Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, February 26, 1813, Image 1

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V.) ATHENS, czopgia: pvblishxd it ALEXANDER M*DO-NNEIa- Iv „. . fw , . Frisky ;&,f X-X.T ft: enniverftry if tk-: Dtm* irttean Sv.&.y, the Mem h *s *f * sick and ethers reputed it f?’ Chapel, ■wj'Mt Har ] r ; g- , nominated irat*r on t'-’tt nceejan. delivered the fell swing s tprsfidte dijanrjt— F* L’ CW MkMBSA-S, !t i with It ;i Utica a which I 0-T! ‘V.'j bccaoH* I cannot clefcrib*, thv l iv w rife r© addoefs the k ~, • :ft character of Oraor ©frh* Ij r . n Society, By a wife I y . of .-ur i.-iftitiftlon, the univer { ‘¥ of ‘h* f .•eftry i?. diredtrd to b* c ‘ hmed bv nti annual Oration; a-',- • has fupperadtied to this ■ r. b* !?. *, a voluntary cQnrii- V -j m tar part the rK*F.?bers f rfa entered ament Kt which tkey or ; his nj*-their mvrual ccirgret !*>.<■ >rd partake wf the feftivky cc ih” v.'.faSan, So much grea?tr i? vh tf.v in Man to prefer ra:ccr fT*o 4 ftroy, that the ©bftrv c ■ r va *o:v -fams has always b tx | •-■>C\sCi. :t f,f the wfcoft happy cf~ tr'°v-A The? form a period at vi h t; r tolic&ive fdli gs of the rv *'-• >"'3 a: t rou ~d with new tr ee c-- 4 t ! 'e ft; ©port cf the ihftitjp ? ~*nd sTiuft thr revert with t; * i v?n ;ts origin, they anjßatu t ■.iarrd to refulve, that what I ■’ ’* io bog pre{crved, fhali r.i • a ‘ -g'r ccntmue—that what ]■ c, t- zr*et©f*.:-rs fc?p?rted by ft .? -. v r cf thrir fhsll v;o Uii by their o<*-gb £i. If fu h (;- :he gf-nertl (S'-d, will not every of our laftitution, who ft g r oat o .--“Ct is milky and the im p-'ovemfe;it of the brft fa übiei A t’ v r.a':d- bf 2f this moment ccn b of Imib-r feelings and a fi iri :.a* -1 >■ ?;{ \ -jr attendance i* a proof chat this i l ! and your orator jvo to the chfebarge the C-tv afl'g.-rd hir, with a confi t>nf€ fee -eili receive fr.rr you a bjpy o r t which the magnitude of rhe ocr-;(rirs and his capacity will I# p l- ! oooe. P rm - hjs*? then, in the fi 5t place, jy coe s gj*tuUie yt#u nu tfte return of 2 day, t om which our foctcry dates i'S or (. nj * andv > which wr ought to Kli c:rh gr< >\ udr, proportioned top'll 18 *d /an ag $ wc have received. >•> early *r ifiot, s. *ur*ioer of tne Pv-Wnt o VrsrtkHa College ftrde--'}v engaged in rhe purfuit of r which the b \ 4 ‘£& t mbelliibment of the human e fi.feder, 2gr c ed ro aff>cUte theol* reives for the purpoie of facilitating Sheir object. They were fenfibie <~i%t the g-rat ciiftinftia between f* v 'i and Man, r (ted, nut on ex- U hi circtivnflaiiccs, but on the . iter or Ids expanhon of intel- E'i ; they deemed it i on them to leave no avenue to n temple of wifdoro unopened— F'i accc'i untried. Under the in -0;i nf:<2 of theft corrccft tmDrcffiint, t •> inftitutton was erected, ajd fur t >r c n years it has continued ;o t\ fl - .id to flou sfii in fpiteofeir- C-ir.vh • •''s 3r no means favorable ro :t. }: has unce<n ig‘.y diffjied i- to fucceffi -e feu of * “ho have roaie their ap pcaraacc— flrutted their fiurt ho*r GEORGIA EXPRESS. “fc'AMT SIC ALL AUW TO AKI FA©, • AH9 XlfeiTLSS©! Sn ALL BX IM CaSASl©.** on the C.<!l**gia?e and finally made their exit from it, into tKe more extenfivc and fsrloui theatre ©* active life. “ Hsrti vefut undam Ufuia. ,, i ferl confident, Fellow that whs: hs* been thus far handed down to us, will be uanfmitted :o our fucteff ;rs, nctnly unimpared, but in a lisie of greater vigor and improve m#nt.— Hbw icnpcrioua rhe chitj to do lets it* cc ?rvad*)ns e vines. Man, in rude and uncivilized fate, p fif fT s nut that lelicacy of it necrlTirT ia <i Jv fi-hy thz brautie* either of nature ©r of ♦ tT. ♦ ni ce';, ‘ f htt dcft’.tuteef edw ati'm, vhe obj- .fl> ©f nature would xfi’ and rt mankind but a very hr?d! nonioa of that p*a‘ur which they no* yield— whiift the pnjfdu&’isris %sf art< w-ndd par‘ ke of the igrmram-e of rhf-r con ft &ors.—The rerhausof ancient Grandeur would be ri-wed with vntfit'Vttd. ind'-fference, ©f fail ?. fa rift e to the indiferiminate dtf cruCtio.i of favsge The Tuck and the Arab, at thiatnoment fix thrir ill flipper* av.d mikrble hovels under the c*n© s >y cf a G eciaa S-sttb|atn ? €. I>e che. r :e columns which tower above them, aid whtfe fymmrTKzl prt>pordo..* c©oden+rr ~f v h©k Rations, *.rc : :*r ;herf ~v. h rj Tittle* ihudee r. v a\r U''iiAprtt blocks of m-rb!e u; aran rc. frm which they nrcre f omc'. t law vaft t,he i.T'-dmj > < vo.-ared and U-.vducaiSd man ! W -.€• ? is thtra poif-t of comjmTba, l> r •: ■ n th- - grovl'ir, t c’ , p < -TCsptiops ; o? t he I lot tern or and that etb-erri’ fpa ;* r.'hicb fi:*d the exrt : .jiu of Sit Iliec ;*,n4 touj vf • : : f* much liicccls ihro* the iir.n.icnf- - ty rj fpa< < •? M . brk in Ms raetap?r/fi h?.< tak.n much pains :o ibsw tv v/t coHit ioro t'it worlc we prfiefs not >de!f but only a capacity f w.'id .-ndip-g—- to be aficswards ‘•Vrc ‘ ;d, it.- proved and exieifccd b) r J ■*r>dn The fii ft tie a*en!:s hr. :• . *. it uf all knowledge arc percept'*-;:, derived from fenfatior, agreeabl/ ‘. f th* iar in maxr?i cr Ntkil ,'jt in inUllettm quod nvn prius hit i* f z/et” biu were the human uoderflsndiiig con fined the expedtßce of or cvn a family of individuals *ov ccntradcd would b* icsixtecr, hew narrow its bounds. In vaiti ftj uid wt fearch for that which can furycr the whole family of man kind—explore the wnrks of nature; mount fr*m earth t* heaven and demon ft rare the beneficence and wjfdom fa God in every part f creatloa. Ic is only by a mutual communication of nur perceptions z >d though s that we are enabled to expa-sd r>e otherwjfe contracted boundaries of oar minds—to cor rect ftur *wn errors by the more accurate difeernment of another, ami to fupply cur defrdts by ano ther,s pr fi:iencv. What then is the g<vat tail.min, the important inftru.ncnt bv means of which this ssuwuai communication is eStctcd ? TSeanfwer win kt fiipo'ied by each of you. If *s language —a difeoverr %( luck infinite imp r.- ance—-iuch incalculable magnitude that it hr3 b:t© *ttribu*ed br me mo ft eminent phi >top*e r tociV /iuc agency itfeif. H#w facr%d lie r : fr, hf* ineft mab e the bKHi p ?-~ An 1 my members whiht w*? cuhivate it with a!i the all the ardcr u so h'gidy rncT'*, •ever Jr-: it be pr<-ftra n by u* t* the pu-p Ts of vur ft,ll,—ft>r moft cer air-ly the b<eir£ wSo ran proftitute his pr ft icin.y in tli* divine art cf c'TMDun?CKti*>isr KT thm*ghts ro the n of vs, c imnv.r-.ittr, hs moic reaf. n ihtw a-'-v o ■< r to dread the ar-ver of ti - eftcodud M-jtfty of it *UJ for !'!hpr©vrp.r.'nt ift this! Alt tnar ear infltrut>u was fi rmed— se I rrft c*w fi/lrnt th/n wh-lft w r are lo wrl! aware rf the ir:?penance of the wc fliail omit no exertion, * % gk it vc iciourcc tv Ucmt i:s at ta ; rn-m. When V ’ my fel low * the great i ft ,rn< ? < f rdu vn * ?he tic vvl< *it which it coders cn :v*o, it is im p< }ibfe rr - <A > rrlift the deter* minatr:;i tr* :er*-‘Erc sous r> :il ft all and e faofl-iea of *ur m-A-d? in tits pvifi: r. ‘.Vh-to we irfi and: on what h-r done r,*d !s wow doing, •'T;*r ♦ rhrr he r rt *h*t does r&t * ‘>f oH v ft- Anxiety, LvC.j.Ge ule ful at>,j fo re rtu heel on the lift of rhr bent''Kid*? -f ihr. i uoitn re.'.'*: ? ’ corredl educa-TOA a.icnc that w© c*r. hnr -t- prrftrvc the happy lorm cT ttO-/rrr-: , under vhuh we W^k —to u -<cr%'’ a:n t- fe prejudices which arc the frodftj] foot cr ©f m >;t of the tv Ha #i l.fe. 3fvc:,T wf thefe prrjuditis h*v k :: - * be ft ‘c the i* t of c, wH V mreh rh >* ft wii cerui’niy p ‘2fire; e.jid there it e very V)., v. ! G for hope elite in thrrs favored rv the c*ftt:prfing grrftus of ’ <■ cinzens will g v< it 2.1 a cl<r!c raccp: it t ever ocfoie m ff iTd.— IT I ntd fra*cel? repeat y©u irat to *u y revered Franklin we ow- th* knir/Tfdgf of ehc identity of the eScAviic ft id and llghrcniog.—To Fill*'??!, f.4r e new sccoizt d-*ar to us, we are indebted fr a mode of savigacipg infers wich a. celeri ty htdeptmdent f the extranecus aid of wif-d or tid?—and ftca ih< f fer “f hr hr,s not anally diicovered the perpetual raodoti hss at leaf tided a machine fo m r ic “A will irad to rftarches in rc:c.hanic* cf the moft priftical importance to mankind, la Europe, alths’ the piogrtfsaf has check ed b- the dcft:Hwt;vc wars which cnftnguiac its pl?nrs, vrt hstr voice in heard liOtwithilandicg ame ft rite cltrpr erf g.fiis and thunder uf bmlc © —aid rfifcev.;ries a.-* continually making uTker in rhomfelves entire ly arw. or cal uUicd t<a improve “.hat is already knur,a. T’he bufy mind rf man is ever on th# htarcifi hr uew inrmthm —He has rrduc eti under fubjtSlba the violent im pe?OJ C.f Iteisn * and ha?, extent!• %rlv applied it wherever inipu’five is wanted.—He has even uicceftrui - iy aattnpced the acres! rtgiaas of FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, ilij. tNr* a'mofphere, hr wkfi h jrup'.f themdti) haa fur'ufk-d him wih the 1 gnt sod imyant hydrogen, by drafts tif which hr t an clevai* him it i 1 any hfight he v-fhes. The oriy ci. ft :eracuiT. wanted >s a m <ie (V fteeriig ih* rn! vehicle which doubt t> rte ,;urc happy genius v?;!i fun ifh, and *huk cnabir his rVUow mortals to tmvel thro’ t.-'e air with as L’>uch fafet) aa they new traverfr the ©* >;*. Ani'Uft thuniverfal cofrp*ti tU‘C to better,the ftarc of human a ture—U> c! pc the properties of matter—end cw render it (übkrvi enttoour wat'ts—fto ws niy ftftow nu iTibi-ri remi.'-j ihd ft’ *.t snd *n aiiive, ur rather fh ui ? nt ferl a p-y, (>U.t *f rhr .ihir *. i; . enthu fii'ni, aeiti rcii.‘ic to throw ruf mite *ii£o into the ft air of i-frful- AuU. Ic 13 imp. tf\jU to f>? what 1 not in rfir p.?vi *r 0: to cf** fedt—'V> rci it once CAk*s wing ie *s and nit to fi t bounds to its. (>. ght—Ah it needs is to b? evoi?• 5 b by edu. sticn ad it theft nccrßa*. Sr> fin-is die iev*i to which nature and ftuied if F*,r want of this rd.u ca i’ot* no doubt ‘ d*uL t+any a fl*u<er is bit n ta b'.ufk unf-nty A)ii m 'jap t its Jwttttefs cn tin defert mrd* Ihe c.ifnite n’ cojr i-ary v it ?? fxwrmy!<t >0 ihi* p r, '*tuf i/'ftu* as *ny ©s ea?th—-a--d ur govc wwjit is b?\ uv.d ajj q eft ion the NRvft propitious to <t ei 4 i?.a t!h. iei ? c.t my fellow tr em bers ?i-mtr as we ourgh: the op vre p- fit ft— ?.|} pttlt* vwrancr tr-d h.duftry r®. otn ad, au> jftuiil induki.shi? id fucerfe. o*r example will h?* a (everstele rff-it < n our Cue. end may Tonne day came ©wr ibdety to gve birth t?> Drmof e *s > a Newiuii, a jLafcke, ©r a Pried it y. NO . K E. NINE m ntbs after date eyplica. irsH will be m*<i# t.i the banarable the Jnft isr Ciurt of Qgktktrpt C'HAty, far leave te felt a traet ef land in laid eetiity, egniatnirg we bun Wed and eighty faur acres (tbe wide v's daw*y excepted) s*, tbe waters $f Cicud s treek jfxhig (-Vm Embry and 9t leers, being part if the red eft ate ef O Kelly , re fold ftr (be benefit if the burs end credu** s ef fesid decetfed. MART O'ZELLtT, 4dm’*. Cg!elbrpe t Or liter 18 ra. novics. \KT . V v HE r L r ,Am/ wtfc M,ir?ha H>.lie has itfc or fi- i from my bed without any juft raufc, I forv/arn **>y perf©n or per :>us* wr-iti'bever from huardlnq ‘?• trs,’- ir.g with her I will nor be ji- Iwerablc fer anv con rrTf •©? fti* t il or have any per ; r per Tons, If iFc will com? s xc me or my bed I wi’l tr'-a*: avi lib iierts well I am <rb^. JAMES HAILS. December 24, 1812. (N*. , 9 .