Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, June 04, 1813, Image 1

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VOL* V.) .’ I £MS, Georgia: i’urlishsc ky ALI XANDER M'DONNILLL. Caries if kite's frm L .tu tcey to (he Secret y ij ike Navy. U. S fh p \fadikn at era her ef 2k? k t 8 *’ crick, P. M. April 27, I&L3. SI <—-l hn-e the la ;sfactrr> to i.*f” m yeu that the A n< riran fhg is ft ing upon tic frt u Yak.— Thr town capitulated firs afternoon ar 4 o’clock. Brigade General Pike was killed. 1 have the honor to be, Very refpe&fuUv, fir, Your m*ft obedient ferv’r. ISAAC CHAUNCEY. H-. VVm four, Secretary ojrihe Navy, 11 ’ajkingten. U. S. Sn:p MxDIiON, At aseber off 2'ork, Afril ia, * i 13. Sift—Agreeable to your inß ruc tion* and arrangeirtar* made with Mij. Gm. Deal born, I tuok on b ard the fquadron under my com mand the general and mice, and a bou: 1700 troopa, and left Sackett’* Harbor on the 15th inft. for this place. We arrived here yefterday lf:dri:ißg and took a pofl ion about one mile to the Couth and weflward of the enemy’s principal fort, and as near the fhore as we cculd with jafeiy to the veffds. Tut place fixed upon by the maj r g neral and Hufcif Hr landing the troops was the fate of the old French Fort Tatar* tt. The debarkation commenced a brut 1 o’clock, a. m and was completed about ten. The wind blv *i g heavy hum the raft ward, thr boats fell to leeward *s( the po fi?;on fixed upon and were in con fcquence expofird to a galling fire fr i m the enemy, vrho had taken a p £ ion in a thick wood nr&r where the fi it troops Uncled; however, the cool intrepidity of the tfficeis a: and men, overcome every obltacU. Their attack upon ‘he eritmy was io vigorous the he fl and in every di r*B. on, leaving a great many of his k 1 rd and wounded ©n the field.— Ai- foot? as the troops were landed, i ( ‘.reded the fchooners a take a pofitton near the forts it* order that tH attack upon them by the army a< and navv m ght be fitnulcaoeoua The fchooners were obi ged to heat up to their pefirion, which they did in very order under a heavy fi e fr©*n the enemy’s bat teries, and took a pofi Jon within a bout fix hundred yard* of their principal fort and opened a heavy cannonade upon the enemy, which did g cat excution snd very anuch contributed to their fi deftrudti in. The troops as foon as lad; and were formed under the itr.mediate orders of Bbg. Gen, Pike, who led in a mod gallant manner, the aua k upon the forts, and after haw g carried tredouts in thenar* proa h ro the prindpal work ( ne tnemv having prea .ufi laid a trai./) blew up his m-g 2 >e, wnu h ih ns eff tils upon our troops was Crradiul, having kided and * u d * 1 i g rat many, and am gft the f r>>--j ever to Pe lan ntrd B g i her Gme vat P te, w 1 > f li at n ad of h s CAlum o 4 c u kju received Jy \ heavy t j.*e UwWi GEORGIA EXPRESS. t{ MAMT S9AI.L kw SJ TO ASU no, AND CXOTLfiDOE SMALL BK IN C*. E A Sl.** the m grzine. His at this time i* much r*> be regretted, *s he had rhe perftdb confidence <*f the Major General j ar.d hrs known ad’vitv, zeal and experience make his iofs a national one. In corcfequente of the fsll of Ge neral Pik', the command of the troops devolved fi r a time upon Colonel Pitrce, who loon after took pr-lf Hi >n of the town. A j fh ut two P. M. the American fi g was iubftuuted for the B ? fii and a ( a bcut 4, our troops were in quirt pcficffiwn cf the tow<i. Ai focn jjs Gen. Dearborn learnt the frwarton cf n. Pike he landed an Q ffum cd the command. I have rhe ho nor of end fi g a copy o* the ta pitulauon which wi* erte*'e<; irtc, and approved by Gen. D a burn and mj lelf. The rnemr fet firt 10 f me of hi? principal fiorcs, containing large quantities of n*val arid military {tares as well a* a large fii ip upon the docks, nrarlv finifhrd—the on ly vefld four and here is the D kr of Glouctfter udergoing rep? is rhe Prince Regentirft hereon the 24 h for Kingftnn. We have rn had a return fTstde of the naval and military (lores, ronfiquf. rlv can form no cor:* <il idea ol the quanti ty, but have made arraignments r* have a ! taken on b ard that we can receive, the reft will be de ftlGfcd. I ruve to mgrer the des*h cf m ; d fb Ipae• 1 T i*ompfon and Hit field, and laveral leatners k ilcc?— the rad number * do not In< w, as the rtrtojTiS the t fi r? at vr£f Is not yet been received. F om the judicini;j arrangements made by Gen. Dearborn, I that the public ftarea w ii br cld pxfed cf, fo that the troops will be Hfidy to re embark to-morrow a(*d proceed to execute *>?hrr oh-j 6i% of the expedition the fi fi fair wu and, I cannot (peak ia 110 mu h pr*’fe tf the cool intrepiditv of the ffi ceis and men generally under my command, a dl feel mvlclfpaiti cu'Silv inflrbrrd to the i ffi ers c<,na itnandirg vt fT Is Hr their Zeal m ie condingali my views I have the honor *0 be Yerv re-pf eliully, fir, Y U’ ID’ ft obrefie R r ff r v*f. ISAAC CHAUNCEY. H*a. William \< ne*>, Secretary cf tec Navy , Wafoingtin. Terms ef Capitulation entered int on the I’jtlo April one nboufand eiikt bundrt i and tbir tan for the Jur~ render of the town of Tork, in Up per Canada t the army eiyid navy of tbe United States under the com tn ttd of Uejor General Dearborn a id Com modore Cbamcey. Ia ru r o s, r gal*r and rni l tii, ar rh* p ft, And the naval of fits and h'„m- , ftuli b- furren or*rO j. i ; o < r!> l f ‘(••r. Ine troops, reg hr a •i■ a, to ground their aims cn 11 ti ] on parade, and thr na -A ffi rs and ftamcß be im , T'r iu -1 u lendfred. F a! 1 ft ores, naval and m! ir ,fh ■ o uTsrdiateh g ven t,,. - m ( e g fr* is of tat .m v *l and uavy ot tf*c Uuiisd Starrs—that all private property fhali be gsuran red to the citizens of the town of Yik. I'hat ai! papers b' longing to the civil offi ers fh.ill be returned to them — hat fuch furg ojs as may be procured ro attend the woun itd cf the Britilh regulars and Canadian iniht'ia fli **l • no be confide red pri feners of war. Thar one lirut. col. one thiiteen rapta ns, nine lieutenants, eleven enfigns, one quarter mlle r , one deputy at jutant general of the mil na namely [Here follows their namn.] Nineteen fe four corpo rals, and two hundred and four tank ad fee. O th fi H rrain department, 1. Of the Piovipciil Navy, oac captain, two lieutenants, two mid- t, one boatfwaiu, fifteen na val artificers. Of his Majcfty’s Regular troops, one iieutei.ani, <,r*e iergeant maj<*r, ad of the Koval Aruilerv, o*e b itnbardier and three gunntrs, fiiall be furreaderrd as prifoners t>J war and accounted for in the rsrba* ge of prifoners between the Untied Sia rs and Crest Britain. (S;g;ied) G S. MITCHFL L, l.t. Col. ta A U S. SAMUELS CONNER, Maj. & a. and. c. t* M<j G"i. Dcarb ira. WILLIAM KING, Maj. 51 h U. S Id* <try. JE -SE D ELLIO f, Lteut. U. S. Navy. W. CHEVVin , Lc. Col, Comd. 3 Reg- York Mdiiia. W. ALLEN, Major 3d Rr g. York Mditia. F GAURREAU, Lt. M. Dpt. Baltimore, May 4 f rr H M THI C FFEE HOUil B )OK.I. Tnc detachment mentioned tef terday morning s.s havi *g m ;ved on to col. Hughts’, Mr. Pir.kney pre vailrd ©n them to return —he re turned with them to town, and fay ed the property of Mrs. Rodgers, which had been fired twit. 1 hree of the were killed and two wounded. The militia did not wait for a fmgle (Not before they ran in a body, with the exception of 6 or I rorn* —two of them were taken by the enemy ; or.e them was efrervvMrds reieafed, the other (aa L ifliman, but ra ru ral z*-e) was carried off by the ene my’s boats. Only one ©f ihe tnili tia was killed (by a Congreve roc ket.) They riifcharged about 60 rockets anti fhells, and ftveral thou fand grape, which did no material injury. (Signed) Wm. PINKNEY. Washikot n City, Mav 7. Outrage upon Outrage —E cm a very ble geo i*rn*i who paff-rd thro* Havre ck G a e fince the vifi: paid it by the B iu(h, w th whom we had the pSralure of con veifi g vrfterdav, we iearn that they carried off from that pla e © r ic t its citizens, the only ©ne t is btiieved, who fi td a guu on their *pprot i., and who fi cd till tne? f<* i-ci torn, a:,d wcu..dd lcvcrai. L u.i- F KID AY, JUNE 4, I*l3. covered br than that he wasfl b'r'h an lr:fhman, hi name cl Neale, who had rfi hd ar I pl.n r 15 vears. T hey bore hus fl frrjm his fanult, and rrpea'tcilv I their determination r<> I fl him, and ir was tbe general h> I fl Havre dcG a e ?hat he wa; hi (he next day ! His family art I conlciafle, anil the people of ll vredeG a*e gertiallv much il tre (Ted on ciccuui.t cf the (ate I I Only one of our men was k il at Havre dc Grace, end lie m< fl fate from il*c burftirg of 10 kl Tl.e wnt*m deft red ion u f p <m <9 ty v*rs, llraiige to Jay, chirfi fl the c'fficers, the fa ll rs triuie cirdizcd aad well dilj oUdl THE CASE üb’ O'NEALE, fl The ieizurc of this 1 aturalizfl c'i ’z'm ar Havre dc Grace, and fl veyirig lum on b ard thr ILnfl fi t, with rhe avowed intentionfl putting him to death, hasexiiil as well it Now is the i. rr.e for our g vr fl ment to sxernfe thr p - vr: vt ilfl ir ir by the a (ft of Lfl f. ffi natrl rifi g retaltariou in lu h:a!es. lfl veue cf ti e pet pie demands Ufl l will be obeyed, bu h t nfl cm runLucfl muft b* (he k | \V- fh>*uld rtgfft thar innocei > nfl fii* uid fifTtr f'■*r the fau! scf hi g vtr merit. Bu r if tht k\ fl admiral (arr rs h tneraces in- fl feet in :cl[ - to he bra e O’N fl h.s de.4th muft be revepg and fl m aft be put ro the fi p fl conduft of the enemv by ti mfl rigoious reiaLiion.—A at. /.v/e/.fl The Brit ih adrrii• al has returafl G’Ntalc i o his family.— lbid. I From ibe National Intelltg ncer„ B lONS OF ERIN, Assemble! B 1 he veice of honor anu your fj dpred country rails vr-u. A fiJecus foe, (whole fo© ft where can be traa and in blood; ttt pea p eful plains of fl ncßifton, t ; | uncfT ndir.g Danes in C*ptnh I'rw and the blood-fia’tied fi id , of-• fl Erin to© CBournfully a'eft t) n dired to violate © mere tffl holy fan<slnary of freedom, and 1 our adoption. Aheady do tfl frnoaki g rulm of Havre de G. s-E and Prent h r *wn proclaim the ifl proa, hof the barbarian foidiers, fl long accufiom*d to the works JE death and defolation in our natsm LnJ. D'farmed and maiarled fl we wern, how c uid wr refill h:rro Bu’ htre I pauie to r* fl dl, my fr-lJ 1 w-ci'izens, that what has beer* denied io U3 *n rne land of our birch] has bren cheerfully accorded ro ml in this heio/? i country of © j a.I and >pttOR —l ibkrty, and alt ’ls con-! com ta udi tii g>. Snail it rh :n r faui, that we, Ir ,m who o (> am in retu nis ) fti ■ du**, fhnnk ba ass awiul period •, fero and 1 j rfhOf “i wdt not avoid tnc ‘ ; rot wll h*v dare )Olv h n AIT n *ie then, ny c ‘un'rywi, p M ,dt • evening * x , a :) s >*n’ P.-i iiylvao * av< s ie, at c > r i Jba*in you. ie.vcs utzo a co&par (N©. 252.