Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, April 09, 1813, Image 1

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yL. y.) ATHENS, ceoxcha: pv**i*hs *y ALIXANDER M'DGNNELL* From the Richmond Fnquirer #/ Ma*'cb io. The ferrc'av of the R iffi m le gs ion was in *’ is citv vcfteidiy, on his wav ft m Wafhingn n, c : j c ttre fav* to the c cm / fi et in he Br . He wa red on the governor ytfirrea morning. 1 hr reader ran form a conj flurc jr* well as ourfrlyes, of the 6tj bes < f thb v fi-. Bo r the m ft plfluft 3 If iupo fi ion which wc can form, is ;har 2 prop? finn is to be made to the fo r an arrms rite, until he rein < f he rrg ri al or.s at St. LVtf fb g can be af cerrairy and. We have fa id above, by way of h p th fi , that rhr r g iarior wli f - “♦ =r S'. [\ re ft) •g, if G rat & ‘ ~h fh uld a cept 0/ the- n rd.a to W- ha r r afjn to believe tha* thr too fin for a n?fdia i f: o fi ft ram :;*m Grea r B uain, thro- g i ‘d Ca- N arc at St. PetM'l- ■ bo p. Of c ur!e it cannot lad to I r>r v her approbation. It is a! c laid, -J at Mr. Brrh - -, fo m 1 r- niul general f Great T fir', is dailv exp- tied *-* New- T -ik with Imp r*ar,'dilp*tchcs. Frem the Inveftigattf. The Ruffi n McdidtUu appear* rm U* to he fa git w.ih m l h,rf ard rt; h r o tur c untrv, if accepted b.’ cur Government, fiat we cannot fo;h :ir ag sir to raife our voice a g>ai> ft W- have before gi en it as our opinion, t? at 11 is intended to d< Iv and then by de fea* u con templa*-d operations agt ft Cana da We ft *! re am thrt ‘•pinion aid a e ti e nv-re cm fi m<d in it fi ce, wr fi and w? are not al r.e in ur t j blue <f is bav g nigi pared with the cnrrnv. B<< ©r the l>ke •f f c r , C r } we will a’ prcleat pu: rhi* view < f the fur j 6,1 our of the q 1 ft ,a >d require what pur ple a med a r can a-; her in the prelaw jh ft *re of ft r beewe a thi-s coun ry and K gianc ; and if one fh uld hr ih c ght nr* ft rv, whet r the Errurr >r or R- fti: 11 c*l ufatedl for the important fUuon. Oui G -ivrfnmf! t hat already c ne fo n u< h to avoid wa , p Tor t rs dr- !ara*ion, and to reft re pae fie, that uVs it home trevigu of humttoe tle only r # manci'g r-ghr, 1 r wtu h it b w r • ‘ds, w<s can fee R'* y ft atn rfta or. The bufi. tfs ot a tn “)% t > procure peace j a-d big h>m h h?.s f ghc on h* fi c, if U be neofT.ry to relax fo i"* and g, with a view to ho g ert ao: ITI g ” 1 G r n; Br ta*n vv fh - r% |.ta e upon equable ferns, it. re than tf.a* been long fi e tff red h?*r. Bu , tf } as we luipe6f, f t nas come to the crafty ton/u ---fi >n of eh q j fii • g f me of her rra - u juft and ur.real© ablr pte t<ffi i, win a vew to indu rus t mec her med? ration wirhane q 1 r n .. ! t rel xation on our pare: Trc w uld i-fk c,ur G vrrtment svhi’ h of i*f light* nr gj aiiv • 6n t -d 1 f ha? not alrtaa brr u re -1 qii fn and ? r C anlwrr truft b“ n>ne, out the iwi.ur/ ot GEORGIA EXPRESS. “xaar shall avm t ani fao, an* samiaoi shall is in cue ah a. 1# oar Teamen from imp-t fTment ! I hen we would <k, it ir is in cun tcrnpla i.n, t rehnqu fh either in wh )c or in parr, this laft reraa'ning hope of the onl* free people on earth ? If not, where is the fit'-, or the ufe for a mediator ? -■■■ - Woat < an he hay to our cnemv, that we have not already laid ? O r , w herein can he < oncihate her ? B u , it will be ha and, the eft j <®t is to concilia * us. Gracious G 0 ! Af ter a 1 our b-ggirg for *>eace, after recordo g our ddgrace in a pubhc law, in which we proclaim to the worid, that ii England w U only truke peace with us, our C untry fl) *ll no letngrr bear the proud cha racter of an zff ium f<*r he oppeef hed < f all nations, arc we to be in !ulted( bv. toe m’ k-ry of a media - tor, to perfuadr ns to Ra*ke pea ? T he tri; k is too barefaced, to take with the m ft i.nexpfr-enced no vi<e ; the cloven foot of Britain too palpable, to impofc even upon a child; ard yer, that anxiety for peace, which unfortunately pervades every department of our govern ment, we ftar will betray it mts the fatal inare. But it s nor alone the t'sin ufe- It fT ‘ft of :h s tha lav* if to the luhpieiqns we have h n ed at ; tSt relative fi uation of thr prop fed mediator towards the iwo natif iis, renders sr upon every pr n : nle of I und poii y totally in adm ffi >i'\ A “ arorought ro ooh-t v. an exadt .mparruli: j” can wr rxprcl Oie who is Ic'gu <4 wi h aft the Id crowned h?'ads in Eur pe, againft he very pnnciples in which our g ;rernmenc is found ed, to oblerv-e an impartiality ne tw-en us, and any one of them ? M ft aifurrdlv no r . But m >rc ef peciaiiy wh nthf Keg f E gland who s the fu fi z r a Alexander, ard thr 1 ft go ir f all t.t’s politic 1 s ore of the parti*** v?e oiignt no*, r: *r cannot ex or (ft him to be governed bv tiia* j ft e q-iipoife, cor-ft tutes imi ar ciailic^’. ‘ He would no doobc ferj If nv rr fi ml/ b und by rhe zr o bs of the convendon of P I n; z, than bv any obi g . inn h s fi tuation as mediator, coub lay a m under. Sh old however this rea finnirg be dremrd inadequate, let recent events fupclv rs dv ft ie.ncy. Has n it th s very Emperor of Ruf fin, who n’ w fo kindly ft ’ hi* mediation, between us and Great B i a q f akeu a decided parr -g* nft ui fi e w have been at war wPh that natioi ? Let his wh fte naval force thr wu into her hands, anf wcr the qu ft n. Vhe had nor w fhed to ftrt her a m agai ft her enrm cs, and ag-vaft us among the rrft, he w ul 1, if he *ere ob, to part w;th hi> navy, have c ma m'tied it to rhr rare of fotre pnwrr of let- marl one flrerg h i but har ing nu ;e Comrn ncaruie with her, te *hetc t re chuftr to throw that pa t of his ft re g o which he cou and not ufe h'mltl; into her nand*.— H- s . trcaini”, therefore, n <t q tal fi if r the , ffi euf ruth inter be t>vern ui a;*d ntr. W’ a e forrv thus *0 d’fFrr in 0yu.i0.4 w*ih man) wo*\ay ivt 4 übi- cans, for whofe judgment and pat ri ‘ifm, we K ave me ng;ft r r - ch; bu: on a fuf jrft !ke m-s, the pro priety or impropriety of which can only be trftrd b fu ure and and ftant confi queners, the imprr edbon of t ur na ure has de reed that wr fhail and iff j and w< of no rtmedy for rhf evil, if t s one, but that ii berafi ■, without which, fociety would be rather a< urfe ihan a bl AT ii g, and the ber*fus of which we hope alwa l s to b as ready to give, as to receive. I hev havt gvm rhnr opinion for, ard we *g,u ft the prupofrd mediation. 1 neir realcws are known to thernftlvrs, e-tirs are founded fi ft, n rhr k f ’ w > that thr furrtwed end ued tnmmed ult ma um ©1 < ur Govern m nt, tr m whi n wc ca- n t rc edc, nor m nbii h we oare ret relax, n k o?vr* to me en< m ; her accept ance of the very fimple and rafv terms therein coniame 1, nuk s pea e j hrr refu’al to a cept, is to demand the charier of rur ram nal foverr g-iy and independence-; whu h, with or wuhcu'thc a u of a mediator we *a> r.evcr lurrend-*r j a.*d therefore, fuch media-nr, zp pi art it ur, to lay the leaft, uni c erffary. And fecondly. If the caie were ntherwifr, if the kind if fi es of a third pfrb-n were requi fi r, we cannat think a <* Do'pet” fu clolflv (onr.f £tcd with the t; e itk a.s Alexander it, ra f i be tlv pro per pert mu. A impartial p>.bhc will decide whether we are rignt r wrong. GENERAL ORDERS. ADJUTANT CINERAI’s < FFICE. fVeffing?on Cay , fvterck 19 I£j 3. the frontic ot the United States will be div;d> and into rine mi'- Is arv ciift; <fts, as h Hows, viz : Mi Ifachuleit* & Ntw-Hampfhire N 1. Rhode fflmd Sc Connetfticut No. 2 New Y rk fr/m the La to the hig lands, and the ft e< 1 Nrw-Jcrfey, No. J. rc-onfy Ivama, (com itfc eaf tern limit ro the All- gt ry M unrain*, and De h vare, N 4. Mir viand £ V ginia, The two Carolißas and G orgia, No. 6. Th* of Tenneffe, L u fwoa, and the Mif fiffippi territory, No. 7. K c.tu kv, and the g ivernments errhe 1 itiia. a, Illinois, Mff u;is and Michigan* No. 3 Pc ;- ivaoia, fiom he Al ii ghany M untains to ir* wrftcni limit Nf w Yotk n r f h nf the htgi.Und*, ard V 1 mont, No. 9 To each uf ihefe and ftriifts will aftigned a commanding t ffi er of the armv nf th* U ited Staus, a competent ft sff. The fuilowir g rules are preferib ed wrh regard tfi militia draf r/: ift. AU m iitia and tachmtnts in the (ervH.e of the U uted S ates, nrtuft be made u drr tne r> q > fi ion ot feme uffi rr of the U uted St a rs (rtguiariy authorized lu make fu-h FRIDAY, APRIL 9, xlij. requifition) on the ex-curive iu t nty of the Rate, or f the erri t ry, from which the detachment* Ih.dl Ur diawn. 2d. In thefe rrqu fi o?.s fh *ll be expo IT and the number of privates* nnn-remai ffi ircd -.nd ci mm ffi >O - IHi ns, requited; which (hall be in the lame proportions to each ©ifur, as cbta>n in the rrgular ar mv. The loofer method of re qu ring rrg rn a s 01 brigades, b< dilfommucd. ji. So li on as one hundred pri va es, e ght n n-comm (finned* a ‘d fi e comu ffi -nrd cfficrrs, fh-il have Urrn 01 gain zed as a company, uncirr any r< q fi lon asafotflaid, thrv will be inuftertd, infpcdled, and tcceivfd into ihe fervic* of the Gnncd S ates, and upon the roll* *‘-d reports made in conftquence the e( ?, ley wdl be entitled to pay, rc < . A d, 4 h. ?a; ment will br made thre/ tiic ugidcntal pav mailrr in all ca r es in which thr corps (lull be t vgiiiizrd as a reg'nicnt ; and ir all cans in w-hir h ii Hull (all fh*rt of the numoc-T we t fihry to that organ iza i.i>, by the pay maftcr a. cotn p-anyirg the array or divifijo to w hie.:’ u m y belong. by V’ der af the Secretary of iVar T. H Cuhing, Adjutant Gincral. Unprecedented Campaign —Uoon a ;*r< ui o\.mmttion of nc RufTue B lit* ns, tne difpatchr* of the prince Ku'ufi ft* and ruy lord Ca:h carr, it af?p. ass that the lol's of the Kreiu h Grand Army in the late Cftfpprgn in R'.ftia, commencit g r!\e 14 h of Auguft, and down to De rni >rr 31, 1812, amounts to 4 673,048, k lied, w unded and ta ken palmier* ! The pieces of *r tjll'ry taken fr m tr.e French 2Z,- 770! I'he dtf;*t of X rxr-s wi* a nv re fh*m bat.ic t© a cieftat this.— Aurora. Spring Rockets.—On Saturday afternoon, we unde.'(land, Mr. Beach the inventor of the Spring Rocker, made trial at B ft on of cempofi i on, in the prefen**c of com Rod gers and capr. Hull, and othei*, to aaeriain the greateft range his roc ket! could be ipade to perform, we 21c happy to ftare, that he fuc cerdtd in throwirg one of 6 pound weight the great and fiance of turo th-.>uiar;d yards, which is fi/e hun dred yards more than the celrbra ted Cong eve Rocket of 12 poun<!s weight ! The cvlinJcrs of Beat-** Rocket* are ma ie of iron, and ter m nating at the head with a cone 12 inches in length, which mav be charged with gape ihor, m fk.*c balls or combuiLble suatrer, arc ca panle of doing murn ex *t ution—- fprmgs alfo are at a- hed f o rhr-n when the object >s to fi - fh-pping, vhi h can. ot fail to have the de ft, ed tfF'bt. Wc wlfk him all that - inent winch ins inveniion merits. — Bcjl. Gaz. (N.. 145