there exifts ml a little diver/ity of opinion > and involves property- l • ’':*fi ?of twenty mil lion 5 >t u , In the senate) toe bill originating in the flo-cfe of Reprefent atives, which it will be remembered has been amended in that body by flriking cut the fell ion authori/tng the enliftment of ail per ptrfons over 18 yean of age, was yekerday read a third time and faffed , after ccn/derable debate . A bill was yefterday introduced into the H tjic of Rreprefentttivr*, for iscreafi thr Navy of the U. States. Toe bill •$ in blank ; nut ir is underdid, that the Committee propole recommending the building of Icur fh-picf 74 grins j four Urg f: gate sand f nr - litis of 16 gum. I. i* imp ffiile to lay what wII be the fate or th;s prop fi i>n ; but we ate inclined to think the Navy will receive an augmentation of its prelent force. GENERAL ORDERS. Adjutant General'* fficf., H djbhgton City, 1 yth Nov 1 6 la. Cc .a.u pu )m a . ns ij*. ug ap peared in the new {paper*, giving information fo deia.l of the ttitiigth and probable objeft* of tre a; ones to which the venters are laid to oe long; which information, i’f true, i* < uiact-d to appf zc the enemy of their It; mg h, it incurred!:, t > ml --lead the pfouc mind ; it has be come neo fIV? to pur a itop to ail fu. h pubi cat: ns in future, by re minding the Offi era .and ioldieis of the A;mv, that ail communication* relative to thdr dunes, or o the public fervict, fh iirid be math to their immediate command!? ,-ffi cert, and fro dd ng th-:m to canes pord on thtle fuoj* CL with any otficr pertons* rtferving to ail c e rg us fecured to them by the Rules ad A tides 0* War. By oruti or the & arv of war. T. H. CU 11NG, A juiam General. Northern 4rmy. — W ba/e letters of uu and <ot th ib h infir. whish give fume particulars f the intend ed operations the Northern Ar my. F ana jrje tif wuica we eitirad; the folio n. igi “ Platfburg, Monday evening, November 16. <* This m rnent the Army .& par ad ng to march to Canada. L has been under march! .g orders leveiai da> i, but it wu nut certai.i to inarcii until ysfterda/, when G< < D ar born arrived neo\ 1 will %t> aoout kooo ft 0 g, md wiii g> u f reed mar, cs. W e:htr it s g.ung jn a me re p zt so inaiK a ftaad, if it can, public opinion has one yet aLertained j out tnat it daca not in rend tc furrender wicnout a Isttlc fig tieg is cfearly ah creamed in the p-biic in *id. I believe Gen. C aa dicr wul comma nd, as Gen D ,ar born s go*-, g and General Bioumfidu N T. paper . By the lateft accounts from Platts burg, it is mentioned that the army have marched for Canada and to at Gen Dearborn had joined them on the 17 ib nit. to take the command tn perfon. It is confidently offer ted that the Jtrft place attacked will be Montreal. New York, Nov . 2. LATEST FROM PORTUGAL. Y tte*da r arrived a*, thia pr , the P , ig.ieie br,g Armzade, from L fbj.i, which port fhc left on the a jo; Od >oer. By this a< rival we karn vrrbaily, ihat Juno, from for Lfb , was .aptured, vff uat port l)j a Bnbui fetter of J and fent to Greenovk ; the L ; f Marque had be. n Jze 1 in the Tagus, duman lrd, and w uld not be given up until the lafe arri val of the Juno. Lord Wellington was at Burg >s, and ex >e£t"d to have a grn< ai oar tle. The French General, Mff na, had entered Spain, with 15000 men. M irmont and K g J deph, had formed a jun6U n a Grenada.- Gen. Mai iand, at the head of 10 - 000 mca had left Sicily, and had Kudt a dtfeent on the C uf Spain. Louis the 18r ~ had arrived at Ldbo.i from Eng'and, w h a large ret!>.ue, and was gerr-g to join L#rd Wdii gton. It is /aid that the legiflature of Vtrvioni has puffed a lots ior rai/ing Jeven regiments of volunteers—each foUier to receive 30 aohars aunty, and have kis wages made up to ten dollars per month. Gen Hull has been notified b\ the deer cl ary at War, that his tequed ft)all be competed with asfoev. as p (ft bit, and that a lift of the charge) and witntffes will be fhsrtly made and tradmitted to bun It give us particularfatisfaftion to bear that General Harr/on had taken frifiner B> igsditr General ecunfeh that he might be exchanged for Brigadier Ge neral Hull fo that the latter might ie perfectly free to meet the iccifion of a board of Imcrican officers on bis con dud at Detroit —P tl. Prcfs. Soften, Nov 24. Tefterday arrived in Quarantine Road , tee Bntijb iranjpori fbip Hoy alift, Capt Clarke. 24 days from Quebec, wish *3o efftc f andJoldtcrs of the (J V. Reginttnf, tax’* at De troit—and no w rclea/td on par ale Onejoldier died ou board and fve* al Art /aid to be Jick Another ais - port failed in company alfo for Bojlon, with troops, af whom 60 arejdid to be Jick lwo other lran/ports were toJau fan afterwards. The joldtcrs, as they arri ue, are to be landed at Fort Independence NOTICE. I FOR IV4RN all ptrfons from trading for a certain note of handgi ven by myfelf to Edward Butler of Morgan county for eighty /even dol lars, drawn the thirteenth day of December , eighteen hundred and ele ven, and made payable the nr ft day af January tight ten vundrtd Ci? thir teen in as much as / have an ac court, again ftJmd Sutler S 4MU EL WAihRS. Oglethorpe county, Dec 4, 1811. NO l ICE. Nine months after date, applica tion di be made to the honorable I .ferior courty of Randolph county, for leave to fell oat craft of land, containing two hundred two and a half acres, Wing and being in laid county, fi uaue n the fifteenth dif trift, tormcrlv Baldwin, Ni. 67 5 drawn by James Pinfon of Ogle thorpe, J ;fep.i I. Moor’s diftntt the (aid Pinion now deed, and one of his lawlui he rs at tais time lawns a falc m the ab we uud for ifv pur pofe ol a divifi n. I A C Ak a ion, being Admimft. a r Tte laid dcceaied, do alk Lave to ieii nc a bovt granted laud aod premiles, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the lad deed. A. C. ATKIN ‘ON, Adnnnfti at or* NiV. 28, X3l Zy BROUGHT to toe J JL OP Ogi n ;pr k>- .Mi 13 u in ft, an African Negro Mr. aiv>ut 22 o 23 years of age, has :n a cc.ffon (hirt and overalls and aft'jped yrfli lavs he belonged to Wm. Montgo mery, derralrd, who 1 ve.i in tke Cr.rr kee Natifuij hi: cads ;umicif JOHN WM STRONG, Jailor. GhORGI/Y ) At ar I if r MadJsn county JC urf btg.u * and held on rr firft Monday in No vernbfr, 1812, fir ing for 01 dinary purges. Prelent their Honors Edward IVare, Charles Sorrels , and James Sanders, E nquires. i J ON the petition of William Jh rd fta n g that John Wo -d, ?n his life time, made and eseruter a certain bond conditioned to make and cxrcure to your petitioner tides tc a certain t of land, e.fuat*, ly g and being in nid counrv, a copy f which bond is to rhis pt t'HOu annexed, c onfairurg e-re hun dred and fifty aerts; and pe titioner farther dates thru ih - :a and John Wood died without havi g made tides to your ft t e faid land, or male g prov f: >.n therefor by will •, vi>ur fe iti cr therefore prays an oidn of rh;s 0- norabie c f urt, and rcft'rg fomes Wood, admimftraror of he eftare of the laid John Wood, dcccakd, to make and execute title* to your petit toner to and for the laid lard. Ir is ordered thar W <rd, adminiftrs as aforclaid, b“ ui redted to make titles to Wuitam Ford to thr laid trad of land at ere Court of Ordinary t-> be held m and tor lad o umy on the fi.ll M -nay in Marvh next, urdels cauir be (hewn to tne coe.’rAry 1 and f rat thi* rule be pu i(h> din one of ne gazerrn of th* State once a montfi for the fpaoe of three months. A true < opy from the rn;rt:vj. WILLIAM SANDERS, C. C. O. NOTICE. enpi JL MAT after the expirari- n %f nine mouths appli aei n wiiS be made to the Honor-ib!- C • of Ordinary in and for Cia k Couai , for leave tc fell one rrad of Lvid belo:gi.<g to the eflate tf Dmry Spuilo /k, elcceafed; fuppfotd ctr.iain rwo hunched Mare* mr< >r Iris, j\iog f>n the Appalachee riv-cr tn fatcl countv. a j ining lads of L MappandA M Aipin, ir being e pat or a tiaft T 1725 an - on gh allv granreu to Enj jC a k, • -n. Oeceafed, of w ‘ich ail *n eirft and will akr ’oe uorice. PfelFß WILLIAMSON, December 3, 1812. NOTICE. NINE mouths after date applica tion will be made to the honor able thi Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, for leave to fell a traßt of land in /aid county , containing one hundred and eighty four acres (the widow's dowry excepted) on the waters of Cloud's creek, joining IVm. Embry and others, being part of the real eflate of Charles O'KAly, deceafed —to be /old for the krn-.Jit of the heirs and creditors of jatd deccafed. M iRY O'KELLEY) Adm'u. Oglethorpe , October <p, 1812 cT\sh Givn Jur CO I'l Oft .£ ilNElf R yGi Apply at tets offua*