Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, March 26, 1813, Image 1

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V.) A THEN'S, Georgia: pvslishsd iy ALEXANDER M/DQNNELL. EXECUTORS SALE. Will he fold at L xington on Wei, uefd'y the 140? day of iprii n'xt, ENv 1 ig (hai and nanir's, Or;** h ri , nt bed, and leveral other a • h hr I nging to the fsrarc of S> i rv, A H >pkr s, bed. Nine r ...*■■.% c rh: vr*d r ; bond v h appr red lecunty wII be rr c r . h D CA HOWARD, Ex’r. 1. Kington Ift March, 1 8 1 3 ADDIN’ IS ERA IK X’ SALE. MILL t>L SOLD, At the Court in Clark aunty, e~ the fit ii ! ue/day in May next, 7ht folHwiug trails of Land: O ] \ A ‘\n .0 t a res, more or Els In i Ufitv, lvjpg on Bub r* e : k, a-fi on-’ halt •fa mill, on f o nk, known bv r.h*- name of li & • ’ \4 ii, with a pla tanon on fa ••• i if j siVr g Stroll , C ow, snd orh'* *s, s ■ o 1t n; la.:* N* 59, C r ’l SUili'g 202 I 1 fibres, |v?-g HI t 2d ci ftntt *f 8*! win councy V f*.K v e and ; b ur.ded bv I 3 ]\ 73, 60 & 40 —and tv D itr ct L i —]3 th n.iiU of land co h*r id tor tne b* > ft >f f hc heirs and c e urs cv Rf hard W. and, dt and. ‘i r*rs o‘f ir madr in wo mi the Tv. 5 ABH HA WOOD, ?# *4arch 1813 Gvtr.*.!. 11l ■■■ ■•■■■ I '■ ‘*■” 1 m. ,m ■ ana COLJLtC i OK’s SALE. Will hifold, to -.he high?ft bidder, on ibejft ond Saturday ttt pul text, a'he cturt touje of Clark county , A B.t Stud H • I h f ic- { 3 ip. ‘h s n gh, twelve year* Id, Hr irr It die property of Wiliam Ii , now in the hands of da t m T Ov r,—-for the tax of laid Wil liam H ue. W. C. DOBBINS, T . C. L. C. March 19, 1813. NO f Ik.E. NINE m ■*?:-.s after cate appli a tfor. y ill be made t iht H . Tfte rier C -U’ O Oa k count , f .-r irv.’€ t IV 1 soo acre 1 of land h i g on he* of ftobinfons creek, Clark chi v, adj im gJa k Thomplbn ad ihers—if be g part of the re al eft are of Wbam B kftm, drc. to be fdi tor trie br < fi of the heir* and credi* osf ‘.aid or and. JONATHAN MELTON, &xecnlar, Man h 19, 1813 AD vilNloi RA URL SALE. Will be fold , en the 30th day of dpril next , at the plantation where Jane Jewell now lives, the following pro pert), viz O t n;g o gH, ten *es' old, fmr.t* houle-hosd form tar, &c T months • recHt w li be g vrn, the purchafer to give b rd ith ap prove lecurity. The above pro p; rr ihld for the beriefi efthe heir* and e A ditor* of Martha dec. j AS. j EWELL, Admr , ANE JEWELL, ml met. March is> lßl d- GEORGIA EXPRESS. “ MAMY SMALL RlfM TO AH B F AO, AK SMALL B INCStAHK.” COLLECTOR’S SALE. Will be fold on f burjday the }.6tb of /iugufi next at the cturt h.weot JacK/.n county, the following pro pertyor as much thereof as wtll J* tis/y t/oe tux ana cojis dus t&euon : ONE th’ tjfa and arrr* of lad, granred ( Z charts C x and J hn Strother, 200 acits of width eft*, ma rd and rr-urrec r he fi hq -a litv fh gh land, 400 acres i :e fecund qoii , a u 400 a* ve* of the third q ah , fo la (hire rrC’ h 1 ij - S, Iv t g ort the I u h ft re of th’ Wal u’ t rk of O > e*- rt.e, b gi ‘Oi: g on hickory corner run ii g i u : 45 well 90 v ans to bs k oak, i.c. e . r 45 weft 107 vha-ns 10 white oak , nr i;.c< 45 f-yft 102 cha ns o fh cor ner, tnenre d*-wn a f d river -be ginr i g, b 11 and I > b *> ft var Iy ftt north we ii veardiy t-y Zacnana*- C xe la d— The ab vr ia din default for Ihe ax vf 1809, 181 c, 1811 and 1812—tax v.u 14 1 <<L s ten ten s. joneph iirrLE, 1. C. C. j March 19 tS‘3 LX ECU f ‘■< S bAi.ii. WILL BE -OLD, At the plantation of Wiliam Tborvp fo*. tn vlaaijon county on Brand ri n er , on the y id of dp it the per Canal property of John Lb mpfon, deed CON sin TING of r.rg r es, hmifr hoi*J ad kit he, turanure, horfes, 1a de a d hogs, and * th-r arcicl. a too tr ii us o mention. T'Aelvr in rutv cr*-di wui hr given, by he pur. halers giv? g b.;nd with ap proved fecu ity P: r o s na vg demand* aga nft th f Rate and lat .i-C. Air. sequ’ fted to be g th'-m f-rwaro properly at telle ad th >:e indebted ar<- rr qvrft and c m kc pa ment without ctiay. WM. THUMP ON, March 5 1813. Executor AuMIiNIjTRA TOgv’S bALE. Agreeable to an order of the Cion the Inferior Court oj Og*cthorp* county, will be fold at the Court h ufe of Jaid county, on a credit of twelve months, on the fir ft ‘ u I day in fane next, within the legal hours, TWO lor* of land, containing feventy- right acres ea h, beng wo thirds of a trafl of land bel >. gi g to the eftate of George Farmer, Cc and. lyit g in the county of Ogle th*ri e, on the wa rs of Clouds creek, tolerably well improved— S? id for tne ben fi of the heirs and ertd rs. DANIEL DEUPREE, Adminifirator . March 11, 1813 blanks Can be bad at thu Office, WASHINGTON CITY Fb. 23 The following is an extract of a Utter from Commodore Bainbrxdge, loins fuend in this city, dated At Sea, Jan 74 T e java was exceedu gi w it fought am : bravely and fendec, P> >r Lh 5 brn, W7*fe dearh i fincerely f’grei, was ad (It guifii’d *ncl gd lant offi.'f.T and worthy man. He h*ii> 1 it a widow a..d rwo hflplefs children ! Buc hu c• u f, ry nukes p (ivfior for ;u ha tad, eve -,t. W a > n w h-ineward b nmd. 1 ue cacr./ge the C,u ftnution has re ceived ui nit and i.he de a/- ed fia e Hir* is I , makes ir ret - ’ IT rv for rne in return to tils U. S .*;<••* tor re pa rs. T ;i:s I muc i r<g *. — my ciew participa* 3 n th . ie-ir • uie ■ ; they are, Ho-.vever, !!i g them lv sw Ci trie hpr ofrr e v 1 g i:i ir or;2- rn hey I>r ir Q ’r fi‘ c O i he r- uh. You w u and Qe -iig ui, a nui dto ri* : ar heir ruu >h thoiigi n uic I as A X pone pla.i hng n , ‘he ih ii p 1 i ii a p! 2 in ■ ev. O ;a s fie w!i buy honkdi a In ig l.ttie Iht > on the h gnrit ill ae ca i fi id, tut he mw iu t ,‘n his old age, vVv/ 3.1 o<r it a fi as j aiother, he will marry Pori; a.other, “bathe wfE ie and nis 11 EJa k fho4, & , P Kif fdL. ws, I iruft they w and not ks difappuinied n their rx cta tl -hi, i&, e hl ‘C they Wi.l gly ■(ta ouutn-td 1 tit ;ne;n , aid cw> *5 they lu cred.-’d ; to re urn h ‘die fi iw, aid fi J tiia they hive n ‘Cniisg bu a t rn ant of pa v com mg 10 ih- 11 w M*(d be ex r-oi.-iy iiF/ g— w ojid i.'ie i abl de prcL hur pin:?, a'Vd dano he no h;e ardor whicn they have h heno ftit and d"p a ed. Tic rfi era may fc id fi-rreud-. Fr rh pr t fma iee it ms du , ne E Is 2 rc wa.d o hi* o.v * b ifim, aad m h s c- >uuiry ** t'la.ok-s— r >i n.Ki m aud a lao -auie tn .ft r r ren >wr, wol lead him o com pt.ils 1:1 defence f it $ voun.i yL g ic. I cri H g era e up-n the lail<> ah ■oa to k cp Up tne ;rg ) t:aa7 ih a ,ni r, ht GiUii ru r p z m-n m v,ew. I rue p j;i ;, r 4 mv iiurnble o p n o-, and eta cs the and it# u6l >n < f the enemy’s after cap 110 j for, ay rh< m, tvr 1 1 t t < y an left n a ma-iag. abi- fi ua 10.1, OUi ihips w u and ue io Weakened in their crews, that they be I a oie 10 be cap-ureU b, an iq ujfultcd ny an )ih rior force. Tie aht of and ft uCti .-a is done bv trie command of the cap am 0. 1 he cre •*, wn >ha t xu f-d tf.e r lives equally wdh am, have aot the right of op, oft ion. Whs i I urdtrtd the J-i a t i be drftru cd thefe con fidera nins prelected tnemfeives o my m nci with g• at for.c. Su rlv jaftice and true policy obv ; , 11 a liberal pr *. fi >n ia the r favwr. la m.k g ti.eeob iervations, I am nut fi 1= ned bv any lirSfifh motive—th - applauf- of ray cmniry has m >re cha: s to< me than ail the g ?id rhatgiittrrs—But jufti c to it.ofe who have bra/elr r ught u..aer mv command, a>d afiitttd me m < chaining . his v 1 ry, nqu.rts at my k.fiU aa exuuun in FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1$ 3. the r b-haff'; and n') r * , .?fd if r 1 ufc H aven o r .d< <°t t;s u> ■ur ra I ve lh “es, 1 fijaM iail ua toy b> ft en La r* # iulsmcdv bei c - ag,as id , ’hir cue prfii v-k s \ o ta->r o the continuedfucc'JJ s of cur navy ! Frf iu, i , f toe ina;pr la” 1 rduyof t* e m mander to tieftroy the Ih .•;> r capture, or account of rf\e giuntLc he would have bo.h to run who die p-iz- ad his own fh:p ( tcept ne Ih uid be v- ry near one ur our own P°f') —-thd the captain to recede (v’ ca aim ft alwavs he ••a 1 ’- > all the honor , and the ethers r,o contptnfct- t ’t fi i al'Miai t) |llpp<.ll( t .If t<v a dr u ii t fi 7 wh-ch <U’ i* ameti ac pride-it fo ttrorglv mi if ft > g-r it bat lew ufd di*m;p,fli I L*t toat m> e <ak p a , and . ur a v 1 fig - wft{ n , { propHe •, be I > G fi e as thr tv o’ ! >i •>/ k “'ii’ g he ar ■r ur. A : • ,/ ti fi £aa exp-nle 1 h . on e lx < 1 vvo<: j 5-in j nuond I e I h’ . (hail urn 0w and f o hi g ( 1 prize to rhr H rnc ) w.! g \ ; > the public trciUir, upvrar. sot uoe luj Jrcu th uL and and liars 1 he ga e cha aft r and ror rbpti 2f(* ot he eii>-'H an Ut jy nijiftci’efi in the toll Iw, <r r ; - copied r m tiiC la ft N-v. Yuk E vcoi. g P jft. i ratnpling >• ! • *’. .m ---t’'T.ip: upon th Ar pr nr pl s fm n rabie war are, nv wnicii ohe * 1- v-l.z-H Mini.',* regulate ihefr cn> dubt, G B am tm s e very 1 wid haie gi -dutof br-b rv ro tmn.or ’ ur c ‘it is ri vio a the L red Gu y ad fi IH tv they nwe to k > -u - ry tawi ich h- brloog. S e 0.3 nnw ipply ft -ed < ward to ue nor her and e .-stern ft is o c n niif t'<a- >n, and to bi-:k rh; gi the.r allt-g a.jcr to Gv U -i, ft r rnrm übe fc-i wne ne suefe*. ue. and ii; f„u I ft ac, wh , and -S y p’ iT -is q'C foLtarv ft,* kftho or or le fi.oiii , iniift bl .fh d’- ir o v,n i o tuft, wuh has nos a'- t hed h c 2cm >of the r o y to them j it rrcii ns tj b- and i ?•, v/ irtn t the*, wft pr mp 1v a ,♦.*£ vfi wig s ft ;niqo t; ‘m b-lieol h i 0.1. to tur-n b G it B mu. VV • h pe 11 C .ni-rs'o *r I* p uH fi ft mg iii - u fn nenr ou- n .0 , \ on auy An icHuz 1 v (hail dare to fupplv h** en-*m ’ fi .is or colonies wi h a fi g e pc fl /ar, ur any other aru J . American. c< New York Feb 16. fr N w Orders m Council —i trt days fi Mr Nt ft-trtrJ, o. the a j o *ri tv of a iedcr from B ftnn, !ru new oruler in C->un< ii nal been fi 1- ei by tne Bnt fh g >v- rnm-nt, pf-r ---m trijig Amt ican vr{T is to tra i> in rer an articles to the porrs >f any natuin :n amitr with G'ea Br ?. Y/r have tn:& day been farmed vi n the Jignt of a circu'ar letter from tie ii fh g vein ne rto the >- verovjr* o ue Weft fp-i-a !fti d-. Th.* cir ula- refr s 11 an oroer n council which had lately pafif , pcr-ia.cii g ne im,)urrarjon a i ! ft ft', 1: to t m W ft I l es m • * Ifci-j ex ep Fre i.m, j’ i-- tioui me gjvcru'Ji's of toe .fiauds. (1.0. *43.